****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

Hey everyone!
Hope the weigh in went well HWM, and dont feel bad for enjoying ur weekend! ~i think u more than deserved it x x
YEY on the Ring Lou! exciting stuff!
and check u out Danielle, well done on being in ur jeans again!
hugs and hello's to EVERYONE else x x

Well for us, we've had a great day and am hoping that we'll have a good night too! This lunchtime i decided to pop Georgia into her moses basket when she was falling asleep! She stayed there for 3hrs and had a good sleep. she woke and fed and was awake for a really good stretch! she then had a mini nap while we cooked and ate dinner!

THEN I decided to be a brave mummy! After settling Riley down to sleep, I fed her and swaddled her and laid her down in her bed and she settled herself right off to sleep! WOOPWOOP!
I felt lost without her, and was watching the baby monitor like a hawk, lol!

She woke about half 10 and so i went up changed and fed her and off she went again to sleep! lol! At the min i feel like its the calm before the storm, and she'll be awake all night, but every time i go and check on her shes out for the count lol!
she went for a stretch of over 8 hours last night so i figured today I should make the most of her ability to self settle and not let her get too used to being by my side 24/7!

Fingers crossed that we'll keep on this track!

Also managed to get riley to ditch his bedtime dummy!!! He bagged them all up over the weekend and put them in the wheely bin :0)!!!!!

hugs to all
Nik x
OK, everyone has had their baby now, right??? Is anyone still hanging on? I hope everyone is well. Kelana has become a wee bit more fussy...wanting to be held more. She also was up from 3-5:30am...not fussing, but wide awake! She HATES being put to sleep in my bed (doesn't mind sleeping there, just hates being put to sleep there) so I went out onto the sofa and did it. Oh well. When I say fussy, I mean that she is just whiney...no full on crying or anything. She is a really good baby. Breastfeeding is going well....no issues at all really, which is a relief as I really struggled with my first baby. I think I am going to get her weighed next week...she is growing so fast!!!
OK, everyone has had their baby now, right??? Is anyone still hanging on? I hope everyone is well. Kelana has become a wee bit more fussy...wanting to be held more. She also was up from 3-5:30am...not fussing, but wide awake! She HATES being put to sleep in my bed (doesn't mind sleeping there, just hates being put to sleep there) so I went out onto the sofa and did it. Oh well. When I say fussy, I mean that she is just whiney...no full on crying or anything. She is a really good baby. Breastfeeding is going well....no issues at all really, which is a relief as I really struggled with my first baby. I think I am going to get her weighed next week...she is growing so fast!!!

nice to hear from you hun and well done on breastfeeding!! :kiss:
OK, everyone has had their baby now, right??? Is anyone still hanging on? I hope everyone is well. Kelana has become a wee bit more fussy...wanting to be held more. She also was up from 3-5:30am...not fussing, but wide awake! She HATES being put to sleep in my bed (doesn't mind sleeping there, just hates being put to sleep there) so I went out onto the sofa and did it. Oh well. When I say fussy, I mean that she is just whiney...no full on crying or anything. She is a really good baby. Breastfeeding is going well....no issues at all really, which is a relief as I really struggled with my first baby. I think I am going to get her weighed next week...she is growing so fast!!!

nice to hear from you hun and well done on breastfeeding!! :kiss:

Thanks hon! Do you have a parenting journal started??
Go Georgia!! How did the rest of last night go Nik?
I think all the babies must be here by now Jasmak, 22 days would be REALLY late!
:happydance: 3.5lb off for me! But then I hadn't eaten all afternoon and I did pig out before I got weighed last week, but I reckon with the hen weekend in the middle that's still pretty good!
My head is all over the place, headaches really bad again, can't hold a thought. 6 week postnatal check tomorrow...
Bridget got weighed yesterday - bang on 13lb now!
Jas thats fantastic about the breast feeding!! Way to go you!!

Nikki Sounds like Georgia is doing really well!

