****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

Glad it went well at appointment :) I hope I never have to have a sweep..I don't like the sound of them :/
me neither!!! although it's probably pretty minor compared to giving birth!!! :haha:

Congrats Angie!! I love hearing the birth announcements :) Makes it seem more real that this will be happening to me soon!

Just enjoying some broccoli salad and then tonight I'm going to the movies with my two sisters-in-law. Anyone heard of that documentary about 4 babies from different parts of the world and how they're raised? That's what we're going to see...one of my SIL is pregnant as well :)
My first came a week early so at 39 weeks...and my second came 2 weeks early at 38 weeks.
My OB/Gyn did a sweep today and told me to be prepared.
Because I was only in labor for 5 hours with my first , and just about 3 hours of not so bad contractions with my second...she came in the matter of 3 minutes from the time I began pushing...Yikes!! I hope this one gives me a bit of time and isn't born on the way to the hospital!! Dr's think she'll come just as fast as my other 2...if not faster.

He told me today that they wouldn't let me suffer any longer than 2 more weeks, and they would induce me a bit early...because I am sooo Tiny and baby girl is getting bigger....and bigger....lol.

Here come Our August BABIES!! YAY!!
Hey everyone!

MrsP so nice to hear that everyone and everything is going ok! :hugs:

:happydance: Woo hoo on being 2cm dilated Carolyn and Mumma Some of my friends have said that a sweep is horrible, really glad yours went ok!

:yipee: Sounds like by Sunday we'll have at least 3 more August babies here!!

Lucy Glad everything went ok with the TENS class! I've never really thought about using one TBH...weren't sure if they really worked but maybe I should have a look into it! And yes Jacob is growing up soooo fast, I can't believe he's 15months old - he's so tall though (just like his dad).

AFM I think I'm nesting and its actualy scared me today. I've turned into Monica from friends :blush:I even cleaned the hoover today. My front room, bathroom and nursery are sparkling and I know that I won't be able to move later and it wasn't probably the wisest decision I've made considering Kev is working nights tonight but I feel like I just HAD to do it!

And I have my conservatory back - Kev's sorted his shed :happydance::happydance: means I can clean the conservatory and make it into my splat/kiddies play room!

Hope you've all have good days, Lou x
Wow things are really moving along for some of us. I am hoping the doc does an internal today I want to know if I have dilated more then the 1-2 cm I was 2 weeks ago but it's not my doc so who the heck knows. I would be afraid of a sweep but anyone messing around with my cervix really hurts me, I am sensitive I guess.

Woke up a couple times last night cause of a hard belly. I still kind of want baby to wait till aug till he shows up, want him to have his b day in the same month as his mama. Aug 1 would be a nice day for him to come, maybe I'll sit down and have a little chat with him about it.
Fab news mumma :D

afm just took little one to her swimming lesson and waiting now for a dominos delivery for tea. Not had one for ages so really looking forward to it *nom nom nom*
ooo All the August babies are starting to come so quick now!!!
Maybe I should get my bag ready incase I start anytime soon!..I can hope right?
Worked out earlier, that if I actually went by the date of my last period, i'd be 37+ week's now!
Well best get tea started. Speak to you all soon :) x

Ashton was on time not 19 days early i always said july 16h so he was overcooked|! get bag ready my girl!

sweep was ok.... didnt hurt jst dnt like being prodded lol xx

I had a sweep thursday.odd sensation hey? hope it works xx

Hey everyone!

MrsP so nice to hear that everyone and everything is going ok! :hugs:

:happydance: Woo hoo on being 2cm dilated Carolyn and Mumma Some of my friends have said that a sweep is horrible, really glad yours went ok!

:yipee: Sounds like by Sunday we'll have at least 3 more August babies here!!

Lucy Glad everything went ok with the TENS class! I've never really thought about using one TBH...weren't sure if they really worked but maybe I should have a look into it! And yes Jacob is growing up soooo fast, I can't believe he's 15months old - he's so tall though (just like his dad).

AFM I think I'm nesting and its actualy scared me today. I've turned into Monica from friends :blush:I even cleaned the hoover today. My front room, bathroom and nursery are sparkling and I know that I won't be able to move later and it wasn't probably the wisest decision I've made considering Kev is working nights tonight but I feel like I just HAD to do it!

