****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

morning beautifuls

angelmyky - congrats !!!! what a little stunner !! sorry that birth wasnt all fun n games, mine wasnt either. i went into shock too, shakes and everything. i did when i had harry too. enjoy your bubba !! hes lovely x

carolyn - after pains !! tell me about it, mine have gone now but my muscle thing is killing me, roll on 5 n a bit weeks and get me booked in with that surgeon !!

hey ladies........ i wanna see more babies !!!! try and sleep as much as you can before you have labour and late night breast feeding to contend with !!

well my milks come in and i fed her on demand yesterday during the day which worked a treat as she only woke twice last night !! so i go to sleep.... it was lovely :) x

lola had her first bath yesterday, she just straightened out and laid there chilling in the water while we washed her.... bless.

going to get her registered tomorrow. yay x

sending lots of love and dust to baby bumps...... x

She is gorgeous Steph!
I think i'll ring insurence today, so Mike can't be in a mood later!
I'm really not happy him being able to drive my car :/ Im scared he's going to scratch it or some other damage. Plus it's MY car, once i'v insured him, i'll never get to drive it again! I don't go anywhere on my own and when we go anywhere together, he's going to want to drive. I said before he went to work, I needed to go to holland and barret to get some RL capsual's, so was going to ask my mum if she wanted to go today..just so i'm not stuck in house all day. He's told me to wait until he finishes work and he'll drive! :mad:
I'm not botherd about driving there, just wanted something to do during the day.
:wave: hey lovelys.how are we xxxx

i'm a bit icky off to docs.can't stop bleeding so think the fibroid is saying hi!

Ashton is now 7lb 8oz so i must be making super milk!

Sorry ur feeling poop hun! snending :hugs: :hugs:, Yey for Ashton being 7lb8 tho :thumbup:

awww angelmyky what an emotional story, you have definitely been through it but Im glad its all ok now and your at home with your lil man :)

Danielle, you need to kick that man into touch hon!! With your pains, you have enough to contend with, without him being a dick! :hugs:

beanzean, welcome to august :) and congrats on your little girly xxx

Carolyn so pleased to hear everything went well and you sound like your coping well at home too :D congratulations hon xx

eoZ sorry to hear your having probs...I must say though I admire you finding the time to come on here with all those kiddies hehe. woop woop for super milk :D

AFM I popped up to asda this afternoon to pick up a few things, baby monitor, play gym and travel cot, and then ended up spending loads more too...there are so many bargains there. Just waiting for my pushchair to be delivered over the next week and then I have everything ready! 37 weeks tomorrow (well its after midnight here so today really) WOOO HOO :happydance:

Anyway off to bed now, night night xx

:happydance: for 37weeks hun, and I agree on the Asda bargains! could have spent a fortune quite easily lol

Eoz...hope you are OK

Congratulations again Carolyn!

Angelmyky...congratulations...sorry it was traumatic. He is adorable.

AFM...c-section 9am Saturday morning! Gulp! If I make it that is (what the OB said).

How exciting hun, you'll deffo have ur little one by Saturday! :happydance:

So I went to docs today, am 2cm dilated about 40% effaced doc stretched cervix and sweeped my anterioir (top) membranes then about an hour later out comes all this brown blood like a table spoon! So guessing this is my bloody show, been cramping badly and have belly ache now, my question is, how long after bloody show does labour normally start? Am wondering if i am having real contractions now and not just Bh's as it hurts but that could be the cramping hurting?

Could be any length of time hun, I think everyone is quite different with regards to time between show and labour! but sounds like things are starting off for you hun x x

well it would seem Mike's woke up in abetter mood! I'v not had really had any more pain or brown discharge :/ Got a lovely headache thank's to Mike deciding he wanted to cuddle me at 6am and head butted me!! Also feeling abit sick and TMI but my belly's churning away asif i'm going to have a bad case of the runs :(

Hope ur belly settles, and Boo to banged heads! that sucks!!!! :wacko:

Jasmak, how exciting!! Saturday at the latest you'll be holding your LO!!
Kelly, sounds promising, but like others said it could still happen any time. I remember from induction last time that the early labour stages did just feel like cramps, so FX for you!
Danielle, boo to sore head, me too again today, glad Mike's behaving himself more!