Lucy Thats absolutely brilliant losing 3.5lb! Well done you - I'd be mega proud of myself if I went on a hen weekend and still lost! Hope everything goes well tomorrow...boo on the headaches :hugs:

Hope everyone else is ok?!

AFM just got back from a meal with my family which was really nice! Feeling pleasantly stuffed and now a bit nervous about my weigh in tomorrow so...
Go Georgia!! How did the rest of last night go Nik?
I think all the babies must be here by now Jasmak, 22 days would be REALLY late!
:happydance: 3.5lb off for me! But then I hadn't eaten all afternoon and I did pig out before I got weighed last week, but I reckon with the hen weekend in the middle that's still pretty good!
My head is all over the place, headaches really bad again, can't hold a thought. 6 week postnatal check tomorrow...
Bridget got weighed yesterday - bang on 13lb now!


Jas thats fantastic about the breast feeding!! Way to go you!!

Nikki Sounds like Georgia is doing really well!

Lucy Thats absolutely brilliant losing 3.5lb! Well done you - I'd be mega proud of myself if I went on a hen weekend and still lost! Hope everything goes well tomorrow...boo on the headaches :hugs:

Hope everyone else is ok?!

AFM just got back from a meal with my family which was really nice! Feeling pleasantly stuffed and now a bit nervous about my weigh in tomorrow so...

I am scared to step on a scale. I lost 25lbs almost immediately, and right now I have been eating bad and not really exercising. I have about 40+ pounds to lose though. ick.
I've lost about the same so far and have another 44lbs to go! I've never had to diet before and realised that I'm not actually a bad or overeater - its just while I'm pregnant that I've over indulged so last time I lost quite fast after having Jacob.

I want to get back into the habit of eating sensibly again and that I can't have treats everyday. Not doing so bad at the minute but I'll soon find out after my WI tonight!

Up bright and early this morning with my monster but its sooo dark outside. It should be illegal to be up when its still dark outside. Little Elf is having snuggles with daddy upstairs - jealous!!
Lucy You're not a bad mum!! We all need time away! I'm out on Saturday night for a friends birthday - Jacobs sleeping out but Emma's being babysat. They're both stopping out together at his mums soon though...Kev's booked us tickets to watch the band Train :happydance:

MrsP Aw...you'll be fine! I hope you have a wonderful time and win some pennies! Hows the weight loss coming on?

Danielle Yeah you! Its a good feeling knowing you're getting back to you!

:hugs: to everyone and your little munchkins!!

AFM Kev and I went to pick up my engagement ring today. He's got to ask me yet and I have to say yep...its not like I'm going to say no with us having two children together eh!! Felt a bit strange being part of the choosing before he's even asked but then felt so natural too - no sense at all I know! We've not mentioned anything on FB yet about us talking about getting engaged etc...so would appreciate it if no one mentioned it! :thumbup:

Lou x

Congratulations honey, that is soooooo exciting.

I only lost 1/2lb this week but still better than putting it on, but to be honest I have been getting the munches and although not over induldging when making E's meals or snacks I have pinched only one or two but its obviously showed for it. 17lb to go!!

I want immediate results and I want them now!!

im not doing ww or sw but im considering starting one if i dont get some decent results on my own!
Ive started and stopped several times but now im feeling better in myself (pnd slightly more under control) im going to give it another go! i want to be a sexy mamma haha!!

whats sorts (if any) or exercises do you ladies do? xx

I love SW hon, I have tried different fad diets and WW's and this is the only one that I dont feel I have to go without and cand still have a little of what I like.

I just go swimming once a week at the moment I have never really been on for exercise, contemplating getting my bike out or alternatively doing a class at the gym, dont think what I am doing is enough.

Also not eating too differently to what I eat already just SW has cut a few things out, which is why I think my loss is slower.

OK, everyone has had their baby now, right??? Is anyone still hanging on? I hope everyone is well. Kelana has become a wee bit more fussy...wanting to be held more. She also was up from 3-5:30am...not fussing, but wide awake! She HATES being put to sleep in my bed (doesn't mind sleeping there, just hates being put to sleep there) so I went out onto the sofa and did it. Oh well. When I say fussy, I mean that she is just whiney...no full on crying or anything. She is a really good baby. Breastfeeding is going well....no issues at all really, which is a relief as I really struggled with my first baby. I think I am going to get her weighed next week...she is growing so fast!!!

