****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

Congratulations to Lliena!!! 1:30am here, and I am up with the poops. Fun.

Must be nerves for your big day tomorrow, huh? Good luck, I'm soooo jealous! But I know you've been through the ringer, you deserve to see your LO! I wish you the best of luck, let us know how you do? I need to get advice on what to expect, I'm having my first c-section in 2 weeks, and I couldn't be more scared.

Anyways, wishing you the best of luck tomorrow!

Thanks, yes, I def have nerves. Hubby and I were just talking about this last night. The other two babies I had were emergency sections and there was no time to feel the nerves until right in the moment. This time, I have lots of time to fret and go through all the scernarios.

I will update you all, but will be in hospital for SEVERAL days. There is several of you on my FB (who I am going to get OH to update) and if one of you could update here, that would be great.

Hi ya Jas hun :wave: I have not had time to catch up with the news, have you got a section date yet?

Hi hon! Yes, it's tomorrow now.

LLIENA CONGRATULATIONS :happydance: thats great news xxxx

Mercy, I think you shoul dbe next hon, its only fair :hugs: xx

Tina I dont blame you for putting a complaint in! The way you have been treated is ridiculous and they need to know about it to prevent all the cock ups happening to even more women. At least you know you are meeting your little one tomorrow! I am exited for you! xx

Moggy, I cant wait to give my 2 LO's a bath together...will be lovely :D I love your new picture :)

AFM Have been having the odd pain here and there...keep hoping it will turn into something but nothing yet. :growlmad: Have been awake since 5, not fair when I could have had a big lie in this morning !! Ill end up in bed at 8pm at this rate coz ill be knackered...got the in laws down today too so that will be fun...NOT!!

Oh geez, the inlaws?! Not jealous of you there!!! Can't stand my MIL at all. Hope yours goes better than mine would. :hugs:

Just a quick note to say I gave birth to my daughter Kimberly on Mon 09/08/2010 @13:04 after a 12hr labour!!! She weighed 7lb15.5oz. This is the first chance I have had to come on B&B due to crazy loads of visitors and trying to sleep inbetween breast feeds and changing nappies!!! Will do a birth story as soon as i can.

Huge con grats`to all that have also had the babies and all the best for those still to give birth!!!


Just a quick note to say I gave birth to my daughter Kimberly on Mon 09/08/2010 @13:04 after a 12hr labour!!! She weighed 7lb15.5oz. This is the first chance I have had to come on B&B due to crazy loads of visitors and trying to sleep inbetween breast feeds and changing nappies!!! Will do a birth story as soon as i can.

Huge con grats`to all that have also had the babies and all the best for those still to give birth!!!

Congratulation's x

I have nothing interesting to say baby wise...me and mike DTD last night, and all aches and pain's went away!

Today I am going to be busy!! My cat's have a habit of getting flea's (don't know how as they are house cat's!), so totly de fleaing the house :/
Cat's are shut in conservatory after being flead(I completly sprayed in there the yesterday with flea stuff, and will wash all the sofa cover's and spray and hoover the furniture again later on 2day), so washing all the sofa cover's in living room and spraying the house from top to bottem with flea stuff, and putting that flea vacum stuff down...hopefully this will help with majority of the problem, andfleaing them every 2week's will eliminate the flea's completly!!! I hope :( I wish I knew how they keep getting them tho....I will rest after this problem is sorted :D
All while Mike lay's our hallway carpet!!
He's never layed a carpet before, so i'm thinking maybe it will be a good thing we only got a cheap one :) He's already messed up by not listening to me :)

I used to get my cats a shot (needle) with flea medicine. Got rid of them fastter than anything else. I hate fleas...what a pain.

Hi, just wanted to say i had my beautiful boy Rory Thursday lunchtime, 2 weeks early and weighs 6lbs 10ozs. 10 hours start to finish totally natural....am on cloud 9!!!


Hi, just wanted to say i had my beautiful boy Rory Thursday lunchtime, 2 weeks early and weighs 6lbs 10ozs. 10 hours start to finish totally natural....am on cloud 9!!!

Congratulation's hope your both well!

Im being such an emotional cow today :( All i want Mike to do is cut the lawn's! But will he do them...no...apparently he doesn't see why he should work all week then have to work at home at the weekend...he's fed up of doing everything....

OMG...do we have the same OH??? Yeah, I hear ya...LOUD AND CLEAR. Our lawn needs cutting too...and I want it done BEFORE this baby is born, so we are talking hours now. Men!!!:growlmad:

Yeah im seriously considering that needle for them. There due their booster's this month, so i'll ask vet's about it when I take them for that.
I'v done the house from top to bottem today, going to spray everything with flea spray every week or 2 from now and zap the cat's with flea stuff, just to make sure i'v got them all...I know they'll be a few pesky egg's about still!!

