****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

Lou, superfast, congrats! Nik exciting!
As for me, a very quick hello as i'm hoping to get my head down for a snooze, both girls overlapped in sleep...
Bridget Emma arrived at bang on 2pm Thursday, weighing in at a stonking 11lb 0.5oz!!!
And so proud of myself, not only went in to labour on my own, but managed with nothing but gas and air - didn't even have time for the water birth I'd hoped for!!
Will update full story later, must sleep now!

Woohoo! Congrats! Had been wondering about you.

Beautiful name and OMG - how big?!!! I'm seriously impressed. Hope you manage to get some rest.x

Just a quick hello, before the lo wakes up

My beautiful baby girl was born on 4th August, I had a really traumatic labour and we are both really lucky to be here. Sorry I didnt get to text you eoz or dainelle, I was in and of consciousness, for about 3 to 4 hours, and everything all went a bit wrong, but we are both here which is the main thing!

We called our gorgeous girl Kaiya Rose and she weighed 7lb 6oz

I love being a mummy its the best feeling in the world, even at 3am in the morning, I hope you are all doing well, I do try and come on here and catch up when I am doing the night feeds, but never have the energy to reply. lol

Congratulation's hun, glad you are both ok x
Well, a wee update on Lliena from about 2 hours ago, she was 2cm diated, waters had DEFFO gone, and they were waiting to start her on Syntocinon drip to speed things along!
Her little treasure should be here soon then! She's said she will let me know how its going later if she can, but might be once bubs is here!

AFM, I am unsure if I should say this outloud or not in case I am kidding myself again! BUT............ I have some very painfull back and lower bump spasms going on! They arent regular or anything but I feel like they are a different level of pain to anything I have felt before! So maybe a bit of dialating or effacing is going on!
I dont by any means think I am in labour lol, because I'm sure contractions would hurt more, lol. But I feel like things are heading the right way!

Just been for a lovely lunch with my gorgeous birthday boy Mr B!!! And we walked around Holywood high street for a bit! Thats when the pains started getting most sore, and coming in waves, so maybe I have wriggled little one right down or something!
at home now and about to consider a bounce on my ball before a wee snooze haha! Thats the life hey?

Hope we're all haveing a good day! the sun is shining here and its a beautiful day! Hope its the same wherever you all are too x x x x x x x x Nik x x x x x x x x x

Thansk for the update with Lliena! Glad she is finally going....poor thing has waited!

Hope this is it for you too!! Sounds really positive!!!

Lou, superfast, congrats! Nik exciting!
As for me, a very quick hello as i'm hoping to get my head down for a snooze, both girls overlapped in sleep...
Bridget Emma arrived at bang on 2pm Thursday, weighing in at a stonking 11lb 0.5oz!!!
And so proud of myself, not only went in to labour on my own, but managed with nothing but gas and air - didn't even have time for the water birth I'd hoped for!!
Will update full story later, must sleep now!

Congratulations!!! Gas and Air only...you're a champ!!!

Congrats to everyone who have had their babies :D
and good luck to all those very nearly there!

Having period type pains and lower back ache today and rather loose bowels so hopefully something is happening!


Sounds like a really good sign!


Just a quick hello, before the lo wakes up

My beautiful baby girl was born on 4th August, I had a really traumatic labour and we are both really lucky to be here. Sorry I didnt get to text you eoz or dainelle, I was in and of consciousness, for about 3 to 4 hours, and everything all went a bit wrong, but we are both here which is the main thing!

We called our gorgeous girl Kaiya Rose and she weighed 7lb 6oz

I love being a mummy its the best feeling in the world, even at 3am in the morning, I hope you are all doing well, I do try and come on here and catch up when I am doing the night feeds, but never have the energy to reply. lol

Sorry to hear it was traumatic. Glad you both are OK. Congratulations!

Hi Everyone!

I'm not on for long, just wanted to say a quick hello and tell you about what actually happened on Thursday.

After me sulking because everything seemed to have stopped, I noticed a back ache at 5.15pm and told Kev to notice the time. I thought that because I wasn't sure whether it was a contraction - then it musn't have been...cos you'd know right:shrug:?!

Well the dull ache kept coming back every 5 minutes, so about 6.30ish we rang labour ward who said when they're lasting for more 45 seconds to go in, to get a bath and some paracetmol. They started becoming more painful and when I got in the bath I wanted to push :wacko:.

Needless to say we went in and got there at 7.15pm and dealt with a ditzy midwife (they'd got to a point where I couldn't talk through them now). And I finally got into a delivery suite at 7.40pm checked and was 4-5cm dilated. Started the gas & air...got off the bed and wanted to push again - so climbed to back of bed at 7.50pm had about 10 more contractions and she was here at 8.03pm. I had a 2nd degree tear and spent more time being stitched back up!!!!

