****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

good morning girls!

me and niki had a sweep on the same day (monday) lucky enough things kikced started to her and she went in to labour!

as i was only 1 finger dialated didnt expect much apart from the pains and uncomfort due to the sweep. but i was in pain yesterday the whole day so i decided to walk most of my time and dtd last night ..... guess what???? I lost my plug today in the morning (sorry TMI) it was a whole lot and Im still loosing it!!

I know may be there is some more days to go but with my DS I lost my plug in the evening had him the next day... so please keep fxd for me!!

thanks ladies sorry for rambling for long (Im super excited)

thanks for your thoughts girls.... i continued loosing my plug in chunkly pieces up to late noon. butnow the crampy feeling is stoped! will be going for a long walk later!I wish If I go to labour naturally!!

BrownlieB- sound promising! fx'd for u!

Sending you tonnes of :dust: hunny x
Good signs that you are lsoing plug etc! I know how frustrating it is having signs that seem to go to nothing! but your LO will be here before you know it x
Cant QUITE believe I am sat here writing my first post as a Mummy of TWO!!!!!!!!!! :happydance:
I had given in and convinced myself that I was gunna be forever pregnant!

I had the plug loss and pains that I mentioned yesterday morning, then within minutes of the last post I wrote, the pains were every 2-3 mins and VERY intense! I was trying my best to cope but Mat rang the Assessment unit and They said I should go in!

I rocked up and was immediately handed a Gas and Air tube cos she said I looked like I was ready for some lol! I was examined and she said I was already a good 6cm, but labour ward was FULL ARRGHHH!!! lol.
SO. I kneeled down on the florr, lent over the bed and me and mat were manageing to giggle and chat through the gaps inbetween comntractions about how I'd have the baby on the assessment unit floor haha!

BUT luckily, they had a room come free and pretty soon I was wheeled up to the labour ward!
Not before annoucing very loud that "I felt Like a Tw*t" cos they opened the curtains before I got up and there were 3 other women and hubby's in there being checked watchin me moanin and half gigglin as I dragged myself up off the floor :haha:
I was quite happy with the kneeling on the floor against the bed thing, so I did that for a bit once I got up there, and sucked on the gas and air like My wee life depended on it lol!

Labour was progressing quickly and the midwife suggested that she didnt think I would take very long, They advised me to try Remifentanil ( kinda like pethadine, but very short acting. its on a PCA button so you only get it if YOU choose to have a dose). I figured it'd do no harm as if I didnt want it, I didnt have to press it! and at least it was there ready if I struggled to cope!

SO that sorted, I got up on the bed and adopted the same kneeling position but over the back of the bed!

I went on likt this for an hour or two, and then contractions slowed slightly.
She examined me again and I was 7-8 cm, she popped my waters for me as Georgia was decending with them intact and poss what had slowed me down!, and within half an hour I was knelt over again and Ready to push my little monkey out! I felt her head coming down, and Then was hit by the unbearably strong sensation to push!

The MW was fantastic and talked me through how to do it to avoid ripping the scar from the 3rd degree tear I had with Riley!
1st contraction I got her head almost out and she popped back in, then one more contraction and her head was born!!!
And within seconds and a couple of gentle pushes to ease out her shoulders and out splooooshed Georgia Celeste Bannister with an ABSOLUTE TONNE of fluid. (so much for all the "low fluid scans" haha).

She lifted her up and let mat tell me that we had a little girl. :cloud9:
Mat cut the cord, and I struggled round to sit and take her for our first snuggle!

I didnt tear or even graze, which I was pretty impressed about as the tear with riley had been horrendous!
It seemed like such a short time Had passed between loosing my plug and having her in my arms, and I have to say it was the most amazing experience, I had no idea what to expect as I'd had an epidural with riley but I genuinely enjoyed every moment of feeling my little angel make her way into the world!

