****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

Sorry i have taken so long to post, i had my baby girl on 31st!! She was due on 17th!! Have posted birth story x
Gotta get on here more often! After that one time cna't get on from my phone any more :(

Carolyn, gorgeous pic!!

Big congratulations to Guppy, happy_mom, alaskanwhite, tashalina, babybeemac and Lea21

And come on Henry, mummy is waiting! I'd definitely go for the sweep Danielle! And don't be afraid to go out if you can hun, meet your friend and keep busy I say!! And come on any other over due babies!

Well, as for us, it's been emotional, but I've decided to stop feeding Bridget. DH had a WHOLE DAY with her (he knows what it's like now!) on Saturday and got her drinking from the bottle, which was the issue before that ruled out mixed feeding... But I've still been giving her middle of the night feed and first thing in morning, so I don't feel totally disconnected. bugger me though it's SORE trying to run down my milk supply. Have been expressing tiny amounts throughout the day, just enough to relieve the pressure without telling my body to make loads more!

After the HV on Thur and the docs on Friday, I was prescribed citalopram, but I decided not to take it - want to see how we cope with the bottle feeding first before I start changing other things. So far so good.

Just off to collect C from childminders now :)
HWM - I'm going out tomorrow with her now :) money permitting! Still thinking on the sweep tho

I feel so down and depressed today :( Been feeling sick on and off since yesturday morning, and completly drained of energy!!
Then my mum came round earlier and having a rant about my dad (was close to telling her to f off home because i cba), then my dad came round for me to sign something and I mentioned that me and mike was on about me chamging my name to his, so that we had the same surename on the b/c for Henry, and so I didn't have a diff name to them...dad went on one saying I don't want to be doing that for another 12month's! (not sure what difference that's going to make, except the fact we will have been together 3years and not 2), so that's put me in a shitty mood, and as soon as he left I just broke down in tear's :(
Only thing I want is my own life and family...I have (will when h come's) have my own family so just the life I need now instead of having my parents having to have a say on what ever I do!
HWM - I'm going out tomorrow with her now :) money permitting! Still thinking on the sweep tho

I feel so down and depressed today :( Been feeling sick on and off since yesturday morning, and completly drained of energy!!
Then my mum came round earlier and having a rant about my dad (was close to telling her to f off home because i cba), then my dad came round for me to sign something and I mentioned that me and mike was on about me chamging my name to his, so that we had the same surename on the b/c for Henry, and so I didn't have a diff name to them...dad went on one saying I don't want to be doing that for another 12month's! (not sure what difference that's going to make, except the fact we will have been together 3years and not 2), so that's put me in a shitty mood, and as soon as he left I just broke down in tear's :(
Only thing I want is my own life and family...I have (will when h come's) have my own family so just the life I need now instead of having my parents having to have a say on what ever I do!

Just popping in to say hello! I am hoping to have a moment later in the day to catch up, but just wanted to send my love and let you all know that I am thinking of you all. Lots of labour dust to those who are overdue, and congrats to all those with their new bundles. x
Lea21 Congratulations!!!!

Lucy You sound much more positive and glad Bridget took from the bottle!!

JASMAK I absolutely LOVE your avatar! Such a cool pic! Hope you're ok x

:hugs: Danielle

Been to the Trafford Centre today to buy...nothing!! Ha ha ha, Jacob enjoyed being driven around in his little car buggy though! Kev goes back to work on Thursday :nope: I can't complain too much, he's been off for more than 6 weeks but really enjoyed having him at home! But I might actually be able to keep the house in a more orderly fashion!

Hope ladies, babies and remaining bumps are ok! Lou x
Hi Ladies,

been a busy day from me and Abby is really grumpy after saturday night at her grannys so just a quick post from me before an early night!!
Im taking Abby and Ailah swimming with Chris 2moro :D cant wait... got to drive a bit to get to a decent swimming pool though as the one just up the road from me is freeeeezing!!
been looking to being a WAHM and being a nappy agent?! thoughts?

