****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

hi ya ladies i haven't caught up i'm doing fine and baba is alll good 2 a little tired at the mo joined slimming world and was very pleased to find i've only gained 3 and a half lb this whole pregnancy whoop whoop and i lost 4lb last week so i'm back down so it's all good from now on lol my periods have not came yet been bleeding on and off since birth have a day of nothing then it starts again but i don't mind give's me an excuse to say no lol well done danielle i see you have had your baba i really thought you was having a girl i don't know why :shrug::cloud9:

my cousin is have a fucking awful time and today has got to give birth her baby is 17 weeeks and her baby boy has brain damage heart is deformed and won't make it through the pregnancy so she has made the heart renching decision to have him now and help him fly to the angels ...the doc's are doing test for future pregs to find out if it's genetic or just bad look has she has mc'd before bless her and her fella it is awful watching a grown man cry my heart goes out to them :hugs::cry:
Oh flutter thats terrible. I'm so sorry xxx
Hugs Flutter xxxxx

My friend is also having a god awful time.Her baby was born 10 days over but got in distress and swallowed the meconium and wasn't breathing.She had her cord round her neck.Since then she has gone down hill.Having seizures and has no brain activity.She has renal failure to.She looks so tiny in the incubator.I just wanted to pick her up and run away with her.

How are we all?

Ashton is doing well and rewarding all my sleepless nights with the best smiles ever x
:hug: flutter!

Midwife been this morning and weighed Henry,and he as gained! She weighed him 3time's to make sure she had got it right. he was 3520g at birth and is now 3620g. Going to take him to the walk in centre later as OH as noticed that Henry is breathing heavy and deep,so mw told us to get it checked out.
Zoe :hugs: Thats awful...love to your friend and best wishes to their little girl...is that who you mentioned on fb?

Glad your little man is cheering you up with his gorgeous smiles!

Danielle thats great about him gaining weight, hope you manage to sort his breathing out x

AFM Jacob is at Kev mums tonight and Emma is being babysat by my dad for a few hours so we're going out for a meal and maybe pictures.

Hope everyone is ok x
Girls quick question are any of your Lo' sleeping through yet? Avalon is 5 weeks today and Im not expecting it to happen anytime soon as she still seems to need a feed every 4hrs but I'd like some idea of when its gonna happen :lol: Also do any of you do a 'routine' per se at bedtime? Like is it feed then up into moses basket in your rooms and you leave them there till they wake later on for a feed? or do you just let little one sleep whereever you are?

Avalon seems to feed between 7-8pm and then I let her jsut sleep on couch next to me as I know she will wake about 11ish for a feed and if Im still awake its easier. But OH is saying now maybe we should take her upto the moses basket after that 7/8pm feed so she gets used to the quiet and might hopefully start settling more and sleeping longer. But I dunno if it will make a difference or not given the fact she still seems to need a feed every 4hours regardless of where she is? :shrug:
Zoe :hugs: Thats awful...love to your friend and best wishes to their little girl...is that who you mentioned on fb?

Glad your little man is cheering you up with his gorgeous smiles!

Danielle thats great about him gaining weight, hope you manage to sort his breathing out x

AFM Jacob is at Kev mums tonight and Emma is being babysat by my dad for a few hours so we're going out for a meal and maybe pictures.

Hope everyone is ok x

it is hun.We have been told now that the next 48hrs are critical as they are waking her up and taking her off the ventilator.So come on ladies pray for her please xxxx
sending hugs and tonnes of love to you Eoz and Flutter! Its heartbreaking when you hear of any one going through such hard times with their babies!

Hope little mans breathing is ok Danielle? sending a big hugs to you all too!

Llienna I was thinking the same about the sleeping thru thing, Riley slept through right from birth lol, so i havent got a clue! I used to dream feed him and he never did wake up while I did them!
at the minute I am doing what you do, Georgia stays downstairs with us untill her midnight-ish feed! then after that I settle her in her moses basket upstairs! I am wondering if I should start settling her earlier after her feed but i cant decide lol!
I was a stickler for routine with Riley, but I am being far more laid back with her! It sounds silly but I will miss havin her near me if I put her upstairs haha!

Starting to stress this week about her feeding, She feeds beautifully when we're at home, but when we are out in ublic, I tend to cover myself up and am probs holding her differently than when we let it all hang out at home lol! and she has started to fuss and refuse to feed when we're out. We stopped about 4 times when out yesterday to attempt to get her to feed and she was only taking a few seconds worth each time! :0(
then once home she fed like a trooper lol. I know she made up for it but it was worrying knowing she had hardly fed for most of the day!

I am hoping that she gets used to it and that i dont end up bloomin housebound lol!

