****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

i am slowly getting scared of labour :/ want to stay at home as long as possible (but I think i'm going to end up being induced!), and wanted to just use gas and air aslong as possible...but other thing's will be more tempting if i'm stuck in hospital and not at home :/

How many of us is there left to have their baby's then?

ME! :hissy:
9 days over today! UGH.

I too have the same fears :(
Just praying i can get through it. I have an appt. on Friday...have a feeling they will want to induce...if im far enough dilated i am just going to request them to break my water. At least that would give me a shot at not having to be hooked up and strapped to a bed.

Hope you and i go by TOMORROW! I have NO idea why i am *this* overdue :shrug: i mean, i mentally prepaired myself to go over...but not THIS overdue! :dohh: and i dont get it because even IF my due date was based on Ov. i would have been due the 26th...so i guess EDDs based on Ov. still arn't accurate :dohh:

I'v just been to midwife, she offered me a sweep, but I said no, i'd see how I feel next week. Wish I'd said yes now :/

going to get tea done soon, then have a bounce on my ball and maybe get OH to go on a walk with me, see if I can get thing's moving with out having to have a sweep!!
He's turned, he's side way's now :) but still only 4/5ths
i am slowly getting scared of labour :/ want to stay at home as long as possible (but I think i'm going to end up being induced!), and wanted to just use gas and air aslong as possible...but other thing's will be more tempting if i'm stuck in hospital and not at home :/

How many of us is there left to have their baby's then?

ME! :hissy:
9 days over today! UGH.

I too have the same fears :(
Just praying i can get through it. I have an appt. on Friday...have a feeling they will want to induce...if im far enough dilated i am just going to request them to break my water. At least that would give me a shot at not having to be hooked up and strapped to a bed.

Hope you and i go by TOMORROW! I have NO idea why i am *this* overdue :shrug: i mean, i mentally prepaired myself to go over...but not THIS overdue! :dohh: and i dont get it because even IF my due date was based on Ov. i would have been due the 26th...so i guess EDDs based on Ov. still arn't accurate :dohh:

I'v just been to midwife, she offered me a sweep, but I said no, i'd see how I feel next week. Wish I'd said yes now :/

going to get tea done soon, then have a bounce on my ball and maybe get OH to go on a walk with me, see if I can get thing's moving with out having to have a sweep!!
He's turned, he's side way's now :) but still only 4/5ths

Are you dilated at all? My sweep didn't hurt at all but i was already 2CM dilated by that point (i hear it can be brutal if you arn't really dilated yet).
You should come to my house and bring your ball! HAHA, we can have a bounce party while watching "Say Yes to the Dress"! :rofl:

btw, was does it mean to be 4/5ths engaged? :dohh: they tell me with station numbers. Like i was -3 and now im -1. So i dont understand the 4/5ths thing :dohh:
i am slowly getting scared of labour :/ want to stay at home as long as possible (but I think i'm going to end up being induced!), and wanted to just use gas and air aslong as possible...but other thing's will be more tempting if i'm stuck in hospital and not at home :/

How many of us is there left to have their baby's then?

ME! :hissy:
9 days over today! UGH.

I too have the same fears :(
Just praying i can get through it. I have an appt. on Friday...have a feeling they will want to induce...if im far enough dilated i am just going to request them to break my water. At least that would give me a shot at not having to be hooked up and strapped to a bed.

Hope you and i go by TOMORROW! I have NO idea why i am *this* overdue :shrug: i mean, i mentally prepaired myself to go over...but not THIS overdue! :dohh: and i dont get it because even IF my due date was based on Ov. i would have been due the 26th...so i guess EDDs based on Ov. still arn't accurate :dohh:

I'v just been to midwife, she offered me a sweep, but I said no, i'd see how I feel next week. Wish I'd said yes now :/

going to get tea done soon, then have a bounce on my ball and maybe get OH to go on a walk with me, see if I can get thing's moving with out having to have a sweep!!
He's turned, he's side way's now :) but still only 4/5ths

Are you dilated at all? My sweep didn't hurt at all but i was already 2CM dilated by that point (i hear it can be brutal if you arn't really dilated yet).
You should come to my house and bring your ball! HAHA, we can have a bounce party while watching "Say Yes to the Dress"! :rofl:

btw, was does it mean to be 4/5ths engaged? :dohh: they tell me with station numbers. Like i was -3 and now im -1. So i dont understand the 4/5ths thing :dohh:

she's not checked to see how dilated I am :)

4/5th mean's he's just on brim of my pelvis...only just starting to make his way down, he's been like that for the past week! I hope he's moved down more next week :/
oh okay...so is 4/5ths the same as -1? or is that -4? Sorry, this preggo brain is taking over :dohh:
oh okay...so is 4/5ths the same as -1? or is that -4? Sorry, this preggo brain is taking over :dohh:

I don't know how the -1 works lol

I'v decided i'm going to send Mike to mothercare later and get some storage bag thing's for milk, and i'll do what mercy suggested week's ago! Some expressing and freezing it :)
Good luck with the expressing!
Maybe it will bring on labor too ;)
I expressed last night (been leaking since 17 weeks! :blush:) I wasn't doing it to actually get anything out, but more for natural inducing. Anyways, i did have more yesterday than the couple days before that...i was proud of myself :D haha. wasn't enough to actually freeze though :wacko: Have fun! LOL
Well no August baby for me! :cry:
Think 'll be hanging on for a while yet as I have had no signs, symptoms or twinges at all!!! :dohh:
Hope everyone is doing ok and lots and lots of labour :dust: for those August mummies who still need it! :hugs: xx
Good luck with the expressing!
Maybe it will bring on labor too ;)
I expressed last night (been leaking since 17 weeks! :blush:) I wasn't doing it to actually get anything out, but more for natural inducing. Anyways, i did have more yesterday than the couple days before that...i was proud of myself :D haha. wasn't enough to actually freeze though :wacko: Have fun! LOL

I'v been leaking for as long as I can remember, I only seem to ever leak at night tho :s
ba, have you ever woke up to little spots on your pillow? That has been happening to me! :rofl:
ba, have you ever woke up to little spots on your pillow? That has been happening to me! :rofl:

noojust great big patches on my top/nightie...it used to be little patches now it's huge one's :/ I didn't realise the other day, forgot to check...and answered the door to some one :/
Hi Everyone!

I can't believe August is over?! Wishing all you overdue mums lots of pain and labour dust!!

Been discharged by the MW today and my little chunk now weighs 8lb 5oz!! The HV came on Tuesday, shes really nice but won't see her now for a while.

Got to get weighed tomorrow and I'm excited and nervous at the same time, I've not been completely down the line with it - but I don't seem to use my points everyday so think its balanced itself out! I'll let you know how I get on, Fingers crossed.

Hope bumps, babies and you lovely ladies are ok x
I'v decided i'm going to send Mike to mothercare later and get some storage bag thing's for milk, and i'll do what mercy suggested week's ago! Some expressing and freezing it :)

The Colostrum I expressed has been really useful! I used it for a couple of nights when I didnt feel I was making enough for Georgia, and then I expressed after finishing my feed while Mat fed her the expressed milk! that way she got the feed she needed, and I still expressed to try and increase the supply! Its worked a treat too! As I am making enough milk to feed an army now haha! And When the HV weighed her today she is 8lb 4 already (7lb 8 at birth)

GOOD luck to anyone still waiting on their little miracles! :thumbup: :flower:

HUUUUGE congrats to everyone who has had babies these past few days while I have been away!

Carolyn, I hope you're feeling some reliefe sweetie x

Afm, We hav had a lovely time at home visiting family but was SO SO glad to get back to my little house this morning!
Georgia is doing amazing, I feel SO blessed to have such a little treasure! I am falling more in love with her every day, and having her has made me realise how grown up Riley is, and how proud I am of all he can do!
He is SUCH a fab big brother, but he is having a tough time figuring out his delicate emotions bless him! Hes been a bit over dramatic and teary but hes getting there! and he hasnt shown ANY signs of jealousy or resentment to my little lady! SO I think we're doing ok!

cant believe She is 2weeks old today! where has the time gone!!!!!!!
I am loving buying all the pink and pretty things. And I can see a whole lotta spending coming in the near future hahaha!

Anyways Hope we're all well x x
Nikki x x
I'v decided i'm going to send Mike to mothercare later and get some storage bag thing's for milk, and i'll do what mercy suggested week's ago! Some expressing and freezing it :)

The Colostrum I expressed has been really useful! I used it for a couple of nights when I didnt feel I was making enough for Georgia, and then I expressed after finishing my feed while Mat fed her the expressed milk! that way she got the feed she needed, and I still expressed to try and increase the supply! Its worked a treat too! As I am making enough milk to feed an army now haha! And When the HV weighed her today she is 8lb 4 already (7lb 8 at birth)

GOOD luck to anyone still waiting on their little miracles! :thumbup: :flower:

HUUUUGE congrats to everyone who has had babies these past few days while I have been away!

Carolyn, I hope you're feeling some reliefe sweetie x

Afm, We hav had a lovely time at home visiting family but was SO SO glad to get back to my little house this morning!
Georgia is doing amazing, I feel SO blessed to have such a little treasure! I am falling more in love with her every day, and having her has made me realise how grown up Riley is, and how proud I am of all he can do!
He is SUCH a fab big brother, but he is having a tough time figuring out his delicate emotions bless him! Hes been a bit over dramatic and teary but hes getting there! and he hasnt shown ANY signs of jealousy or resentment to my little lady! SO I think we're doing ok!

cant believe She is 2weeks old today! where has the time gone!!!!!!!
I am loving buying all the pink and pretty things. And I can see a whole lotta spending coming in the near future hahaha!