As for us, off to MW shortly, really must get washed and dressed... still no 'signs'. DH and I managed :sex: twice in a week is a record for us!
Going to ask MW for a sweep today, so FX things have progressed from Friday!

Good luck with the Midwife hun! Hope ur sweep goes ok x x

morning beautifuls

angelmyky - congrats !!!! what a little stunner !! sorry that birth wasnt all fun n games, mine wasnt either. i went into shock too, shakes and everything. i did when i had harry too. enjoy your bubba !! hes lovely x

carolyn - after pains !! tell me about it, mine have gone now but my muscle thing is killing me, roll on 5 n a bit weeks and get me booked in with that surgeon !!

hey ladies........ i wanna see more babies !!!! try and sleep as much as you can before you have labour and late night breast feeding to contend with !!

well my milks come in and i fed her on demand yesterday during the day which worked a treat as she only woke twice last night !! so i go to sleep.... it was lovely :) x

lola had her first bath yesterday, she just straightened out and laid there chilling in the water while we washed her.... bless.

going to get her registered tomorrow. yay x

sending lots of love and dust to baby bumps...... x

Lola really is an adorable little miss! just beautiful hun x

I want Moglet to come out :hissy: but not got MW again til monday :cry: My MW flew to Zante last night too :dohh: Can cope with huge bump etc but the pressure in my bits is getting too much even for paracetomol to touch

BIG :hugs: hun, Hopefully Moglet will make an appearence asap x :hugs:

AFM, more of the same period crampyness today, just think my body likes makign me suffer lol! not too bad tho today, and managed a record 7hours sleep without a pee break so thats some sort of miracle i think! :happydance:

Although Riley did wake with an absolutely SODDEN wet nappy and his bed needed stripping and washing so BOOOOO to all that business!

Cant wait to meet bubs now, but still a little short on sitter for Riley, and my poor friends daughter is still in hospital god luv her, I am off to mums and tots agin this morning so will have to see if I can con someone into being my back up, to the back up baby sitter haha! I am sure one of the ladies will help if I need them!

hope everyone has a good day x
Nikki x x
Morning ladies hope you are all ok!

39 weeks for me today :happydance:

Been having cramping on and off all night again but still not regular! Had some pineapple last night and dtd in the hope it might help! Off for a long walk today and sitting on my ball bouncing at any given opportunity! :)
Mumma she is gorgeous, you've got some amazing pictures there!

Get walking Lliena you'll have baby by no time!

Just back from MW :happydance: Baby has grown 2cms since last week which is brilliant! Next appointment is next Wednesday at the hospital and MW said she won't see me again now until I've had the baby as the hospital will sort it out!!

Just had MIL on phone, apparently FIL didn't speak at all on way home last night feeling guilty about the carpet and is devastated about whats happened bless him!! So she said we have to buy a new one, told her we already went looking after MW...so I could have a new carpet this week!

Hope ladies, bumps and babies are well...off for a nap me thinks!

Have a good day x
awww mumma your lil girl is beautiful! Such lovely pics :)

Danielle, hope mike starts behaving now! Just tell him straight that you dont want to be cooped up so thanks for the offer, but you will go out and get the RLT yourself :)

Tina, thats so exciting about having your LO on saturday, I bet you cant wait!!!

AFM we DTD last night which I was surprised at as DH said baba cant come this week as he has too much to do first lol! Think he realised she will come if she wants to, so he made the most of getting some :sex: lol!!

Was getting some mild cramping through the night and this morning and also quite a bit of pressure as if baba was pushin down, but seems to have gone off again now!! :dohh:

DS said out of the blue this morning, 'is baby coming tonight?' Im hoping maybe he has some sort of hidden talent at predicting labour :haha:. Will have to wait and see I guess!