Hugs to all and hope everything is going well for mummys and babies x
Nikki x x
sending hugs and tonnes of love to you Eoz and Flutter! Its heartbreaking when you hear of any one going through such hard times with their babies!

Hope little mans breathing is ok Danielle? sending a big hugs to you all too!

Llienna I was thinking the same about the sleeping thru thing, Riley slept through right from birth lol, so i havent got a clue! I used to dream feed him and he never did wake up while I did them!
at the minute I am doing what you do, Georgia stays downstairs with us untill her midnight-ish feed! then after that I settle her in her moses basket upstairs! I am wondering if I should start settling her earlier after her feed but i cant decide lol!
I was a stickler for routine with Riley, but I am being far more laid back with her! It sounds silly but I will miss havin her near me if I put her upstairs haha!

Starting to stress this week about her feeding, She feeds beautifully when we're at home, but when we are out in ublic, I tend to cover myself up and am probs holding her differently than when we let it all hang out at home lol! and she has started to fuss and refuse to feed when we're out. We stopped about 4 times when out yesterday to attempt to get her to feed and she was only taking a few seconds worth each time! :0(
then once home she fed like a trooper lol. I know she made up for it but it was worrying knowing she had hardly fed for most of the day!

I am hoping that she gets used to it and that i dont end up bloomin housebound lol!

Hugs to all and hope everything is going well for mummys and babies x
Nikki x x

Thats exactly it I keep thinking shes so little and I'll miss having her near me too if shes upstairs! I had a routine with Ffion as well so its different this time around as you said am much more relaxed :)

Regarding feeding what about expressing into a bottle if you know your going out and taking that with you? xx
sending hugs and tonnes of love to you Eoz and Flutter! Its heartbreaking when you hear of any one going through such hard times with their babies!

Hope little mans breathing is ok Danielle? sending a big hugs to you all too!

Llienna I was thinking the same about the sleeping thru thing, Riley slept through right from birth lol, so i havent got a clue! I used to dream feed him and he never did wake up while I did them!
at the minute I am doing what you do, Georgia stays downstairs with us untill her midnight-ish feed! then after that I settle her in her moses basket upstairs! I am wondering if I should start settling her earlier after her feed but i cant decide lol!
I was a stickler for routine with Riley, but I am being far more laid back with her! It sounds silly but I will miss havin her near me if I put her upstairs haha!

Starting to stress this week about her feeding, She feeds beautifully when we're at home, but when we are out in ublic, I tend to cover myself up and am probs holding her differently than when we let it all hang out at home lol! and she has started to fuss and refuse to feed when we're out. We stopped about 4 times when out yesterday to attempt to get her to feed and she was only taking a few seconds worth each time! :0(
then once home she fed like a trooper lol. I know she made up for it but it was worrying knowing she had hardly fed for most of the day!

I am hoping that she gets used to it and that i dont end up bloomin housebound lol!

Hugs to all and hope everything is going well for mummys and babies x
Nikki x x

Hon, that's totally normal. I was the same way with my first, and actually a bit like that with Kelana too. She senses that things are different...I am not as relaxed, holding her different...etc. She doesn't like to eat in public either. Sometimes I just go tot my car as it is easier. It will get better though, as you get more comfortable and experienced.
Zoe :hugs:

Hi Nikki Jacob was the same being fussy about feeding when out but exactly like JAS says that it all fell into place when I relaxed more and he noticed!!

Lliena Jacob didn't sleep through til he was 16 weeks...but he was breastfed up until then and first time he had formula he slept straight through. Not sure about babies formula fed from birth though? My best friends LO slept through about 8 weeks but she had colic and would wear herself out?

Jas How's it going? Hope you and family are ok!!

Completely off subject but I've been getting ready to go out and I actually feel for the first time in a LONG time that I actually look ok! I feel that I look like a yummy mummy so...I cried about it and ruined my make up like and idiot! :haha:

But I'm so excited about going out and feel great because I look nice. Sad I know!

See you later x
Girls quick question are any of your Lo' sleeping through yet? Avalon is 5 weeks today and Im not expecting it to happen anytime soon as she still seems to need a feed every 4hrs but I'd like some idea of when its gonna happen :lol: Also do any of you do a 'routine' per se at bedtime? Like is it feed then up into moses basket in your rooms and you leave them there till they wake later on for a feed? or do you just let little one sleep whereever you are?

