****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

And big well done to those giving booby juice...Emma started her feeding the minute she was born and stayed chomping for 2 hours every other hour. I expressed 10oz in a half hour sitting last night :cry: After lots of blood blisters/broken nipples and tears Kev and I decided it was best to go for bottle. I'm still expressing but I'm actually devastated about it. I've got to do whats best for my family and I can't leave Jacob for that long when Kev goes to work. I know it will die down and I might try again in a couple of days so heres to hoping but I need to think realistically. :cry::cry:

It might surprise you, my milk only really came through properly on the Friday after giving birth on the monday, since it did we have a very contented little boy who has been in bed by 7.15 the last three nights now with his big brother. He fed before I went to bed last night then at 130 and 445 then woke up at 915 this morning, will keep you posted how tonight goes but am not expecting that good.....

Lansinoh lansinoh lansinoh every feed is all you can do for the boobs and let the milk come when it comes. If you decide to formula feed dont beat yourself up about it, you have to do what is best for you and your family :hugs:
My milk came into today, my boobs look like that bra of Madonna's! And I would quite happily chop them off - I can't feel half of them!
Just a quick note to say I gave birth to my daughter Kimberly on Mon 09/08/2010 @13:04 after a 12hr labour!!! She weighed 7lb15.5oz. This is the first chance I have had to come on B&B due to crazy loads of visitors and trying to sleep inbetween breast feeds and changing nappies!!! Will do a birth story as soon as i can.

Huge con grats`to all that have also had the babies and all the best for those still to give birth!!!

Hi, just wanted to say i had my beautiful boy Rory Thursday lunchtime, 2 weeks early and weighs 6lbs 10ozs. 10 hours start to finish totally natural....am on cloud 9!!!

Hi everyone, congrats to all the new mummies and hope those still waiting have theirs soon and nice simple labours! I just wanted to announce the birth of our beautiful baby boy Zachary, born on his due date 14 August weighing 9lb 3oz. Horrendous labour but I'd do it ten times over as he's perfect and we're smitten! X x x

Congratulations to all you new mummy's x x
:happydance: :happydance: :cloud9: :happydance: :happydance:

And big well done to those giving booby juice...Emma started her feeding the minute she was born and stayed chomping for 2 hours every other hour. I expressed 10oz in a half hour sitting last night :cry: After lots of blood blisters/broken nipples and tears Kev and I decided it was best to go for bottle. I'm still expressing but I'm actually devastated about it. I've got to do whats best for my family and I can't leave Jacob for that long when Kev goes to work. I know it will die down and I might try again in a couple of days so heres to hoping but I need to think realistically. :cry::cry:

It might surprise you, my milk only really came through properly on the Friday after giving birth on the monday, since it did we have a very contented little boy who has been in bed by 7.15 the last three nights now with his big brother. He fed before I went to bed last night then at 130 and 445 then woke up at 915 this morning, will keep you posted how tonight goes but am not expecting that good.....

Lansinoh lansinoh lansinoh every feed is all you can do for the boobs and let the milk come when it comes. If you decide to formula feed dont beat yourself up about it, you have to do what is best for you and your family :hugs:

I agree on Lansinoh being GODS gift to breastfeeding mothers! It will ease the soreness a million times!
If you decide to formula feed hun, you'll know its just what was right for you and your family! :hugs:

Jasmak! Tonnes of hugs and good luck for meeting your little one tomorrow! SOOOO exciting!
Lucy, Hopefully it'll not be TOO much longer and you will have something to post and update for me lol! Although I am not holding my breath!

Wierdly baby has been SUPER active this evening! it feels like theres about a hundred jumping beans in there not a squidged up baby! lol!
Had a couple of wee twinges earlier but nothing contraction like yet!
I thought all that flippin walking I did earlier should have earned me at LEAST one or two contractions hahaha! but sadly nothing!
Made the most of it this past day or two tho! and worn my prettiest Maternity clothes! I even got changed TWICE yesterday to get the best out of them before I do eventually pop! :wacko:

I have been REALLY pleased that I have managed to stay so mobile, and supprised as heck (although probs jinxing myself again here), that I have only had a few days of swelling through the whole pregnancy! even in the heat!
MUCH better than my pre eclamptic swelling in the last pregnancy! lol!

anyways I think I am caught up now! sorry If I missed anyone!
hugs :hugs:
Nik x
that will make it easier....warm flannel?

I sat in the bath before with a warm wet towel on them...the pain! I've got buckets of lanisoh and it is most definately miracle cream!

Thanks Moggy :hugs: really really appreciate it!
Nikki - I recommend bending down to the kitchen floor - popped my waters...
Nikki - I recommend bending down to the kitchen floor - popped my waters...

LOL, Right I am off to go "drop" a few things on the kitchen floor and see if strugglin to pick em up works lol! :thumbup:

YEY for milk coming in, but Boo to discomfort, the warm flannel is a godsend also! I remember being uncomfy when I fed Riley, I think once he got into a feeding pattern they calmed down a bit! but at first I made absolutely tonnes of milk! I think I could have fed triplets lol!
Nikki - I recommend bending down to the kitchen floor - popped my waters...

