****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

Hi ladies,

reeeeally quick message. hope everyone ok.


im home - bun still in oven... no need for a c section... will explain after ive had dinner and can catch up on posts!!! xxx
Looking forward to hearing about it carolyn, glad you dont need a section!

Afm midwife checked and Im 2cm dilated :happydance: she said all the signs I have are early labour ones and to just keep doing what Im doing and eventually it should turn into labour. I said "before my due date??" and she said "that my dear noone knows except your body and baby" aaaah! I hope its before my due date couldnt face another 2 an bit weeks of this!
I made it to the end of all the posts!! Interrupted by docs, lunch, testdriving car, tea time, bath time etc!!

Mumma, glad that you haven't got the stress of access on your plate now anyway!! Hope you and Olly come to rights with each other, it must be weird being back together after a long stretch apart. When I was still a student I had a year in France away from DH and seeing each other only every few months meant we spent the best part of our weekends together just getting used to being around each other again, let alone managing all that while pregnant!
Lea, hope your 36 week appointment went well yesterday (or Tuesday?!) and that bubs is behaving, head down and nice and low:)
Philly, loads seems to have been happening for you! So exciting for you to have an induction date! I take it you've patched things up with Mart? When is his bro's wedding anyway?
Aisling, your ex-friend sounds like a right moody mare... at least you got a clean house out of it!
Yas, I've edited my post :) Congrats again, can't wait to read you BS, is it somewhere I haven't spotted yet!?
Zoe, congratulations, wow!
Lliena and Nik, I've never heard of perspirex, but I swear by the Mitchum 48hr roll-on stuff!!
Oh and Nik, great bump pic, looking very glam!
MrsP, congratulations on Henry's safe arrival!! Can't believe you and Zoe have had your babies in the time I've been offline!
Carolyn, I love the name Lily, but isn't a short-for for Elizabeth?
Guppy hope the waterbirth class is/was good! (I've lost track of time with all these posts!)
Clare, that's lovely your son got that award! I'd have cried. I cried at Toy Story on Monday, let alone something actually persona and emotional!
Foosh, you show off your bump, good on you!! 'tsk' at her moomoo tomorrow!
Nik, text me any time sweetie, I know you're not a weirdo stalker bump buddy!! I would have texted you but I didn't even realise I'd been gone for so long! And can't believe your CO's wife! Is that the one that came in just at Christmas?
Carolyn, looking out for your update :)

Anyway, as you've gathered, C hasn't been great, had a temp since Saturday, been on good form in the days but last two nights it rocketed. Last night 41C and had to strop her off and cover her in damp faceclothes. She was so sweet though, we were all 3 lying on a blanker in her bedroom, DH and I either side of her and singing nursery rhymes and she was still trying to do the actions even though she could barely lift her arms :hugs: for my sweet little girl... Anyway, back to doc today, and she's developed an ear infection, so on ABs now, and you can see the difference already, her temp actually coming down to 37C with the paracetemol/ibuprofen instead of going from 42 to 38/39C... so here's hoping it'll stay down now :)

Nice day today actually, managed to meet our chums for lunch, C was so excited, then got to Matalan to return some stuff, and test drove another car! Don't think we'll be buying it though, but I'm certainly doing thorough research!

Just a quick thought, did MrsP ever get a volunteer to update the front page now that Henry is here? Who was doing it while she was on holiday last time?!

Oh yeah and I know what else, apart from the fact there absolutely no indications that I'll go in to labour any time soon, I'm feeling so chilled about it! People keep asking me if I'm impatient, but I'm really enjoying just having time with Charlotte at the minute!! Oh and this morning, talk about 'fetal movement felt' it felt like he/she was going to crawl out through my belly button!! Never felt anything like it! I just hope it hasn't gone and turned itself the wrong way round now!
Oh yeah and I know what else, apart from the fact there absolutely no indications that I'll go in to labour any time soon, I'm feeling so chilled about it! People keep asking me if I'm impatient, but I'm really enjoying just having time with Charlotte at the minute!! Oh and this morning, talk about 'fetal movement felt' it felt like he/she was going to crawl out through my belly button!! Never felt anything like it! I just hope it hasn't gone and turned itself the wrong way round now!

I know the feeling about it feeling like baby going to crawl out! Henry as not been still since I went to bed last night!!
He was well and truely sticking body part's out last night, had a lump moving up and down my side last night, untill Mike put his hand on it, then he stopped, but soon started again once Mike moved.
today he's been same. Im hoping he's still head down tho!
Yeah Lucy its that same one! I was just supprised at how she blurted it out in front of everyone! I am sure she didnt mean it to seem so snappy, but I was just taken back by it! I think sometimes perhaps hormones are to blame for making me more sensitive than I ought to be! lol!
Sounds like you and C are having a lovely time! I have been really enjoying Rileys company this past week, and his behaviour turn around has really made me realise that he is gunna be a fab big bro!

