****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

ok im back for 10 mins so thought id tell u how im feeling :) x

i did quite a bit yesterday.... just downstairs tho... really need to get cracking upstairs as thats where the mess is piling up as im always just doing downstairs it seems !

i was so tired by tea time that once the kids were in bed and id watched abitta gok n katie price n half of big brother, id fallen asleep on the sofa. i woke up about 11 and went to bed.

stomach was so tight all of yesterday, not noticable braxton hicks... just really tight tummy all day.

had a rubbish sleep, kept waking up..... 2.. 3....5..couldnt get back to sleep til 6.30 then had to be up again at 7.30 so have woken up really tired.

yesterday i started feeling really emotional about the baby coming.... now im not scared. not of birth or anything. yanno i just have so much going on already n now a new baby. i just think how am i gonna keep up !! i take so much on, on my own. and i dont accept help, because thats just how ive done things. so yer thats why i was abit emotional.

and then olly texted me when he left to go and see his friends... sayin i was being off with him :( i really wasnt. just have so much on my mind at the moment and was pottering about the house all day tidying up n feeling like crap. plus i dont feel very attractive which i suppose makes me feel abit uncomfortable round him too..... x

and this morning i woke with very full boobs....... ive had colostrum (sp: ?? first milk) for ages, i got it early with each pregnancy... but with harry n ella i was leaking loads by this point..... this time im not, so im wondering if waking feeling 'full' might be another sign of impending birth ....

why am i looking for signs lol ive never done this before. x

sounds like your man needs to come home so you can be a family for a while and get comfty again to just be around each other and not feel the need to entertain hun your having a baba hun so i see y you wouldn't feel your best but just remember it's his baba and if you have a baby he should take you warts and all :hugs: hunny and i hope you feel better again oh if it help you look great i'm proper washed out and by your pics even the un edited ones you look good
ok so i'm sooooo pissed right now i'm closed not open at all no show no pains again nope nothing i see all the births and people 2-3cm dilated etc and i'm so jealous right now i've been tryin rtl and sex all the time i can manage it i give up i'm a go over lady so i know it's a go over again baba :cry: i don't want it early just ontime would be nice i'm right there with you pink and fluffy defo baby envy i'm feeling :hugs:eveyone and sorry for the moan

Aww hun :hugs: sorry you have been there before haven't you and I'm an impatient first timer lol - there is lots of time left for an on time baby you are due 7th aren't you so heaps of time! I am cross with myself for being impatient this early as I was sure I wouldn't get impatient unless I got overdue. :dohh:
for me it's not that i was it now i just so desperatly don't want to go over it has started already all the you had that baby yet call's errrr no i'd of fucking phoned you if i had lol i'm just having a wine sorry
flutter - unedited.... ur funny ;)

he'l be back sometime today :) ok best go get dressed for the next appointment !! x
for me it's not that i was it now i just so desperatly don't want to go over it has started already all the you had that baby yet call's errrr no i'd of fucking phoned you if i had lol i'm just having a wine sorry

Well with another couple of weeks to go you can def still be on time - I didn't expect to be so keen once everyone else starting popping :haha: I know what you mean though. My dad has been ringing already asking if his grandson is here. I was pretty harsh the first time he asked saying noo, it's not August 6th yet and we could be here til August 20th so if you plan on doing this every day I won't answer the phone...........:rofl: he had only asked the once :dohh:
Morning all....

Eoz, so happy for you hun! Can't wait to see the pics! I better he's a stunner.

Hope MrsP is being started today. If she's anything like me i bet she's going mad with all the waiting and not being in control!

Afm, had a restless nights sleep. Had too much on my mind. Understandable i guess, quiet weird knowing when your going to have your baby. Keep going through the list of things that need doing before monday. Last thing to buy is the car base from Halfords but we're getting that today. Just gotta clean the car first as it's a right mess.

Has anyone heard from hwm? She hasn#t been on for a while. Hope she's ok?

Lliena hope you're feeling better this morning. I really do hate throwing up. I just want me mom when i do and i'm nearly 30!!! lol.