And I have my conservatory back - Kev's sorted his shed :happydance::happydance: means I can clean the conservatory and make it into my splat/kiddies play room!

Hope you've all have good days, Lou x

:thumbup: to conservatory.I miss mine so much.oo and Mrs P is nick named Monica she'll love your post :haha:

well we went out bowling today all 7 of us it was good and Ashton behaved perfectly.I even fed him out in public a big no for me!

mwah to all bumps and mummys xx
Congrats Angie!!! Yay to another August baby!

And YAY for Carolyn and Lovin_it getting all ready and Mumma on getting your induction date.

:hugs: all!
well done on the public BF :thumbup: How was your bowling?

It was ok yeah! The 2 little ones were fab the almost teenager had a strop which tarred it.I was to knackered so I lost :growlmad:

Hows you doing hun xxxxx

OMG i Missed that.Another one! Congrats Angie !!

Mumofthree delicious bump pic.You is one good looking mummy xx
Morning ladies :)

CSun good luck!!
Carolyn fingers crossed this is the start for you!
Mumma ooh good luck at midwifes and :hugs:
Zoe nice to see you around :D

Afm still having niggles etc just keeping an eye on it all. Quick question did any of your babies go quiet the night or days before they were born? Just beans has been quieter since yesterday so was jsut wondering :)

Riley was a kicker right up to the minute he popped out lol. I think he did slow dlown a little but he was kicking me inside the birth canal haha

I reckon I'm going to be the last woman with a fat belly standing!!! You're all having niggles and baby slowing down and I'm getting the crap kicked out of me and only niggle I've got is when my back goes!

Hope everything went well Lollip0p!

I have a theory that my baby is winding me up with all these signs and signals, I bet he or she is still in there at 42wks haha

I'v not seen Mercy on since last night! Hope everything is ok with her and bump x

says she was last on at lunchtime just didnt post :hi: Nik :hugs:

Sorry for worrying everyone lol. I did log on at lunch and tehn Riley was being a little sod so ended up wandering off without even reading a post! lol!

Not sure if this is where to announe, but baby Micah is here! Born July 21st, 3:13am, at 36.3 weeks, weighing 6lbs11oz. :happydance:

Congrats hunny x x

helloooo ladies..

guess who is dilated :thumbup: not quite 2cm :blush: but its better than nothing right?! so... heres hoping im heading in the right direction... :happydance:

Im not sure if the baby will come or i will fall to pieces first haha!!

My brother just took me for a drive over some bumpy roads haha and is determined this baby has to arrive before he heads back to London on thursday night!! She better get a move on!

How is everyone? any news on Philly and did anyone find Mercy??

Mumma, how did MW go? xxx

:happydance: on the dialation
and HERE I AM lol! sorry for wandering off on you lovely ladies x x

Thought I would share :) 35week bump...

LOVELY bump! x x

hello ladies. Just got back from my Dr. appointment, he decided to check and see how things were progressing!! YaY!!

I am already 2 cm dialated....and my cervix is thinning??? is that right??? He said he doesn't think it will be much longer now...as it being my third pregnancy and the other two were born earlier and fast!!


WOOPWOOP!!! sounds good x x

hey girls !!

well im booked in for saturday morning !!!! i have to call at 7.30 !!!!!!!!! to find out whether its ok to go in n what time.....

had a sweep.... midwife said cervix is forward and open... she said 1-2cms so nothing major, baby really low tho. heart beat good, blood pressure still up.....

she said... after the sweep... 'right now go home n be really nice to the man in doors' hmmmmmmm dont think theres much chance in that lol x

i dont think the sweeps gunna work, so we'll see.... x

pic of me today.... 38+3

oooooooo, sweep sweep! fingers crossed that it starts something soon hun x x
Fab news mumma :D

afm just took little one to her swimming lesson and waiting now for a dominos delivery for tea. Not had one for ages so really looking forward to it *nom nom nom*

hmmmmmm dominos yummy yummy x x x

and For Me!!!!!!!