Avalon seems to feed between 7-8pm and then I let her jsut sleep on couch next to me as I know she will wake about 11ish for a feed and if Im still awake its easier. But OH is saying now maybe we should take her upto the moses basket after that 7/8pm feed so she gets used to the quiet and might hopefully start settling more and sleeping longer. But I dunno if it will make a difference or not given the fact she still seems to need a feed every 4hours regardless of where she is? :shrug:

We usually give H a feed between 7-8 then get him ready for bed and put him in his moses basket down stair's and turn the light off. Then we usually go up after his 11pm feed :)

H usually feed's every 4-5hour's and at first woke himself when he was ready, now we are usually having to wake him for them, and he's not taking as much :/ OH's told me to leave him until he wake's himself this time but I don't know :/
Completly embarresed us earlier when we went to the walk in centre :/ let an almighty fart out when it was quiet! Doc said everything is fine wih him x
Glad all is well with little man Danielle, They are very good at burping and farting loudly in the most embarrassing times and places arnt they haha!
Zoe :hugs:

Hi Nikki Jacob was the same being fussy about feeding when out but exactly like JAS says that it all fell into place when I relaxed more and he noticed!!

Lliena Jacob didn't sleep through til he was 16 weeks...but he was breastfed up until then and first time he had formula he slept straight through. Not sure about babies formula fed from birth though? My best friends LO slept through about 8 weeks but she had colic and would wear herself out?

Jas How's it going? Hope you and family are ok!!

Completely off subject but I've been getting ready to go out and I actually feel for the first time in a LONG time that I actually look ok! I feel that I look like a yummy mummy so...I cried about it and ruined my make up like and idiot! :haha:

But I'm so excited about going out and feel great because I look nice. Sad I know!

See you later x

SO SO glad ur feeling good hunny! I am off out on a proper night out in a couple of weeks! arrgh!!!! scary stuff! I am thinkin a new outfit may be in order to help me feel better lol!
Hope you have a fab time x
Hi everyone! I've not been around, busy busy with baby and classes still. Eoz I hope your friends little girl pulls through. Thats heart breaking.

Congrats to all the new mummies I have missed congratulating in the last few weeks.
morning ladie's so tired today!! H decided last night was a good night to lay awake making random noise's to him self, so even tho he was fed and changed and happy...i still didn't sleep because I was listening to him!!
Decided I REALLY need a drier, my conservatory is full of baby cloth's drying, it's peeing it down outside :(
Girls quick question are any of your Lo' sleeping through yet? Avalon is 5 weeks today and Im not expecting it to happen anytime soon as she still seems to need a feed every 4hrs but I'd like some idea of when its gonna happen :lol: Also do any of you do a 'routine' per se at bedtime? Like is it feed then up into moses basket in your rooms and you leave them there till they wake later on for a feed? or do you just let little one sleep whereever you are?

Avalon seems to feed between 7-8pm and then I let her jsut sleep on couch next to me as I know she will wake about 11ish for a feed and if Im still awake its easier. But OH is saying now maybe we should take her upto the moses basket after that 7/8pm feed so she gets used to the quiet and might hopefully start settling more and sleeping longer. But I dunno if it will make a difference or not given the fact she still seems to need a feed every 4hours regardless of where she is? :shrug:

Henry is not sleeping through, although he'll feed in the night anywhere from 3-7 hours.

During the day he sleeps in his chair and then of an evening we put him up in his cot to sleep until he wakes, feeds then back down again. Although like this evening he has been unsettled so he is down stairs with us.

He has also gone in his own room as of Friday and he seems much more settled already.

But as for clock work routine we do not have one either.
Girls quick question are any of your Lo' sleeping through yet? Avalon is 5 weeks today and Im not expecting it to happen anytime soon as she still seems to need a feed every 4hrs but I'd like some idea of when its gonna happen :lol: Also do any of you do a 'routine' per se at bedtime? Like is it feed then up into moses basket in your rooms and you leave them there till they wake later on for a feed? or do you just let little one sleep whereever you are?

Avalon seems to feed between 7-8pm and then I let her jsut sleep on couch next to me as I know she will wake about 11ish for a feed and if Im still awake its easier. But OH is saying now maybe we should take her upto the moses basket after that 7/8pm feed so she gets used to the quiet and might hopefully start settling more and sleeping longer. But I dunno if it will make a difference or not given the fact she still seems to need a feed every 4hours regardless of where she is? :shrug:

We usually give H a feed between 7-8 then get him ready for bed and put him in his moses basket down stair's and turn the light off. Then we usually go up after his 11pm feed :)

H usually feed's every 4-5hour's and at first woke himself when he was ready, now we are usually having to wake him for them, and he's not taking as much :/ OH's told me to leave him until he wake's himself this time but I don't know :/
Completly embarresed us earlier when we went to the walk in centre :/ let an almighty fart out when it was quiet! Doc said everything is fine wih him x

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