****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

Morning all,
I think, as with every natural method to help bubs out, theres good and bad info, and always those who its worked great for! Tried finding that article for you but I didnt save it and google does not seem to be offering it up any more haha, TYPICAL.
Its funny tho as it used to be a widely used "induction" method by midwives, and I think some still reccommend it. Its a personal choice tho I guess, like everything else! Wouldnt it be easier if we got a manual with all the questions we REALLY need answering when we go to our booking in appointment! lol. Maybe we should write one between us lol!
I am trying to enjoy my time with Riley before bubs comes along too! We walked into our local town yesterday, and I think I shall walk somewhere else today! Riley loves walking and I get to secretly hope that I am walking bubs that bit closer to the outside world too haha!

I had the worst nights sleep, got cramping and stabby pains up my "bits" again, nothing too strong but enoough to make me uncomfy! so while hubby snoozed away unaware I sat there most of the night starring at the ceiling lol!

On a happier note tho! I AM 37 WEEKS TODAAAAAAAYYYYY woopwoop!
Never thought I would be full term, cant believe how quickly its gone tho! Me and mat were talking last night abour how scared I was at that 1st scan at 6 weeks when the pregnancy sac was empty, I never thought I would get to the "baby wriggling so hard it feels like its crawling out" stage! lol. The doc at the 6 week scan had told me to prepare for the worst at the next one, but low and behold a week later my little "rice" was flickering away!!!! The doc had obviously underestimated the little star!!! lol.

It was B&B that stopped me going insane during the week wait between those two scans, and its you lovelies that have stopped me going insane every day since too haha! SO THANKYOU!!!!!

Hopefully I get to enjoy the last couple of weeks without too much to stress about! lol, but if the rest of the 37 weeks is anything to go by I very much doubt that haha!

Hope we all have a great Satuday,
Happy 38 weeks Flutterbaby!
BIG hugs x Nikki x
i agree you ladies have kept me grounded and gave me loads of info i feel some baby and bump love coming on i love the fact that no matter what your going through someone else has been through the same and understands :hugs: to the bandb ladies
Happy 38weeks Flutter
And YAY @ being full term Mercy :D

I decided to have a lie in this morning and got up at 9! I feel load's worse for it tho :(
No pain's this morning apart from the back ache...used to that now tho! Fed up of this sicky feeling I keep getting tho :( I hate feeling sick....aslong at it stays as that tho and doesn't come up!
Going to take Mike for these shelf bracket's soon then he can get busy putting the shelving up in our bedroom and get abit of peice and quiet from me nagging him to get stuff done....tho I have a super huge list!
Morning my gorgeous girls,

Hope you're all ok, had a quick skim through to thry and keep up, but havent the time to reply to all right now.

Si has popped into work and has taken E with him so I am just having half hour before Si's sister comes over.

Hope you're all ok and by the time I next visit I would like to see one more baby at least please.

So just gonna have a little sprinkle. Speaking of which Moggy get me all that kitchen roll we spoke of I've been caught 3 times!!! :rofl: Not quite got the hang of it yet!!

Morning ladies, well what a night I had. Went to bed at 9pm then about 10ish went to loo and sat there for a bit to get rest of it out, as you do at this stage then after I stood up and something else trickled out, I thought hmm but didnt get excited just out pad on an went an lay down. After 45 mins got up and stuff trickeld out of me again James saw it too as it went all over my pad and knickers an down my leg.We both know it wasnt wee as it didnt smell or look like it. So rang hopsital and siad think my waters are leaking so they said come in and be checked out.

James dropped me off as had little one at home in bed, I got up to maternity and whilst in lift up there had more trickling. and then the midwife strapped me to tocco machine and left me for 45mins came back and said right il do a speculum cos if it was your waters then it should be pooling in your vagina. She checked and said none there its not your waters... I was just like is that it?! Stupid cow made me feel so daft she said if it was id see it in there an I said not if its only gone a bit and baby's head is now covering the gap/hole, then she siad dont tell me how to do my job, go home and if you still feel damp, and are trickling give us a ring back.

I left and walked out feeling crap James came and picked me up and I burst into tears got home and went to bed. Woke up this morning and still feel really damp but no more trickles yet so not sure what to do.... :(

To top it off my daughters friends from manchester that were supposed to be coming down for her bday today cant come as their mum has hurt her leg so now shes all gutted cos there will only be 3 kids at her party. So now I have to be super mum and make it all alright for her when all I want to do is go to bed and cry....

Sorry for rant girls just had enough atm..... :(
Morning ladies, well what a night I had. Went to bed at 9pm then about 10ish went to loo and sat there for a bit to get rest of it out, as you do at this stage then after I stood up and something else trickled out, I thought hmm but didnt get excited just out pad on an went an lay down. After 45 mins got up and stuff trickeld out of me again James saw it too as it went all over my pad and knickers an down my leg.We both know it wasnt wee as it didnt smell or look like it. So rang hopsital and siad think my waters are leaking so they said come in and be checked out.

