****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

good luck philly

sorry danielle i turned off and had hug time hunn i wouldn't cook tea for him if it's a mother he want he should move out that's what i tell mine lol :hugs: tho and things will seem better today

i was laughing soo hard at lee evans last night my bump was killing me lol so went to bed i am still gripping on hope you all have a great day ladies i'm gonna sort through my towels and things today have a clear out ..................oh goodie

I dont mind doing tea for him and having it ready for when he gets in, we end up arguing if we cook together :haha: just wish he would appreciate it abit more!
My dad always tell's me I should have dinner ready for him, he always complain's because he has to do all the cooking while my mum swan's off out with mate's, so i'd rather know i'm following in my dad's foot step's then my mum's :)
Been on a cleaning mission today already, got kitchen cleaned, cloths washed and on the line, upstair's hooved, my dinner ready. Just nipping out shopping with my mum then when I get back i'm doing the ironing and hoovering downstairs and getting tea ready. 2hour's sleep and all this energy! What's going on..
Morning ladies,

Well i'm feel sick with nerves today! Didn't sleep a wink. Either was in pain from how i was lying or thinking about today. I can't help it, i'm scared shitless!!!

Me and Mart had a panic attack last night. It suddenly dawned on us that it was our last night together, would we be good parents, what we have in store for us. Everthing seemed to come at us at once!

I'm just waiting to phone in to see what time they want me. Gona have a bath and put the rest of my things in my bag!

I can't quite believe i'm here now. I don't think i could of got through all these months without you girls and for that i will be forever thankful! x

Hope everyone has a lovely day and fingers crossed i'll update you with some good news very soon!


Good luck hun!! You'll be a wonderful parent, and I wish you a quick and easy hospital stay. You'll soon be holding your bundle of Joy...poop...and pee...spit ups and all that wonderful stuff!! xo :hugs:
Any full-moon babies tonight?? :D

Hubby asked me that this morning, I was actually supprised that he even knew it was a full moon, I reckon he looked it up hahaha!

morning mums, tums & babies :D

Im off out for the day today so if any of you decide to have babies i will have to catch up later hehe!!
Hope you are all ok! Its not a very nice day here today but my brother is up from London for a week so im off out with him, my sis and all the kids!! My pelvis is soooo sore today - im at the point of giving up but at least if im out for the day i dont have to worry about keeping abby amused - her cousins will do that for me :D yey...

Hugs to all :D xxx

Have a fantastic day hun, sounds great x

Is it wierd I woke up this morning forgetting that I was pregnant until I saw myself in the mirror? :S

I used to do this a bit lol, I still sometimes wake up in the night and try to flip over in bed, then remember that I have a huge beach ball up my front that wont allow it haha! Hope you're feeling ok today chick x x

Morning ladies,

Well i'm feel sick with nerves today! Didn't sleep a wink. Either was in pain from how i was lying or thinking about today. I can't help it, i'm scared shitless!!!

Me and Mart had a panic attack last night. It suddenly dawned on us that it was our last night together, would we be good parents, what we have in store for us. Everthing seemed to come at us at once!

I'm just waiting to phone in to see what time they want me. Gona have a bath and put the rest of my things in my bag!

I can't quite believe i'm here now. I don't think i could of got through all these months without you girls and for that i will be forever thankful! x

Hope everyone has a lovely day and fingers crossed i'll update you with some good news very soon!


Good luck sweetie x I will be doin nothin much today so feel free to msg on facebook if you like hunny x x not long now and you'll be amazing parents x x

Mercy I NEED your nesting instinct and energy today please. I think its only fair you should share - your house sounds like you could eat off the toilet seat and mine...:blush:well I just need it for today!!

AFM weather looks crap today, think I might take him to the Trafford Centre or something today. I need to get out!!

