****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

:happydance: for full term and for meeting your baba

i do recall an eviction notice being sent out to my baba and it lapsed so i'm taking baba to court i'll have papers drawn up later on today lol well i've got untill the 12th to have baba then i'm on strike again as the is no way i'm pushing on fri 13th and on his mothers birthday because anyone that knows me knows i can't stand her either and i'm not an nasty person but i do wish that woman dead .....mind you piss heads last forever so no hope there

:rofl: :rofl: My exact feeling for my MIL!!! :rofl: :rofl:

I was hoping H wouldn't come early so he didn't come on MIL's bday! Not that I don't like her, just because I didn't want him to share his bday with her! Plus we have passed my partner's daughter's birthday now, so H is allowed to come when ever he is ready :D
Maybe not Monday tho, got court :/
Ugh...we would never hear the end of it if our baby's births landed on our MIL's birthdays. Seriously, I think I would have to CHANGE my baby's birthday if that happened. Luckily for me, there is not a chance...the bitch was born in March! :rofl:
mumma big :hugs: sounds like the baby blues have hit, and it wont help that u feel like ur not getting the support u need from olly. Men can be sooo insensitive at times. I thought it was quite touching to read ur post, and then at the bottom, there was the pics of your 3 beautiful children. No matter what happens, you have them, and they really are a credit to you xxxxx :hug:

Tina CONGRATULATIONS on being full term, thats great after the past few weeks we didnt know if you would get this far lol...and now you get to meet your little girl tomorrow!! Im so excited for you xxxx

There seem to be quite a few ladies having great signs, losing plugs, cramps etc...good luck to you all and hope babies come sooooon :D

AFM I had a really hormonal evening yesterday, my little boy was back to his little bugger self (god love him haha). Hubby was really late home from work, and then when I went to ring him to find out when he was going to be home, I realised my phone had no signal. Then my internet went down, tried the landline and that had no dial tone either...If I had gone into labour I wouldnt have been able to ring anyone!! Hubby came come soon after, and I didnt go into labour but it made me really panicky about the 'what if'...I was really emotional and spent most of the evening in tears lol!

On a positive note, I have been getting cramping on and off since last night, still nothing regular or long lasting but definitely something. Got MW this afternoon so will see what shes got to say. :)
Just a quick reminder that I am not posting my section on my FB...for those who are on there, please don't say anything. I am doing this for two reasons
1) my step mother in law is on there and I don't want her to tell my MIL and SIL...whom I cannot stand.
2) if they are busy Saturday and they cannot fit my section in, I don't want to have to explain to everyone, again, why I am home with baby in tummy!
The cramping sounds promising Tasha!

Congrats Jasmak, keep us posted tomorrow! Good luck :hugs:

Mumma you have a family! Flutter is right it's not your fault your ex is a douche and it sounds like you are much better off looking after yourself than playing pretend and getting the "from the outside" life. Big :hugs: Also, Flutter is right about smacking Olly in his face for the weight comment.... and you are by no stretch of the imagination over weight. :kiss:

Kelly9, got all my bits crossed that baby makes a move on Saturday for you.

Melissa, you are due today, right? Congrats!

Lucy & Nik, you are so lucky living close together! It will be nice when the bubs come to get together for play dates.

I tried to remember everyone, sorry if I left someone out! :hugs:

AFM: Had my dr's appointment yesterday, everything is still well. I had to ask about GBS because he said I had it and then gave me a paper saying I was negative....then he went on vaca for 2 weeks and I had no idea. He fixed the paper, I do have GBS so I will need antibiotics but that isn't the end of the world, was just hoping I wouldn't need to have any needles or IV or anything. :shrug: He also checked and my cervix is completely thinned and starting to dilate! :happydance: And bubs is engaged, doc poked him in the head! :haha: He said he thinks I will go next week, kinda wish he hadn't though because now I may be disappointed if I don't, iykwim.

So DH and I continued our eviction strategy and I woke up this morning with the worst back pain and more cramping. Gonna have to try to take a nap in a bit!

lilfooshfoosh: YES I am due today!!! :D Can't believe it...nothing happening though...nothing exciting has been happening to me at all...no lost plugs, no cramps (other than BH), nothing!!! I'm crossing my fingers for spontanious labour...had sex last night so hopefully that got things going ;) Everything sounds very promising for you though!!!!

Mumma & HWM: You need some BIG :hugs:

Tasha: Good luck with the cramping!! Hope something happens for you :)

JASMAK: YAY tomorrow!!! SOoooo exciting :D

Tiffany: You know I'm rooting for you!! Will keep an eye on your journal for updates!!!