LOL, Right I am off to go "drop" a few things on the kitchen floor and see if strugglin to pick em up works lol! :thumbup:

YEY for milk coming in, but Boo to discomfort, the warm flannel is a godsend also! I remember being uncomfy when I fed Riley, I think once he got into a feeding pattern they calmed down a bit! but at first I made absolutely tonnes of milk! I think I could have fed triplets lol!

Apparently a scrubbing brush on the kitchen floor mimics something that can trigger labour, my MW was telling me and would ask her what but she is still in Zante and Baby B should be out before she gets back....if hes/shes not will ask and you will have a kitchen floor you could have a dinner party on!:winkwink:
Hello ladies.

My gorgeous baby boy was born at 7.20pm tonight after 1.5 hours of fast and furious labour. Herbie Jude, 7lbs 11oz!

I am so happy and proud to have four daughters and two sons now. Really can't believe my luck.

Good luck to everyone else!
Hello ladies.

My gorgeous baby boy was born at 7.20pm tonight after 1.5 hours of fast and furious labour. Herbie Jude, 7lbs 11oz!

I am so happy and proud to have four daughters and two sons now. Really can't believe my luck.

Good luck to everyone else!

Hello ladies.

My gorgeous baby boy was born at 7.20pm tonight after 1.5 hours of fast and furious labour. Herbie Jude, 7lbs 11oz!

I am so happy and proud to have four daughters and two sons now. Really can't believe my luck.

Good luck to everyone else!
Congratulations hun!
Hello ladies.

My gorgeous baby boy was born at 7.20pm tonight after 1.5 hours of fast and furious labour. Herbie Jude, 7lbs 11oz!

I am so happy and proud to have four daughters and two sons now. Really can't believe my luck.

Good luck to everyone else!

massive congrats!
congratulations shmoo, look forward to reading your birth story. Enjoy your little one :) x

Danielle...men do have a tendancy not to listen lol...hope the carpet fitting went well. Our dog got flees real bad the year alfie was born and we had to take him out the house and literaly clean from top to bottom, it was a nightmare!! Sometimes even if they have the flea stuff it dont stop them. Strange though if your cats are house cate :wacko:

Congratulations to you too fluffy xx

Good luck today Tina, I really hope they dont f*ck you about today and you get to meet your gorgeous little one later today. I look forward to hearing all about it and seeing the pictures of baba xx

Love the name lliena, cant wait to read more when you get home xxx

Sparkles, congratulations on the birth of your little boy :) sorry to hear you had a bad labour xx

Nikki, thats a bugger that those contractions didnt turn into anything but at least its your bosy getting ready, so the labour will be easier FXed :) Im glad to hear you had a nice day, definitely what you needed!!

Mrs P, im glad things are going so well for you, makes me all warm inside to hear all that :D im a stickler for a happy story haha xxx

Lou dont be too disheartened about the BF, you have tried your best and thats the main thing, and yeh try again in a few days but at the end of the day, like you said, you have your DS to look after too. :hugs: hope it works out ok hon, at least baby is still getting the goodness from your milk xxx

HWM, glad things are going well for you, im a bit nervous about how my ds will react when baba comes, think it will be much of the same...up and down :shrug: Hope the baby blues disappear soon :hugs: xxx

Congratulations Deli :hugs: xx

AFM, I had a lazy day with the in laws down yesterday, and managed to get through the day without too many sarky comments from her and then my internet was playing up again so I couldnt get on last night so nearly 24hours of BNB to catch up on lol...think 4 babies were announced in the time I was offline lol!! I was extremely achy yesterday, and had a few twinges that I thought - oohh what time is it, lets see if I get another one of those soon :wacko: but none of them turned into anything regular! Had an OK night sleep for the first half and then tossed and turned after getting up for my first toilet stop about 2ish.

Off to hatton county world with the family today so hopefully the walking around there will get something moving :D If not then maybe Ill get on the kitchen floor for a scrub :rofl:

Hope all is well with you today ladies xxx

im feeling very sorry for myself this morning so be warned before you read this!! i feel like i need a babble so it prob wont make much sense anyway haha...