I'v just told him I want them cut before H come's along, and he said he's got until the 31st for that, he'll be in shock if I go into labour this next week wont he!!
I'll have to ask my mum to come do them me :/

Gawd...the 31st!! He DOES sound like my OH.
quick hello from me ladies still in hospital but hoping to go home tomorrrow! Thanks to mercy for updating for me! My little girl is called avalon grace :-D full birth story soon x x x
quick hello from me ladies still in hospital but hoping to go home tomorrrow! Thanks to mercy for updating for me! My little girl is called avalon grace :-D full birth story soon x x x

beautiful name darling.congrats xxxx

tina i'll update the girls for you xxxxxxxxxxx
quick hello from me ladies still in hospital but hoping to go home tomorrrow! Thanks to mercy for updating for me! My little girl is called avalon grace :-D full birth story soon x x x

awww...sweet name! Congrats again!

quick hello from me ladies still in hospital but hoping to go home tomorrrow! Thanks to mercy for updating for me! My little girl is called avalon grace :-D full birth story soon x x x

beautiful name darling.congrats xxxx

tina i'll update the girls for you xxxxxxxxxxx

Sounds good! I will tell hubby to update my FB and then you can update the girls. He will be staying with me the first night, so I will tell him to update as soon as he pops home!
Hi everyone, congrats to all the new mummies and hope those still waiting have theirs soon and nice simple labours! I just wanted to announce the birth of our beautiful baby boy Zachary, born on his due date 14 August weighing 9lb 3oz. Horrendous labour but I'd do it ten times over as he's perfect and we're smitten! X x x
Hi everyone, congrats to all the new mummies and hope those still waiting have theirs soon and nice simple labours! I just wanted to announce the birth of our beautiful baby boy Zachary, born on his due date 14 August weighing 9lb 3oz. Horrendous labour but I'd do it ten times over as he's perfect and we're smitten! X x x

emma thats one special name for your special bubba girl !! i love it !!!!!!!

OMG OMG OMG, how exciting!! Doing a happy dance for you jas :happydance::happydance::happydance:. Good luck hun, I will be thinking of you and looking out for updates xxxx
Hi all, Havent caught up on the past pages yet but will do in a mo!!

I am still here, and havent felt ANY hint today that bubs will be making an appearence any time soon lol!
I cant believe how convincing those contractions were yesterday! Hopefully they were at least effacing or dialating!!!
I have My sweep booked for 1.30 tomorrow afternoon so Hopefully once she has a oggle at what going on in there it might shed some light and giv some hope lol!

We've had a nice day. took the dog for a walk, and then played Football (not me i sat eating an ice lollie) with My little man on the sports field, then we had a wander to the shops and to the park! Its been lovely getting out in the sunshine in NI for a change!

THEN, just before going home my friend invited us round so Riley could play with her little girl in their paddling pool! So all in all a fab day AND my little man is shattered and snoozing away now!
After a couple of days of feeling sorry for myself I think its what I needed, plus I have gotten some motivation back for a bit of nesting this evening! I have a list of things I need to get done so hopefully that'll keep me out of mischief haha!

Hope everyone is well x
Will go and catch up on posts now!
Nikki x x
Hi Everyone!

I'm not on for long, just wanted to say a quick hello and tell you about what actually happened on Thursday.

After me sulking because everything seemed to have stopped, I noticed a back ache at 5.15pm and told Kev to notice the time. I thought that because I wasn't sure whether it was a contraction - then it musn't have been...cos you'd know right:shrug:?!

Well the dull ache kept coming back every 5 minutes, so about 6.30ish we rang labour ward who said when they're lasting for more 45 seconds to go in, to get a bath and some paracetmol. They started becoming more painful and when I got in the bath I wanted to push :wacko:.

Needless to say we went in and got there at 7.15pm and dealt with a ditzy midwife (they'd got to a point where I couldn't talk through them now). And I finally got into a delivery suite at 7.40pm checked and was 4-5cm dilated. Started the gas & air...got off the bed and wanted to push again - so climbed to back of bed at 7.50pm had about 10 more contractions and she was here at 8.03pm. I had a 2nd degree tear and spent more time being stitched back up!!!!

Shock...yes!! I feel as though the tasmanium(sp) devil came!!!