BLOB - just saw you nappy stash in the photo thread!!!!!! to say im jealous isnt even close!!!!!!!!! I only have one small cupboard :( i feel some shopping coming on haha xx
Hi Ladies,

been a busy day from me and Abby is really grumpy after saturday night at her grannys so just a quick post from me before an early night!!
Im taking Abby and Ailah swimming with Chris 2moro :D cant wait... got to drive a bit to get to a decent swimming pool though as the one just up the road from me is freeeeezing!!
been looking to being a WAHM and being a nappy agent?! thoughts?

BLOB - just saw you nappy stash in the photo thread!!!!!! to say im jealous isnt even close!!!!!!!!! I only have one small cupboard :( i feel some shopping coming on haha xx

Being a nappy agent would be ace how would you go about that? I could sooo do that! Pm me ;)

I've bought 19 more nappies this week :blush: :haha::blush: Id sold some stuff to make money and then spent it again on nappies! I have a serious addiction now hahaha!
Hi Ladies,

been a busy day from me and Abby is really grumpy after saturday night at her grannys so just a quick post from me before an early night!!
Im taking Abby and Ailah swimming with Chris 2moro :D cant wait... got to drive a bit to get to a decent swimming pool though as the one just up the road from me is freeeeezing!!
been looking to being a WAHM and being a nappy agent?! thoughts?

BLOB - just saw you nappy stash in the photo thread!!!!!! to say im jealous isnt even close!!!!!!!!! I only have one small cupboard :( i feel some shopping coming on haha xx

Being a nappy agent would be ace how would you go about that? I could sooo do that! Pm me ;)

I've bought 19 more nappies this week :blush: :haha::blush: Id sold some stuff to make money and then spent it again on nappies! I have a serious addiction now hahaha!

Ive emailed a few companies and asked for more info :) when they get back to me i will pm it to you... when i get some free time im going to do some proper research to see if it would be worth my while!!

19 in a week :shock: im slacking lol xx
Just got out of the hospital, had a c-section August 31st and my little arrived at 8:06 am weighing 6 lbs 8 oz. We are so in love! :cloud9:

Congrats hon, what have you named her?

well ladies, sorry i have not updated before now...

Ruby Grace was born August 29th at 10.35am weighing 8lb 8.

Had an 8 hour labour from first contraction to her being born, and I am so proud I didnt have an epidural this time, only g&a :happydance:

At the initial check by the pediatritian they tested her for jaundice, and it was at a high level, especially as she was less than 24 hours old so they decided to keep us in hospital. Her levels kept rising so on the sunday night she ended up in an incubator on a bilimat to bring down the bilirubin levels. I was only supposed to bring her out for feed so it was soooo difficult. They kept taking blood from her heel every 6 hours to check her levels, and although they did keep rising, they didnt go over the point where they were too concerned...and eventually on Tuesday night they started to fall so she was allowed out of the box :D and wednesday afternoon they had fallen again and we were allowed home :happydance:

We have spent the last few days settling in, she is a very hungry baby and seems to want to BF all the time!! She is either awake and feeding, asleep, or screaming and looking for a feed lol. Whe had a better night last night though so hopefully things will calm down a bit.

My nipples have been soooo sore, they have not cracked or anything but every time she latches on I nearly die, it eases off though and the MW says im obviously doing something right as after losing some of her birthweight and going down to 7lb 15 when she was weighed on tuesday, when MW did it on friday she was up to 8lb 6 :D woop woop for boobie juice lol

Congrats to all the august mummies that had their babies and labour dust to those still waiting :hugs:

Congratulations x

Hello mummies and (if there are any left!) mummies to be!

Just to finally share our good news. Christopher Alexander Maclean arrived 10 days late on the 23rd of August (Daddy's birthday!!)....weighing in at 10lbs 8oz.

Our lives have been thrown into chaos since, in the best possible way, and myself and DH are just completely smitten with our boy.

I hope you're all doing well!

x x x

Excellent. What a great present for daddy.

Congratulations Guppy really glad everything went according to plan!

Alskanwhite Woo Hoo, your Little girl looks gorgeous!!

Yeah Tash so pleased your LO is here! Well done you and booby juice :happydance:x

Babybeemac Congratulations!! You couldn't have given OH a better present really eh!!

Lollip0p What a shame about MIL as if you haven't got enough to deal with than her interfering and stirring! Chin up honey :hugs:x

Hope you enjoyed your Thai Mrs P...and the rest of your evening :winkwink: My weigh in in Thursday! Never had to diet before, always been lucky and hoping two LO's will help for it to fall off!!

