****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

Thanks for sharing your stories ladies! Lovely little girls you have.

Today may be my last baby-free day! I'm a little anxious....I want to know right now if they will be able to start me off tonight or if I have to wait til tomorrow! Hubby is home with me now (as of yesterday) so we are trying to just spend some time together and get some last minute stuff done- i.e. groceries and stocking up on toilet paper :haha:

I hope everyone is well. My fingers are crossed that more of you lovely ladies start popping really soon (especially the overdue ones!).

Okay while I have a few mins here is my birth story :)

On Thur 12th Aug approx term+1 I felt a gush of fluid about 5pm so decided to wait an hr or so and see if anything else happened. I lay down to rest and at 6.30pm stood up and it happened again so my OH and I went to hospital to get it checked over. They confirmed my hind waters had started to go and told me that if I didnt go into labour within the next day I had to come back on Sat 14th Aug to be induced as risk of infection was now higher to baby.

So nothing happened apart from irregular tightenings over the day and night of Fri 13th which meant at 8am on Sat morning I rolled up to hospital to be induced. Part of me was still thinking they would send me home or something, it hadnt sunk in I was having my baby that day! :haha:

At 9am I was examined and found to be 1 to 2cm dilated and my cervix was soft so put straight on syntocin drip around 10am and from then on this is what happened....

12pm - tightening starting.
1:45pm - fore waters broke.
3:15pm - they tried putting fetal head monitor on to baby but I was still only 1-2cm dilated and not getting a good contact. So I had to stay on the bed with the belt on. My contractions were starting to come stronger by this point.
4pm - I started on gas and air. Boy is it good :D
4:15pm - The registrar came to check on me and said continue as I was doing and get some more fluids on board.

From then on the contractions got stronger but the gas and air really helped it then got to:

7pm - I had another VE done.Was found to be 4cm dilated and baby much lower.
7:30pm - the dr came to check on me again said I was doing well and to continue as I was doing and they would review me in another 4 hours. I felt a bit down at this point that things werent happening faster little did I know what was around the corner!!

The contractions started to ramp up and the belt was losing contact so the midwife examined me at 8pm and managed to fit the fetal scalp monitor and found I was now 7cm. I asked for an epidural at this point as the pain was pretty bad! After this point its all abit of a blur until I got to the pushing stage but my husband managed to make a few notes...

8:30pm - epidural fitted.
9:25pm - epidural top up due to still hurting.
1000pm - urge to push.
1016pm - born.

The feeling of needing to push was overwhelming and as soon as it kicked in I stopped using my gas and air as I had something to focus on and being able to push against the pain made it much more bearable! Baby was given straight to me for skin to skin as soon as she was born and her daddy cut the cord :D She weighed 7lb 2oz and was 49cm long! :cloud9:

After all that my placenta decided that it didnt want to co-operate though and I ended up having to go to theatre to have it removed manually(use your imagination-ow!) I felt weak afterwards and had lost 1200mls of blood so had to stay in hospital for 2 days while I recovered. It was all worth it though for my beautiful baby girl Avalon Grace who we are totally and utterly in love with :D

I hope you enjoyed reading my story xx
Thanks for sharing, what a lovely little lady though and worth all the pains :hugs:
Billy, sorry, I only just saw your message about FG...

Congratulations to Ozzie!

Happy_mom, hopefully things get moving soon, all these things are good signs that things are going in the right direction!

Lou, glad they figured out about the clots quickly though, scary though - I didn't have a 'sock' either is that for like DVT prevention then?

Guppy, I remember posting before Bridget was born I felt like I had a cold coming on (Danielle did too that day) but I can't remember when before that was!

Nik, lovely birth story, brought a tear to my eye - love the idea of you in DOU with the other mums seeing you struggle up off the floor!

Jasmak, so glad you're safely home now, I hope the infection clears up soon!

Princessellie, I had just about given up hope at 10 days over, but Bridget managed it on her own on day 11 (I was induced at +11 with Charlotte, so glad I waited this time) Hopefully you won't even need the sweep on Monday, but chances are that if you make it that far it has a good chance of working!

Foosh, how exciting! When will you know if they are having you in tonight! All the very best for you!!