:cloud9: I cannot tell you how lucky I feel to have been blessed with a gorgeous little boy and an equally amazing gorgeous little girl - I spent the whole night crying about it!! :cloud9:

She smells gorgeous, looks gorgeous and I can't stop staring at her! I am so unbelievably happy and so lucky :kiss: I now have a little ELF (Emma Louise France) to go with my little monster and they are the most amazing things ever...and Kev's ok too!:cloud9:

We've just got home and I now need desperate beauty sleep :sleep:...I promise I will catch up later!

Wishing all you wonderful mummies to be to have a speedy labour:hugs:!!!

Lots of love & labour dust, Lou x

Oh bless you hon, she sounds amazing. Congratulations once again.

Lou, superfast, congrats! Nik exciting!
As for me, a very quick hello as i'm hoping to get my head down for a snooze, both girls overlapped in sleep...
Bridget Emma arrived at bang on 2pm Thursday, weighing in at a stonking 11lb 0.5oz!!!
And so proud of myself, not only went in to labour on my own, but managed with nothing but gas and air - didn't even have time for the water birth I'd hoped for!!
Will update full story later, must sleep now!

Love your little lady's name. Congratulations Lucy xx


Just a quick hello, before the lo wakes up

My beautiful baby girl was born on 4th August, I had a really traumatic labour and we are both really lucky to be here. Sorry I didnt get to text you eoz or dainelle, I was in and of consciousness, for about 3 to 4 hours, and everything all went a bit wrong, but we are both here which is the main thing!

We called our gorgeous girl Kaiya Rose and she weighed 7lb 6oz

I love being a mummy its the best feeling in the world, even at 3am in the morning, I hope you are all doing well, I do try and come on here and catch up when I am doing the night feeds, but never have the energy to reply. lol

Oh wow hon you had a little pink bump, well done to you. Glad you're both ok x

Lou, superfast, congrats! Nik exciting!
As for me, a very quick hello as i'm hoping to get my head down for a snooze, both girls overlapped in sleep...
Bridget Emma arrived at bang on 2pm Thursday, weighing in at a stonking 11lb 0.5oz!!!
And so proud of myself, not only went in to labour on my own, but managed with nothing but gas and air - didn't even have time for the water birth I'd hoped for!!
Will update full story later, must sleep now!

Well done you! I found 10lb 2oz big enough for me! Cant wait to hear all about it. :happydance: for spontaneous labour!

Lovin' your profile pic Moggy

I have just had a bit of an emotional meltdown lol! I have got a grip a bit now, but I feel really stupid that I had started to think the pains I was having earlier were going somewhere!
There was definate tightening and contracting going on, cos Hubby was telling me when they were coming from feeling my bump even before I told him the pain had started!

I know it prob means my body is gearing up but I feel silly for letting myself get excited over them! still getting the odd one here and there but certainly nothing to write home about!

Sorry for rambling, just needed to vent a little! I feel awful moaning and blubbing on hubby cos its his birthday and hes had my tears to put up with this evening! Hes being a total super star tho!! Bless him x x

Will go pull myself together now I think, and hopefully be more positive in a wee while!

hugs all x x x x

Oh hon...that is exactly how I felt the other day when I went to the hospital with "false labour" (don't you HATE that term)? There is nothing false about it when you can feel it, and it hurts and you know they are real!!! :hugs: Just know that each contraction is doing SOMETHING, whether effacing your cervix or softening, or even dilating a bit. So hang in there!!!


So, I came back from hospital to get blood done. First of all, we are in a major heat wave right now. It is too fk'n hot for a preggy lady to be walking around trying to get a parking ticket and walking through a huge parking lot!!! I am sitting at home in front of the fan right now, eating a Mr Freeze and trying to cool off. It is noon and it is already mid-30's, expected to get hotter.

OK, so I get to hospital and they have my section as the 24th still. No one knows what the hell I am talking about. I feel like running and crying. Just then the unit clerk comes back from break and she knows it has been changed. But, they didn't know I was diabetic so they are not sure what time as they had it for 11am, but now it might change to 8am, but they don't know, and they don't know how much insulin, if any, to take that morning!!!

Then I get downstairs to the lab, and they are trying to tell me that my section is the 24th too, and that they won't do blood work. I tell the lady that they called me and that it was changed to the 16th. This is what she says to me (in the snottiest voice):

"So, what you are saying is, you THINK they said the 16th."

So, then she goes and talks to someone and comes back and informs me my section is now the 16th, as if we didn't just have the conversation. But, then tells me that the blood work can't be done because it is the 14th and they need to have done in less than 4 days. So, I repeat that a couple times to her...you need at least four days, and today is the 14th and the section is on the 16th. Then one of her co-workers has to spell it out to this chick that 16-14=2 days!!! FFS! I can't believe these people work in a hospital!!!