James dropped me off as had little one at home in bed, I got up to maternity and whilst in lift up there had more trickling. and then the midwife strapped me to tocco machine and left me for 45mins came back and said right il do a speculum cos if it was your waters then it should be pooling in your vagina. She checked and said none there its not your waters... I was just like is that it?! Stupid cow made me feel so daft she said if it was id see it in there an I said not if its only gone a bit and baby's head is now covering the gap/hole, then she siad dont tell me how to do my job, go home and if you still feel damp, and are trickling give us a ring back.

I left and walked out feeling crap James came and picked me up and I burst into tears got home and went to bed. Woke up this morning and still feel really damp but no more trickles yet so not sure what to do.... :(

To top it off my daughters friends from manchester that were supposed to be coming down for her bday today cant come as their mum has hurt her leg so now shes all gutted cos there will only be 3 kids at her party. So now I have to be super mum and make it all alright for her when all I want to do is go to bed and cry....

Sorry for rant girls just had enough atm..... :(

:hugs: Aw! Thats just pants...hope you're ok! Go to bed and you never know - you might wake up in a pool!

:happydance: Woo Hoo for reaching term Nik

And Flutter 38 weeks...I can't believe how fast this pregnancy has gone!

I was like you Carolyn last night - I slept (only got up twice) but after the last week I feel like a princess this morning, Kev eve let me have a lie-in and has now popped out doing errands with Jacob!

Getting all my washing and hw done today! Speak later

Lou x
Lliena I would be inclined to ring your MW and ask to see her in case it was waters trickling...:hugs: Hope party goes well - is she too old to get paddling pool out with loads of washing up liquid/bubble bath to make foam pool? Think thats good til about 10? Saying that i d enjoy that now :haha:
morning all....
well i eventually got back to sleep about 4.30 ish and the kids were little angels this morning letting me sleep til 10ish......

theyve played in the garden and are now in the bath... today im staying in my pjs all day !! im still hurting :( its not good me no like it !! x

anyway.... so much to do... i just want this house tidy. but to prove that i dont nest lol im not doing it, i just havent the energy or the drive....... :( so it can stay like this... i dont care anymore lol x

today i will do a little but not enough to make a difference. hopefully my friend tracy will come over later as things gone abit weird with olly again !! urgh men r so confusing !!

love to you all babies and bellys and big boys n girls too :)


woke up this morning having contractions....thinking it was just BH....cause they went away after 2 hours.....now my tummy is hard and sore....feeling like baby is really really
low....hope you all have a great day!!
Morning ladies, well what a night I had. Went to bed at 9pm then about 10ish went to loo and sat there for a bit to get rest of it out, as you do at this stage then after I stood up and something else trickled out, I thought hmm but didnt get excited just out pad on an went an lay down. After 45 mins got up and stuff trickeld out of me again James saw it too as it went all over my pad and knickers an down my leg.We both know it wasnt wee as it didnt smell or look like it. So rang hopsital and siad think my waters are leaking so they said come in and be checked out.

James dropped me off as had little one at home in bed, I got up to maternity and whilst in lift up there had more trickling. and then the midwife strapped me to tocco machine and left me for 45mins came back and said right il do a speculum cos if it was your waters then it should be pooling in your vagina. She checked and said none there its not your waters... I was just like is that it?! Stupid cow made me feel so daft she said if it was id see it in there an I said not if its only gone a bit and baby's head is now covering the gap/hole, then she siad dont tell me how to do my job, go home and if you still feel damp, and are trickling give us a ring back.

I left and walked out feeling crap James came and picked me up and I burst into tears got home and went to bed. Woke up this morning and still feel really damp but no more trickles yet so not sure what to do.... :(

To top it off my daughters friends from manchester that were supposed to be coming down for her bday today cant come as their mum has hurt her leg so now shes all gutted cos there will only be 3 kids at her party. So now I have to be super mum and make it all alright for her when all I want to do is go to bed and cry....

Sorry for rant girls just had enough atm..... :(

Aww hun what a crappy night for you x Sending :hugs: x
If you still feel concerned about it today hun, ring and speak to someone else! when I went in the other night, the doc was a tad concerned about my amniotic fluid levels, she held the speculum in and got me to give a few good coughs, she said that she'd see evidence of leaking it it was fluid!

