****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

also as anyone else been told not to get cord wet? I'm finding bath time so hard seeing as the midwife insisted we shouldn't get it wet..
Super booby juice Moggy!!

Lliena & Carolyn your pictures are fab...must upload some of mine!

Lucy:hugs: I think sometimes you just want people to listen! Hope you're ok x

Flutter Well done you on the weight loss...I wish I weighed less than I did before I fell pregnant!

Shame about your cat Lollip0p hope he's ok soon! :flower:

MrsP :haha: about selling E!! Ha ha ha, little monster eh!

Really sorry if I've missed anyone out!!

AFM I've lost another 3lbs! :happydance: Woo hoo, I am sooo determined to get my body back its unreal. I know I'll have bad days/weeks but I'm going to win my fat fight I tell you now!!!

Weighed Emma today too and she's 9lb 15.5oz. My gorgeous little fatty :kiss: I've actually lost more than she weighs now! She's currently snoring her fat little head off at the side of me and I'm not so sure she's going to be a red head now either...damn you Kev!

Hope everyone and babies are ok, Lou x
Danielle we was told not to get her cord wet as it could cause an infection. If you get it wet by accident just pat it dry. Kaiya cord fell off at around twelve days.
Thanks hwm i had my bloods taken last week so i will find out my levels tomorrow. Kaiyas tests came back all normal from her heel prick test, but they said about the test for her but knowing my doctors they won't have a clue come tomorrow :-/
We also got Kaiya weighed today and she weighs 10lb 13ozs as they were worried about her weight as she only drinks to ounces every three hours. but she is still gaining and is on the 50 centile.
Has anyone got any nice plans for the weekend?
oh forgot to update my yellow bump turned blue on the 1/8/10 at 100pm x

Congratulations, how much did he way?

seens how we are sharing hehe....

heres Ailah smiling away 2 nights ago :D


Oh love her. I check out all your pics you put on FB, your girls are adorable.

also as anyone else been told not to get cord wet? I'm finding bath time so hard seeing as the midwife insisted we shouldn't get it wet..

I dont think mine did, but I didnt find it a problem cos I just dunked him in and out the bath it didnt matter too much.

Super booby juice Moggy!!

Lliena & Carolyn your pictures are fab...must upload some of mine!

Lucy:hugs: I think sometimes you just want people to listen! Hope you're ok x

Flutter Well done you on the weight loss...I wish I weighed less than I did before I fell pregnant!

Shame about your cat Lollip0p hope he's ok soon! :flower:

MrsP :haha: about selling E!! Ha ha ha, little monster eh!

Really sorry if I've missed anyone out!!

AFM I've lost another 3lbs! :happydance: Woo hoo, I am sooo determined to get my body back its unreal. I know I'll have bad days/weeks but I'm going to win my fat fight I tell you now!!!

Weighed Emma today too and she's 9lb 15.5oz. My gorgeous little fatty :kiss: I've actually lost more than she weighs now! She's currently snoring her fat little head off at the side of me and I'm not so sure she's going to be a red head now either...damn you Kev!

Hope everyone and babies are ok, Lou x

Wow go you, I dont know how you do it each week, I dont shift anything near the amount you do each week. Whats the total now, 10.5lb??

Oh she was being a moo! Bored I think to be fair so I threw her out in the garden until the rain came.

I wanna have a turn to show my lil' man off so here goes....

Oh and one of my princess, shes turned such a mummies girl lately, we have lots and lots of lovely cuddles


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I am getting more and more pissed off...could punch a certain someone right now :(
Watching eastender's then going to bed I think, hopefully after a couple hour's sleep i'll be less annoyed

And thanks lollipop, I 4got why they sed 2 get it wet, so couldnt explain to my mum earlier when she was on about bathing him
MrsP its only cos I'm a fat cow :haha: The day before Emma came I was nearing 15 stone! OMG how embarrassing...now I'm actually seeing 12 when I get on the scales! I've still got just under 3 stone to shift but I WILL do it! It'll start slowing down and get harder when I've lost all the complete excess IYKWIM. But in all fairness I'm never ever had to weigh myself before my babies - I just went off how I felt and looked and was never above 10.5 stone! Its 11.5lb's in total that I've lost!