All these babies coming early...its sooo exciting...then I think that if my last pregnancy is anything to go by, I have another month before baba is coming! That makes me want to :cry: I am so excited to meet my LO, I dont want to go overdue again :(
Hi :wave:
Hope you are all ok today!
I just got back from midwife appointment and she thinks bubs is breech! Little monkey has been head down since about 30 weeks and now it decides to turn! Aargh :dohh: Got to go for a scan on tuesday to see how it is lying... keeping fingers crossed it isn't breech! And then I made my next appointment and I don't see her for another 3 weeks! I'll be 39+4! :shrug: I thought I'd be seeing her every week from now on! Am totally stressed now!!!
Suppose there is nothing I can do until I have had scan, other than get bouncing on ball and rocking on all fours!
Anyway, sorry about the rant, just needed to get it off my chest!
Hope you are all ok and that we don't have to wait too long before we get to meet our babies!
:hugs: to you all and thanks for reading xx
Good morning ladies!!! (well it's morning here :))

Tiffany - :happydance: I hope it's the start of something for you!!! I had a dream last night that we both had our babies on August 3rd (yesterday) haha

Mummaofthree - Beautiful little girl!!! She is just perfect, your photography is amazing too....what a great skill to have.

Nothing happening for me yet...been getting mild cramps/aches/pains in the belly, but nothing that could be painful enough to be considered labour yet!!!
I feel so tired today :( and i'v done anything :/
I'v not had anymore cramping and the backache just keeps coming and going, no where near as bad as it was tho. Getting a lot of discharge tho.
Mike's text and asked if i'v done the car, so I told him the more he ask's the longer I'll take to do it, then he asked if i'd been out or going out with my mum. So asked him what the point was when e practically said i couldn't (he didn't but that's how he made it feel last night) plus I'v go not money! (we only have his income so I don't have a penny for myself!), he tried telling me that he didn't get face on and that he didn't mean I couldn't go out with them, he just wanted us to go out later.
Does he not listen when I say by time i'v done house work, had some dinner, sorted tea, cooked tea, washed pots...I don't want to go out walking around shopping centre's! When I have to ask if I can have something :/
I'v decided when I'v had H, as soon as i'm upto it, i'm going to find a job, just a part time one. My mum's said she'll have H if me and Mike are working at the same time. Even if it's just one shift a week, that's abit of money for myself instead of having to ask all the time :/
I feel so tired today :( and i'v done anything :/
I'v not had anymore cramping and the backache just keeps coming and going, no where near as bad as it was tho. Getting a lot of discharge tho.
Mike's text and asked if i'v done the car, so I told him the more he ask's the longer I'll take to do it, then he asked if i'd been out or going out with my mum. So asked him what the point was when e practically said i couldn't (he didn't but that's how he made it feel last night) plus I'v go not money! (we only have his income so I don't have a penny for myself!), he tried telling me that he didn't get face on and that he didn't mean I couldn't go out with them, he just wanted us to go out later.
Does he not listen when I say by time i'v done house work, had some dinner, sorted tea, cooked tea, washed pots...I don't want to go out walking around shopping centre's! When I have to ask if I can have something :/
I'v decided when I'v had H, as soon as i'm upto it, i'm going to find a job, just a part time one. My mum's said she'll have H if me and Mike are working at the same time. Even if it's just one shift a week, that's abit of money for myself instead of having to ask all the time :/

I dont blame you for wanting some of your own money, its crap when you feel like you have to ask for pocket money! Getting a job will do you good too coz you will get out the house and make some new friends.
Daniellelk - Sorry you have to ask your OH for money to buy anything that is really pants. I am very lucky that I am getting SMP and my OH when he gets paid just comes home and gives me all his wages. He has to ask me for some money.

Lliena - I really hope you will be holding your baby very soon hun.

AFM - I had a sudden burst of energy this morning even though I had a crap sleep. I took my net curtains from downstairs down, washed them, washed all the windows, glass doors and mirrors downstairs then, put the clean net curtains back up. After that I was knackered!!:haha: I was getting BH's whilst I was doing my housework and when I stopped and sat down they stopped too!! They have just started again so, who knows what is going on:shrug: OH is going to be putting the 2nd coat of paint on the hallway, landing and stairs with help from a friend so, it wont take as long then, the rest of the week he will just be coming home, having dinner and bed early to try and get some energy and rest for when our baby arrives. He is hoping it wont be until the weekend we will see. Have MW tomorrow at 3;30pm and if my cervix is favourable she will do a sweep.