Hope everyone has a good morning. I got a feeling it's going to be a lot quieter on here now a few of us have had their babies!

for me it's not that i was it now i just so desperatly don't want to go over it has started already all the you had that baby yet call's errrr no i'd of fucking phoned you if i had lol i'm just having a wine sorry

Well with another couple of weeks to go you can def still be on time - I didn't expect to be so keen once everyone else starting popping :haha: I know what you mean though. My dad has been ringing already asking if his grandson is here. I was pretty harsh the first time he asked saying noo, it's not August 6th yet and we could be here til August 20th so if you plan on doing this every day I won't answer the phone...........:rofl: he had only asked the once :dohh:

funny i just ignore the phone then they call mob so then i have a billion answer phone messages are you alright just checking your ok give me asap etc so i phone back what the matter .... they say oh thought you was in labour so i tell them no i was on the shitter and if i was in labour i'd be fucked as i'd have no credit to call anyone as i'd have listen to messages and called people back lol hopefully they will get the hint leave me be text me aug17th then i will of had it and if i ain't called you by then the is a reason for it ........omg i sound so nasty today i am in one lol hubby better watch out lol :blush:
funny i just ignore the phone then they call mob so then i have a billion answer phone messages are you alright just checking your ok give me asap etc so i phone back what the matter .... they say oh thought you was in labour so i tell them no i was on the shitter and if i was in labour i'd be fucked as i'd have no credit to call anyone as i'd have listen to messages and called people back lol hopefully they will get the hint leave me be text me aug17th then i will of had it and if i ain't called you by then the is a reason for it ........omg i sound so nasty today i am in one lol hubby better watch out lol :blush:

:rofl: I like it :thumbup:

Not spotted anything from HWM but must confess to still not having dug back through the thread properly yet...........you ladies can really chat!!! :coffee:
Morning all....

Eoz, so happy for you hun! Can't wait to see the pics! I better he's a stunner.

Hope MrsP is being started today. If she's anything like me i bet she's going mad with all the waiting and not being in control!

Afm, had a restless nights sleep. Had too much on my mind. Understandable i guess, quiet weird knowing when your going to have your baby. Keep going through the list of things that need doing before monday. Last thing to buy is the car base from Halfords but we're getting that today. Just gotta clean the car first as it's a right mess.

Has anyone heard from hwm? She hasn#t been on for a while. Hope she's ok?

Lliena hope you're feeling better this morning. I really do hate throwing up. I just want me mom when i do and i'm nearly 30!!! lol.

Hope everyone has a good morning. I got a feeling it's going to be a lot quieter on here now a few of us have had their babies!


Still feeling nauseous cant keep anything down. I can understand why your nervous but it will all be ok your gonna have your baby soon :D

I was thinking that its gonna get quieter too for few weeks with people lookng after their newborns, we all need to stick together though and hopefully they will move our thread to baby club when the times right :)

Mumma your gorgeous and flutterbaby is right you just need to take some time out with olly and enjoy being together, take the phone off the hook put the kids to bed and jsut sit and be and cuddle and watch tv an stuff :)

Flutterbaby thank you- you always manage to make me smile no matter how crap im feeling :haha:
Morning all....

Eoz, so happy for you hun! Can't wait to see the pics! I better he's a stunner.

Hope MrsP is being started today. If she's anything like me i bet she's going mad with all the waiting and not being in control!

Afm, had a restless nights sleep. Had too much on my mind. Understandable i guess, quiet weird knowing when your going to have your baby. Keep going through the list of things that need doing before monday. Last thing to buy is the car base from Halfords but we're getting that today. Just gotta clean the car first as it's a right mess.

Has anyone heard from hwm? She hasn#t been on for a while. Hope she's ok?

Lliena hope you're feeling better this morning. I really do hate throwing up. I just want me mom when i do and i'm nearly 30!!! lol.

Hope everyone has a good morning. I got a feeling it's going to be a lot quieter on here now a few of us have had their babies!


i agree hunny i need to clean the car but my hubby has a plastering job on on the weekend so no point yet as he's got the tools tofir in and dust sheets just don't work lol when men are in the car lol altho he will be the one cleaning it lol
I think we will end up taking it to the guys down the road from us. Pay a £10 and they clean inside and out while you sit there and have a brew! Much easier, lol.

I feel like all of a sudden these babies have started to show up thick and fast. Seem only 2 secs ago we were asking MrsP to put our due date up on the front page. Wow, seems so long ago now.