:hugs: to all you lovely ladies, bumps and babies born, Lou x

Would happily send u some nesting instinct hun, cos its starting to wear me out! I went to the loo in the night and was disturbed to find DUST on the shelf in my bathroom, after all my scrubbing HOW RUDE, haha! So tehre I was damp dusting at silly o'clock this morning haha! I need help of a psychiatric nature I think lol!
OOOOO how I miss the trafford centre! I am originally form Chester so it was only ever a drive away. Not much chance of getting there from northern ireland haha! Have a good day sweetie x

AFM, I have been peeing like a nutter thru the night tonight, and have THE MOST uncomfy stabby pains in my "bits" again! kinds feeling bruised and battered today tho! maybe bubs is even lower, we'll see!
Have a scan and check with the doc at the Hospital today at 4pm, I think its just a final check at full term what with all the problems and niggles I have had along the way! and to FINALLY decide if the placenta is high enough to keep em happy! Which I think it should be! :happydance:

I am gunna try and con the doc into checking my cervix lol, I think with the pain and discomfort they might do if I whinge enough! lol. Would just be encourageing if the pains are being caused by dialating or efacing lol!
I think they might tell me to bugger off tho, as I know they dont like to check over here untill labour or 40 wks do they!
Morning ladies,

Well i'm feel sick with nerves today! Didn't sleep a wink. Either was in pain from how i was lying or thinking about today. I can't help it, i'm scared shitless!!!

Me and Mart had a panic attack last night. It suddenly dawned on us that it was our last night together, would we be good parents, what we have in store for us. Everthing seemed to come at us at once!

I'm just waiting to phone in to see what time they want me. Gona have a bath and put the rest of my things in my bag!

I can't quite believe i'm here now. I don't think i could of got through all these months without you girls and for that i will be forever thankful! x

Hope everyone has a lovely day and fingers crossed i'll update you with some good news very soon!


Good luck hun :D.

Hi ladies hope your all well. I woke this morning at about 5:30am with some niggles and pains so I went to the bathroom and threw up and and pains kept coming so I got a little excited but decided to go back to sleep for a bit and when I woke up it was all gone :growlmad:.
Ah well I guess any niggles are a good sign. xx
Hi ladies!

Hope all of the August mummies-to-be are doing well but I'd especially like to say a big congratulations to all of the mums whose babies decided to jump camp to the July Rubies!! Hope you're well and enjoying Cloud 9!

Looking forward to the time when I can post my wee update. Lots of pelvis pressure and pain over the past week so I'm hoping sooner rather than later!

Take care all!

Stoopid question from me, but what does Amniotic fluid actually "look" like???
Just been to the loo and had some thick liquid dribbling while I was sat there!!!!!!
once again its a TMI from Mercy2 hey hahaha!

as I stood up it dribbled out onto the loo seat but once I have stood up the flow seems to have stopped! It kinda looked thicker than I imagine fluid would be tho!
My waters were broken with Riley and the MW whipped the sheets out before I had chance to see what was going on down there so I have NO IDEA what they look like!

It was kinda runny and a yellowy creamy colour! definately not pee as it was just free flowing! at least I know I have my appointment later and can get the doc to check for me!

On another note, Poor Mat (hubby) has just got back from the med centre in the barracks after getting his ankle checked! Its been giving him problems for weeks maybe even months now and he finally got seen today! They're sending him to the hospital for a proper x ray as they think he has been working on it for months while its been cracked! He fell over on it in about march and its been on and off causing him trouble since then!
I feel awful as I kept telling him to "man up" and get on with it haha! poor man!
hey girls :) well i didnt need those bags after all :( no lola this weekend !!! midwifes tomorrow so will find out then i suppose, wether saturday will be the day x

we went to the park yesterday with ollys mum n dad and the kiddies of course lol... it was really nice and the pics i took were lovely x

babys still in there... not so much pain so i reckon she must have moved off my broken bits lol x

this is the link to the fb album of the park pics........ hope it work.... x

Any full-moon babies tonight?? :D

Hubby asked me that this morning, I was actually supprised that he even knew it was a full moon, I reckon he looked it up hahaha!

morning mums, tums & babies :D

Im off out for the day today so if any of you decide to have babies i will have to catch up later hehe!!
Hope you are all ok! Its not a very nice day here today but my brother is up from London for a week so im off out with him, my sis and all the kids!! My pelvis is soooo sore today - im at the point of giving up but at least if im out for the day i dont have to worry about keeping abby amused - her cousins will do that for me :D yey...

