****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

Lucy Splat room is going to be Jacob's play room where we can paint and everything in there (its our conservatory so tiled floor). Just means rather than my front room getting messy all the time and our new kitchen getting it everywhere he'll have his own room to read/play/paint etc... in! I can't wait to get it done and see his little face!!! Ha ha ha to the poo incident! BTW how are you feeling?

LilFooshFoosh definately not going mad! If I lie down flat on the floor, you can actually see where the baby is lying in my belly and could do with Jacob too!

I want a bump like yours Lovin_it, mine looks just like a blob!

Rainbow boo to the pains stopping but yeah to everyone who looks like they're losing their plug. Looks like you won't make it to Friday eh Babydeabrue, good luck either way though!!

Still think I'll be the last fat woman standing (waddling) he he x

Tash your LO sounds like a right one, little munchkin, bless!

Had really productive day, got all little bits and Kev's putting it all together now! Got the in-laws for tea, really looking forward to seeing them as they've been away for two weeks! Hope everyone is ok!
best not mention to that family friend of mine that I think my plug's coming away! Can't be doing with a repeat of yesturday.

Yay Not long now baby france :D

hey hun :)

aww looks like both our plugs have gone then :) i woke up this morning and have noticed some brown mucus discharge..mw told me thats my plug :)

was going to be induced of friday but maybe i want have to be after all :)

exciting times :hugs:

yeah :) Was only abit but still at it's started to come away.

best not mention to that family friend of mine that I think my plug's coming away! Can't be doing with a repeat of yesturday.

Yay Not long now baby france :D

why you been getting the calls lol i have told everyone not to phone me until the 17th lol so we'll see and i said i'd call them if anything happens i want to discuss lol

no she's due near same time as me, and had ago at me yesturday after I told her about the back ache and period cramps i had been getting. She asked how I was so I told her. I said i think he was just moving down, but she was like "omg you wont be in labour yet!!!!"

Would be great to have baby early just to prove her wrong :haha: xx

That would be one to take a picture of her face when she found out.
She's one of them people that have to be better then other's.

Tiff those have been my symptoms for the last several days. Baby feels A LOT lower today and is moving around near my belly button now! Have an appointment on Thursday (when my doc is back from vaca, weird) and can't wait.

Philly, this isn't from personal experience but I've been reading one of the baby whisperer books and she says when that happens it's because baby wasn't done eating when he fell asleep. What Lucy & Lou said about keeping baby awake is exactly what the author says in that book. I started reading it after someone on here mentioned E.A.S.Y, didn't realize at the time that I had been given that book by SIL, so I started reading it. Eat. Activity. Sleep. You time. that's what it stands for and it helps make sure baby doesn't end up needing to be nursed to sleep.

:wave: Mumma, I agree with the other girls, wake Olly up! Especially if he isn't going to be around the whole time, make him help out while he is, you've done it twice already it's his turn!

I've only had a little extra cm, no plug or show....I'm feeling left out :haha:

Fx it's the start of something for you Danielle, Rainbows & Babydeabreu! And Danielle I definitely wouldn't share with that girl anymore, she sounds like she is the jealous type....

Here's my little bit of TMI question for the day: The last few times DH and I have DTD (congrats on that btw Lou), after I have "finished" the baby seems to shift all onto one side of my belly (doesn't matter what position I'm in). I say it's the baby shifting and not a contraction because one half of my belly is softer and the other bulges out and is hard...?? Has anyone else had that or am I a weirdo? It looks really weird, and the bulge is always on my left side even if I am lying on my right! Another reason I think it may be the baby is because I can usually push it (gently) back towards the center and it will go. :blush: Yea, just typing that I sound like a weirdo, sorry!!


No I don't think i'm going to say anything to her anymore.

That used to happen to me after DTD! wierd isn't it :S and it was always to my left too.
oh forgot AFM!

