****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

Morning guys x
Still getting the same pains and the woke me a lot throughout the night! but thus far not really progressing into anything more! which is frustrating the Heck outa me lol!
BUT I guess some pain is better than NO pain at all!
A day of bouncing and walking and generally trying to bop this baby out lays ahead i think haha!

Thanks for asking all! Nik x x
good luck mercy!


afm?? best way to embarass a central heating workman?? FLASH HIM YOUR LEFT BOOB :blush:
no details as of yet just saw it on Facebook!!!!!

Carolyn how you manage that? lol i did it to my postman once!
you could always offer him a cup of tea carolyn with milk from you :D
Hi ladies just thought Id pop on for few mins while Avalon is sleeping :)

I still cant quite believe I have had my baby girl she is so beautiful and Im very much in love :cloud9: I will do more of a birth story at some point but atm just relaxing as still a bit woozy with afterpains and painkillers combo. As had to have my placenta manually removed(ick!) All worth it though for my beautiful daughter :D

Midwife has just been round and said we are doing really well and she will be back on fri now as shes happy and if I need her just to ring :)

Cant believe how tiny Avalon is, so daddy has had to pop out and get her some smaller stuff as all her newborn stuff swamps her even though shes 7lb 2oz little cutie :D

Sending labour :dust: to all those in need and congrats to all the new mummies


Oh yeah btw having a baby is best diet ever I've already lost 1 stone :lol:
Hi Lilena glad you're both doing well. :thumbup:

I collected my wedding ring yesterday from jewellers as I broke it so thought i'd get it fixed while it doesn't fit!! It's so shiny and pretty looking...:cloud9: But alas still doesn't fit coz of my stupid sausage fingers!! :growlmad: :cry: So it's sitting in it's box along with my E ring waiting for D day where they'll take pride of place back on my finger as soon as swelling goes down

I had the wierdest dream last night that my husband came home from hospital crying, as he was so pleased i'd had the baby and started ringing round my family telling them the baby was here.

The wierd part is that I hadn't had the baby, but no-one believed me, but the more I protested that the baby they were visiting wasn't mine, (as I was still pregnant) the more they thought I was suffering from post natal stress and tried to convince me this baby was mine.

They even took me to the hospital to see the baby, and I saw it (it was a little girl but looked nothing like me or my husband) and I kept saying "I'm telling you thats not my baby!!" "But i'm still pregnant I can feel the baby moving, if i'd had the baby I'm sure i'd remember" And my husband was saying he watched me give birth and this baby was definately mine!! And I started getting distraught over them fussing over a baby that wasn't mine, and then more distraught that if it was mine why don't I remember giving birth and why do I still feel pregnant.

This went on with me protesting and eventually they started arranging to having me sectioned if I didn't accept this baby and that I wasn't pregnant anymore, so I ran away, and tried getting the Drs and nurses to scan me to prove I still had a baby in me but my family kept intervening so they wouldn't do it.

Eventually only one nurse believed me and repremanded my family for being so horrible to me and organised a scan... But I woke up before I got it

I laid there when I woke up 1. checking I was in fact still pregnant and 2. worrying that when I do give birth something like that would actually happen!!
Hi Lilena glad you're both doing well. :thumbup:

I collected my wedding ring yesterday from jewellers as I broke it so thought i'd get it fixed while it doesn't fit!! It's so shiny and pretty looking...:cloud9: But alas still doesn't fit coz of my stupid sausage fingers!! :growlmad: :cry: So it's sitting in it's box along with my E ring waiting for D day where they'll take pride of place back on my finger as soon as swelling goes down

I had the wierdest dream last night that my husband came home from hospital crying, as he was so pleased i'd had the baby and started ringing round my family telling them the baby was here.

The wierd part is that I hadn't had the baby, but no-one believed me, but the more I protested that the baby they were visiting wasn't mine, (as I was still pregnant) the more they thought I was suffering from post natal stress and tried to convince me this baby was mine.

They even took me to the hospital to see the baby, and I saw it (it was a little girl but looked nothing like me or my husband) and I kept saying "I'm telling you thats not my baby!!" "But i'm still pregnant I can feel the baby moving, if i'd had the baby I'm sure i'd remember" And my husband was saying he watched me give birth and this baby was definately mine!! And I started getting distraught over them fussing over a baby that wasn't mine, and then more distraught that if it was mine why don't I remember giving birth and why do I still feel pregnant.

