****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

Danielle, do you mean bloody discharge? I had a few that were big jelly like globs that I could feel sliding out (TMI!)
Melissa, she's a wee dote!

As for me, started so positive this morning, B made it from 11pm to 5am, C woke up in a good mood and temperature fine finally. Then I managed t wreck everything by having left a pair of DHs trousers in the car he asked were they still there I said yes a bit crumpled he said why I left them hanging up I said they were hanging over Charlotte's seat so I moved them so he's having a strop as he's late for work and so I had managed to spoil the mood by moving a pair of trousers two days ago!

C keeps shouting at me. She's so bolshy. yell yell yell. I just ask her to ask nicely and it's still just yelling.

Friends just arriving now, which will be either great and C will be on good form and play nicely or she'll be so stroppy with the others for playing with her toys.

:hugs: and :growlmad: blinking men eh!! Kev can be just the same sometimes!

Melissa She is gorgeous, glad you're enjoying being a mummy :kiss:

Danielle I was like Lucy with blood and jelly like blobs. I'd keep your eye on it and mention to your midwife about the colour etc...

Hi everyone else! Hope you're all ok?!

AFM my weigh in tonight and see if I've lost anymore weight! Hope so, my pants feel loose anyway and I do feel healthier. I've done lots of walking with my pram and had 2x 2 hour walks at the weekend so we shall see!

I got Emma and Jacob weighed today. Emma is 9lb 4 1/2oz and Jacob weighs 2 stone now :shock: the little fattie...not surprised it kills me picking him up now! He's so tall though! Emma's doing really well and I think Jacob can't wait to play with her!

Will come back later and let you know how I got on x
Hi,I know it's a little late but I wanted to post that my little boy Samuel James Smith arrived on the 8th September at 13.47 weighing 7 lbs 4 oz. He was born with help via forcep delivery after induction. He is perfect.
Congrats Delamere!

Off to get Miss Kelana weighed today. I bet she is 12lbs. LOL! She is growing so fast. She also gets her well-baby check as she is 1 month old today.

Hope everyone is doing well. x
Congratulations Delamere

Woo Hoo I've lost another 1 1/2lb's....slowly but surely!
heey :) baby france, i'v not had any today, so will see how it goes's :)

my little fatty as gone from having 50ml to 90ml every 4hours now :) he's off to meet his big sister tomorrow....unfortunatly that means I have to spend 10min's with OH's ex...fun right :/
hope your all well x
Kelana is 10lbs 7oz (4.9kg), and her name is official; we got her birth certificate today!!
congrats delamere!
yay for weight loss lou, and yay for weight gain little babies!
danielle MW normally discharge once cord fallen off and birthweight regained - normally within a fortnight, maybe 10 days...
I wouldn't mind if they gave a time to expect them instead of just "we'll see you tomorrow" annoy's me not knowing time they are coming :/
I'm hoping for a quiet night tonight (probs spoke too soon now!) past 2feed's he's settled and slept for near enough the whole time between them, hoping he carries it on through the night! x
Hi everyone my little girl Matilda Rose was born on her due date the 25th of August at 23.55 (so just!) weighing 7lb 12oz. Sorry only now getting the chance to update xx

Congratulations x

hey girls been a while since I've had chance to get on but had my little girl, Ruby Skye, 3 weeks ago on the 23rd august, 8 days over due, got the natural birth I wanted and was the most amazing experience ever, she's been very demanding compared to what her big brother was like at her age and I havent had a second to myself let alone a minute lol but she finally seems to be settling down more now when I get a little more time i'll write my birth story still cant believe how smoothly it all went and I still laugh and cry at the same time when I think about it :happydance: Hope everyones enjoying there babies and cant wait to chat with you all again :cloud9:

Congratulations hon, how much did she weigh?

just a quick one from me...Well didn't Sunday night turn out eventfull!

Went to hospitl to be told I was only 2cm...so chose to come home, went to bed, had a couple of contraction's then must have dozed off! Next think I know...
12.38, i'm rolling out of bed, onto my knee's and leaning against the bed trying to stop my self from pushing!!
Woke Mike up announcing that I had to be at the hospital now...took age's to get dressedm contraction's being like second's apart, mike being Mike..."while u get dressed i'l have a fag!!"
Got in the car, still wanting to push...got to hospital at 1.10...some how made it to labour ward, announcing that I NEEDED 2push...midwife got me on bed, and bottem's off, gave me gas and air, put her glove's on, didn't even get a chance to bloody puff on the gs before she cme out with "bloody hell, there's alot of hair!! on your next contraction 4get about gas just push!" 16min's later....out popped H
typically me being me...when she said your a good pusher I came out with "year's of constipation when I was younger has helped with that!!"

had 2 tear's and a graze, so other then where she's stitched being sore all is well
h took to breast soon as I had him, but when we got onto ward, they decided they HAD to show me how to do it, and liturally forced him onto my boob...which stressed me out and led to him refusing it So bottle it is...going to try again with it 2mra tho x

Well done you, congratulations.