So, I get the blood work done, but they didn't send a hospital bracelet so the blood lady makes one up for me, but then the maternity ward lady comes down with one, and gives it to me. The lady tries to tell me to throw the maternity one away (you need to keep the bracelet or the blood work has to be done again). I said, "I will keep both, I have had too many screw ups!"

Seriously, I am going to file a complaint after this is all done. This hospital was never this bad before, that I recall, but there has been so many FK'ups and I actually feel like I get a panic attack when I get in there. Pathetic!!! I just hope that all goes well for baby's birthday. I can't help but be normally scared, but then worried because so many things have gone wrong too. Talk about stress!!!!

Oh hon sounds like you are having one hell of a time with the bloody hospital. Not long now! :hugs:

Not mine thats for sure lol!

Lliena's Baby Arrived at 10.16pm tonight! Her little Lady weighed 7lb 2oz
I will leave her to announce little ones name! i think its been a long day for her, but finally her little lady is here!!! WoopWoop!!! Congratulations lliena! x x

Excellent. Well done Emma, fab news xx

Just a quick note to say I gave birth to my daughter Kimberly on Mon 09/08/2010 @13:04 after a 12hr labour!!! She weighed 7lb15.5oz. This is the first chance I have had to come on B&B due to crazy loads of visitors and trying to sleep inbetween breast feeds and changing nappies!!! Will do a birth story as soon as i can.

Huge con grats`to all that have also had the babies and all the best for those still to give birth!!!

Congratulations :happydance:

flying in to say hello while Ailah naps :flower:

:happydance: congrats HWM and Lliena!!

Mercy - you hang in there girl, cant be long now!! I cant wait to see pics of your LO :D

Eoz & Philly - how you girls going?? Ive seen both your facebook statuses about lack of sleep and I am exactly the same!

Mumma - you still here hun? hows things?

:hugs::hugs: to everyone else :D

AFM - Things going brilliantly :cloud9: I cant imagine life without Ailah now, she has settled in and made my little family complete! She is feeding a lot and putting on weight nicely :D go booby juice!!
Abby being really sweet and helping me loads...she keeps giving ailah kisses and cuddles :cloud9:
FOB still coming most days and to my surprise hasnt really annoyed me or got in the way yet lol... He has coughed up some cash and has bought nappies and clothes for the girls so i cant really complain!!

Decided last night to weight myself.... :( why do i do these things to myself? anyway decided breastfeeding is the best time to look at what im eating and try to be a little more healthy! After all if i eat junk, ailah gets junk....right?
Went for a nice long walk this morning and am feeling really positive :D

Anyway, hopefully i will find a min to hop on here 2moro to hear about lots of new babies :D xxxxx

you sound like you are doing just great hon x

Hi, just wanted to say i had my beautiful boy Rory Thursday lunchtime, 2 weeks early and weighs 6lbs 10ozs. 10 hours start to finish totally natural....am on cloud 9!!!

Congratulations :happydance:

Hi, just wanted to say i had my beautiful boy Rory Thursday lunchtime, 2 weeks early and weighs 6lbs 10ozs. 10 hours start to finish totally natural....am on cloud 9!!!

Congratulations :happydance:

Congratulation's hope your both well!

Im being such an emotional cow today :( All i want Mike to do is cut the lawn's! But will he do them...no...apparently he doesn't see why he should work all week then have to work at home at the weekend...he's fed up of doing everything....

Oh hon, men!! @grr:


Hi everyone, congrats to all the new mummies and hope those still waiting have theirs soon and nice simple labours! I just wanted to announce the birth of our beautiful baby boy Zachary, born on his due date 14 August weighing 9lb 3oz. Horrendous labour but I'd do it ten times over as he's perfect and we're smitten! X x x

Congratulations :happydance:

AFM - Went out to my aunts party last night, leaving babies with MIL & FIL, party was ok but I was ready for home by 10pm!! Sad I know but I was tired more than anything.

Went round to BIL/SIL's this morning and left there lunch time with a load of clothes Jane found in the loft from when her boys were little so that was handy.

Picked up a new double buggy I won on ebay Mothercare Hoxton, really pleased with it. Then won a kitchen on there for E so Si went off to get that, she loves it.

E is about to have her milk and go to bed. Si has run me a bath and made me a :coffee: so I am off for a wallow and then dinner and a night snuggled on the sofa with my hubby it is.

We have been getting on so great and I feel like I have fallen in love with him all over again (grab a bucket!! lol!)

And Henry is sleeping as we speak. He is doing fab 5oz every 3-4 hours and anything from 4-6 hours through the night so can't complain.

Love to all xx
Congrats Shmoo, Lliena, Fluffy and Sparles23 on your bundles!