Okay baby, let's make mommy proud and come out on your due date!!!!! like NOW!!! :haha:
been to the midwife, babys head is very low down but not engaged, but she says it might not happen til Im actually in labour with it being my second pregnancy. My bp was a bit high, she did it 3 times and the last one had come down a bit so she was happy with that. She now doesnt want to see me for another 2 weeks...so its just a waiting game now!

I wish she had offered to do an internal to see if anything was progressing but I felt funny asking as I dont think its common practice to do anything before 40 weeks. Who would have thought I would have wanted someone to be looking and poking around up there :rofl: pregnancy makes us do wierd things!!

My pushchair arrived today :) really pleased with it...so baba is more than welcome to come now we have everything ready for her - EVICTION NOTICE SERVED!!!
:happydance::happydance: i breastfed in public for the first time today and i didnt flash boobs at anyone :happydance::happydance:
Carolyn...I am sooooo looking forward to BFing...but, since it has been five years since I have had a baby...I will be learning some of it over again...like the not flashing people while doing it! LOL! One time (I think this was with my son) I accidently sprayed some guy as he walked past. He happened to come at just the right (or I guess wrong) time as my son let go...and there was massive sprayage! :rofl: The guy never noticed, but I saw it hit him in the leg!
Kelly, yay for plug (and orgasm, not jealous at all :blush:) We have no coffee table for laptop, or any table in our living room :(

Well, after my plans to get down and jiggy with DH, he actually suggested sleeping in our room rather than sofa bed (extreme snoring issues!) so I thought happy days, but nothing doing, he wasn't interested. And it was nice to be back in bed together, but I had such a crap sleep. Took ages to drop off, then Charlotte woke me at just gone midnight. Loo trip at 4.50am, eventually dropped off at 5.45, Charlotte woke me again at 6.05 and that was me awake :( and it wasn't DH snoring that was the issue, just used to having the room/bed/quilt to myself and being able to put on my relaxation CD if I can't get back to sleep. So I'm in a right pisser of a mood today. And i have no car today, and can't figure out the bloody bus times, it just says Holywood this time, Belfast this time, without telling you what route it is taking in between... and we're meant to be going to the playpark, but it's raining, and sorry now I'm just being a mopey moaning minny this morning :(

Booo for being in a bad mood hun, I hate trying to figure out the bus times too! They never seem to come when they're supposed to anyways x

Mumma :hugs: :hugs:

Lucy :hugs: :hugs:

AFM just before I went to bed last night I started getting some really sharp pains that felt diff to anything I've had before so I knew they must be contractions. Didnt say anything to DH till I was lay down in bed and then it was like oooow cos they were getting stronger and about 10/12mins apart. I told him to get some sleep and if they got closer id wake him which he did. I lay there for 2hrs having them that regular then they just stopped and died back down to the dull ache. I am so frustrated and tired this morning :nope: :cry: I know its all good and means my body's preparing but Im really getting to the end of it now. I just want my baby. Sorry for moaning girls I know we are all in the same boat here and I hate whinging about something I cant control but you all understand where Im coming from and I can let it all out here.

In other news litle one has gone to chester zoo today with her friend so DH and I have the day to ourselves so going to buy me some nursing bras then go for a meal together as it could be our last one together for a while :)

Oh hun, frustrating as heck! I had some pains in the night that didnt amount to anything! Heres hoping ur gearing up for the big event asap x x

thanks moggy, I think the waiting is just getting to me more today. Off to meet another pregnant mummy in an hour, dad come through on the car front (again, I hate having to ask)... we're going to a small soft play, where C is normally capable of entertaining herself (no huge playframes that she wants me to go with her!)
Nik, I'd be up for a wee coffee this afternoon if you're around?
Hayzeb, that make more sense regarding the shoulder dystocia... (how easy it was for me to make assumptions, sorry) here's hoping things work out this time, but if not I guess you know it's for the best :)

BIG sorry AGAIN, on the coffee front! I am so crap! didnt even see this till now! I have been to Bangor to the last days of the Asda Baby event! not overly impressed either! not much left now! Which soft play did you go to? Riley isnt keen on the bigger ones, hes a bit anti social and doesnt like when they're too busy! lol.

This is a 2am habit I think (2am here again). But, wanted to say this:

I am FULL TERM!!!!!!!!!!!!!