Hi hon, great to hear from you. She'll settling in her own time, although sounds like she is feeding great.

Go Georgia!! How did the rest of last night go Nik?
I think all the babies must be here by now Jasmak, 22 days would be REALLY late!
:happydance: 3.5lb off for me! But then I hadn't eaten all afternoon and I did pig out before I got weighed last week, but I reckon with the hen weekend in the middle that's still pretty good!
My head is all over the place, headaches really bad again, can't hold a thought. 6 week postnatal check tomorrow...
Bridget got weighed yesterday - bang on 13lb now!

WOW look at you go girl 3.5lb soooo jealous, that hen weekend clearly agreed with you.

How did your check go?

I've lost about the same so far and have another 44lbs to go! I've never had to diet before and realised that I'm not actually a bad or overeater - its just while I'm pregnant that I've over indulged so last time I lost quite fast after having Jacob.

I want to get back into the habit of eating sensibly again and that I can't have treats everyday. Not doing so bad at the minute but I'll soon find out after my WI tonight!

Up bright and early this morning with my monster but its sooo dark outside. It should be illegal to be up when its still dark outside. Little Elf is having snuggles with daddy upstairs - jealous!!

You are up early this morning, both of mine were up 5.45am, bless them. H is fed and back to sleep in his chair and E is here waiting for her breakfast!

AFM - My babies had the hospital yesterday and it couldnt have gone better. H got discharged within 5 minutes of walking in there and E has been discharged from the dietician and fingers crossed she has one more visit in years time and that should be her last. I finally have a happy healthy normal little girl!! So please cant tell you. To think how poorly she was to where we are today doesnt bare thinking about.

Not up too much today, may take E to soft play for an hour other than that just taking it easy.

Got a busy few weekends coming up. xxx
Half a pound is better off than on MrsP!! I've never done slimming world before and only just started on WW! Never realised E had been ill - YAY for her being better and for H being discharged!!! :thumbup:

Finally got my little elf back and snuggling up to both of them...god I love being a mum! Taking her to get weighed later, meeting up with a friend who's little girl is 2 days younger than Jacob and taking them both to soft play! Hope you all have fabulous days with your LO's!

Lou x
jasmak - ive got a journal in general journals. Its more a diary to get everything out to help with my PND but there is a bit of parenting and weightloss in there too lol..

Lucy - :hugs:

AFM - got about 24 pounds to lose i think. that would make my bmi 22 and i will see how i feel when i get there. Im not fitting in my size 12 clothes at the minute which makes me sad lol.

Ailah had 2 nights where she got up at 3am but is thankfully back to sleeping through the night :cloud9:
Potty training is going brilliantly with abby :D she is a little star. Not enjoying the terrible 2's though :dohh: they have come a little early :wacko:

Was meant to be going shopping today but its pouring with rain so im going to stay in and catch up on some washing and cleaning and do some wii fit :D although Abby is at nursery all morning which prob means i will have a :coffee:, watch jeremy kyle and sit on here all day :haha: xxx
p.s. Ive borrowed a friends baby swing and would recommend it to everyone!! Ailah struggles to keep her eyes open as soon as it starts moving and the noises and sounds it makes actually sends me off to sleep hehe :D xx
Half a pound is better off than on MrsP!! I've never done slimming world before and only just started on WW! Never realised E had been ill - YAY for her being better and for H being discharged!!! :thumbup:

Finally got my little elf back and snuggling up to both of them...god I love being a mum! Taking her to get weighed later, meeting up with a friend who's little girl is 2 days younger than Jacob and taking them both to soft play! Hope you all have fabulous days with your LO's!

Lou x

Enjoy your snuggle, I'm just about to attempt selling a 2 year old!! :haha:

The babies were weighed yesterday H was 11lb 7oz and E was 23lb 14oz, I give it till christmas and he will have caught up with her!