Lliena, I have to say I'm really glad my waters didn't go at home, given how much of a mess they made in the hospital! Thank you for sharing your story with us :)

As for us, well last night was better, poor wee Bridget had been so unsettled in the early evening (7-11/12) the last few nights, inconsolable, feeding every half hour, and eventually going to sleep (and managing about 3 or 4 hours, so not too bad)... but last night we decided to offer her a few ounces of formula, and what a difference! She didn't like the avent bottles, but luckily a friend had given me some tommee tippee ones, and she had 3 ounces of milk and slept until we woke her for dream feed. I fed her from both boobs again, and then she had 2 oz from bottle, and slept 11-5! we woke her at 5 cos we were paranoid! That was the first time she was able to go down in her carrycot awake as well and drop off on her own, so all in all very pleased, and much better rested than I expected to be! Not convinced that it'll be like that from now on, but at least we know she's got it in her!
Still finding it really bizarre dealing with two kids, and dreading DHs return to work already, but it's getting a little easier every day, so hopefully after another week with him at home it'll be a little more natural to me.

:dust: for all those that need it, and patience in spades to the ladies who are due at the end of the month... and don't feel you have to go to Sept if baby is late, you're august mums through and through!! *DD was a June 'May' baby, so I know the feeling!
Hi everyone,
Quick catch up while little one has a full tum and Mr B and Riley have popped to Tesco!
Well, little lady has slinked right into the family with little more fuss than the occasional session of MAN FARTS!!! which I have to say she is very skilled at haha!
She is just perfect, and I cant stop looking at her!
Her frequent feeding is settling into more of a pattern now bless her! and she is goin a little longer between feeds!

Had the Midwife in today and she's back tomorrow to Reway her etc etc!
and we had our first visitors today which is lovely!
We have worked out that while I am doing the feeding, Mr B is FAR better at gettig her wind up (which she gets a TONNE of lol), so we're managing as a team and he said he feels more useful at feeding time! He even gets up in the night with me, although who knows how long THAT will last haha!

HUGE congrats to ALL the new mummy's and babas! and good luck to remaining August Mums to be! Keep checking for updates x x hugs x x NIK x x
Billy, sorry, I only just saw your message about FG...

Congratulations to Ozzie!

Happy_mom, hopefully things get moving soon, all these things are good signs that things are going in the right direction!

Lou, glad they figured out about the clots quickly though, scary though - I didn't have a 'sock' either is that for like DVT prevention then?

Guppy, I remember posting before Bridget was born I felt like I had a cold coming on (Danielle did too that day) but I can't remember when before that was!

Nik, lovely birth story, brought a tear to my eye - love the idea of you in DOU with the other mums seeing you struggle up off the floor!

Jasmak, so glad you're safely home now, I hope the infection clears up soon!

Princessellie, I had just about given up hope at 10 days over, but Bridget managed it on her own on day 11 (I was induced at +11 with Charlotte, so glad I waited this time) Hopefully you won't even need the sweep on Monday, but chances are that if you make it that far it has a good chance of working!

Foosh, how exciting! When will you know if they are having you in tonight! All the very best for you!!

Lliena, I have to say I'm really glad my waters didn't go at home, given how much of a mess they made in the hospital! Thank you for sharing your story with us :)

As for us, well last night was better, poor wee Bridget had been so unsettled in the early evening (7-11/12) the last few nights, inconsolable, feeding every half hour, and eventually going to sleep (and managing about 3 or 4 hours, so not too bad)... but last night we decided to offer her a few ounces of formula, and what a difference! She didn't like the avent bottles, but luckily a friend had given me some tommee tippee ones, and she had 3 ounces of milk and slept until we woke her for dream feed. I fed her from both boobs again, and then she had 2 oz from bottle, and slept 11-5! we woke her at 5 cos we were paranoid! That was the first time she was able to go down in her carrycot awake as well and drop off on her own, so all in all very pleased, and much better rested than I expected to be! Not convinced that it'll be like that from now on, but at least we know she's got it in her!
Still finding it really bizarre dealing with two kids, and dreading DHs return to work already, but it's getting a little easier every day, so hopefully after another week with him at home it'll be a little more natural to me.

:dust: for all those that need it, and patience in spades to the ladies who are due at the end of the month... and don't feel you have to go to Sept if baby is late, you're august mums through and through!! *DD was a June 'May' baby, so I know the feeling!

Glad she got some good stretches of sleep, Sounds like your little lady is doing REALLY well, her pics on FB are beautiful!
I still Giggle at the mans face in DOU when he was watching me get up haha! I dont think he knew WHAT to think!