Sorry if I made anyone think I was in labour lol, I have just had THE most hectic day!
just lots of niggly things to get on with that needed to be done, Riley was in nursery this afternoon, and then a friend needed someone to talk to cos she was upset, so had to squeeze that one in somewhere too!
THEN, Mat is away today and untill tomorrow so I have been on my own doing the bath and bed thing! lol! it almost killed me! haha! Riley weighs a tonne to shift out the bath haha! hes been extra tired and grouchy cos he loves his bathtime with his daddy, so mummy wasnt quite good enough lol!

and now I get to REEEEEELAAAAXXXXX!!!!!!!!!!! :coffee:
Riley is asleep and I get to actually take a minute to see how i am doing today haha!
I have had a damp pad all day today, and I rang the Mw to chat about what had happened at my appointment yesterday. She said that I should monitor the dampness through today and If I feel that it is becoming more than excess discharge to call our hospital assessment unit for it to be checked again!
She was somewhat unimpressed with how the doctor had left me feeling, and has reassured me that the reduced amniotic fluid need not be a huge cause for concern at this stage, and to hold tight untill the scan at 39 weeks to see if its replenished itself, in the mean time I am to keep myself well hydrated and just take things easy.
As for the Group B strep, she said to call the Mat unit at my first contraction, and they will be able to advise me if I will need the anti biotics! Hopefully if the general swab I had last week comes back clear, then It should mean I will be ok!

SO...... after all that, I feel a lot better!
I DO feel like bump is niggling a bit tonight, but to be honest i think I have just been on my feet too much today!
So now am curled up, missing mat like crazy, and scoffing my body weight in chocolates and doritos!

I have got some Clary sage oil in the cupboard that I bought weeks ago, is anyone else planning on using it?? and what is the reccomended time that its safe from!? I was thinking maybe nearer to 40 wks but just inquisitive as to if any one else was gunna use it?
i think my webcam must be flattering coz trust me in real life i look a mess lol x

EOZ.... do you think your sweep worked then ???? did u do anything else?? midwife told me to have sex lol but me n olly arent even in the same town... barely in the same county right now !! country is a breakthrough lol x

thanks girls... i hope this works !!! x
Babe I had a sweep on Wednesday evening at 7pm.Contractions kicked in after midnight.He was born at 1:46am!

Madison my 3rd I had a sweep on the ward at half ten at night for my labour to kick in 24 hrs later.No sex or nothing .Just got busy with walking and cleaning x
Zoe So cool BF in public, I was soo nervous the first time I did it! Think though that once its out of the way, you just don't care! I didn't realise Mrs P was AKA Monica, she'll be so proud of me after today! Ha ha!

Nik I may be really dumb here but what is it used for? I've never heard of it before and didn't use it in my last pregnancy so...?!

Mumma Boo on Olly not being there with you! You look great in your pictures!

How is everyone else getting on? Baby keeps booting me so hard downstairs and now I've finally got Jacob to bed I can sit down and relax! I think the baby needs some ice cream and chocolate sauce and I don't want to upset him/her! ATM I think its a girl the way I've been a hormonal cow to Kev though!!

Love to you & bumps x
Clary sage oil, is supposed to be good for use for bathing in, and as a massage oil when mixed with a carrier oil. It supposedly helps to get the uterine muscles ready for labour.
I dont think it actually induces you or anything, but from what I have read it can help you on the way if ur nearly ready x
Does a sweep hurt?
Dont know if i'll need one (hopefully not) but i would much rather have a sweep instead of other modes of "induction"!

Okay girls, for anyone who wants to get in on this, I have created a birth poll for baby Isaiah!!!! Please let me know your guesses. Heres the link ;)

eoz !! i want to go into labour tonight !!!!! lol... whats ur secret !!! lol

ollys gunna come home tonight !! lets hope its coz he wants to be here with me n not just coz he doesnt wanna be there with his mum n dad

Ooh I didn't know that Mercy - I'm out on a shopping trip after MW tomorrow so will have a look! Going to ASDA to stock up seeing as their baby event has now started, need another safety gate and want to get lots of bits while I can.

Of course Olly wants to be there cos of you Mumma!!! At least you might be able to :sex: get things started. Hope you have a productive night :haha:

Its official...I can't move. Oh well.:dohh:

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