WOOPWOOP! and SOOOO exciting that you'll be meeting ur little one tomorrow! :kiss:

:happydance::happydance: i breastfed in public for the first time today and i didnt flash boobs at anyone :happydance::happydance:

Check you out! well done hun! I hope to be able to manage this too!

AFM, WELL.............
I had QUITE the night last night! I had a GLOB of bogie looking GUNK on my first pee trip about 2am (ish) so thought not much of it, after all the gubbins that have been coming out of me the last few weeks lol! BUT then was woken up at around an hour or so later, with a searing pain that was starting on the edges of my bump and radiating into the middle and there was DEFFO some tightening going on in the bump too!!!!!!!!! I tried to move and the pain was so strong I actually couldnt get up, or even turn in bed!

After about a minute it eased slightly, and I managed to get up, But I was still in pain! I walked around(without waking Mat) and after a few mins I had another one! At this point I was quite excited! :wacko:
I went to the loo and there was a bit more gunk! SO started to actually contemplate that it MAY have been a contraction! I stayed up and walking around for about another half hour, and had one more definate one, and then two piddly little pathetic ones that were more like slightly sore BH's..

THEN............................. NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cry:

I woke this morning at around 6am feeling a bit sore and achey accross my bump but nothing more! Knowing me it was probabl,y bloody trapped wind lol! But it really did feel SO like contractions! I dont know tho.

While walking round today I have been getting BH's like crazy! but not really pains so to speak! So think its all gone off again now! grrrrrr!

Went to Our mums and Tots group this AM, and then had a walk around the Barracks with hubby and My little man! Followed by a drive out to Asda to see what we could nab in the remainder of the baby event!
It seems every other asda has reduced prices even more, EXCEPT this one haha! TYPICAL! Although we got 12 packs of Pampers sensitive wipes for £9 and then two thermal insulated Bottle carriers for a Fiver! so not all a total loss! Ooooo and some Asda Nappy cream for a quid too lol! Oh the excitement! heehee!

Nice wander up and down the hill in Bangor high street followed by me nodding off in the car while mat drove home lol!

Not sure what to make of last night! just hoping its something hinting towards the end now! :wacko:

hugs to all
Nikki x x
AFM, WELL.............
I had QUITE the night last night! I had a GLOB of bogie looking GUNK on my first pee trip about 2am (ish) so thought not much of it, after all the gubbins that have been coming out of me the last few weeks lol! BUT then was woken up at around an hour or so later, with a searing pain that was starting on the edges of my bump and radiating into the middle and there was DEFFO some tightening going on in the bump too!!!!!!!!! I tried to move and the pain was so strong I actually couldnt get up, or even turn in bed!

After about a minute it eased slightly, and I managed to get up, But I was still in pain! I walked around(without waking Mat) and after a few mins I had another one! At this point I was quite excited! :wacko:
I went to the loo and there was a bit more gunk! SO started to actually contemplate that it MAY have been a contraction! I stayed up and walking around for about another half hour, and had one more definate one, and then two piddly little pathetic ones that were more like slightly sore BH's..

THEN............................. NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cry:

I woke this morning at around 6am feeling a bit sore and achey accross my bump but nothing more! Knowing me it was probabl,y bloody trapped wind lol! But it really did feel SO like contractions! I dont know tho.

While walking round today I have been getting BH's like crazy! but not really pains so to speak! So think its all gone off again now! grrrrrr!

Went to Our mums and Tots group this AM, and then had a walk around the Barracks with hubby and My little man! Followed by a drive out to Asda to see what we could nab in the remainder of the baby event!
It seems every other asda has reduced prices even more, EXCEPT this one haha! TYPICAL! Although we got 12 packs of Pampers sensitive wipes for £9 and then two thermal insulated Bottle carriers for a Fiver! so not all a total loss! Ooooo and some Asda Nappy cream for a quid too lol! Oh the excitement! heehee!

Nice wander up and down the hill in Bangor high street followed by me nodding off in the car while mat drove home lol!

Not sure what to make of last night! just hoping its something hinting towards the end now! :wacko:

hugs to all
Nikki x x

Awww...what a tease! But, this means that there is some change to your cervix or there wouldn't be anything coming out at all. The fact that these contractions are changing your cervix is a GREAT sign. I wonder how far you are now?! I bet you will be holding your baby this weekend!:hugs:
I am 39 weeks tomorrow hun! Was a bit of a tease, but I am being positive that it MUST be a good nudge in the right direction! x x
breastfeeding in public im such a subtle breast feeder.... i jst got back from my friends, shes BFn her bubba too n she says she doesnt know how i manage to do it so discreetly..... she feel like she has to wack em out lol every time..... i dunno eh spose i just know where my nipples are haha xx
Carolyn...I am sooooo looking forward to BFing...but, since it has been five years since I have had a baby...I will be learning some of it over again...like the not flashing people while doing it! LOL! One time (I think this was with my son) I accidently sprayed some guy as he walked past. He happened to come at just the right (or I guess wrong) time as my son let go...and there was massive sprayage! :rofl: The guy never noticed, but I saw it hit him in the leg!