Hope C gets better soon, hopefully the AB's will kick in very soon and she'll be feelin loads better!
As for the baby feeling like its crawling out/fetal movement, I have panicked a few times the last few days that baby may have flipped, but its always been head down when checked! Last night I actually thought when I laid down for bed that It was coming out the side haha! if only it were that easy hey!
Yeah Lucy its that same one! I was just supprised at how she blurted it out in front of everyone! I am sure she didnt mean it to seem so snappy, but I was just taken back by it! I think sometimes perhaps hormones are to blame for making me more sensitive than I ought to be! lol!
Sounds like you and C are having a lovely time! I have been really enjoying Rileys company this past week, and his behaviour turn around has really made me realise that he is gunna be a fab big bro!

Hope C gets better soon, hopefully the AB's will kick in very soon and she'll be feelin loads better!
As for the baby feeling like its crawling out/fetal movement, I have panicked a few times the last few days that baby may have flipped, but its always been head down when checked! Last night I actually thought when I laid down for bed that It was coming out the side haha! if only it were that easy hey!

She was much more herself heading to bed tonight :) Still have her dosed on calpol though, will see how temp is in morning after a longer stretch without :)

Wouldn't it be great if you could just unzip at the belly button, without the need for major surgery!
Sorry ladies but im really sleepy so will catch up on posts 2moro!! hope everyone is ok...

Last i heard from Eoz they were keeping her in but both herself and LO were doing well :) im about to text her now so will update again in the morning if no1 else has...

AFM... well went to a routine MW appointment today after having to cancel my appointment yesterday. Last week i was told tadpole was head downa nd fully engaged so was a bit shocked when she could feel the head and wiggle it today...

After 3 different midwifes having a feel and checking my notes they decided to phone the nearest city hospital for a second opinion. They said that to have a 'high' head at this stage is dangerous as should my waters go there is a chance the cord could be flushed down, in which case they have minutes to get the baby out... i live about an hour from the city hosp where i would have to go...
My MW said to take my hospital bags and expect a section. To say i got myself all worked up is an under statment...

so off i went (with Billy2mm) ... was scanned quite quickly, it was even obvious to me that tadpoles head was right up against my cervix and nothing was coming between the 2... and the placenta was nice and high so i was told to go home lol...

They think that because my pelvis has seperated due to spd there is just more room to wiggle the babies head now...

LO is still back to back - but compared to everything else that i was preparing myself for that i can cope with!!

sorry for being selfish - will catch up on all your posts and latest news 2moro :)

hugs to all xxxxxx
Zoe just text.... she says congrats to MrsP and they are being discharged in the morning!! xx
Sorry ladies but im really sleepy so will catch up on posts 2moro!! hope everyone is ok...

Last i heard from Eoz they were keeping her in but both herself and LO were doing well :) im about to text her now so will update again in the morning if no1 else has...

AFM... well went to a routine MW appointment today after having to cancel my appointment yesterday. Last week i was told tadpole was head downa nd fully engaged so was a bit shocked when she could feel the head and wiggle it today...

After 3 different midwifes having a feel and checking my notes they decided to phone the nearest city hospital for a second opinion. They said that to have a 'high' head at this stage is dangerous as should my waters go there is a chance the cord could be flushed down, in which case they have minutes to get the baby out... i live about an hour from the city hosp where i would have to go...
My MW said to take my hospital bags and expect a section. To say i got myself all worked up is an under statment...

so off i went (with Billy2mm) ... was scanned quite quickly, it was even obvious to me that tadpoles head was right up against my cervix and nothing was coming between the 2... and the placenta was nice and high so i was told to go home lol...

They think that because my pelvis has seperated due to spd there is just more room to wiggle the babies head now...

LO is still back to back - but compared to everything else that i was preparing myself for that i can cope with!!

sorry for being selfish - will catch up on all your posts and latest news 2moro :)

hugs to all xxxxxx

What a palava! Not selfish at all :) thanks for update on Zoe
sleepwell tonight!
Wow, I didn't come on yesterday and I've missed all sorts!!!
Congratulations to Mrs P and Eoz on your new arrivals!
Hope everyone else is ok! I have started my maternity leave today :happydance:
Wow, I didn't come on yesterday and I've missed all sorts!!!
Congratulations to Mrs P and Eoz on your new arrivals!
Hope everyone else is ok! I have started my maternity leave today :happydance:

Yay for Mat leave!
Well I just had another smaller bout of the cramping and stabbing back and chest pains like the other night! Thankfully this time I didnt have it as long, and the vomitting eased the pains tonight so no more need to rushing off to be checked again!
I have been SO SO sick, and the pain is unbearable when it hits, but I have no idea what is causing it! cant be a bug as i have had 2-3 normal days in between! and bump is low as hell, so dont think its being caused by pressure from my uterus on my stomach!