This went on with me protesting and eventually they started arranging to having me sectioned if I didn't accept this baby and that I wasn't pregnant anymore, so I ran away, and tried getting the Drs and nurses to scan me to prove I still had a baby in me but my family kept intervening so they wouldn't do it.

Eventually only one nurse believed me and repremanded my family for being so horrible to me and organised a scan... But I woke up before I got it

I laid there when I woke up 1. checking I was in fact still pregnant and 2. worrying that when I do give birth something like that would actually happen!!

OMG that is some deep dream! I had a lot of weird dreams whilst pregnant and it was horrible, makes you feel weird for ages after you wake up. It's all hormones apparently, plus a bit of anxiety about the birth xxx
Congratulations Melissa, NeyNey & Jasmak!!

:hugs: and :dust: Mercy!

I have had some pretty messed up dreams too BrownlieB most of the time, though, they are about whatever it was that we watched on tv that night. I have only had two dreams about the baby: 1- I was walking around a hospital trying to boobie feed but wasn't sure what I was doing and didn't want to ask for help; 2- I discovered that DH had gone around telling everyone but my family and friends what we are going to name the baby, that mad me really angry both in my dream and when I woke up! I really had to stop myself from hitting him while he slept! :haha:

:rofl: Carolyn! I have a feeling lots of people will be seeing my boobs until I can figure out what I'm doing and how to be discreet!

:hugs: Danielle, go back to bed if you want, nothing stopping you right now so take advantage!

Not much to report for me, I have what should be my last Dr's appointment today. I am going to talk to him about setting an induction date. I have felt like real crap the last couple of weeks and these last couple of days have been even worse! I am so paranoid that I am going to start leaking and not realize it or I'm not going to recognize contractions (I'll probably look back and think I'm a moron for saying that!) or that something is going to happen to bubs in these last few days. I don't want to rant or whinge but I'm at the end of my rope, I have tried to be very positive about the whole thing and I'm just starting to feel down now.

Melissa That is so cool that you conceived and delivered on Friday 13th! Those days are extremely lucky for you! Congratulations on the birth of your daughter, finally eh!!!!

Carolyn :haha: Glad you're feeling better! Lollip0p :rofl::rofl::rofl:

JASMAK WOO HOO, can't wait to hear more about her!

Princessellie I'm thinking thats its only a girls nature to be late for their own party!!

BrownlieB Jeez, that was some dream! I was like Hayzeb and had some weird dreams too...the last one before Emma was born, I was possessed by the devil!

Mercy I got all excited for a minute when you went missing! Oh and I love Peter Kay...Phoenix nights is filmed about two minutes from where I live! He's from round here and did my leaving assembly at school before he 'made' it! Soooo funny!

How are you getting on Mrs P & Eoz? All ok I hope!

AFM Jacob is at nursery and currently having snuggles with Emma. Did too much yesterday which resulted in me not being able to move last night :nope: I think that because I felt so good I decided to go for long walk, which I now realise is stupid considering less than a week ago I gave birth. :wacko:

Hope ladies, bumps and babies are ok...Nik Come on.... (ha, ha, ha!)

Lou x
Congratulations Melissa, NeyNey & Jasmak!!

:hugs: and :dust: Mercy!

I have had some pretty messed up dreams too BrownlieB most of the time, though, they are about whatever it was that we watched on tv that night. I have only had two dreams about the baby: 1- I was walking around a hospital trying to boobie feed but wasn't sure what I was doing and didn't want to ask for help; 2- I discovered that DH had gone around telling everyone but my family and friends what we are going to name the baby, that mad me really angry both in my dream and when I woke up! I really had to stop myself from hitting him while he slept! :haha:

:rofl: Carolyn! I have a feeling lots of people will be seeing my boobs until I can figure out what I'm doing and how to be discreet!

:hugs: Danielle, go back to bed if you want, nothing stopping you right now so take advantage!

Not much to report for me, I have what should be my last Dr's appointment today. I am going to talk to him about setting an induction date. I have felt like real crap the last couple of weeks and these last couple of days have been even worse! I am so paranoid that I am going to start leaking and not realize it or I'm not going to recognize contractions (I'll probably look back and think I'm a moron for saying that!) or that something is going to happen to bubs in these last few days. I don't want to rant or whinge but I'm at the end of my rope, I have tried to be very positive about the whole thing and I'm just starting to feel down now.