Went out for dinner with my mum and dad, then turned into a trip to asda after! Mum and dad ended up spending £67 on stuff for Henry (inc 2boxes of nappies and box of 12 wipe's), she also got me some of that ready bottled cow and gate, incase I can't breast feed...then I don't have to mess about sorting steriliser's out as soon as I get home from hossi. THEN we went to Matalan with my mum saying she wasn't buying anything else today for Henry...an she bought 2 outfit's...I don't think she could resist!
Pretty sure month's ago she said she wasn't spoiling him, and she's already always buying him stuff.
oh forgot AFM!

Went out for dinner with my mum and dad, then turned into a trip to asda after! Mum and dad ended up spending £67 on stuff for Henry (inc 2boxes of nappies and box of 12 wipe's), she also got me some of that ready bottled cow and gate, incase I can't breast feed...then I don't have to mess about sorting steriliser's out as soon as I get home from hossi. THEN we went to Matalan with my mum saying she wasn't buying anything else today for Henry...an she bought 2 outfit's...I don't think she could resist!
Pretty sure month's ago she said she wasn't spoiling him, and she's already always buying him stuff.

bless her my mom is the same spoils my kids rotton they always ask nanny if mommy say's no i go mad but she say's it's her job as nanny to spoil them lol let her i say my mom is that bad we went to cyprus and my mom kitted my boys out with everything i was like you can't do that and she insisted and told me to concentrate on my own stuff bless her
my dad's taking me, mike and H away next year, we just need to decide where!!
PLUS I'm going to give him(my dad) the money for Mike to be insured on my car (my dad's paying my insurence this year), so my dad said he'll give my mum what I give him + £5 and she can take me shopping for nappies and stuff, SO he's going to be paying for Mike to be insured on my car (in away).
I wish he didn't tho :( Mike doesn't deserve my dad paying for his lesson's, driving test and now insurence!
Especially when he come's in and has face on like he has today, now I feel like I'm not allowed out! I didn't get insurence compony rang, because when I got back in, my mum's friend dropped something in for me..well for mike, and I made her a coffee, by time she had left insurence place was shut.
Mike's got right arse on with me because of it and had ago at me for going out!
Told him to lock the door's when he goes to work and take the keys :/