:rofl: that's awesome!!!
morning ladies :)

wellllllllll.............. baby is just perfect x she only wakes once in the night for feeding.... around 4 am..... shes really good in the day and shes taken a dummy ((my other 2 didnt)) shes loving it !! lol how very useful !

i was abit down yesterday :( everyone keeps asking if ivehad the baby blues...... hmmmmm i dunno..... im fine with the kids.

just getting bit down bout me n olly :( went n registered the baby yesterday and had a few comments about none of the kids having my name and if i was to have another baby by someone else then itd make for quite a list when i go to collect them from nursery :( whatever...... i felt like crap too... gettin dressed wasnt fun at all!! jst felt fat n horrible plus olly the other day asked how old leahs baby is.... i said shes 16 days older than lola and he said 'wow she looks good, how comes shes gone down so quick? how longs it gunna take you?' urgh :( i wanted to cry...... i didnt even put on that much weight to be honest... after the birth i weighed myself and i was only 10lbs more than what i was pre baby...... and today im only 6lbs on top of what i was pre baby...... i kno i was overweight anyway but god, talk about pressure !!

theres really very little between me n him at the minute n its really upsetting. when we registered the baby the lady explained that in this day and age its best to register the baby in mums surname and change name at marriage. but of course it wouldnt matter so much as my other 2 dont share my surname, and even if lola had my surname she still wouldnt have the same name as them.

i had the same dream as every other girl...... to have a family... the right way... get married.... to love and be loved and have a role. now yes i love my babies, and they love me... and my role is as their mother. but ill never have that dream......

as hard as it was with my ex... harry n ellas dad. i had a family. a false sense of security..... but a family. from the outside we looked so happy. mum dad and babies living in a lovely home, little puppy skipping around..... roast on a sunday and trips here n there... flowers on a friday....... id get a day to myself on a saturday or hed take me somewhere..... i liked my life from the outside. i had everything i wanted. even a shiny engagement ring which id got on my 21st birthday it was perfect. just the one id had picked. i miss my life from the outside........

obviously from the inside it wasnt all that fun.... he was constantly cheating on me, and when i found out id get the brunt of it, he pin me to walls hold my head into pillows, threaten to take the kids off me, call the police and say id tried killing my kids.... he'd threaten to kill himself and of course itd be all my fault... thats only a little bit of it. and id look at him and see the man i fell in love with, and itd break my heart. my little family. everything i ever wanted was falling apart and noone knew but me.

and right now...... i have a lovely home.... 3 beautiful children..... but no family. i have a story. i have an explanation. what the hell is that about.

i dunno eh..... thats one dream ill never have. cant start over. he took it away from me. and i cant ever have that back.

ollys doesnt want me, if he does he has a funny way of showing it. so i spose i should just get used to be on my own.

sorry girls... jst feeling really shit :'(


Right you... listen up!!

1. you tell me where i find this registrar lady and behalf of all women with kids with diff names i will go and give her a piece of my mind!!

2. If olly doesnt want you... HIS LOSS!! majorly!! he must be mental if he lets you go!!

3. After my 2 kids if i look half as good as you do after having 3 i will count myself more than lucky!!!

CHIN UP HUN!! write your own fairytale!! :kiss:
Glad to make you all smile. I still get a laugh out of it myself, and it has been a long time. :rofl:

OK, I am having LOTS of braxton hicks...maybe even consistent but I haven't timed them. I am having one RIGHT NOW. What if I don't make it until tomorrow?!!! Anyways, I go to the hospital in less than an hour anyways, so if they are strong I will say something. NONE of my babies have made it to their sections, so this would just be sooo typical!!!
Jasmak you nutter!

Well girls 15 days on I have cracked up. I have been in tears all day.I feel shit,run down and just so pissed off.I have an infection in the womb and the fibroid is causing me to bleed very heavy.I now have stopped boob feeding which has devastated me but I am getting no rest,no let up and no support.I hope now i can get back on track but hey we'll see.

How are we all.Wow no babies for a while i see x

HWM How you doing babes x

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