I'm trying to spend a little QT with Mart before monday. This is our last weekend just the 2 of us before our lives change forever. So it will be nice just to go cinema, have a meal and eat my pic n mix without having to worry about LO.

Lliena have you tried burnt toast? Sounds funny but my nan used to give it me when i was a child after being sick. I think the charcoal soaks up and lines your stomach????

agh, didn't realise I hadn't been on at all yesterday, 17 pages to read... back shortly...
Oh, C still poorly, temp hit 41C last night, off to do again soon
agh, didn't realise I hadn't been on at all yesterday, 17 pages to read... back shortly...
Oh, C still poorly, temp hit 41C last night, off to do again soon

Glad you're ok hun. Was getting worried then.

Hope C is feeling better soon!

I think we will end up taking it to the guys down the road from us. Pay a £10 and they clean inside and out while you sit there and have a brew! Much easier, lol.

I feel like all of a sudden these babies have started to show up thick and fast. Seem only 2 secs ago we were asking MrsP to put our due date up on the front page. Wow, seems so long ago now.

I'm trying to spend a little QT with Mart before monday. This is our last weekend just the 2 of us before our lives change forever. So it will be nice just to go cinema, have a meal and eat my pic n mix without having to worry about LO.

Lliena have you tried burnt toast? Sounds funny but my nan used to give it me when i was a child after being sick. I think the charcoal soaks up and lines your stomach????


Quite frankly that sounds rank :haha: The idea of anything at the mo is quite off putting asked James to bring me some lucozade home though when he finishes work as at least if I cant eat i'll have some energy if this turns into the real thing.

Good plan on the quality time together :)

Hwm- aww poor charlotte hope shes feeling better soon x
agh, didn't realise I hadn't been on at all yesterday, 17 pages to read... back shortly...
Oh, C still poorly, temp hit 41C last night, off to do again soon

Aww hun hope she gets better soon :hugs:

Philly - QT sounds good, I wish I could have a bit more with DH before baby comes but our timing has been rubbish :dohh:

He is just starting the manic fortnight at work where I basically don't see him much......so unless baby comes asap not only will he be shattered and pretty much living at work, but then if baby comes after that he will probably sleep through it all..............:dohh:
Morning ladies, congrats to those that close to or are holding their newborns, and :hugs: to those that are still here feeling the strain! lol
I have just spent this morning at my eldest sons primary school leavers assembly, add in the hormones and heat, I was very surprised that I wasnt a snivelling wreck by the end of it. I am so proud of my boy and choked up when he got a special achievers award for his sense of humour and the smile that is always on his face :happydance: , he was very surprised to get one, as they are quite rare and do not give out things here very often, his was the only award that wasnt work related tho so the rest of the parents found it amusung lol.
Feels so surreal to have a baby due in the next few weeks and to be sending my eldest son off to high school, I keep wondering how much different my life is going to become, but at the end of the day I dont care, i am ready! lol
Hope all you lovely ladies that are feeling off, start to feel better soon x x x
oooh 3page's since 8 this morning!!!

Well got first coat of paint done :D Pretty much did it all my self, mum just did the edge's.
Going to do second coat this after noon :D
My back's been fine while i've been painting, now i'v stopped its hurting again now.
more drama but its made me smile tbh so dunno if you remember contact has only just been arranged thru court for my ex to see the kids...

today i get a letter from solicitor sayin contacts been suspended and theyv applied to the court for his commital

apparently hes been being abusive to my mum, she didnt tell me, didnt wanna stress me out

i said to my mum i was stressin more thinking he was being good !! thats not like him n makes me look like a lier !!! in a way im glad hes being himself n proving me right. and now i dont have to let my babies go this saturday :)

strange thing to make me smile, but that man is a cock !!
Thats good news hun, well not good that hes been horrid to you mum but you know what I mean x
Hi girls! I dont belong here but ive got an update from Carolyn_s for you all,

text recieved '' Hiya, quick textm Off to Aberdeen for a scan as babies head is high and they are worried should my waters go the cord could cause probelms. Will be scanned when i arrive, been told to expect c-section. Will keep you posted, can you tell August mums xxx ''

claire x
Thats good news Steprh, well not that he has been horrible to your mum and so forth, but you know what I mean.

Hopefully you can relax for the next couple of weeks now

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