He's not even asked how i'v been! He know's for past couple of day's i'v been in pain, yet still come home to a clean house and his tea ready...been in tear's since he got home, not managed to eat my tea, yet all he say's is "stop acting like a spoilt brat"
yup! all because i didn't make one bloody phone call! It's ok for him, he can go out on his own and not get panicy, i'v not been out with my mum AND dad for age's! i'v been out with my mum, but not my dad.
If he even attemps the "your not going out" crap, his cloths will be in bag's and at his mum and dad's before he get's home from work
hello everyone, not been online for a while. i was rushed into hospital on thursday 29th July, straight from my local midwife appointment. my blood pressure rocketed, i had protein my urine and i had bad swelling....basically i ticked all the boxes for pre-eclampsia. i was in the risk for it anyway so i knew what to look out for. i got to the hospital at 10am and i had tests done etc. then they said i had to be induced. i was only 36weeks 3days. i had pre-eclampsia. was a bad labour/delivery. short details, had epidurial that took 30mins to do (9 attempts), blood pressure got higher and higher, i felt nothing for the first few hours but then once they broke my waters i felt everything, they upped the dose of my epidural twice but it never worked, i felt so bad, my body went into shock, i had complete body shakes, i lost consciousness most of the way through.....wow it is even more worse if i carry on but cutting it down....i felt everything, my body couldnt cope then eventually i had to push, he kept sucking back in, they said they'd have to use sucktion (?) but i just pushed and pushed and he came out. he was born 30th July at 5:48am, weighing 6lb 13oz. they took him to the special monitoring machine thingy (sorry dont know what they call it), but he didnt need help to breath so they put him straight on my chest. i burst into huge tears of happiness, joy, pain....not sure what i felt at the time, it was all so sudden and emotional. my husband cried along with me and my mum was emotional too. it was such a lovely moment in the end. they struggled to get the placenta out, it broke up into pieces apparently (my mum and husband said it was huge weird looking pieces) :wacko: i dont know, i didnt see it...i was too busy looking at my lil boy. :) they eventually took me down to HDU because of my blood pressure etc, i had to have a catheta in and was in bed for over 24hours. when i got to move around on 31st it was so difficult, not just because of the birth but i still had the bag attached. me and baby were monitored regularly and eventually got on a proper ward about 4pm. then on 1st August i was meant to have my catheta took out in the morning but they didnt even know i had one, it wasnt on the board (?)....it eventually came off at 5pm and i was told i could possibly go home that evening. i was telling the docs and midwives all morning and afternoon that my baby looked abit yellow but noone listened...and then when it came time to maybe going home they turned round and said they had to check him for jaundice because he looked yellow....i wasnt happy. the results took ages, then they came back and said i couldnt leave because of that. they said if i wanted to go home then he can be moved to the special unit for his phototherapy, the midwife at the time checked to see if there was a spare crib, and took ages doing it, then came back around 8pm to tell me that there wasnt room for him there so i would have to stay in. it was so hard to decide to go home in the first place but then they say i had to stay in and be away from my husband for another night, i was so upset. i felt so bad for wanting to go home but i needed the rest to get better for the baby. they got me a side room and said i would have extra help with the baby so i could get some sleep to recover better, then maybe go home the next day. i stayed obviously, but it was so horrible watching my husband leave again, he was so upset too. he phoned me when he got home and couldnt stop crying because he was away from us yet again, he just wanted us both home. it was so sad hearing him. :cry: well i watched as my poorly boy lay in that space-suit looking machine....he looked so fragile. i couldnt even look at him because i was so upset with him being in it. the next day at around 8am, just as my husband showed up to see us, he had his second set of blood tests done to see how he was doing. they came back normal so he got to stay out of the machine until the next set of tests. 8-9 hours later he had his rebound tests done to see how he had coped since being took out and thankfully he was doing good. :D all we needed to know after that was how i was doing with my blood pressure. it was checked a few times and was just above normal range, so the midwife checked with someone higher to see if i could go home.....they said i could. :happydance: so at 9pm yesterday i finally got discharged from hospital with my son. we have been doing great since being home. my husband looked after him lastnight to let me rest and he even let me have an extra few hours in bed this morning. midwife didnt come out to check us until 4:30pm though but when she did get here it was good. me and baby are doing well, my blood pressure is normal too. she is back tomorrow to do his foot prick thing for tests and will be back friday to check my blood pressure again. if it stays normal then i wont need to go on medication. :D wooooop. im only on iron tablets at the moment.

well that was long. anyway, i have a couple of pics here too. hes such a lil bugger. i love him sooooo much. :cloud9: ive never felt so happy in my life. we've called him Elliott. (his dads middle name).

30th July (minutes after birth) https://i.imagehost.org/t/0570/3_37.jpg
31st July (motherly kiss) https://a.imagehost.org/t/0062/10_4.jpg
2nd August (just before he came out of the suit) https://a.imagehost.org/t/0141/13_7.jpg
2nd August (when he was allowed out of the suit - awake and so alert) https://i.imagehost.org/t/0465/17_17.jpg
2nd August (waiting to go home) https://i.imagehost.org/t/0071/27_3.jpg
3rd August (home and loving his first dummy) https://i.imagehost.org/t/0648/28_4.jpg