Carolyn That is sooooo cool about Ailah sleeping through, bet you feel like a new person again!

Danielle Tell Henry to get a wriggle on...we want to meet him already (bet your fed up of everyone saying that now!!) Hope you're ok

Hope everyone else is ok x

AFM currently up and feeding my gorgeous little girl (who I hopefully think will turn into a little ginger BTW) Spent yesterday in Blackpool with the inlaws and Jacob LOVED the sea and beach! He was shattered by the time it came to the lights and fell asleep at the very end (best bit) typical eh!

Then today went to the park with them both with my sister and had a really nice day! Apart from a little bully boy on the park...his parents did nothing but watch him when he pushed little kiddies out of the way! Feel sorry for kids like that cos if not taught, how do they know its wrong?

Lou x

Good luck for Thursday, I weighed in last night 2lb loss so quite pleased.

Baby France - I said i'd be last one still pregnant din't I lol and i'm starting to think I really will be :(
I'm getting fed up full stop now :/ I want to meet him, and im sick of thinking "well should I go there, what if my water's brake" ment to be meeting a old school friend at the pub either today or tomorrow, before she goes back to uni wed's....and i'm worried my water's are going to go while i'm there or walking back on my own :/

Midwife wed's..maybe i'll take the sweep i'm offered, hopefully will book me in for my induction too

Not long hon, hang on in there wont be long xxx

Sorry i have taken so long to post, i had my baby girl on 31st!! She was due on 17th!! Have posted birth story x

Congrats x

Gotta get on here more often! After that one time cna't get on from my phone any more :(

Carolyn, gorgeous pic!!

Big congratulations to Guppy, happy_mom, alaskanwhite, tashalina, babybeemac and Lea21

And come on Henry, mummy is waiting! I'd definitely go for the sweep Danielle! And don't be afraid to go out if you can hun, meet your friend and keep busy I say!! And come on any other over due babies!

Well, as for us, it's been emotional, but I've decided to stop feeding Bridget. DH had a WHOLE DAY with her (he knows what it's like now!) on Saturday and got her drinking from the bottle, which was the issue before that ruled out mixed feeding... But I've still been giving her middle of the night feed and first thing in morning, so I don't feel totally disconnected. bugger me though it's SORE trying to run down my milk supply. Have been expressing tiny amounts throughout the day, just enough to relieve the pressure without telling my body to make loads more!

After the HV on Thur and the docs on Friday, I was prescribed citalopram, but I decided not to take it - want to see how we cope with the bottle feeding first before I start changing other things. So far so good.

Just off to collect C from childminders now :)

Sounds like you made the right choice for you all, hope it goes to plan.

I think its good to get a taste ofour day, I dont think they disbelieve us, but...

Just popping in to say hello! I am hoping to have a moment later in the day to catch up, but just wanted to send my love and let you all know that I am thinking of you all. Lots of labour dust to those who are overdue, and congrats to all those with their new bundles. x

Great pic

Hi Ladies,

been a busy day from me and Abby is really grumpy after saturday night at her grannys so just a quick post from me before an early night!!
Im taking Abby and Ailah swimming with Chris 2moro :D cant wait... got to drive a bit to get to a decent swimming pool though as the one just up the road from me is freeeeezing!!
been looking to being a WAHM and being a nappy agent?! thoughts?

BLOB - just saw you nappy stash in the photo thread!!!!!! to say im jealous isnt even close!!!!!!!!! I only have one small cupboard :( i feel some shopping coming on haha xx

Hope you have fun today.

AFM - mum is coming over today, just popping into town to the bank and for a bit of shopping, then taking E to soft play probably get lunch there too.

Should be doing the ironing now but instead sitting on my butt with my gorgeous boy on my lap.

Still trying to get his milk right. We now have a lactose free milk (E needed it too), now need to get a thickner to help with reflux. Burst into tears on the doc yesterday, its just so frustrating. But since changing hus milk although not right he does a 6-7 hours stretch which we're thankful for

Hi Ladies,

been a busy day from me and Abby is really grumpy after saturday night at her grannys so just a quick post from me before an early night!!
Im taking Abby and Ailah swimming with Chris 2moro :D cant wait... got to drive a bit to get to a decent swimming pool though as the one just up the road from me is freeeeezing!!
been looking to being a WAHM and being a nappy agent?! thoughts?

