such a cute picture!
Heres a pic of Kaiya smiling yesterday, its been so hard to capture one on camera.
well done flutterbaby!
well done hwm, i have so much to do, but been here there and every where today. I have got my postnatel tomorrow, what stuff do they do? did they change your thyroxine during pregnancy? the doctor kept telling me i was fine, and then went to see a mw at 34 weeks and she said it was really low, but they never upped my dose in pregnancy, and the hv said they will do a test on Kaiya to check her thyriod levels out. did you get a lot of choice in what contraception you wanted? sorry for all the questions. x
We have had a bit of a bad day today, we woke up to find out cat shaking constantly, couldnt walk or jump, so I took him to the vets and they said he has been posioned
he is currently on a drip and sedated, i just hope my little man makes it. If i find out anyone has done it deliberly i will shoot them, but I also know what squeaky is like too, loves to munch on food.