lol sorry for long post. i probably wont be online for a while now so i always leave something big :rofl: i was originally due 23rd August. hope everyone is doing ok. x
Awwwwww :cloud9: Sorry it was a really hard labour hun but amazing outcome :thumbup:
Congrats! He is adorable, glad he is doing well and you could take him home.
Congrats hun he is adorable. Glad they got to you in time with the pre eclampsia too :)
hello everyone, not been online for a while. i was rushed into hospital on thursday 29th July, straight from my local midwife appointment. my blood pressure rocketed, i had protein my urine and i had bad swelling....basically i ticked all the boxes for pre-eclampsia. i was in the risk for it anyway so i knew what to look out for. i got to the hospital at 10am and i had tests done etc. then they said i had to be induced. i was only 36weeks 3days. i had pre-eclampsia. was a bad labour/delivery. short details, had epidurial that took 30mins to do (9 attempts), blood pressure got higher and higher, i felt nothing for the first few hours but then once they broke my waters i felt everything, they upped the dose of my epidural twice but it never worked, i felt so bad, my body went into shock, i had complete body shakes, i lost consciousness most of the way through.....wow it is even more worse if i carry on but cutting it down....i felt everything, my body couldnt cope then eventually i had to push, he kept sucking back in, they said they'd have to use sucktion (?) but i just pushed and pushed and he came out. he was born 30th July at 5:48am, weighing 6lb 13oz. they took him to the special monitoring machine thingy (sorry dont know what they call it), but he didnt need help to breath so they put him straight on my chest. i burst into huge tears of happiness, joy, pain....not sure what i felt at the time, it was all so sudden and emotional. my husband cried along with me and my mum was emotional too. it was such a lovely moment in the end. they struggled to get the placenta out, it broke up into pieces apparently (my mum and husband said it was huge weird looking pieces) :wacko: i dont know, i didnt see it...i was too busy looking at my lil boy. :) they eventually took me down to HDU because of my blood pressure etc, i had to have a catheta in and was in bed for over 24hours. when i got to move around on 31st it was so difficult, not just because of the birth but i still had the bag attached. me and baby were monitored regularly and eventually got on a proper ward about 4pm. then on 1st August i was meant to have my catheta took out in the morning but they didnt even know i had one, it wasnt on the board (?)....it eventually came off at 5pm and i was told i could possibly go home that evening. i was telling the docs and midwives all morning and afternoon that my baby looked abit yellow but noone listened...and then when it came time to maybe going home they turned round and said they had to check him for jaundice because he looked yellow....i wasnt happy. the results took ages, then they came back and said i couldnt leave because of that. they said if i wanted to go home then he can be moved to the special unit for his phototherapy, the midwife at the time checked to see if there was a spare crib, and took ages doing it, then came back around 8pm to tell me that there wasnt room for him there so i would have to stay in. it was so hard to decide to go home in the first place but then they say i had to stay in and be away from my husband for another night, i was so upset. i felt so bad for wanting to go home but i needed the rest to get better for the baby. they got me a side room and said i would have extra help with the baby so i could get some sleep to recover better, then maybe go home the next day. i stayed obviously, but it was so horrible watching my husband leave again, he was so upset too. he phoned me when he got home and couldnt stop crying because he was away from us yet again, he just wanted us both home. it was so sad hearing him. :cry: well i watched as my poorly boy lay in that space-suit looking machine....he looked so fragile. i couldnt even look at him because i was so upset with him being in it. the next day at around 8am, just as my husband showed up to see us, he had his second set of blood tests done to see how he was doing. they came back normal so he got to stay out of the machine until the next set of tests. 8-9 hours later he had his rebound tests done to see how he had coped since being took out and thankfully he was doing good. :D all we needed to know after that was how i was doing with my blood pressure. it was checked a few times and was just above normal range, so the midwife checked with someone higher to see if i could go home.....they said i could. :happydance: so at 9pm yesterday i finally got discharged from hospital with my son. we have been doing great since being home. my husband looked after him lastnight to let me rest and he even let me have an extra few hours in bed this morning. midwife didnt come out to check us until 4:30pm though but when she did get here it was good. me and baby are doing well, my blood pressure is normal too. she is back tomorrow to do his foot prick thing for tests and will be back friday to check my blood pressure again. if it stays normal then i wont need to go on medication. :D wooooop. im only on iron tablets at the moment.

well that was long. anyway, i have a couple of pics here too. hes such a lil bugger. i love him sooooo much. :cloud9: ive never felt so happy in my life. we've called him Elliott. (his dads middle name).