H is gorgeous too - I love the picture of him sticking his tongue out bless! And how lovely and curly is E's hair. Ha ha ha to 'throwing her out til the rain came too'. x
Awwww LOVELY pics of some of our Beautiful bubbas smiling away!!!
WELL DONE HWM on your weight loss and super organisation!!!!

I loved coming on and seeing a few pages to catch up on on this thread! like the old days in Third Tri! lol!
Anyways! I am really pleased with how things are going with Georgia, she is settling well in the evenings and usually feeds somewhere between 10 and 12pm, then sometimes again once in the middle of the night! but a few nights she has missed the early hours feed! She is suddenly more alert and focusing on things around her now! I am falling more in love every day! lol
Also as my hubby is away for 5 or so weeks in Kenya VERY soon, I am trying to get a hand of doing things for both of my kiddiewinks at the same time! SO! I have a bath that sits on top of the big tub for georgia, and while I am showering Riley, I perch the baby bath on the tub and use the shower water to bath her in too! haha multi tasking to the max!! lol.
That way I can hop out with Georgia get her nappy on and dry before i have to get riley out! haha! Mat just stood in awe watching me and was laughing when i refused to let him help! I wanted to see if i can manage by myself lol! He said I looked like a contestant on the generation game hahaha!

We had a fun moment with Riley tho! I had him in the shower yesterday, i went to get his towel from the bedroom, and he yelled to me
"MUMMMMMMYYYYY .............. SOMEBODY has pooped in the shower!" hahaha! U gotta love him lol. And there I was greeted by a huge stinking poop bobbing about in the shower water lol! he denied that it was him and stuck to his "SOMEBODY" story tho lol!

Anyways I am babblin now!
Hugs and loves to all!
GREAT news on the weight loss for everyone, and for the achievements that we're all making each and every day! Check us all out hey! FAB August Club mummy's x x
Oooo P. S.
Danielle, I wouldnt worry HUGELY about the cord! I actually bathed Georgia really quickly before her cord dropped off, and I just dabbed it dry immediately and left it open to the air for a few mins afterwards!
Its best to stick to Top and Tailing untill its dropped, but not always practical!
Her cord fell off at around Day 6-7 i think!
also as anyone else been told not to get cord wet? I'm finding bath time so hard seeing as the midwife insisted we shouldn't get it wet..

in canada we do nothing to the cord and we can get it wet...all my kids fell off within a week. they were all bathed daily and we did not dry it
also as anyone else been told not to get cord wet? I'm finding bath time so hard seeing as the midwife insisted we shouldn't get it wet..

in canada we do nothing to the cord and we can get it wet...all my kids fell off within a week. they were all bathed daily and we did not dry it

Same here :) Alia's fell off exactly at one week, and we bathed her like normal and I barely even paid attention to the cord.
we got skylers wet and no issues. Fell off at 7 days as well
I treated abbys annd used the steri wipes and it took almost 2 weeks to cme off...

I did nothing to Ailahs and it got wet in the bath etc and it was off in 5 days :shrug: xx
Jacks cord was really thick and took 20 days to drop, it was very smelly towards the end :sick: Down to it having to turn ganrgenous before dropping off - nice! We bathed him and made sure stump area was really dry before we dressed him again.

MW and HV just said if it got wet completely dry it before dressing and always fold the nappy down so it didnt cover it. Apparently his cord was uuuber thick due to his size and the humungous placenta - that was why I looked so big cos it would have fed the 5000! Interestingly a friend whose baby was the same size had a smaller placenta - same MW - and the cord dropped at 8 days.

My thoughts would be to bath him if you want to bath him and top and tail if you want to. Your feeding instincts were right so I reckon you will know whats best for your boy about bathtime and his cord too. :thumbup:

A bath before bed can help start a bedtime routine, we bath the boys and have them in bed by 7.15 - Jack then wakes for booby juice about half past midnight then again around 4am - he is awake, fed and chenged in 30mins though and straight back to sleep. Had a three day wobble for his growth spurt at 6 weeks but all back on track again now - just on poo watch AGAIN!