Hugs to all :D xxx

Have a fantastic day hun, sounds great x

Is it wierd I woke up this morning forgetting that I was pregnant until I saw myself in the mirror? :S

I used to do this a bit lol, I still sometimes wake up in the night and try to flip over in bed, then remember that I have a huge beach ball up my front that wont allow it haha! Hope you're feeling ok today chick x x

Morning ladies,

Well i'm feel sick with nerves today! Didn't sleep a wink. Either was in pain from how i was lying or thinking about today. I can't help it, i'm scared shitless!!!

Me and Mart had a panic attack last night. It suddenly dawned on us that it was our last night together, would we be good parents, what we have in store for us. Everthing seemed to come at us at once!

I'm just waiting to phone in to see what time they want me. Gona have a bath and put the rest of my things in my bag!

I can't quite believe i'm here now. I don't think i could of got through all these months without you girls and for that i will be forever thankful! x

Hope everyone has a lovely day and fingers crossed i'll update you with some good news very soon!


Good luck sweetie x I will be doin nothin much today so feel free to msg on facebook if you like hunny x x not long now and you'll be amazing parents x x

Mercy I NEED your nesting instinct and energy today please. I think its only fair you should share - your house sounds like you could eat off the toilet seat and mine...:blush:well I just need it for today!!

AFM weather looks crap today, think I might take him to the Trafford Centre or something today. I need to get out!!

:hugs: to all you lovely ladies, bumps and babies born, Lou x

Would happily send u some nesting instinct hun, cos its starting to wear me out! I went to the loo in the night and was disturbed to find DUST on the shelf in my bathroom, after all my scrubbing HOW RUDE, haha! So tehre I was damp dusting at silly o'clock this morning haha! I need help of a psychiatric nature I think lol!
OOOOO how I miss the trafford centre! I am originally form Chester so it was only ever a drive away. Not much chance of getting there from northern ireland haha! Have a good day sweetie x

AFM, I have been peeing like a nutter thru the night tonight, and have THE MOST uncomfy stabby pains in my "bits" again! kinds feeling bruised and battered today tho! maybe bubs is even lower, we'll see!
Have a scan and check with the doc at the Hospital today at 4pm, I think its just a final check at full term what with all the problems and niggles I have had along the way! and to FINALLY decide if the placenta is high enough to keep em happy! Which I think it should be! :happydance:

I am gunna try and con the doc into checking my cervix lol, I think with the pain and discomfort they might do if I whinge enough! lol. Would just be encourageing if the pains are being caused by dialating or efacing lol!
I think they might tell me to bugger off tho, as I know they dont like to check over here untill labour or 40 wks do they!

Im ok today thank's hun, not really had much chance to speak to mike, only about 20min's before he got to work, then that was a "im complaining about next door today" Him: "I was going to tell you too, im going now" seeing as I ended up getting up to do his sandwhich's...too nice to not do them him! :/
oh and he's just done the unusual and text me asking what im doing and if im ok. Not like him to text unless he want's something when he's at work.
Stoopid question from me, but what does Amniotic fluid actually "look" like???
Just been to the loo and had some thick liquid dribbling while I was sat there!!!!!!
once again its a TMI from Mercy2 hey hahaha!

as I stood up it dribbled out onto the loo seat but once I have stood up the flow seems to have stopped! It kinda looked thicker than I imagine fluid would be tho!
My waters were broken with Riley and the MW whipped the sheets out before I had chance to see what was going on down there so I have NO IDEA what they look like!

It was kinda runny and a yellowy creamy colour! definately not pee as it was just free flowing! at least I know I have my appointment later and can get the doc to check for me!