BLOB - just saw you nappy stash in the photo thread!!!!!! to say im jealous isnt even close!!!!!!!!! I only have one small cupboard :( i feel some shopping coming on haha xx

Being a nappy agent would be ace how would you go about that? I could sooo do that! Pm me ;)

I've bought 19 more nappies this week :blush: :haha::blush: Id sold some stuff to make money and then spent it again on nappies! I have a serious addiction now hahaha!

Ive emailed a few companies and asked for more info :) when they get back to me i will pm it to you... when i get some free time im going to do some proper research to see if it would be worth my while!!

19 in a week :shock: im slacking lol xx

Thank you and I say 19 but thats all preloved so works out cheaper in the end :D
it's sunny here but cold. need to go out i think, but i'm out of ideas! all my mummy friends are away this week :(

Happy Birthday Nik!
Hi Ladies,

been a busy day from me and Abby is really grumpy after saturday night at her grannys so just a quick post from me before an early night!!
Im taking Abby and Ailah swimming with Chris 2moro :D cant wait... got to drive a bit to get to a decent swimming pool though as the one just up the road from me is freeeeezing!!
been looking to being a WAHM and being a nappy agent?! thoughts?

BLOB - just saw you nappy stash in the photo thread!!!!!! to say im jealous isnt even close!!!!!!!!! I only have one small cupboard :( i feel some shopping coming on haha xx

Being a nappy agent would be ace how would you go about that? I could sooo do that! Pm me ;)

I've bought 19 more nappies this week :blush: :haha::blush: Id sold some stuff to make money and then spent it again on nappies! I have a serious addiction now hahaha!

Ive emailed a few companies and asked for more info :) when they get back to me i will pm it to you... when i get some free time im going to do some proper research to see if it would be worth my while!!

19 in a week :shock: im slacking lol xx

Thank you and I say 19 but thats all preloved so works out cheaper in the end :D

yea i buy preloved too, means i get more for my money haha :D pm'd you about being a nappy agent hun... xx
Well done MrsP on the weight loss!!! I was right on track with it this week...but Kev's just made a blackberry and apple crumble and I had some with custard. Think I've saved enough points for it so hopefully I'll be ok?

Hi Flutter how are you and family getting on?

Hope everyone is ok?!

AFM well my period has arrived and I feel like crap :nope: So glad Jacob was in nursery today znd Kev's not back in yet because I literally spent the whole day in bed and if Kev hadn't made that crumble I think I would have gone and bought a chocolate shop!!

Tomorrow is MY day!! I can't wait, Kev is taking both of them out and my mum is having Jacob in the afternoon! I can have a lie in, soak in the bath, drink a HOT brew and it should be fun, I know I'll do my ironing and clean the house first but I know I wouldn't be able to relax until I felt like I 'earnt' my relax time first!

Lou x
I am so sorry I haven't been on here much lately. I have been so busy, and today was the first day of school for Jasper (grade 2) and Makena (kindergarten). They are both in full-day school, so after this week, I am hoping things will be easier. I carried the baby in a carrier today...down to the school, at the school and back up home. OMG...I hurt so badly. My tummy (I had a section) and my back. The time I got home I was literally in AGONY. Kelana didn't make a fuss the whole time. Bless her!!! She is such a good baby. It's like she knows that she has to be! LOL! Everyone came up to see her. One lady told me that she was in love with her, and wanted to know if all my babies were that cute. Of course, I said yes! LOL. So so so tired right now. Jasper has a playdate over and I didn't want one, but this boy's parents just took Jasper camping and caving on the weekend, so I don't really feel like I can say no. Oh well, it's only for an hour and a half. Rob has to go to a meeting tongiht, so I am putting all three kids to sleep by myself. Crazy.
eee was getting pain's between 6-8pm then they stopped for an hour or so and came back. Finger's crossed this turns into something more :)
Doubt it tho :/
I can't believe I am still here :'(
Should have induction date booked this afternoon and OH wants me to have sweep :)

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