He certainly made us wait.

awww bless ya... breast feeding is really demanding in the first few days, coz u need to let the baby suck to tell ur body how much milk to produce...... once it comes through its fine, and really easy. just have to let him try i suppose. i never had anyone helping me, spose i just did what felt right.

im not against bottle at all seeing as lolas on bottles already lol!! x

i hope you manage to get him eating... whatever it is lol x

congrats again!! bless you, i felt all proud when i saw your pics haha..... you did so good <3


lolas now in a perfect little routine, and sleeping through the night til 7am with no nightime feed. shes such a little angel. x

she looks so much different now from the very first pics, and already i cant believe how much she has grown in just 6 weeks. but saying that, shes still so lickle. think she gunna be a small one like ella.... x

when weighed ella is on the 50th percentile, shes been on it since birth. harry has been on the 98th since birth!! so i think i have another lickle girl. x

im happy to say ella n lola seem really close already, constant hugs n kisses, ella even holds her tiny lickle hands to 'dance' with her bless em. she even holds her and feeds her in the morning.

awwww love my babies......

oh and its diet time now !! need to get that prebaby.. pre harry body back lol, altho somehow i dont imagine ill be looking 18 again haha x well heres hoping!! x

hope your all well..... x

You sound like you are doing fab hon, sorry to hear that you havent been having a very good time, but you seem to be very positive for it. xx :hugs:

Hi ladies!!! I've still been reading this thread lots, just haven't posted very much in the last few weeks -I usually read bnb while BF Alia so don't usually have two free hands to type!! She's napping now so I thought I would post :)
Congrats Danielle on your long overdue baby! You must be the last one of the August mommas to go? Isn't that what you predicted?? :haha: xoxox

Alia and I are doing well, I can't believe how much she's changed in the past month! She's a very fussy baby but we love her anyway ;) Here's some pics of our little princess

Danielle think the globs you mention are called lochia and yes perfectly normal - if larger than you think normal collect in tissue and show to MW - sorry if TMI

Gorgeous hon, she is real cute!!

Danielle, do you mean bloody discharge? I had a few that were big jelly like globs that I could feel sliding out (TMI!)
Melissa, she's a wee dote!

As for me, started so positive this morning, B made it from 11pm to 5am, C woke up in a good mood and temperature fine finally. Then I managed t wreck everything by having left a pair of DHs trousers in the car he asked were they still there I said yes a bit crumpled he said why I left them hanging up I said they were hanging over Charlotte's seat so I moved them so he's having a strop as he's late for work and so I had managed to spoil the mood by moving a pair of trousers two days ago!

C keeps shouting at me. She's so bolshy. yell yell yell. I just ask her to ask nicely and it's still just yelling.

Friends just arriving now, which will be either great and C will be on good form and play nicely or she'll be so stroppy with the others for playing with her toys.

Oh hon, mena re such poop heads sometimes arent they?

C sounds just like E. Must be something in the air. I'm a gorrid old cow, I put E on the naughty step for screaming and shouting, I dont want her getting to aggressive.

Danielle, do you mean bloody discharge? I had a few that were big jelly like globs that I could feel sliding out (TMI!)
Melissa, she's a wee dote!

As for me, started so positive this morning, B made it from 11pm to 5am, C woke up in a good mood and temperature fine finally. Then I managed t wreck everything by having left a pair of DHs trousers in the car he asked were they still there I said yes a bit crumpled he said why I left them hanging up I said they were hanging over Charlotte's seat so I moved them so he's having a strop as he's late for work and so I had managed to spoil the mood by moving a pair of trousers two days ago!

C keeps shouting at me. She's so bolshy. yell yell yell. I just ask her to ask nicely and it's still just yelling.

Friends just arriving now, which will be either great and C will be on good form and play nicely or she'll be so stroppy with the others for playing with her toys.

:hugs: and :growlmad: blinking men eh!! Kev can be just the same sometimes!

Melissa She is gorgeous, glad you're enjoying being a mummy :kiss:

Danielle I was like Lucy with blood and jelly like blobs. I'd keep your eye on it and mention to your midwife about the colour etc...

Hi everyone else! Hope you're all ok?!

AFM my weigh in tonight and see if I've lost anymore weight! Hope so, my pants feel loose anyway and I do feel healthier. I've done lots of walking with my pram and had 2x 2 hour walks at the weekend so we shall see!

I got Emma and Jacob weighed today. Emma is 9lb 4 1/2oz and Jacob weighs 2 stone now :shock: the little fattie...not surprised it kills me picking him up now! He's so tall though! Emma's doing really well and I think Jacob can't wait to play with her!