I didn't go back to bed, I wouldn't have slept, would have just been laid there uncomfy :/
After giving the house a quick clean tho, i'v just been sat on laptop TRYING to get more done on my course...but it's not happening, might aswel give up on it!!!
I feel like that too.

oh yeah an im 38week's today :D Only 14days until due date :D
:haha: Thats the most messed up dream I have had so far, usually they're about being surrounded by water which I know is aparrantly sub conciously about having a baby etc, but this was weird!!

Just wanted to say Congrats to JASMAK too, glad all went ok. My friend went in have her sweep done today and found she's alreday 2cm dialated!! Hopefully not long for her.

As for me looks like thi sLO is staying put. (Probably because the weather is so pants!! I wouldn't want to come out if I were him/her!!)
Melissa That is so cool that you conceived and delivered on Friday 13th! Those days are extremely lucky for you! Congratulations on the birth of your daughter, finally eh!!!!

Carolyn :haha: Glad you're feeling better! Lollip0p :rofl::rofl::rofl:

JASMAK WOO HOO, can't wait to hear more about her!

Princessellie I'm thinking thats its only a girls nature to be late for their own party!!

BrownlieB Jeez, that was some dream! I was like Hayzeb and had some weird dreams too...the last one before Emma was born, I was possessed by the devil!

Mercy I got all excited for a minute when you went missing! Oh and I love Peter Kay...Phoenix nights is filmed about two minutes from where I live! He's from round here and did my leaving assembly at school before he 'made' it! Soooo funny!

How are you getting on Mrs P & Eoz? All ok I hope!

AFM Jacob is at nursery and currently having snuggles with Emma. Did too much yesterday which resulted in me not being able to move last night :nope: I think that because I felt so good I decided to go for long walk, which I now realise is stupid considering less than a week ago I gave birth. :wacko:

Hope ladies, bumps and babies are ok...Nik Come on.... (ha, ha, ha!)

Lou x

Heehee! Sorry! I think when I wasnt on FaceBook earlier the whole world thought I was pushing baby B out lol!
HOW COOL is it that Peter Kay did your leavers assembly! Jealous much???? I think he's great!

I am SO SO unbelievably frustrated! Last night the pains I was having reached every 3-4 mins! and were getting to the point where I was struggling to cope with them! SO in my great wisdom, I thought I'd go to bed! I wish I would have stayed active and upright now, as its when I lay down and relax that things seem to slow down!

I tried to get hold of my community Midwife today to book in for a second sweep within the next week, and she is a very hard lady to track down!
I ended up just talking to the receptionist at the GP, who said I could only book in for one of her Tuesday clinics! she offered me the 7th of Sept hahahaha! I am CERTAINLY not waiting THAT long! :haha:
She has put me in for next tues, but I have been squeazed in between other appointments so dont hold much hope of her doing a sweep again! :cry:

I have been crying a lot on Poor Mat today, My mum rang me and was being really sharp with me like as if I was holding her granchild in on purpose! :growlmad:

I am getting increasingly pissed off with people i know passing comment about how I "THOUGHT" I was gunna have this baby early! and "HOW WRONG" I was! I seriously might punch someone! I know in the most part people are just excited about knwoing when the baby is coming, but some people have made some really cutting remarks about me! So other than a nice walk with my gorgeous Mr B while Riley was in nursery, I havent left the house! :cry: I feel bad for him that I am so emotional, but he has been so lovely!

I hope to be in a more positive mood later, and will update as SOON as theres any progress in the direction of baby eviction!!!!!!
I have been asleep for like 2hours, and did get woken 3-4 times feeling twinges and pains! so hey ho..... ya never know!

If not then I am taking to bouncing on my friends trampoline tomorrow as a final straw! haha! :thumbup: :haha:

Big hugs to all the new mummies! and to all those still to pop like me x x

Nikki x x x x x x x x :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
63 babies eh....

On my due date it was at 50...i asked my baby if it would make the 51st but nooooooo such luck there.....im still here....still waiting.......like i haven't waited long enough :(

on well, maybe my baby'll make it to number 90 eh :haha:

Wll, congratulations to the ones who have already made it and good luck to all those due and overdue


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