Shock...yes!! I feel as though the tasmanium(sp) devil came!!!

:cloud9: I cannot tell you how lucky I feel to have been blessed with a gorgeous little boy and an equally amazing gorgeous little girl - I spent the whole night crying about it!! :cloud9:

She smells gorgeous, looks gorgeous and I can't stop staring at her! I am so unbelievably happy and so lucky :kiss: I now have a little ELF (Emma Louise France) to go with my little monster and they are the most amazing things ever...and Kev's ok too!:cloud9:

We've just got home and I now need desperate beauty sleep :sleep:...I promise I will catch up later!

Wishing all you wonderful mummies to be to have a speedy labour:hugs:!!!

Lots of love & labour dust, Lou x


AFM: Off to get blood work done this morning. It is super hot here today (yesterday my car read the temp at 41C) so we are off to the beach or something to try and stay cool. Then I have a BBQ tonight. My last two days being pregnant!
Lou, superfast, congrats! Nik exciting!
As for me, a very quick hello as i'm hoping to get my head down for a snooze, both girls overlapped in sleep...
Bridget Emma arrived at bang on 2pm Thursday, weighing in at a stonking 11lb 0.5oz!!!
And so proud of myself, not only went in to labour on my own, but managed with nothing but gas and air - didn't even have time for the water birth I'd hoped for!!
Will update full story later, must sleep now!

Well done you! I found 10lb 2oz big enough for me! Cant wait to hear all about it. :happydance: for spontaneous labour!

Just a quick hello, before the lo wakes up

My beautiful baby girl was born on 4th August, I had a really traumatic labour and we are both really lucky to be here. Sorry I didnt get to text you eoz or dainelle, I was in and of consciousness, for about 3 to 4 hours, and everything all went a bit wrong, but we are both here which is the main thing!

We called our gorgeous girl Kaiya Rose and she weighed 7lb 6oz

I love being a mummy its the best feeling in the world, even at 3am in the morning, I hope you are all doing well, I do try and come on here and catch up when I am doing the night feeds, but never have the energy to reply. lol

don't bloody apologise.So glad you both are ok xxxx
Congrats xxx
Hi all!
New update from Lliena!!! Her contractions took a while to get going, but now she says they're coming faster and she is enjoying the good old gas and air!!!!! Hopefully wont be TOO much longer now!

As for me, Had some pretty impressive pains for about an hour and a half that were coming between every 4-6 mins! Actually started to let myself think it might be starting! then they seem to have faded again, had a bubble bath and a few mins snooze on the bed! Just gotta wait and see now! but doesnt seem like amything is going on now!
OMG Hollywoodmum 11lb you rule!!

and Lollipop we're gonna call our LO Kaiya Rose too (if yellow turns out to be Pink) You're the first person i've seen use the name Kaiya let alone have the same middle name!! How strange!!

Congrats to the August mums so far and Labour dust to the ones still waiting x x x
Mercy your body is trying to do something.hope it starts properly xx

HWM :shock: congratulations hun xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mercy your body is trying to do something.hope it starts properly xx

HWM :shock: congratulations hun xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Me too, but only after I get to let you know that Lliena has had her baby lol!
I was SO convinced that things were starting just before! Oh well. :shrug:
I had a cream cake with Toffee frosting on so the worlds a better place again lol!
to everyone with there baba's well done :cloud9::hugs: whoop whoop lliena glad things are moving for you

i'm so enjoying my little man right now and have took to breast feeding a charm well he has .... he's sleeping now but was awake last night for a while so padded his pad out to make him all snuggled any how good luck for all the ladies still waiting :hugs:
Lliena just sent a txt and she is dialated to 4cm!!! and progressing along slowly! Told her everyone is thinking of her!
I have just had a bit of an emotional meltdown lol! I have got a grip a bit now, but I feel really stupid that I had started to think the pains I was having earlier were going somewhere!
There was definate tightening and contracting going on, cos Hubby was telling me when they were coming from feeling my bump even before I told him the pain had started!

I know it prob means my body is gearing up but I feel silly for letting myself get excited over them! still getting the odd one here and there but certainly nothing to write home about!

Sorry for rambling, just needed to vent a little! I feel awful moaning and blubbing on hubby cos its his birthday and hes had my tears to put up with this evening! Hes being a total super star tho!! Bless him x x

Will go pull myself together now I think, and hopefully be more positive in a wee while!

hugs all x x x x
Nikki :hugs: It wont be long now hon, just think of it like he is in school doing extra credit lessons rather than you being in detention for misbehaving and that means you are gonna have a little person who slots in beautifully with Riley straight away! Think of the cuddles with Riley and Baby B -magical!