:hugs: Nik and good luck tomorrow Jasmak.

Glad to hear everyone who has had their bubs are doing well. :flower:

Still nothing from Melissa, huh? Hope everything is ok!

OMG OMG OMG, how exciting!! Doing a happy dance for you jas :happydance::happydance::happydance:. Good luck hun, I will be thinking of you and looking out for updates xxxx

Thanks...so nervous, but just busying myself cleaning etc. Hubby is taking the kids swimming...my last alone time for awhile??? LOL!

Hi all, Havent caught up on the past pages yet but will do in a mo!!

I am still here, and havent felt ANY hint today that bubs will be making an appearence any time soon lol!
I cant believe how convincing those contractions were yesterday! Hopefully they were at least effacing or dialating!!!
I have My sweep booked for 1.30 tomorrow afternoon so Hopefully once she has a oggle at what going on in there it might shed some light and giv some hope lol!

We've had a nice day. took the dog for a walk, and then played Football (not me i sat eating an ice lollie) with My little man on the sports field, then we had a wander to the shops and to the park! Its been lovely getting out in the sunshine in NI for a change!

THEN, just before going home my friend invited us round so Riley could play with her little girl in their paddling pool! So all in all a fab day AND my little man is shattered and snoozing away now!
After a couple of days of feeling sorry for myself I think its what I needed, plus I have gotten some motivation back for a bit of nesting this evening! I have a list of things I need to get done so hopefully that'll keep me out of mischief haha!

Hope everyone is well x
Will go and catch up on posts now!
Nikki x x

Wow, I am amazed at how active you still are. I am finding it so hard to do anything, of course the intense heat wave here isn't helping. Good for you! Activity is a good thing to start labour!!! Good luck on your sweep tomorrow. I wouldn't be surprised at all if you are a good 2-3cm dilated or more!!!

Hi Everyone!

I'm not on for long, just wanted to say a quick hello and tell you about what actually happened on Thursday.

After me sulking because everything seemed to have stopped, I noticed a back ache at 5.15pm and told Kev to notice the time. I thought that because I wasn't sure whether it was a contraction - then it musn't have been...cos you'd know right:shrug:?!

Well the dull ache kept coming back every 5 minutes, so about 6.30ish we rang labour ward who said when they're lasting for more 45 seconds to go in, to get a bath and some paracetmol. They started becoming more painful and when I got in the bath I wanted to push :wacko:.

Needless to say we went in and got there at 7.15pm and dealt with a ditzy midwife (they'd got to a point where I couldn't talk through them now). And I finally got into a delivery suite at 7.40pm checked and was 4-5cm dilated. Started the gas & air...got off the bed and wanted to push again - so climbed to back of bed at 7.50pm had about 10 more contractions and she was here at 8.03pm. I had a 2nd degree tear and spent more time being stitched back up!!!!

Shock...yes!! I feel as though the tasmanium(sp) devil came!!!

:cloud9: I cannot tell you how lucky I feel to have been blessed with a gorgeous little boy and an equally amazing gorgeous little girl - I spent the whole night crying about it!! :cloud9:

She smells gorgeous, looks gorgeous and I can't stop staring at her! I am so unbelievably happy and so lucky :kiss: I now have a little ELF (Emma Louise France) to go with my little monster and they are the most amazing things ever...and Kev's ok too!:cloud9:

We've just got home and I now need desperate beauty sleep :sleep:...I promise I will catch up later!

Wishing all you wonderful mummies to be to have a speedy labour:hugs:!!!

Lots of love & labour dust, Lou x

Oh bless you hon, she sounds amazing. Congratulations once again.

Lou, superfast, congrats! Nik exciting!
As for me, a very quick hello as i'm hoping to get my head down for a snooze, both girls overlapped in sleep...
Bridget Emma arrived at bang on 2pm Thursday, weighing in at a stonking 11lb 0.5oz!!!
And so proud of myself, not only went in to labour on my own, but managed with nothing but gas and air - didn't even have time for the water birth I'd hoped for!!
Will update full story later, must sleep now!

Love your little lady's name. Congratulations Lucy xx


Just a quick hello, before the lo wakes up

My beautiful baby girl was born on 4th August, I had a really traumatic labour and we are both really lucky to be here. Sorry I didnt get to text you eoz or dainelle, I was in and of consciousness, for about 3 to 4 hours, and everything all went a bit wrong, but we are both here which is the main thing!