She is a fantastic little bundle, and although she seems to want to live on the breast, I'll let her off cos she's so pretty lol! She managed a 5hour stretch last night where we both slept!
I cant quite believe that 48 hours ago I was sat here in a proper grump, wishing that my bump would show me a clear sign that it was planning on popping soon! Now I am curled up in my PJ's, with Riley in bed and a beautiful newborn snuffling and cooing away beside me! AND the most fantastic husband and Daddy in the world!!! AND today is our 4th Wedding Anniversary! :cloud9: :cloud9: :happydance: :cloud9: :cloud9:

TONNES of labour dust to all the ladies still needing it, and MASSIVE congratulations to all the other new mummies and babies x

LOVE to you all x x
Nikki x x

AND Thankyou, for all the support through my stressing and moaning the past week or so while I was feeling the strain! I would have been lost without this place and all the August thread mummies x
thanks for sharing your story mercy, and congratulations again!! Hope my labour is as care free as yours sounded lol xxxxx
Happy Anniversary! :cake:

She is gorgeous, love the name and am so happy you got to hold her finally! How was that first cuddle with her and Riley? :cloud9:

Rest up when she lets you, thanks for sharing such a lovely birth story :hugs:
im not often on here! but just wanted to say congrats to you all and the pic is lovely. speak to ya on facebook.
kirsty (James' mum lol) xxx
I came home today with baby Kelana Marie. 8lbs 12oz born Aug 16 @ 12:22pm by c-section. Will write more soon... x
I came home today with baby Kelana Marie. 8lbs 12oz born Aug 16 @ 12:22pm by c-section. Will write more soon... x


AFM not had any more bleeding since this afternoon, just more aches and pains. Don't like not knowing what is going off with my body :(
Off to bed now, think i'll have a lie in tomorrow (highly doubt full....but I can try)
Nik - thanks for the wishes hun... apart form few tightnings and pain nothing much going on me! lets c!! so happy for u and any way if u dont mind can i ask u how much did ur LO weigh? and Happy anniversery!

Jamak- massive congrats!!

Dannielk- fx'd for u hun!!
So, I have a minute to write.

I went in for my section and it was very organized and much easier than an emergency section. Everything was going on time. I was given my room, and IV and we waited in our room. Then I walked to the operating room. My nerves were pretty high at this point, but try to be calm. I was having strong contractions all morning on my own, so I figured that it was probably a good day anyways.

The spinal was very stressful. I actually wussed out and asked for a general, but the anesthesiologist said NO to me, and said that anxiety wasn't a good excuse. I hated him at that moment, but knew he was right and what he was saying was for the best. The spinal WORKED!!!:happydance: I had a bit of a panic when the freezing went up to my chest and I felt like I couldn't breathe. I was really panicing and the anesthesiologist tried to put O2 on me, but I was panicing so much that I pushed it away. He had to give me something to calm me. I cried and cried after that, out of RELIEF (for the spinal working) and because our baby, that I have waited so long for, was about to be born. I can't describe how emotional I was, but it was good emotional. Hubby came in when they were about to start and I was all prepped, and he was so happy the spinal worked too! He held my hand and the OB said he had already started. A couple minutes in and I heard a cry. I heard my OB say she was a girl and that she was a good size. They took her over to the little warming bed right beside us and I could see her as they checked her over and weighed her etc. She was 8lbs 12oz! My guess that morning was 8lbs 8oz, and hubby's was 8lbs 10oz, so we were both pretty close with our guesses. Then they gave her to me to hold while they stitched me up.:cloud9::cloud9::cloud9: She is so beautiful and I couldn't believe she was here, finally. Hubby also held her and we both took pics of each other. Then I was done, and I was wheeled back into our room, with baby and hubby for recovery. Then kept baby in just a diaper and let me lay skin to skin with her for this time. They also helped me put baby to breast, which was weird because I couldn't feel the whole thing, but I loved every second of it and so did Kelana.:cloud9:

After about an hour after recovery, the spinal was pretty much wearing out, and I was in alot of pain. When I say alot of pain, let's just say that the nurses compared it to transistion in labour. They figure it was a combination of my age, my thin uterus, and the large amounts of pitocin they had to use to prevent hemmorage (which I had with my first baby). I was literally screaming out in pain and they kept pushing drugs into my IV. My kids arrived around this time, so were not allowed in, but baby went out to see them. It was horrible, but lucky for me, I have blocked most of this out, whether out of pain, or drugs or a combo.

Other than that, this has been the best birth for me. I do have an infection right now (in my skin above the incision). I am on antibiotics. Kelana is WONDERFUL. She loves to breastfeed, espesially now that my milk has come in (came in last night). She did drop alot of weight, more than they like to see, so we have to take her in tomorrow to get her weighed. She dropped almost a pound and was 7lbs 14oz last night. She also has jaundice, but since she is eating well, and isn't lethargic, she should be fine. I feel a wee bit sick. I am super swollen from all the IV fluids. I have actually gained so much weight from swelling that I have only lost ONE pound giving birth!!!