Will come back later and let you know how I got on x

Well done you, on your weight loss. I have been naughty the last couple of days, have been picking here and there so need to get back on it otherwise my 3lb target for next week will be right out of the window.

Hi,I know it's a little late but I wanted to post that my little boy Samuel James Smith arrived on the 8th September at 13.47 weighing 7 lbs 4 oz. He was born with help via forcep delivery after induction. He is perfect.


Hi :wave:

Just sitting here with my extremely tired husband watching crap on tv and having a :coffee: and a bit of chocolate.

babies are both in bed and have been there since 7.30pm, I am just contemplating waking Henry up, he last fed at 6.30pm so would be due roughly in 10 minutes but I know he will sleep longer but will wake in the night, but last night we fed him at 10.30pm and he went right through till just gone 6am this morning. Routine is still not really showing so just feeding on demand although its quite long stints.

Contemplating putting him in his room as of tomorrow as he is nearly out of his basket.

Still having period, hae been bleeding now for 3 weeks. Mummies of 1+ how different were your periods from last time to now.

With E I just had a normal period for 5 days and thats it but this is not showing much signs of stopping. I only bleed for 10 days after he was born?

What point does it come not normal? x

How many day's do the midwife's tend to come for?
Hi MrsP I bled for about ten days afterwards, I started my 'period' last week and was on for a couple on days and spent a week with no bleeding, but then started again this morning?:shrug: I definately feel more bloated today but was so grr last week (and today). When is your check up with the doctor? Maybe mention it to them? Up here they don't tend to do smears until baby is 6months old due to them apparently finding that majority of results abnormal and say takes couple of months for everything to settle down. Is it the same near you too?
I wouldn't mind if they gave a time to expect them instead of just "we'll see you tomorrow" annoy's me not knowing time they are coming :/
I'm hoping for a quiet night tonight (probs spoke too soon now!) past 2feed's he's settled and slept for near enough the whole time between them, hoping he carries it on through the night! x

If you ask most will give you a call about 8am on the day and say morning or afternoon - some even give a two hour window and if youre really lucky they give you a time!

Try saying you understand she has lots of other mummies but you were hoping to do 'x' and could she let you know when she is coming so you know whether to do 'x' in the morning or afternoon so as not to miss her?

Sounds like H has really settled in :happydance:
i didn't need to ask today :) she said she's coming first thing tomorrow...hope she stick's to that! OH want's to go to his grandparents and then my aunt's coming up in the afternoon.

Such a good night last night :D Except my wierd dream's. Mike woke up this morning and asked if H had even woke for his feed's because he'd not heard him all night! Only time Mike got disturbed was when I woke him up asking where H was :S and looked under bed quilt's for him...for some reason forgot he was in the moses basket next to me lol Then I dreamt that H was screaming his head off, but for some reason I couldn't get up to him and I couldn't talk to try and calm him :s I thought wierd dream's was ment to happen during pregnancy not after lol
mrsp could be it's not a real period and is just more lochia ,mine stopped after a 10 days for 5 days or so then started agani. mw said it was quite common
did you wake H at half ten? that's what we do with B, but latest she's made it so far is 5am, getting there though!
Thanks girls,

This has been a full on flow only since yesterday has it slowed down but doesnt seem to be showing any sign of stopping soon.

Baby France I had my 6 week check 2 weeks ago, they wont give me a smear for at least another 4 weeks.

HWM - Yes we did wake him, although it didnt pay as he woke at 2.30am and then at 6.30am, has done every 4 hours till now but only took 3 out of 5oz and I would say he has just thrown 2 up everywhere!!!

Henry is off into his own room tonight, so fingers crossed. I think they settle better when they are in their own room but time will tell.

With regards to bleeding will see what happends over weekend if nothing changes will call docs. xx
Yeah my pp bleeding did the same :wacko: I bleed for about 4-5 days then it practically stopped (just a little spotting). So I stopped wearing a pad and sure enough it started back up again :growlmad: still bleeding (sorry tmi :blush:). It's been almost 14 days! :wacko: ...I really hope I don't get AF for a very long time! :af: is it normal to bleed this long?
I had PP bleeding for almost a month!! the last week or two was just spotting, but it hasn't fully cleared up until about a week ago
Well I have been reading that some womens AF are longer the first 1 after birth.

I bleed for 11 days then it stopped for 4 weeks and now I am on 3 weeks today of one hell of an AF.
ahh talk about awkward!!
Met OH's ex today :/ not that we spoke to each other...

Henry as met his big sister, even if he did sleep for the whole time lol
ahh talk about awkward!!
Met OH's ex today :/ not that we spoke to each other...

Henry as met his big sister, even if he did sleep for the whole time lol

ohhh...that's what you meant on fb lol

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