Mogster and Moglet had their first bath together this evening :cloud9: moment!
I have just had a bit of an emotional meltdown lol! I have got a grip a bit now, but I feel really stupid that I had started to think the pains I was having earlier were going somewhere!
There was definate tightening and contracting going on, cos Hubby was telling me when they were coming from feeling my bump even before I told him the pain had started!

I know it prob means my body is gearing up but I feel silly for letting myself get excited over them! still getting the odd one here and there but certainly nothing to write home about!

Sorry for rambling, just needed to vent a little! I feel awful moaning and blubbing on hubby cos its his birthday and hes had my tears to put up with this evening! Hes being a total super star tho!! Bless him x x

Will go pull myself together now I think, and hopefully be more positive in a wee while!

hugs all x x x x

Oh hon...that is exactly how I felt the other day when I went to the hospital with "false labour" (don't you HATE that term)? There is nothing false about it when you can feel it, and it hurts and you know they are real!!! :hugs: Just know that each contraction is doing SOMETHING, whether effacing your cervix or softening, or even dilating a bit. So hang in there!!!


So, I came back from hospital to get blood done. First of all, we are in a major heat wave right now. It is too fk'n hot for a preggy lady to be walking around trying to get a parking ticket and walking through a huge parking lot!!! I am sitting at home in front of the fan right now, eating a Mr Freeze and trying to cool off. It is noon and it is already mid-30's, expected to get hotter.

OK, so I get to hospital and they have my section as the 24th still. No one knows what the hell I am talking about. I feel like running and crying. Just then the unit clerk comes back from break and she knows it has been changed. But, they didn't know I was diabetic so they are not sure what time as they had it for 11am, but now it might change to 8am, but they don't know, and they don't know how much insulin, if any, to take that morning!!!

Then I get downstairs to the lab, and they are trying to tell me that my section is the 24th too, and that they won't do blood work. I tell the lady that they called me and that it was changed to the 16th. This is what she says to me (in the snottiest voice):

"So, what you are saying is, you THINK they said the 16th."

So, then she goes and talks to someone and comes back and informs me my section is now the 16th, as if we didn't just have the conversation. But, then tells me that the blood work can't be done because it is the 14th and they need to have done in less than 4 days. So, I repeat that a couple times to her...you need at least four days, and today is the 14th and the section is on the 16th. Then one of her co-workers has to spell it out to this chick that 16-14=2 days!!! FFS! I can't believe these people work in a hospital!!!

So, I get the blood work done, but they didn't send a hospital bracelet so the blood lady makes one up for me, but then the maternity ward lady comes down with one, and gives it to me. The lady tries to tell me to throw the maternity one away (you need to keep the bracelet or the blood work has to be done again). I said, "I will keep both, I have had too many screw ups!"

Seriously, I am going to file a complaint after this is all done. This hospital was never this bad before, that I recall, but there has been so many FK'ups and I actually feel like I get a panic attack when I get in there. Pathetic!!! I just hope that all goes well for baby's birthday. I can't help but be normally scared, but then worried because so many things have gone wrong too. Talk about stress!!!!
Thankyou guys x I just feel stupid, like I was reading too much into the signs! but you're both right! Hubby is such a star, hes made me a nice cuppa and got some choccie cookies for me! Bless him! I feel like I should be spoiling him not the other way around!
I know that things are moving in the right direction tho! so need to be more positive! I think a Good old cry did the trick and Hopefully I can go back to being positive again!

Moggy, that must have been SO adorable at Bathtime x x Too cute x x

And Jasmak, I dont know How you havent strangled someone yet!!!!!! I think all the little Fk ups are out the way now tho! and you can focus on Monday and meeting your little bundle! Its almost time for your cuddles!!!!!!
Not mine thats for sure lol!

Lliena's Baby Arrived at 10.16pm tonight! Her little Lady weighed 7lb 2oz
I will leave her to announce little ones name! i think its been a long day for her, but finally her little lady is here!!! WoopWoop!!! Congratulations lliena! x x
Congratulations lliena :yipee: A lovely little lady, look forward to hearing the name and story, so glad she is finally here.

Nikki :flower: Think of how clever baby B will be with the extra credit! Moglet slept through last night with just a feed at 9.30 pm then 1.30 and 4.45 and he is still asleep now. Shame Mogster gets us up at 7am latest but he is having Daddy time as he told me mummy want to play cars with daddy! Hope Baby B is here soon to give you a bog cuddle :hugs:

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