Lots of labour :dust::dust::dust:dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:dust::dust::dust: to all that need it!
I dont blame you for wanting some of your own money, its crap when you feel like you have to ask for pocket money! Getting a job will do you good too coz you will get out the house and make some new friends.

I miss my old job (not my last on, I hated that and quit, the one before), it was only a part time one - 5hour's a week but always had extra shift's, it would be ideal if I could get back there, I'm hoping I can get in as a Christmas temp as I wont need any training! and last year they was trying to get staff they had made redundant to go back for christmas so they didn't have to re-train, so with abit of luck i'l get lucky. I'd have to work crimbo eve, but it would only be 3-5hour's so not so bad.
Daniellelk - Sorry you have to ask your OH for money to buy anything that is really pants. I am very lucky that I am getting SMP and my OH when he gets paid just comes home and gives me all his wages. He has to ask me for some money.

It used to be him having to ask me for money before I left my last job and we was renting, because all the bills and rent went out of his wage's. So my money was the spending money. How i miss the freedom of knowing that there's a few hundred pound in my bank!

I think this is part of my paranoia, I don't go out because I have no money, so when I do have money, i'v not been out on my own in that long, I start panicing.
I'v just sat and eaten a full box of cadbury's choc finger's and I don't even like them :/
Daniellelk - Sorry you have to ask your OH for money to buy anything that is really pants. I am very lucky that I am getting SMP and my OH when he gets paid just comes home and gives me all his wages. He has to ask me for some money.

It used to be him having to ask me for money before I left my last job and we was renting, because all the bills and rent went out of his wage's. So my money was the spending money. How i miss the freedom of knowing that there's a few hundred pound in my bank!

I think this is part of my paranoia, I don't go out because I have no money, so when I do have money, i'v not been out on my own in that long, I start panicing.
I'v just sat and eaten a full box of cadbury's choc finger's and I don't even like them :/

:hugs::hugs: to you hun. It can't be nice to feel that you can't go out as you don't have the money. I can't go out as I have promised my OH and both sets of parents that I wont drive until after the baby is here as, they were all worried incase I went into labour whilst I was driving. I know its not quite the same but, it is very frustrating when you have been used to just getting in the car as and when you need to and, now I have to reliy on other people which, I hate. Again :hugs::hugs: and more :hugs: for you hun.
Have you got some cocodamol to take moggy?

Well interesting morning here, MW ok, she tried a sweep, 1-2cm, but still thick and high... made an appointment for next week too so she obviously thinks nothing's happening...
Got home to drop off my notes went to lock front door, one where you have to lift the handle to turn key, and it broke off in my hand!! Couldn't get back in the house!! Luckily a guy I know was painting our neighbour's house, so he broke us in, and called a friend who is a locksmith, and it's all put to rights for £60 - just had to change the handle, not the lock or the door thankfully!!
Been out to soft play and for lunch in the meantime, and I'm feeling some belly aches/period type pains, so who knows maybe the sweep did do something, but I'm not getting my hopes up!
Need a snooze, then I plan to bounce on my ball :)
Oh and I made my first sale on ebay - so chuffed! I had a maternity tankini from mamas and papasthat started to fall apart after hardly any wear, so took it back and they exchanged... wouldn't refund though, and I didn't feel the need for a new cossie just day (hopefully! spot the PMA!) before delivery, so I sold it on ebay, and I've just posted it, quite excited by it all!! A tenner to put towards the new door handle anyway!
:hugs::hugs: to you hun. It can't be nice to feel that you can't go out as you don't have the money. I can't go out as I have promised my OH and both sets of parents that I wont drive until after the baby is here as, they were all worried incase I went into labour whilst I was driving. I know its not quite the same but, it is very frustrating when you have been used to just getting in the car as and when you need to and, now I have to reliy on other people which, I hate. Again :hugs::hugs: and more :hugs: for you hun.