30th July (minutes after birth) https://i.imagehost.org/t/0570/3_37.jpg
31st July (motherly kiss) https://a.imagehost.org/t/0062/10_4.jpg
2nd August (just before he came out of the suit) https://a.imagehost.org/t/0141/13_7.jpg
2nd August (when he was allowed out of the suit - awake and so alert) https://i.imagehost.org/t/0465/17_17.jpg
2nd August (waiting to go home) https://i.imagehost.org/t/0071/27_3.jpg
3rd August (home and loving his first dummy) https://i.imagehost.org/t/0648/28_4.jpg

lol sorry for long post. i probably wont be online for a while now so i always leave something big :rofl: i was originally due 23rd August. hope everyone is doing ok. x

congratulations on your little man he looks so cute!!
Angelmyky he is super adorable even in the suit! Congrats hun and i am happy everyone is doing so well! I am also jealous cause i am overdue now! :rofl:
Congratulations on the birth of your little man Elliott, he is absolutely adorable!
Sorry you had such a tough time in labour tho! but he sure looks worth every second x

AFM, lovely day today, walked down AND UP the hill for Rileys mums and tots session, and then had lunch in a little cafe by us, then Mat and I took the opportunity to go for a food shop while Riley was in nursery! Not the most exciting afternoon but was lovely to get it all done without Rileys assistence haha!

Had an absolute Tonne of Braxton Hicks walking Round tesco, and I am getting some very strange thudding and poking pains right up where the sun dont shine haha! I have NO clue what this little monkey is doing in there but its getting bloomin sore these days!

I had too emergency loo trips while in tesco while I had to make a run for the loo! lol, I feel like a toddler myself sometimes haha!

How are we all doin this evening ( or afternoon, mornin lol, wherever in the world you may be) ??
Hope all mums and bubs are well x x Nikki x x
angelmyky he's lovely sorry you had a hard time hunny :hugs:

danielle wtf hun i'd kick him for not asking how i was and being in a mood all i can say is my hubby must love me as i'm a right cow and don't let him get away with must and the minute i pull him he realises what a tit he is lol

lliena any thing happening with you hunny
hello ladies. Hope everyone is well this morning..afternoon...ect.

I am getting so uncomfortable that my bones in my back and hips feel like they're gonna shatter...anyone else have sever hip, back and pubic bone pain. Baby is getting so smooshed in there I can't even sit normal anymore...I have to sit leaned back with my legs spread open..lol...if not I think her little head gets smooshed and she wiggles like crazy to tell me to change positions.

I haven't lost anymore of my plug...rrrr.....But I do have a Dr's appointment today. I hope he will check again to see if any progress has been made since last week....eeek

here's a couple pics of my favorite new things!!

Lovin' It, we have the same taste! I have that same bassinet at Burlington's on layaway...Is that the 5 in 1 Bassinet? And I love, love, love Baby Phat! I got my baby girl some Baby Phat booties and a little Baby Phat Diaper Bag (not as big as yours). Also, your bump is perfect! So jealous.....

I see more babies are here! Yay, to the new mommas!
angelmyky he's lovely sorry you had a hard time hunny :hugs:

danielle wtf hun i'd kick him for not asking how i was and being in a mood all i can say is my hubby must love me as i'm a right cow and don't let him get away with must and the minute i pull him he realises what a tit he is lol

lliena any thing happening with you hunny

I'v told him to bugger off out but he just laid on the sofa and ignored me. Said a few things to him and he's ignored me. He can be so childish at time's!!
I'v not told him yet that I think I might be losing my plug
angelmyky he's lovely sorry you had a hard time hunny :hugs:

danielle wtf hun i'd kick him for not asking how i was and being in a mood all i can say is my hubby must love me as i'm a right cow and don't let him get away with must and the minute i pull him he realises what a tit he is lol

lliena any thing happening with you hunny

Hey hun, still having crampings on and off with no regularity have been on my ball and dtd last night too and still losing plug but nowt else just yet. Im telling you this baby wants to hang in there as much as poss :haha:
Can i gatecrash the August thread please.

Grace Marie was due on 29th July but slipped over to 2am on 1st August.

Wow she is beautiful!!!! :cloud9: :cloud9:

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