how long should we give them on a certain type of milk before changing it? i mean does it take a while to get into their system?
sorry for sounding thick, the formula thing is all new to me
I was breast feeding Kaiya too, but I just wasnt producing enough milk for her, and she was feeding every hour for 20 mins, but after 40 mins to an hour she wanting feeding again, and i was just so drained, so we made the decision to move her onto formula, as we wanted whats best for her. she was only breast fed for 2 weeks, broke my heart moing her onto formula.
she has only been on formula for 8 days, so i might give it till the weekend, and see if its any better
I take my hat off to you Zoe, I am finding it hard with one baby that wants feeding and cuddles constantly. So I totally admire you and anyone else with more than one child, you all must be super woman. x
Lollipop I have moved Avalon on to Aptamil after a week and a bit on c+g and it seems to be suiting her. Their poos should be yellowy like chicken korma. Avalon was constipated but yesterday she had 3oz of water and a tiny dash of oj in it spred out throughout the day and then hallelujah she pooed and slept for 6 hrs from midnight till 6am. I was so happy and she was much more relieved.
If your lo is feeding that much she could need hungry baby milk. Might be worth asking health visitor
I'm having exactly the same hun and it's driving me insane he is on SMA so i am now switching to Aptimal as all my others were ok on it x
I think it's safe to say I will soon be announcing the birth of another August baby! Contractions (the first of the whole pregnancy) have started and only gotten worse. I started losing plug too within the hour. Since I was due last Saturday already I think I have permission to start getting a little excited at last.
to all in waiting! Especially those past due!
weeelllll I dont want to jinx things buuuuuuuuuuuutttttttttttttt....
I have been having period pains every 10/15 mins since 4am I bloody hope this is the start coz I will be so gutted if this comes to nothing!!
Will keep u all updated
Morning ladies (wowie! nearly 1000 Pages already!!!)
Had a MW appt. this morning. (now 3 days "overdue").
I am 50% effaced/thinned (up from 0% 3 weeks ago)
I am nearly 2CMs dilated (up from 1-1.5cm from 3 weeks ago)
I am stationed at -1 (up, or should i say "down" from -3, three weeks ago)
SO progress is def. being made!! just hope i go into labor soon!!!! (especially since today would be my *technical* due date if they would have based it off ovulation)
I think it's safe to say I will soon be announcing the birth of another August baby! Contractions (the first of the whole pregnancy) have started and only gotten worse. I started losing plug too within the hour. Since I was due last Saturday already I think I have permission to start getting a little excited at last.
to all in waiting! Especially those past due!
Page 1000!
what is it i need it badly lol
Haven't been timing for a while but 6ish minutes maybe? I'm still coping well but definitely needing to breathe deeper and occasionally concentrate. I'll see how long I can play my video game before I just keep getting game over...