On another note, Poor Mat (hubby) has just got back from the med centre in the barracks after getting his ankle checked! Its been giving him problems for weeks maybe even months now and he finally got seen today! They're sending him to the hospital for a proper x ray as they think he has been working on it for months while its been cracked! He fell over on it in about march and its been on and off causing him trouble since then!
I feel awful as I kept telling him to "man up" and get on with it haha! poor man!

That sound like discharge to me hun, af is normally clear or straw coloured and not thick. Hope that helps!

I've just ordered another cloth nappy this time from wee notions and you can design them to look however you want so I have made a leopard pint and black one with the words "wild thing" on the back. Soooo excited to get it! :happydance:
Ooh also my midwife came this morning to do my birthplan and was really lovely we had a big chat about how I was feeling and what happened on Friday and she said it could be a small hind water leak but not to worry as it can replenish its self. But at any time if I dont feel right or think something is up to just ring delviery and go in and be checked over. She said the one that dealt with me on Fri night has a bit of rep for being a hardnosed cow and she doesnt much like her lol!

She also said with all symptons Im getting she doesnt think i'll go to due date but also dont bank on going before as we all know babies only come when they are ready! She really is lovely and I wish I could see her more :)
Glad you had a better experience with the Mw today hun! She sounds lovely x x
Its nice to see someone with a better attitude as that MW you saw the other night sounded like a right madam! grrr!

Cheers for the advice on the discharge too! I kinda figured it wasnt water but for a min or two the rate at which it trickled out of me was a bit alarming!
I had just thought, WELL.... I ACTUALLY dont knwo what the fluid looks like should it start trickling out haha! The size of my bump leads me to think that it will be more like niagra falls when mine finally go haha!
:haha: I remember having my waters broke last time by the midwife and feeling warm then I was like ooh I need the loo so I stood up and it went everywhere for ages just gushing and i remember saying "omg i didnt think there was that much inside me" and the midwife just laughed!
Well heres my 37+2 weeks bumpage!!! I think its taking me over now! haha

Cant believe I am only within weeks of not haveing it, and haveing a new person in the family x x

anyways what do ya think x

bump looks great!!! cute top too!!
and I also can't help but notice that your house looks SPOTLESS in the background :haha:
Lovely bump.
How tidy is your house :/ No matter how much cleaning I do atm It never seem's to look that tidy!!

I'm having a rest now for half hour or so, before I start dinner, need to clean my window's tho, so maybe i'll only get a 5min sit down before I get the ergh to go clean window's!!
haha that'll be the nesting! believe it or not i have a 2yr old playing in that room with me too haha! I am like a vulture folowing him round lol!
Thanks tho! the top is a normal one, not maternity. I think its supposed to be floaty but its quite snug at the min haha
You look fab mercy! I must take a bump pic of me, only go another 2 weeks left, argh scary but exiciting stuff.
Mercy your house is soooooooo tidy! Fancy sending the cleaning fairy here? or giving me the nesting bug?

Steph those pics are fab! The park is so cool too, wish we had that kind of equipment around here!

Glad to hear you had a good mw appointment lliena, wish there was more mw's like her here.

I really must tidy up today, i have got the health visitor coming round tomorrow morning............ what happens when they come round?

Ive had lots of pushing down pains, down below today, but no bh or anything like that.......

Hope you are all having good days so far. x
Mercy you look great! I don't think I'm that big this time - last time I was huge and my waters weighed more than a stone!!! They gushed everywhere and the midwife asked me to get on the bed...I was like how?!?! :shrug:

Has anyone heard anything off Philly and how she's getting on?

Danielle, your OH prob feels guilty!

Lollip0p my health visitor didn't come until after my LO was born. Maybe she/he is just coming to see how you're getting on!

Lliena really glad you finally got to see someone who understands!!

AFM Jacob is out with his nan and I've just done ALL of my ironing :happydance:! I've had sooo much of it from being away last week and that! I'm now just sitting down before I start on the kitchen!

Hope everyone is ok x :hugs:

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