We called our gorgeous girl Kaiya Rose and she weighed 7lb 6oz

I love being a mummy its the best feeling in the world, even at 3am in the morning, I hope you are all doing well, I do try and come on here and catch up when I am doing the night feeds, but never have the energy to reply. lol

Oh wow hon you had a little pink bump, well done to you. Glad you're both ok x

Lou, superfast, congrats! Nik exciting!
As for me, a very quick hello as i'm hoping to get my head down for a snooze, both girls overlapped in sleep...
Bridget Emma arrived at bang on 2pm Thursday, weighing in at a stonking 11lb 0.5oz!!!
And so proud of myself, not only went in to labour on my own, but managed with nothing but gas and air - didn't even have time for the water birth I'd hoped for!!
Will update full story later, must sleep now!

Well done you! I found 10lb 2oz big enough for me! Cant wait to hear all about it. :happydance: for spontaneous labour!

Lovin' your profile pic Moggy

I have just had a bit of an emotional meltdown lol! I have got a grip a bit now, but I feel really stupid that I had started to think the pains I was having earlier were going somewhere!
There was definate tightening and contracting going on, cos Hubby was telling me when they were coming from feeling my bump even before I told him the pain had started!

I know it prob means my body is gearing up but I feel silly for letting myself get excited over them! still getting the odd one here and there but certainly nothing to write home about!

Sorry for rambling, just needed to vent a little! I feel awful moaning and blubbing on hubby cos its his birthday and hes had my tears to put up with this evening! Hes being a total super star tho!! Bless him x x

Will go pull myself together now I think, and hopefully be more positive in a wee while!

hugs all x x x x

Oh hon...that is exactly how I felt the other day when I went to the hospital with "false labour" (don't you HATE that term)? There is nothing false about it when you can feel it, and it hurts and you know they are real!!! :hugs: Just know that each contraction is doing SOMETHING, whether effacing your cervix or softening, or even dilating a bit. So hang in there!!!


So, I came back from hospital to get blood done. First of all, we are in a major heat wave right now. It is too fk'n hot for a preggy lady to be walking around trying to get a parking ticket and walking through a huge parking lot!!! I am sitting at home in front of the fan right now, eating a Mr Freeze and trying to cool off. It is noon and it is already mid-30's, expected to get hotter.

OK, so I get to hospital and they have my section as the 24th still. No one knows what the hell I am talking about. I feel like running and crying. Just then the unit clerk comes back from break and she knows it has been changed. But, they didn't know I was diabetic so they are not sure what time as they had it for 11am, but now it might change to 8am, but they don't know, and they don't know how much insulin, if any, to take that morning!!!

Then I get downstairs to the lab, and they are trying to tell me that my section is the 24th too, and that they won't do blood work. I tell the lady that they called me and that it was changed to the 16th. This is what she says to me (in the snottiest voice):

"So, what you are saying is, you THINK they said the 16th."

So, then she goes and talks to someone and comes back and informs me my section is now the 16th, as if we didn't just have the conversation. But, then tells me that the blood work can't be done because it is the 14th and they need to have done in less than 4 days. So, I repeat that a couple times to her...you need at least four days, and today is the 14th and the section is on the 16th. Then one of her co-workers has to spell it out to this chick that 16-14=2 days!!! FFS! I can't believe these people work in a hospital!!!

So, I get the blood work done, but they didn't send a hospital bracelet so the blood lady makes one up for me, but then the maternity ward lady comes down with one, and gives it to me. The lady tries to tell me to throw the maternity one away (you need to keep the bracelet or the blood work has to be done again). I said, "I will keep both, I have had too many screw ups!"

Seriously, I am going to file a complaint after this is all done. This hospital was never this bad before, that I recall, but there has been so many FK'ups and I actually feel like I get a panic attack when I get in there. Pathetic!!! I just hope that all goes well for baby's birthday. I can't help but be normally scared, but then worried because so many things have gone wrong too. Talk about stress!!!!

Oh hon sounds like you are having one hell of a time with the bloody hospital. Not long now! :hugs:

Not mine thats for sure lol!

Lliena's Baby Arrived at 10.16pm tonight! Her little Lady weighed 7lb 2oz
I will leave her to announce little ones name! i think its been a long day for her, but finally her little lady is here!!! WoopWoop!!! Congratulations lliena! x x

Excellent. Well done Emma, fab news xx

Just a quick note to say I gave birth to my daughter Kimberly on Mon 09/08/2010 @13:04 after a 12hr labour!!! She weighed 7lb15.5oz. This is the first chance I have had to come on B&B due to crazy loads of visitors and trying to sleep inbetween breast feeds and changing nappies!!! Will do a birth story as soon as i can.

Huge con grats`to all that have also had the babies and all the best for those still to give birth!!!

Congratulations :happydance:

flying in to say hello while Ailah naps :flower:

:happydance: congrats HWM and Lliena!!