Hope your daughter has a lovely day tho, cant be easy for you at all x

morning all....
well i eventually got back to sleep about 4.30 ish and the kids were little angels this morning letting me sleep til 10ish......

theyve played in the garden and are now in the bath... today im staying in my pjs all day !! im still hurting :( its not good me no like it !! x

anyway.... so much to do... i just want this house tidy. but to prove that i dont nest lol im not doing it, i just havent the energy or the drive....... :( so it can stay like this... i dont care anymore lol x

today i will do a little but not enough to make a difference. hopefully my friend tracy will come over later as things gone abit weird with olly again !! urgh men r so confusing !!

love to you all babies and bellys and big boys n girls too :)



PJ day here today too! I am sure your house is fine! and I wish I didnt have the urge to nest. Mat had to stop me last night cos i was so exhausted after all the walking we did yesterday but was still trying to polish the picture frames on the wall of the stairs haha!
Hope the confusion with Olly is sorted asap hun, I think men just have an in-built reflex to make their lives as difficult as they possibly can x

woke up this morning having contractions....thinking it was just BH....cause they went away after 2 hours.....now my tummy is hard and sore....feeling like baby is really really
low....hope you all have a great day!!

Keep an eye on it hun, maybe strong BH's if baby is starting to engage, but worth a mention to someone if they carry on x

AFM, I have been asleep for over 3 hrs! Riley had a quick snooze at half 11 and I went to bed too, woke up at gone 2pm lol. I am still exausted tho lol. feel like I could happily go for another few hours but will resist and stay awake long enough to cook dinner haha!
Mercy oh my gosh I am soooo jealous of your energy!!! I have the urge to clean but not the actual energy! Actually our house is pretty clean but there are lots of little things like washing windows (or polishing picture frames! haha) that need to be done....Oh well I (maybe) have another couple of weeks to get it all done
Oh MrsP! He is such a cutie, congratulations!!! :hugs:

Lliena- what a cow! She should have more patience, we are all worried about our babies and we can question anyone we want about the treatment we are getting. She was being touchy. You can always ask for a second opinion and you don't have to justify it to people like that!
Lliena, sending you lots of hugs. Sounds like she was a right cow to you! How are you now?

My baby feels like its been having mini fits in my tummy (does anyone else get this?) and doing some gymnastics too :)

The babys head doesnt feel down low any more, so i dont know whether its head has popped out a bit or not? i was 2/5ths engaged on mon, but i dont know if anything is different now.

we are meant to be off to a party tonight, not sure i wanna go with a bunch a larger louts, but its to keep the peace in the family........... Brad has already said can I get some BH about half an hour after being there..........

\hope you all having good saturdays and enjoying the weather. x
Lliena i'd ask for a second opinion!!

Mercy, wow how have you managed all that sleep! I'd never get to sleep if I went to try! I have so much energy lately :S

Well nothing pregnany from me, apart from some period like pain's and lot's of movement!
I got my shelving up in the bedroom :D Still need another one or 2putting up, but the shop didn't have enough bracket's. Mike's cutting the skirting board down next and fixing some of it :) So I will have another week of painting :) Tho i'm sure it wont take me long to paint abit of skirting board and draw some number's and letter's on the wall and paint them too :D
Look's like the nursery will be finished in the next couple off week's!

Is decorating a form of nesting? Because Im hooked on decorating atm and normally I would hate it :S
hey girls jsut checking back in little ones party went ok. Still feeling damp and having some small trickles so I think im gonna get wait till bit later or tomorrow morning and see if I have any more and if i do im gonna ring them back and get a second opinon. Cant think of anything else i can do really.

Thanks for all the hugs, would be lost without you girls xxx
So after all my snoozing, I made up for it by attacking my upstairs with what can only be described as an inasne nesting fit haha!
I started by hoovering, which was innocent enough, then dusted and polished, then started with the bathroom, lol.
I have been in the bath with a toothbrush and a bottle of bleach scrubbing in every nook and cranny of the shower screen, the seal around the bath, the cracks in the shower unit and the grouting between the tiles, The back of my toilet is so clean i think you could prob eat ur dinner off of it too lol! I wiped everywhere and did the normal cleaning and then I just couldnt stop!
It was when I was wiping the floor with disinfectant and kitchen roll BEFORE mopping it, that I began to wonder was I being a bit hormonal and irrational hahaha!

OH well, it sparkles now, and so do all the other upstairs rooms, I just have to stop myself from doing it downstairs after Riley has gone to bed! lol.
Mat keeps shouting at me but when I get the urge to clean I just HAVE to answer it haha!

Hope we have all had good days x
Mercy...come to mine PLEASE!!!! I wish I had the energy for such a cleaning fit! The dust is still settling from our kitchen being done and after being away last week its just built up again!

I've been too busy running around after Jacob and doing the washing! I can't wait to have my little baby sometimes just so I could get it done. If only we had straps we could take the bump off - even for just 5 minutes eh!!

Hope you've all had productive and health good days! Whats everyone up to tonight? Kev and I have just bought an ASDA's indian which we've never done before so we'll have to see if its as good as a takeaway...um??? Not so sure!

Lou x
Im having chinese tonight, but not a clue what to have :(

What do you lot usually order?

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