Just super tired. Got home today. We are about to go to bed. It is late here. Kelana is the sweetest baby and I love her so much and already I cannot imagine ever living without her.

Her name, Kelana, is pronounced Key-lawn-ah. :)


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oh goodness jasmak, thats sounds awful but im so pleased you LO arrived safe and sound!! All your kids are just beautiful!! :D xxx
just to let you all no i had my son thomas on the 13/08/2010. he was born at 11.16am and was 9lb.
had to have a c-section as baby had pooed in me. i was put to sleep so my dh could not be with me.
thomas was fine and im getting better. still in alot of pain and got told off by the midwife today for doing to much. cant really rest when you have a 3 year old 2 year old and a new born to look after

Congratulations xx

I'v just decided I hate it when my mind goes blank and I can't remember when I last felt Henry move :S like now....

Just been too see Mike's parent's and ended up coming back with a big bag of baby stuff, they really wasn't lying when they said one of Mike's auntys liked shopping for baby's!!
We have our first "that can be worn for a picture but nothing else" item too.

Brilliant, I love photo onlys!! :haha:


im an angry mumma bear...

as i said yesterday im getting central heating put in....

well one little mistake... (some nugget putting the wrong bolt on the pipe leading to the radiator...) well thie meant that about a minute after abby walked past the radiator, scalding hot water sprayed out at an incredible force!! The water thankfully missed abby...
It went all over my new buggy (thank god Ailah wasnt asleep in the carrycot!!!!!) soaked my hallway lino, stair carpet, walls, clothes that were on the drier... they used ALL my towels to dry up the swimming pool they created so i couldnt have a bath last night!!

Not only that they installed the gas etc and didnt fit a carbon monoxide detevtor!!

Im up this morning and itching for a fight!! oh im gonna kick up merry hell this morning!!!

I know there is no point in 'what ifs' but if that water had touched either of the girls it would have scalded them!!!


Oh my god thats terrible. Glad the girls are ok. Definately give them what for xx

Cant QUITE believe I am sat here writing my first post as a Mummy of TWO!!!!!!!!!! :happydance:
I had given in and convinced myself that I was gunna be forever pregnant!

I had the plug loss and pains that I mentioned yesterday morning, then within minutes of the last post I wrote, the pains were every 2-3 mins and VERY intense! I was trying my best to cope but Mat rang the Assessment unit and They said I should go in!

I rocked up and was immediately handed a Gas and Air tube cos she said I looked like I was ready for some lol! I was examined and she said I was already a good 6cm, but labour ward was FULL ARRGHHH!!! lol.
SO. I kneeled down on the florr, lent over the bed and me and mat were manageing to giggle and chat through the gaps inbetween comntractions about how I'd have the baby on the assessment unit floor haha!

BUT luckily, they had a room come free and pretty soon I was wheeled up to the labour ward!
Not before annoucing very loud that "I felt Like a Tw*t" cos they opened the curtains before I got up and there were 3 other women and hubby's in there being checked watchin me moanin and half gigglin as I dragged myself up off the floor :haha:
I was quite happy with the kneeling on the floor against the bed thing, so I did that for a bit once I got up there, and sucked on the gas and air like My wee life depended on it lol!

Labour was progressing quickly and the midwife suggested that she didnt think I would take very long, They advised me to try Remifentanil ( kinda like pethadine, but very short acting. its on a PCA button so you only get it if YOU choose to have a dose). I figured it'd do no harm as if I didnt want it, I didnt have to press it! and at least it was there ready if I struggled to cope!

SO that sorted, I got up on the bed and adopted the same kneeling position but over the back of the bed!

I went on likt this for an hour or two, and then contractions slowed slightly.
She examined me again and I was 7-8 cm, she popped my waters for me as Georgia was decending with them intact and poss what had slowed me down!, and within half an hour I was knelt over again and Ready to push my little monkey out! I felt her head coming down, and Then was hit by the unbearably strong sensation to push!

The MW was fantastic and talked me through how to do it to avoid ripping the scar from the 3rd degree tear I had with Riley!
1st contraction I got her head almost out and she popped back in, then one more contraction and her head was born!!!
And within seconds and a couple of gentle pushes to ease out her shoulders and out splooooshed Georgia Celeste Bannister with an ABSOLUTE TONNE of fluid. (so much for all the "low fluid scans" haha).