Mercy - you hang in there girl, cant be long now!! I cant wait to see pics of your LO :D

Eoz & Philly - how you girls going?? Ive seen both your facebook statuses about lack of sleep and I am exactly the same!

Mumma - you still here hun? hows things?

:hugs::hugs: to everyone else :D

AFM - Things going brilliantly :cloud9: I cant imagine life without Ailah now, she has settled in and made my little family complete! She is feeding a lot and putting on weight nicely :D go booby juice!!
Abby being really sweet and helping me loads...she keeps giving ailah kisses and cuddles :cloud9:
FOB still coming most days and to my surprise hasnt really annoyed me or got in the way yet lol... He has coughed up some cash and has bought nappies and clothes for the girls so i cant really complain!!

Decided last night to weight myself.... :( why do i do these things to myself? anyway decided breastfeeding is the best time to look at what im eating and try to be a little more healthy! After all if i eat junk, ailah gets junk....right?
Went for a nice long walk this morning and am feeling really positive :D

Anyway, hopefully i will find a min to hop on here 2moro to hear about lots of new babies :D xxxxx

you sound like you are doing just great hon x

Hi, just wanted to say i had my beautiful boy Rory Thursday lunchtime, 2 weeks early and weighs 6lbs 10ozs. 10 hours start to finish totally natural....am on cloud 9!!!

Congratulations :happydance:

Hi, just wanted to say i had my beautiful boy Rory Thursday lunchtime, 2 weeks early and weighs 6lbs 10ozs. 10 hours start to finish totally natural....am on cloud 9!!!

Congratulations :happydance:

Congratulation's hope your both well!

Im being such an emotional cow today :( All i want Mike to do is cut the lawn's! But will he do them...no...apparently he doesn't see why he should work all week then have to work at home at the weekend...he's fed up of doing everything....

Oh hon, men!! @grr:


Hi everyone, congrats to all the new mummies and hope those still waiting have theirs soon and nice simple labours! I just wanted to announce the birth of our beautiful baby boy Zachary, born on his due date 14 August weighing 9lb 3oz. Horrendous labour but I'd do it ten times over as he's perfect and we're smitten! X x x

Congratulations :happydance:

AFM - Went out to my aunts party last night, leaving babies with MIL & FIL, party was ok but I was ready for home by 10pm!! Sad I know but I was tired more than anything.

Went round to BIL/SIL's this morning and left there lunch time with a load of clothes Jane found in the loft from when her boys were little so that was handy.

Picked up a new double buggy I won on ebay Mothercare Hoxton, really pleased with it. Then won a kitchen on there for E so Si went off to get that, she loves it.

E is about to have her milk and go to bed. Si has run me a bath and made me a :coffee: so I am off for a wallow and then dinner and a night snuggled on the sofa with my hubby it is.

We have been getting on so great and I feel like I have fallen in love with him all over again (grab a bucket!! lol!)

And Henry is sleeping as we speak. He is doing fab 5oz every 3-4 hours and anything from 4-6 hours through the night so can't complain.

Love to all xx

Wow, great sleeper!!! I hope my little one sleeps so well!!!
Hi everyone!

Lucy Congratulations on Bridget Emma, love her name and sooo pleased for you that everything kicked off by itself:kiss:! :shock: How BIG?! Well done you!!!!

Lliena I didn't realise that was your name, I love it!! Congratulations on Avalon Grace :flower: bet your over the moon! Looking forward to reading all about it!

Lollip0P Woo Hoo on your little girl!!!

Shmoo75, Fluffy & Sparkles Well done and congratulations on the birth of your babies!!!!:loopy:

JASMAK Will be thinking of you tomorrow! Looking forward to the update :hugs:

Mercy You never know about the signs...I'd completely given up on Thursday and then BANG, it all started. FX your soon honey

Has anyone heard from Melissa or LilFooshFoosh and how they're getting on? Hope they're having their babies!

Danielle :growlmad: Your OH needs a kick up the bum sometimes!!

:happydance: And big well done to those giving booby juice...Emma started her feeding the minute she was born and stayed chomping for 2 hours every other hour. I expressed 10oz in a half hour sitting last night :cry: After lots of blood blisters/broken nipples and tears Kev and I decided it was best to go for bottle. I'm still expressing but I'm actually devastated about it. I've got to do whats best for my family and I can't leave Jacob for that long when Kev goes to work. I know it will die down and I might try again in a couple of days so heres to hoping but I need to think realistically. :cry::cry:

At the minute the babies are in bed and so is Kev. He did the night feeds last night and got up with Jacob this morning! I'm having a brew and a sit down (not stopped today with visitors and hw) and I'll be off to bed within the hour myself!