If I had money i'd start going out, when H come's i'm hoping to go out more, I'll have the CTC put into my bank I know it wont be alot but will be better then £0.00, think i'm going to have ANOTHER word with Mike and ask him to put so much a month into my bank but only place's I have to go atm is my Mils who's away in france until sunday, and my parents and there like a 2min's walk away, so no point getting car out.
danielle bless you hunny the house was in my name but is in both of ours it was so easy to kick hubby out before lol ......anyway hubby gives me his wages and i don't ask for a thing he has to ask me only because he went to mcdonalds 39 times in one months for coffee and meals etc and yeah only spent a couple of pounds at a time but when i tally'd it all up it was around 50 pound i pointed out i don't spend 50 on shit and that was hes car insurance money spent it realised he was taking the mick .....my hubby hands his money to me on the grounds he lives in my house and if he fucked off i wouldn't have to pay rent and c.tax i point out his wages covers rent c.tax his car insurance his creditcard etc and i have to put money to his bills as i have no debts and if he dosen't want to hand it all over he can always find somewhere cheaper to live if he can so knows he couldn't manage i do let him go fishing and throw him a crate now and again to keep him happy but thats about all he gets lol

i remember once him telling me if we split up he'd give me 15 pound for each child weekly i'm like sound thats 3 kids 4 weeks 180 a month oh yes that will do his face was a picture ....he's like what 180 thats to much for you for the kids next time we had an agruement and we split up i went online and we had balance of 1600 plus i cleared the lot and left him 15 pound in there as i knew he'd be heading to cash point he phoned and was like wheres the money i said i'll pay you 15 pound a week you thought that was 2 much for your kids you live off it lol he did laugh tho as it was only a stupid arguement but at least he got the point lol .......................I BET YOU LADIES THINK I'M SUCH A HARD FACED COW don't you :blush:
Oh My lord!!!! I found a back up plan to have Riley if I go into Labour and NOW she has gone home from work sick with D&V arrrrrrrgh!!!
I am stressing, lol. Theres a couple of other Mummies in the barracks that I could ask in an emergency, but Dont know how riley would feel being lumped on someone he hardly knows! lol! poor little man!
I have a house full of the smells of Baked vanilla Cheesecake and CANNOT WAIT to try some after dinner! YUUUUUMMMMY

feel like I have been hit by a bus again today lol, just ABSOLUTELY shattered! gunna try and stay awake tho as I slept so well last night I wanna do the same again!

Lucy hope the sweep does something for you hun! you never know! I have heard a lot of ladies who were not dialated at all, who went into labour after an attempted sweep x x
danielle bless you hunny the house was in my name but is in both of ours it was so easy to kick hubby out before lol ......anyway hubby gives me his wages and i don't ask for a thing he has to ask me only because he went to mcdonalds 39 times in one months for coffee and meals etc and yeah only spent a couple of pounds at a time but when i tally'd it all up it was around 50 pound i pointed out i don't spend 50 on shit and that was hes car insurance money spent it realised he was taking the mick .....my hubby hands his money to me on the grounds he lives in my house and if he fucked off i wouldn't have to pay rent and c.tax i point out his wages covers rent c.tax his car insurance his creditcard etc and i have to put money to his bills as i have no debts and if he dosen't want to hand it all over he can always find somewhere cheaper to live if he can so knows he couldn't manage i do let him go fishing and throw him a crate now and again to keep him happy but thats about all he gets lol

i remember once him telling me if we split up he'd give me 15 pound for each child weekly i'm like sound thats 3 kids 4 weeks 180 a month oh yes that will do his face was a picture ....he's like what 180 thats to much for you for the kids next time we had an agruement and we split up i went online and we had balance of 1600 plus i cleared the lot and left him 15 pound in there as i knew he'd be heading to cash point he phoned and was like wheres the money i said i'll pay you 15 pound a week you thought that was 2 much for your kids you live off it lol he did laugh tho as it was only a stupid arguement but at least he got the point lol .......................I BET YOU LADIES THINK I'M SUCH A HARD FACED COW don't you :blush:

The house and car is in my name. Well house is in mine and my parents, and he know's if I wanted to kick him out he'd be out! My dad would help me out money wise.
He know's all he has to do here is pay bill's and i'll cook and clean.
Infact in a way I have control over his life if I wanted to be a bitch! I could kick him out and he'd have to move back with his parents and then he wouldn't get legal aid, or I could find a decent job and he wouldn't get it either. So i'm suffering for him..yet he'd never accept that.
I'm going to make him give me some money every month.
When henry come's I can't just sit in the house alday every day with him, it's not fair on him.

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