Glad everyone is doing so well in here, makes a big positive to the day as some of my old ttc gang are having a rough time of it - 2MC in 2 days now :cry:
is cord's bleeding :/ and slowly coming off, well the scabby bit is anyway, look's like fresh cord under that! So wonder if the dry scabby outer bit's going to fall off then the bit underneath is going to stay abit longer. Dreading it falling off!! Hope it come's off on my OH or my mum :/

Plan for bedtime was bath him, dress him ready for bed, give hime his bottle upstair's and put him in his basket...will try again with it tonight!! told OH once he get's back home from seeing his daughter we are going no where.
I'm completly drained of energy and just want half hour to myself, but even with OH at home, it wont happen :/ the "new ness" must have worn off...he's not always wanting to do stuff like he was...users the excuse that he's tired from work....he clearly doesn't realise how tiring it can be to look after H alday and night, plus try and keep the house looking tidy and look after myself.
Congratulations Clairebear!

Danielle, I don't think we kept B's cord dry? I'm a bit freaked out by cord stumps, but I'm sure it got wet in the bath... It mostly came away in about 5 days, but a wee bit was left behind and MW told me to wet that bit to soak it out!

Lollipop, hope your levels come back OK! How are you feeling with it? Let me know what they say about Kaiya being tested anyway, we can compare notes - I'll be asking when she's in for jabs...

Mrs P great pics! DH has asked me not to put any on public forums, but I'll set some on FB so you guys can see them :)

Moggy I agree on the bath before bed - DH said to skip B's the other night, I was like NO, she won't know it's bedtime! How big was Jack? I don't remember B's cord being particularly big for her size (11lb...)

Go you Nik on getting them in bed on your own - I had to do that for the first time a few weeks ago when DH was stuck late at work... got it down to a fine art now - both in the bath, B on her sponge, she's in and out, then C gets toys to play with while I dry and dress B, B 'plays' on the floor, sucks dummy, or screams (depending on her mood!) while I dry and dress C, then all in to C's room for a story both having milk :)

As for me, hanging with the cold, suffered a badly timed caffeine high at the same time as decongestant wore off and I was hungry so felt really skank and not at all safe if that makes sense. 1 syn soup in my belly now though and dosed on the sudafed, so it's not so bad.

I've decided I don't like any of the doctors at my GPs, not only was she not really listening to me yesterday but she was trying to be all 'friendly' and sitting forward in her chair, but to the extent where I felt crowded out and had to lean back to get away from her!

I'm shattered today too, B fed at 4 and went straight back down, I was awake until 5 with sore throat etc trying to decide whether to get up and look for medicine, dozed from 5 to 6, then she woke up again :(

C currently 'not sleeping' in her cot, but entertaining herself in there, thought I'd lucked out and B was going to snooze too so I could get my head down, but alas she's kicking away on her play gym, and working on the first poo of the day :haha:

God that turned in to an essay.
danielle, my DH had both girls at the weekend now has knew-found appreciation that it is hard work... however to put it from the other point of view, when I went back to work after C was born, I was coming home so tired that I wanted nothing to do with her for at least half an hour after I got in... DH is the same even now - he pulls his weight, don't get me wrong, but he's far more useful to me if he has half an hour of nothing before he's expected to do too much!
Wow Mrs P Smell has really grown.She is gorgeous as is your wee man xx

Danielle hugs hun xxx

Ashton is thriving now 14lb 5oz!
HWM - Jack was 10lb2oz but his placenta was huge! Even MW was amazed, biggest she had seen, they even had a name for such a biggun :wacko: Explained apparently why my measurements etc were huge (even huger than expected for a 10lb baby!) Seems my huge belly of fluid and placenta were why I measured so big despite actually losing 1lb during pregnancy. With our first we lost the stump the day after coming home - that was day 6! Saying that he was a 35weeker so bit smaller than his little brother!
Wow Mrs P Smell has really grown.She is gorgeous as is your wee man xx

Danielle hugs hun xxx

Ashton is thriving now 14lb 5oz!

Jeez Zoe i thought Jack was big fella at 13lb1oz:wacko:

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