She lifted her up and let mat tell me that we had a little girl. :cloud9:
Mat cut the cord, and I struggled round to sit and take her for our first snuggle!

I didnt tear or even graze, which I was pretty impressed about as the tear with riley had been horrendous!
It seemed like such a short time Had passed between loosing my plug and having her in my arms, and I have to say it was the most amazing experience, I had no idea what to expect as I'd had an epidural with riley but I genuinely enjoyed every moment of feeling my little angel make her way into the world!

She is a fantastic little bundle, and although she seems to want to live on the breast, I'll let her off cos she's so pretty lol! She managed a 5hour stretch last night where we both slept!
I cant quite believe that 48 hours ago I was sat here in a proper grump, wishing that my bump would show me a clear sign that it was planning on popping soon! Now I am curled up in my PJ's, with Riley in bed and a beautiful newborn snuffling and cooing away beside me! AND the most fantastic husband and Daddy in the world!!! AND today is our 4th Wedding Anniversary! :cloud9: :cloud9: :happydance: :cloud9: :cloud9:

TONNES of labour dust to all the ladies still needing it, and MASSIVE congratulations to all the other new mummies and babies x

LOVE to you all x x
Nikki x x

AND Thankyou, for all the support through my stressing and moaning the past week or so while I was feeling the strain! I would have been lost without this place and all the August thread mummies x

Congratulations honey to you all. Love her name too.

Sounds like although mummy was made to wait, when the time was right she couldnt wait to meet you either xxx :kiss:

So, I have a minute to write.

I went in for my section and it was very organized and much easier than an emergency section. Everything was going on time. I was given my room, and IV and we waited in our room. Then I walked to the operating room. My nerves were pretty high at this point, but try to be calm. I was having strong contractions all morning on my own, so I figured that it was probably a good day anyways.

The spinal was very stressful. I actually wussed out and asked for a general, but the anesthesiologist said NO to me, and said that anxiety wasn't a good excuse. I hated him at that moment, but knew he was right and what he was saying was for the best. The spinal WORKED!!!:happydance: I had a bit of a panic when the freezing went up to my chest and I felt like I couldn't breathe. I was really panicing and the anesthesiologist tried to put O2 on me, but I was panicing so much that I pushed it away. He had to give me something to calm me. I cried and cried after that, out of RELIEF (for the spinal working) and because our baby, that I have waited so long for, was about to be born. I can't describe how emotional I was, but it was good emotional. Hubby came in when they were about to start and I was all prepped, and he was so happy the spinal worked too! He held my hand and the OB said he had already started. A couple minutes in and I heard a cry. I heard my OB say she was a girl and that she was a good size. They took her over to the little warming bed right beside us and I could see her as they checked her over and weighed her etc. She was 8lbs 12oz! My guess that morning was 8lbs 8oz, and hubby's was 8lbs 10oz, so we were both pretty close with our guesses. Then they gave her to me to hold while they stitched me up.:cloud9::cloud9::cloud9: She is so beautiful and I couldn't believe she was here, finally. Hubby also held her and we both took pics of each other. Then I was done, and I was wheeled back into our room, with baby and hubby for recovery. Then kept baby in just a diaper and let me lay skin to skin with her for this time. They also helped me put baby to breast, which was weird because I couldn't feel the whole thing, but I loved every second of it and so did Kelana.:cloud9:

After about an hour after recovery, the spinal was pretty much wearing out, and I was in alot of pain. When I say alot of pain, let's just say that the nurses compared it to transistion in labour. They figure it was a combination of my age, my thin uterus, and the large amounts of pitocin they had to use to prevent hemmorage (which I had with my first baby). I was literally screaming out in pain and they kept pushing drugs into my IV. My kids arrived around this time, so were not allowed in, but baby went out to see them. It was horrible, but lucky for me, I have blocked most of this out, whether out of pain, or drugs or a combo.

Other than that, this has been the best birth for me. I do have an infection right now (in my skin above the incision). I am on antibiotics. Kelana is WONDERFUL. She loves to breastfeed, espesially now that my milk has come in (came in last night). She did drop alot of weight, more than they like to see, so we have to take her in tomorrow to get her weighed. She dropped almost a pound and was 7lbs 14oz last night. She also has jaundice, but since she is eating well, and isn't lethargic, she should be fine. I feel a wee bit sick. I am super swollen from all the IV fluids. I have actually gained so much weight from swelling that I have only lost ONE pound giving birth!!!