6 days old in her first cloth nappy :D :cloud9:
well done al mommies that have popped huge congrats haven't managed to catch up yet and dont think i will as joel is a user and only wants me for my boobies lol and as i'm a newbie at it i've only just mastered bf and holding him and typing is a thing i defo can't do need some more practise mercy and lliena noticed you pic they are both lovely :cloud9: for you
Aww thanks hun :D Hope your doing ok! We did our first bath tonight in a tummy tub and she loved it hehe!
had more back ache and cramping today :/ been at my MIL's since 1ish...she's decided i'm in slow labour but I refuse to believe that..
Wanted to go out with my mum and some other's tonight, but OH as used all my diesel and not got any money to put some more in...he's told me to go still, but i'v told him no because what if I go, use the last bit of disel then go into labour tonight and we haven't got the diesal in to get to the hospital.

I fancy choc cake but got non :'(
Mercy Love your birth story, can't imagine the thoughts of those poor guys! Glad she's settled in well x

Lliena Avalon is so cute in her nappies. Enjoyed your birth story too, glad your OH remembered certain parts :hugs:

JASMAK So nice to hear that everything went well and your children are beautiful!!

Lucy Yes, think it is DVT and glad I mentioned cramp to MW...it was as I was walking out the door and she pulled me back in to check it out! Glad you feel rested! Even though it was an easier labour I feel much more drained this time around and have really appreciated Kev doing the night/morning feeds while I sleep. I still feel guilty about not bf but...:wacko:

PrinessEllie Sending you tons of labour dust x

Good luck LilFooshFoosh looking forward to your update!

AFM we took Jacob and Emma to wacky warehouse today (she just slept through it, ha ha) had more visitors and got our babies in bed. Kev's cooked a lovely meal and just about to watch a film and Emma wants feeding again! I think shes on a growth spurt with how much she has had today!

Hope ladies, bumps and babies are well! Hope to hear more annoucements soon!!:flower:
Lou im not breastfeeding either as the painkillers/antibiotics im on would pass onto Avalon if she had my milk. I know what you mean about feeling guilty but as long as our babies are happy thats what counts hun :hug:
Hi ladies! They aren't fitting me in tonight, so tomorrow morning at 8 am EST it is. Hopefully it goes quick!

good morning ladies... hjope evry one is fine!! nothing much to say... really very disapointed:cry: i know that i still have another week for my 2nd EDD but realy my body cant cope it up anymore it's very sore / painful. loads and loads braxton hicks and losing tons of mucus plus (sorry TMI) i feel like a failiure. but nothing is prgressing :wacko:

sorry fort the rant... i just wanted to take it out for the first time!! im really in tears now!!:cry: :cry:

Hugs to all the new mummies and gorgeous babys xx

:dust: :dust: to all mummys with bumps xx

Jasmak and Lliena wonderful birth storys thanks for sharing xxxx

We're ok here just.Having a few niggles but life goes on hey.Can you believe Ashton is a month old tomoro :shock:
Aww thanks hun :D Hope your doing ok! We did our first bath tonight in a tummy tub and she loved it hehe!

Joel loves the bath mind you he's only cried twice and once was when the bad mw came and stabbed his heal with that massive needle the nasty bitch lol and the other was cause daddy held him he dosen't like his boney chest :haha:

he's slept from 10 til 6.30 again last night that will do me just nicely i keep meaning to get some photo's on here but always forget:dohh:

mrsp when we moving to the baby club or are we waiting until the end of aug so we don't leave our ladies behind
good morning ladies... hjope evry one is fine!! nothing much to say... really very disapointed:cry: i know that i still have another week for my 2nd EDD but realy my body cant cope it up anymore it's very sore / painful. loads and loads braxton hicks and losing tons of mucus plus (sorry TMI) i feel like a failiure. but nothing is prgressing :wacko:

sorry fort the rant... i just wanted to take it out for the first time!! im really in tears now!!:cry: :cry:

40 + 1 today... grrrr!
Happy_mom i'm feeling like a bit of a failure too. I'm going on an hour long walk every day and when I get back my lower back is sore and I feel a lot more pressure lower down. Yesterday that feeling lasted for the rest of the day so I got a little excited that things might be starting off, but no. Woke up this morning feeling fine again, no pain.
I'm longing for pain - bring on the pain! (didn't think i'd be saying that at this stage!)
40 + 1 today... grrrr!
Happy_mom i'm feeling like a bit of a failure too. I'm going on an hour long walk every day and when I get back my lower back is sore and I feel a lot more pressure lower down. Yesterday that feeling lasted for the rest of the day so I got a little excited that things might be starting off, but no. Woke up this morning feeling fine again, no pain.
I'm longing for pain - bring on the pain! (didn't think i'd be saying that at this stage!)

yeah after i posted here i actually had good :cry: alone for 20 mins now i feel a bit relaxed... because every time u get a symptom u get ur hopes up even if u dont want it to be... Im so done now!!:nope:

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