Anyways Hope we're all well x x
Nikki x x

He's been and got me some bag thing's so tomorrow, when he's gone to work I can give it ago :)

Glad your visit's went well :D

I need to find away to tell my mums he an come see H for half hour or so when I'm home, but then I want a couple of day's just me, mike and H
It's yonks since I've been on here!!

Congratulations to rainbows, tashaclaire, princessellie, lumpybumpy, vespersonicca

Danielle, Guppy and Blob (and anyone else!) hang in there!! I know the feeling, DD was due in May, born in June... How did the expressing go Danielle? Guppy, I think wherever you take your dates from some babies just take longer to cook...

Carolyn, hope you got your ABs OK? What a knob-end receptionist - we're allowed to see any doc at my surgery... I need to talk to HV about PND today too, I did the Edinburgh scale and got 16, so not great...

Nik and Mrs P, sounds like you had good trips!!

As for us, have been better. Bridget won't sleep in the day apart from in the car, so even though C has been at childminders this week, I have had no down time in the day at all - I'm shattered. Took from 7pm to 11pm feeding every half hour to get her to sleep last night.

She's crying again now and I feel lost, no idea if she's tired or hungry or just wants a cuddle or what. She's sitting in the swing looking cross. My guess would be tired as she's been up since 7 with only a 10 min doze while I took C to childminder... but I just feel like I don't know what to do with her at all.

We're waiting for HV to arrive now, 20 mins late so far.
HWM not given it ago yet :) going to do it soon. Just went in kitchen to get the stuff....then walked out with out it and dint realise until I sat down, and now i cba to get it lol

I have a quiet baby atm :/ his movement as slowly got less and slower the past few day's :S giving him until about 4 and if it's not picked up i'll ring MW
:hissy::shock: NOTHING HAPPENED, I CANT BELIEVE IT! :hissy::shock:

Is there something wrong with my body? Im really starting to think so, seriously.

...only 10 days OVERDUE now :sad1:
Hey lucy,
good to have you back on here hehe, my HV is ALWAYS late without fail too its a pain!
Got AB's this morning from a nurse although i do feel that now the duct isnt blocked anymore the pain isnt as bad. I felt fluey and horrible last night so ended up in bed by about 8.
Still dont know whats happening with a GP but as soon as i get an appointment (with one of MY choice, haha) i will no doubts be doing the edin scal too :( i know my HV is keeping a close eye on me. she is really nice which helps but i she can be a little patronising with the sympathetic nods of her head and agreeing with me lol
must be hard for you with lack of sleep...i do tend to get downtime when abby in bed but i tend to sit on here or catch up on eastenders when i suppose i really should grab a nap!
hugs xxx
yay for first time managed to log in from my phone you might be hearing more from me!
Guppy i hear ya. Was convinced my body was a failure esp as induced ten days over last time... But i did go on my own this time eleven days late. Hang in there :hugs:
Carolyn HV very good. She's making me an appt with GP so i won't have the awkward start of conversation... She'll know why I'm there. Scared a the thought of medication though.
Also soul searching about the Breastfeeding. It's killing me emotionally even though it's physically not too bad. HV pretty much said she thought i should stop for my own 'health'. Was quite taken aback she wasn't more pushing me to stick with it...
feel so all over the place. I want someone to take decision out of my hands . Trying to remind myself bottle feeding won't necessarily fix all the 'problems'. This aside from the fact that B won't take bottle at the moment anyway!
good news is she's got 8oz on in 8 days finally got her birth weight back :) bad news is I'm gaining faster. My clothes after getting slightly looser are getting tighter again :(
please excuse random typos that'll be predictive text!
Lucy so nice to hear from you! :hugs: sounds like you're having a rough time. Can't give you any advice, but if you ever need to talk, you know where I am. What does OH say about bottle feeding? It might be an option cos although you say it won't help with some things it could allow someone else to give you a break and get some sleep and maybe a night off from the night feed? Or even chance to get out of the house alone?

Carolyn glad your boob seems better - thats a sentence I'd never thought I'd say to someone!!

Glad you enjoyed your hols Mercy know what you mean about nothing being better than your own home!

Labour dust to you overdue mums...you're still August babies though x Danielle definately ring the midwife if you're concerned!

AFM just cleaned and tidied the whole house and now officially shattered! Just need to mop kitchen floor and sort Jacob's splat room out but that can wait while I rest and have a brew! Bit nervous about getting weighed tonight...is that sad?!

Lou x

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