E was born with 2 holes in her heart, she had them repaired when she was 17 weeks. It was amazing she only has a 6" scar between her (.)(.) she was in and home again in 48 hours, truely amazing.
jasmak - ive got a journal in general journals. Its more a diary to get everything out to help with my PND but there is a bit of parenting and weightloss in there too lol..

Lucy - :hugs:

AFM - got about 24 pounds to lose i think. that would make my bmi 22 and i will see how i feel when i get there. Im not fitting in my size 12 clothes at the minute which makes me sad lol.

Ailah had 2 nights where she got up at 3am but is thankfully back to sleeping through the night :cloud9:
Potty training is going brilliantly with abby :D she is a little star. Not enjoying the terrible 2's though :dohh: they have come a little early :wacko:

Was meant to be going shopping today but its pouring with rain so im going to stay in and catch up on some washing and cleaning and do some wii fit :D although Abby is at nursery all morning which prob means i will have a :coffee:, watch jeremy kyle and sit on here all day :haha: xxx

Will seding you some of our sunshine hon. I really should get the kids out the door but I cant be bothered to move. Not since I just scoffed a fryup!! All totally free I may add on the diet!!

Did you say Abby is not much younger than E? E seems to hate the potty but starts school on 8th Nov, I really would like to have her dry.

How have you managed it? xx
jasmak - ive got a journal in general journals. Its more a diary to get everything out to help with my PND but there is a bit of parenting and weightloss in there too lol..

Lucy - :hugs:

AFM - got about 24 pounds to lose i think. that would make my bmi 22 and i will see how i feel when i get there. Im not fitting in my size 12 clothes at the minute which makes me sad lol.

Ailah had 2 nights where she got up at 3am but is thankfully back to sleeping through the night :cloud9:
Potty training is going brilliantly with abby :D she is a little star. Not enjoying the terrible 2's though :dohh: they have come a little early :wacko:

Was meant to be going shopping today but its pouring with rain so im going to stay in and catch up on some washing and cleaning and do some wii fit :D although Abby is at nursery all morning which prob means i will have a :coffee:, watch jeremy kyle and sit on here all day :haha: xxx

Will seding you some of our sunshine hon. I really should get the kids out the door but I cant be bothered to move. Not since I just scoffed a fryup!! All totally free I may add on the diet!!

Did you say Abby is not much younger than E? E seems to hate the potty but starts school on 8th Nov, I really would like to have her dry.

How have you managed it? xx

A fry up :haha: That sounds like my kind of diet :thumbup:

Dont know hun - think she was just ready! I left it in the living room for a few weeks then encouraged her to sit on it (pusing mickey mouse on the tv when she stood up helped hehe) or draing with her while she sat on it and kept her on it long enough untill she did a pee then just praised and praised her, gave her a sweeite...did 'the potty dance' haha which involves the 2 of us running and jumping round the living room shouting yey pee pee in potty haha neighbous must think im mad!!!

When she realised she was a 'big girl' she just carried on... had a few accidents and she is still in nappies if we go anywhere but loves running around the house in her minnie mouse pants!! xx
Think I might clear the diary and do a few days in doors playing this game, does it take long for them to cotton on? x
Think I might clear the diary and do a few days in doors playing this game, does it take long for them to cotton on? x

Think it depends on the child but if you can get her sitting playing for long enough (drinking at the same time helped abby) then sooner or later she is bound to piddle and when she realises she has done something good she will soon cotton on. Especially if you offer a reward...

Abby gets a penny sweetie if she pees in her potty and she now tells me she needs a peepee so she can get a sweetie haha xx
morning all!! Decided last night to leave H to wake me for his feeds, thinking he'd go longer between feed's....he didn't he woke every 3-4hours himself :) Wasnt finishing his bottles tho :/ kept falling asleep!
Just waiting for the midwife to come so we can go out
Well done H, puts your mind at rest I bet that you know he can do it himself! FX'd he decides to give Mummy a good snooze tonight!

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