Ailah (15days old) slept throught the night last night :thumbup:
so really i have nothing to moan about :blush: but she has colic... between 2 and 9 yesterday she literally screamed the house down! Abby had had a late night at her grannys on saturday (they know her routine and im sure they must realise now IS NOT the time to break it?!) so she was grumpy... ended up going to bed with no bath and no story :cry:

Anyway, i was loving sitting in bed this morning, cuddled up with my 2 girls :cloud9: then... Ailah fills a nappy and Abby starts screaming because she wants breakfast :wacko:

all in all my point is it bl**dy sucks being a single parent!! Yes i get all the best bits.. but it would be so nice to be able to elbow my beloved hubby and say "darling please clean up this exploding bottom so i can get Abby some breakfast" or "oh love of my life would you please watch these 2 beautiful girls so that i can have a bath that lasts longer than 2minutes and have a nap?"


ok im dont wallowing now just needed to get it out! In fairness FOB has been fab - he helps when he can but obv isnt here through the nights and is back to work now. If he hadn't been such an idiot i could have had my little family and that extra support that i could really use right now! Why do men have to be such twats? :growlmad:
That chapter of my life is well and truly closed...so now even when the girls are being angels and are fast asleep... i have to cuddle up on the sofa on my own :nope:

i have greasy hair and smell like baby spew! great way to start the day :D lol...
aaaah well better go sort the washing and do the dishes along with everything else...not like i got anyone else to guilt trip and argue with till they do it :(
i just read my post back....

how pathetic!! Consider myself slapped and pulled together!! x
congratulations shmoo, look forward to reading your birth story. Enjoy your little one :) x

Danielle...men do have a tendancy not to listen lol...hope the carpet fitting went well. Our dog got flees real bad the year alfie was born and we had to take him out the house and literaly clean from top to bottom, it was a nightmare!! Sometimes even if they have the flea stuff it dont stop them. Strange though if your cats are house cate :wacko:

Congratulations to you too fluffy xx

Good luck today Tina, I really hope they dont f*ck you about today and you get to meet your gorgeous little one later today. I look forward to hearing all about it and seeing the pictures of baba xx

Love the name lliena, cant wait to read more when you get home xxx

Sparkles, congratulations on the birth of your little boy :) sorry to hear you had a bad labour xx

Nikki, thats a bugger that those contractions didnt turn into anything but at least its your bosy getting ready, so the labour will be easier FXed :) Im glad to hear you had a nice day, definitely what you needed!!

Mrs P, im glad things are going so well for you, makes me all warm inside to hear all that :D im a stickler for a happy story haha xxx

Lou dont be too disheartened about the BF, you have tried your best and thats the main thing, and yeh try again in a few days but at the end of the day, like you said, you have your DS to look after too. :hugs: hope it works out ok hon, at least baby is still getting the goodness from your milk xxx

HWM, glad things are going well for you, im a bit nervous about how my ds will react when baba comes, think it will be much of the same...up and down :shrug: Hope the baby blues disappear soon :hugs: xxx

Congratulations Deli :hugs: xx

AFM, I had a lazy day with the in laws down yesterday, and managed to get through the day without too many sarky comments from her and then my internet was playing up again so I couldnt get on last night so nearly 24hours of BNB to catch up on lol...think 4 babies were announced in the time I was offline lol!! I was extremely achy yesterday, and had a few twinges that I thought - oohh what time is it, lets see if I get another one of those soon :wacko: but none of them turned into anything regular! Had an OK night sleep for the first half and then tossed and turned after getting up for my first toilet stop about 2ish.

Off to hatton county world with the family today so hopefully the walking around there will get something moving :D If not then maybe Ill get on the kitchen floor for a scrub :rofl:

Hope all is well with you today ladies xxx

Thankyou hun :hugs: , Sounds like you had a nice day too! Although I think our body's kidding us with all these twinges is mother nature just being a meanie! lol!
See if ur walking about today can help things along for you! Fingers X'd!

GOOD LUCK JASMAK!!!!!!!:hugs: Will be thinking of you today at your C section! Cant wait to hear the news x x

Hope everyone is good this morning, I have had a broken nights sleep stressing about this that and the other! lol! I am looking forward to the Hospital today, and if ANY doctor tries telling me I hav to wait for this weep any longer I shall stage a SIT IN, in their office and squeal until I get one hahahaha!!!! But Ishould be as they said last week I deffo would today!

Had a bit of a moment yesterday that I forgot to mention to you lovely ladies! it made me giggle!!! I was sat out on the park with Riley an dMat, and had been sat in the hot sun for a good while! When I got up I felt something trickling at quite a speed down my leg! IMMEDIATELY I freaked and thought it was my waters! So I ran into my friends house and checked to find dry pants!!! It turned out Rileys water bottle had tipped over behind me and I hadnt realised and i had half a litre of mineral water pooled in my dress thus sending it running down my legs when I stood up lol!
Once the shock wore off I found the funny side haha!

Anyways, Tesco this morning as we have nothing in for lunch! then I think a nice bubble bath before heading to the hospital for our appointment!
Have a good day ladies x Will catch up later x
Had a bit of a moment yesterday that I forgot to mention to you lovely ladies! it made me giggle!!! I was sat out on the park with Riley an dMat, and had been sat in the hot sun for a good while! When I got up I felt something trickling at quite a speed down my leg! IMMEDIATELY I freaked and thought it was my waters! So I ran into my friends house and checked to find dry pants!!! It turned out Rileys water bottle had tipped over behind me and I hadnt realised and i had half a litre of mineral water pooled in my dress thus sending it running down my legs when I stood up lol!
Once the shock wore off I found the funny side haha!

:rofl: this made me giggle!! Sounds like something I would do!!!!

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