Hope ladies, bumps and babies are ok

Lou x
Wow! Congrats to all the new mommies!!! :cloud9:
Can't believe it, how everyday i come on here and see about 10 new babies born! :dance: How beautiful is that?!
Great job ladies!!!
Lliena, congratulations, love the name!!
Shmoo, congrats, hope the visitors aren't being too much hard work!
Fluffy, congrats, yay for totally natural!
Sparkles, born due date, that's like only 5% of babies!! Congratulations!
Nik, beaut weather isn't it! Sorry things seem to have stalled for you... I'm all ready to post updates just as soon as there's some news!! Hope the sweep goes well tomorrow.
Jasmak, good luck tomorrow!!
Foosh, haven't heard anything from Melissa but have barely been online in 4 days so may have missed something...

As for us, well C being lovely around Bridget, but then a little madam... trying to see it from her perspective rather than just being annoyed by it, but it's hard work. I've been streaming tears today, baby blues bang on queue, hopefully shortlived...
BF going well, she's a hungry one though - but there's a lot of baby to fuel! C wasn't that weight until 5 weeks old!
Hi everyone!

Lucy Congratulations on Bridget Emma, love her name and sooo pleased for you that everything kicked off by itself:kiss:! :shock: How BIG?! Well done you!!!!

Lliena I didn't realise that was your name, I love it!! Congratulations on Avalon Grace :flower: bet your over the moon! Looking forward to reading all about it!

Lollip0P Woo Hoo on your little girl!!!

Shmoo75, Fluffy & Sparkles Well done and congratulations on the birth of your babies!!!!:loopy:

JASMAK Will be thinking of you tomorrow! Looking forward to the update :hugs:

Mercy You never know about the signs...I'd completely given up on Thursday and then BANG, it all started. FX your soon honey

Has anyone heard from Melissa or LilFooshFoosh and how they're getting on? Hope they're having their babies!

Danielle :growlmad: Your OH needs a kick up the bum sometimes!!

:happydance: And big well done to those giving booby juice...Emma started her feeding the minute she was born and stayed chomping for 2 hours every other hour. I expressed 10oz in a half hour sitting last night :cry: After lots of blood blisters/broken nipples and tears Kev and I decided it was best to go for bottle. I'm still expressing but I'm actually devastated about it. I've got to do whats best for my family and I can't leave Jacob for that long when Kev goes to work. I know it will die down and I might try again in a couple of days so heres to hoping but I need to think realistically. :cry::cry:

At the minute the babies are in bed and so is Kev. He did the night feeds last night and got up with Jacob this morning! I'm having a brew and a sit down (not stopped today with visitors and hw) and I'll be off to bed within the hour myself!

Hope ladies, bumps and babies are ok

Lou x

your telling me!! He's going to have such a big shock when Henry is here..
Hi everyone!

Lucy Congratulations on Bridget Emma, love her name and sooo pleased for you that everything kicked off by itself:kiss:! :shock: How BIG?! Well done you!!!!

Lliena I didn't realise that was your name, I love it!! Congratulations on Avalon Grace :flower: bet your over the moon! Looking forward to reading all about it!

Lollip0P Woo Hoo on your little girl!!!

Shmoo75, Fluffy & Sparkles Well done and congratulations on the birth of your babies!!!!:loopy:

JASMAK Will be thinking of you tomorrow! Looking forward to the update :hugs:

Mercy You never know about the signs...I'd completely given up on Thursday and then BANG, it all started. FX your soon honey

Has anyone heard from Melissa or LilFooshFoosh and how they're getting on? Hope they're having their babies!

Danielle :growlmad: Your OH needs a kick up the bum sometimes!!

:happydance: And big well done to those giving booby juice...Emma started her feeding the minute she was born and stayed chomping for 2 hours every other hour. I expressed 10oz in a half hour sitting last night :cry: After lots of blood blisters/broken nipples and tears Kev and I decided it was best to go for bottle. I'm still expressing but I'm actually devastated about it. I've got to do whats best for my family and I can't leave Jacob for that long when Kev goes to work. I know it will die down and I might try again in a couple of days so heres to hoping but I need to think realistically. :cry::cry:

At the minute the babies are in bed and so is Kev. He did the night feeds last night and got up with Jacob this morning! I'm having a brew and a sit down (not stopped today with visitors and hw) and I'll be off to bed within the hour myself!

Hope ladies, bumps and babies are ok

Lou x

:hugs: :hugs: Awww..hon. I know, it's hard. I am not looking forward to the blisters and such. I think it is great that you are expressing, and yes, you can always try later. Don't beat yourself up hon. :hugs:

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