Just super tired. Got home today. We are about to go to bed. It is late here. Kelana is the sweetest baby and I love her so much and already I cannot imagine ever living without her.

Her name, Kelana, is pronounced Key-lawn-ah. :)

Goodness, sounds like you had a time and a half of it. Glad you're both home safe and well xx
congratulations again tina, thanks for sharing your story :) :hugs: love the pics, and the ones on FB, she is beautiful!! xxx
well, im still here, 10 days overdue now, cant wait to have my little girl...

congrats to everyone whos given birth over the past few days :D x
So, I have a minute to write.

I went in for my section and it was very organized and much easier than an emergency section. Everything was going on time. I was given my room, and IV and we waited in our room. Then I walked to the operating room. My nerves were pretty high at this point, but try to be calm. I was having strong contractions all morning on my own, so I figured that it was probably a good day anyways.

The spinal was very stressful. I actually wussed out and asked for a general, but the anesthesiologist said NO to me, and said that anxiety wasn't a good excuse. I hated him at that moment, but knew he was right and what he was saying was for the best. The spinal WORKED!!!:happydance: I had a bit of a panic when the freezing went up to my chest and I felt like I couldn't breathe. I was really panicing and the anesthesiologist tried to put O2 on me, but I was panicing so much that I pushed it away. He had to give me something to calm me. I cried and cried after that, out of RELIEF (for the spinal working) and because our baby, that I have waited so long for, was about to be born. I can't describe how emotional I was, but it was good emotional. Hubby came in when they were about to start and I was all prepped, and he was so happy the spinal worked too! He held my hand and the OB said he had already started. A couple minutes in and I heard a cry. I heard my OB say she was a girl and that she was a good size. They took her over to the little warming bed right beside us and I could see her as they checked her over and weighed her etc. She was 8lbs 12oz! My guess that morning was 8lbs 8oz, and hubby's was 8lbs 10oz, so we were both pretty close with our guesses. Then they gave her to me to hold while they stitched me up.:cloud9::cloud9::cloud9: She is so beautiful and I couldn't believe she was here, finally. Hubby also held her and we both took pics of each other. Then I was done, and I was wheeled back into our room, with baby and hubby for recovery. Then kept baby in just a diaper and let me lay skin to skin with her for this time. They also helped me put baby to breast, which was weird because I couldn't feel the whole thing, but I loved every second of it and so did Kelana.:cloud9:

After about an hour after recovery, the spinal was pretty much wearing out, and I was in alot of pain. When I say alot of pain, let's just say that the nurses compared it to transistion in labour. They figure it was a combination of my age, my thin uterus, and the large amounts of pitocin they had to use to prevent hemmorage (which I had with my first baby). I was literally screaming out in pain and they kept pushing drugs into my IV. My kids arrived around this time, so were not allowed in, but baby went out to see them. It was horrible, but lucky for me, I have blocked most of this out, whether out of pain, or drugs or a combo.

Other than that, this has been the best birth for me. I do have an infection right now (in my skin above the incision). I am on antibiotics. Kelana is WONDERFUL. She loves to breastfeed, espesially now that my milk has come in (came in last night). She did drop alot of weight, more than they like to see, so we have to take her in tomorrow to get her weighed. She dropped almost a pound and was 7lbs 14oz last night. She also has jaundice, but since she is eating well, and isn't lethargic, she should be fine. I feel a wee bit sick. I am super swollen from all the IV fluids. I have actually gained so much weight from swelling that I have only lost ONE pound giving birth!!!

Just super tired. Got home today. We are about to go to bed. It is late here. Kelana is the sweetest baby and I love her so much and already I cannot imagine ever living without her.

Her name, Kelana, is pronounced Key-lawn-ah. :)

:happydance: CONGRATS!!!!! :happydance:

She is soooooooooo beautiful well done! :wohoo:

Your other two are gorgeous also, they make a gorgeous trio :D xx
well, im still here, 10 days overdue now, cant wait to have my little girl...

congrats to everyone whos given birth over the past few days :D x

Aww hun :hugs:, naughty little lady, keeping you waiting. Have you got an induction date yet?

nope, i am booked in for another sweep on monday so hopefully she will tell me more then x
nope, i am booked in for another sweep on monday so hopefully she will tell me more then x

Fingers crossed hun, I shall be stalking on Monday unless little miss decides to arrive before then xxx

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