Feeling so rotten now tho, and poor hubby had to clean out the bowl i puked in, It hit that fast and with that much pain i couldnt physically manage to run to the loo to be sick!
REALLY hope that this isnt gunna be a reoccurence for the next few weeks! I have 3 weeks sat till due date, and then whatever time after that untill they start me if i go over! I have only just stopped crying after how much it hurts, I know thats silly as abour is probably gunna hurt WAY more, but to keep going through it THEN hav to do labour too! might just push me over the edge! ARRRGH!!!

Hugs to all!
Sorry for moaning x
Nikki x x
Well I just had another smaller bout of the cramping and stabbing back and chest pains like the other night! Thankfully this time I didnt have it as long, and the vomitting eased the pains tonight so no more need to rushing off to be checked again!
I have been SO SO sick, and the pain is unbearable when it hits, but I have no idea what is causing it! cant be a bug as i have had 2-3 normal days in between! and bump is low as hell, so dont think its being caused by pressure from my uterus on my stomach!

Feeling so rotten now tho, and poor hubby had to clean out the bowl i puked in, It hit that fast and with that much pain i couldnt physically manage to run to the loo to be sick!
REALLY hope that this isnt gunna be a reoccurence for the next few weeks! I have 3 weeks sat till due date, and then whatever time after that untill they start me if i go over! I have only just stopped crying after how much it hurts, I know thats silly as abour is probably gunna hurt WAY more, but to keep going through it THEN hav to do labour too! might just push me over the edge! ARRRGH!!!

Hugs to all!
Sorry for moaning x
Nikki x x

:hugs: :hug:
God poor you.
Thankyou, now i have calmed down, and the pain has stopped I am feeling better! just hope thats the last we'll see of that! lol x
Mercy I hear that vomitting can be a sign of labour....hope you start feeling better soon though :) xoxo
Well I just had another smaller bout of the cramping and stabbing back and chest pains like the other night! Thankfully this time I didnt have it as long, and the vomitting eased the pains tonight so no more need to rushing off to be checked again!
I have been SO SO sick, and the pain is unbearable when it hits, but I have no idea what is causing it! cant be a bug as i have had 2-3 normal days in between! and bump is low as hell, so dont think its being caused by pressure from my uterus on my stomach!

Feeling so rotten now tho, and poor hubby had to clean out the bowl i puked in, It hit that fast and with that much pain i couldnt physically manage to run to the loo to be sick!
REALLY hope that this isnt gunna be a reoccurence for the next few weeks! I have 3 weeks sat till due date, and then whatever time after that untill they start me if i go over! I have only just stopped crying after how much it hurts, I know thats silly as abour is probably gunna hurt WAY more, but to keep going through it THEN hav to do labour too! might just push me over the edge! ARRRGH!!!

Hugs to all!
Sorry for moaning x
Nikki x x

Gawd, that sounds horrible. Hope it gets better soon. I can't imgaine three weeks of that either!!! :hugs:
OMG you ladies chat chat chat lol.

Congrats Mrsp on your BOY!!!! and Eoz of course to on your BOY! Can't wait to hear the name!

HWM, glad your girl is starting to feel better.
Carolyn, glad you don't need a section!
Everyone else who feels like poo I hope you feel better soon!
Lliena, hurray for being 2cm!!!!!!

I think my body is doing stuff now to, had a but of different coloured discharge today, maybe part of plug? I dunno. No blood in it. Some light menstrual like cramps a bit of a belly ache and some nausea. So who the heck knows, baby needs to stay in till sat afternoon so I can get through my hospital shifts, he did just have 5 days to make his appearance and chose to stay put so hopefully he'll continue with that pattern.
Mercy I hear that vomitting can be a sign of labour....hope you start feeling better soon though :) xoxo

I dont think I am that lucky lol. Thankyou tho, x x

Thanks for all the well wishes too guys! where would we all be without each other to turn to hey x

OMG you ladies chat chat chat lol.

Congrats Mrsp on your BOY!!!! and Eoz of course to on your BOY! Can't wait to hear the name!

HWM, glad your girl is starting to feel better.
Carolyn, glad you don't need a section!
Everyone else who feels like poo I hope you feel better soon!
Lliena, hurray for being 2cm!!!!!!

I think my body is doing stuff now to, had a but of different coloured discharge today, maybe part of plug? I dunno. No blood in it. Some light menstrual like cramps a bit of a belly ache and some nausea. So who the heck knows, baby needs to stay in till sat afternoon so I can get through my hospital shifts, he did just have 5 days to make his appearance and chose to stay put so hopefully he'll continue with that pattern.

Could be a sign that things are hinting towards the end hun! My discharge has been coloured a few times, with no real indication as to why! The cramping is likely head nuzzling down tho so def a good sign x x

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