****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

Just wanted to add to the conversation too...we are not getting Kelana christened. We didn't for any of our kids. If my kids want to be baptised later in life, they can. This is pretty shocking to my family, as we grew up Catholic, but I want my kids to choose.

ETA, I sometimes with they got baptized though, as babies, so they can wear those super cute baptismal outfits.
So how is the contest stuff going? Or did we stop that?

Skyler is swinging away in his glider, he just loves it. Gives me a break to.

I haven't even started thinking about savings accounts although I should.

We're not getting our boy christened at the moment cause we're not attending church at the moment, maybe in the future.
Going to give it a few more days on the awards... I've only had a couple of pics sent in for the hairiest/looks like etc - and no entries for baldest yet if anyone wants to try that one?! A few interesting entries :)

we haven't got B a bank account yet, should probably get on to that as we have cheques to pay in!
Kelana is growing like a weed.
:haha::haha: that really made me chuckle! Hope her eye gets better soon, sounds nasty! Brilliant about the weight loss too, well done you!

Kelly Whats a glider? I've never heard of them, are they like a vibrating/swinging rocker?

Lucy It was the HV actually. We never listened to them when we had Jacob :blush: we just followed GF. But this time she mentioned about her over heating when swaddled and said they advise against it. So we bought a sleeping bag and at first she was fine in it. But recently she just keeps waking herself up and has been a nightmare so we swaddled again last night and she went back to only waking once again.

I'd rather have Jacob's cotbed be back into a cot but when he tries something he so determined and doesn't stop til he's done it. He climbed the stairs the week after he crawled and even gets out of the bath now! He'll be in a travel cot at dads and MILs but I think they're deeper anyway IYKWIM? Saying that last night he was ok (after finding him under his cot the night before!)

Great news about having fun with FIL! Glad you're getting sleep too - I know what you mean about not being able to sleep when you hear them!

Emma is WIDE AWAKE at the minute! Nosey little parker she is!

Lou x
Bay france, yeah they are called swings to, this is the one I got for him, it changes direction so it swings side to side and front to back.
Bay france, yeah they are called swings to, this is the one I got for him, it changes direction so it swings side to side and front to back.

I have that same swing, well, almost...same brand, same gadgets...older version. Love it. All my babies did. Kelana is in it right now.
Yeah I love it to! It is so cute! I spent the extra money because it was so cute and you could change the direction of the swing. Skyler prefers when it goes back to front as opposed to side to side. He is also in his right now!
JASMAK- we just had Isaiah dedicated on Sunday. (we are more penecostal-nondenominational). Anyways, we have decided that we would make a commitment in front of God and our church that we will raise our baby in the Lord as best as we can. Our baby is "dedicated" to the Lord. We dont believe in baptising an infant as they cannot know what that truly means. When he is older, if he wants to be baptised then thats a different story, but we think believing in Jesus is a personal decision, and though we hope with all of our hearts that he decides to be a follower, that is up to him. So we do the dedication rather than the baptism...and we put him in a very cute outfit :D Though hopefully in a few years we will see him be baptised :)
All I have to say this morning is....OUCH my head! :( two big bottle's of lamberini (SP) equall's a little tipsy last night, nasty headache this morning! Think next time I drink it's going to have to be malibu, and not nasty cheap stuff! Remind's me of when I was 16 :/

We're planning on opening H a current account and a saving's account, so that when people give him money I can put it in his current account and have a direct debit set up putting so much into his saving's each week :)

He's having 5oz now, but within an hour after having it, he want's more and will have another 2-5oz's! Iv said I think he's having a growth spurt :/ x
Danielle - H is too young for a current account in his own name - he can only have a savings account. Local building society is likely to offer the best rates unless you do one online. Make sure when you open his account though you complete his R85 (declaration that he can receive gross interest - no tax)

HWM - dont think we would win any category unless there is one for most loved little boys :blush: Although we might be up there in the cling on stump category at 20 days - definitely the stinkiest stump :wacko:

Hope youre all having lovely weekend, we are so far and have asked two friends to be Jacks godparents. Now they have agreed we can arrange christening - we have GPs for both boys and plan to have them christened together - delayed having Mogster done as we wanted them done together just had to wait to get Jack! Should be soon though as we move in the new year...
Danielle - H is too young for a current account in his own name - he can only have a savings account. Local building society is likely to offer the best rates unless you do one online. Make sure when you open his account though you complete his R85 (declaration that he can receive gross interest - no tax)

HWM - dont think we would win any category unless there is one for most loved little boys :blush: Although we might be up there in the cling on stump category at 20 days - definitely the stinkiest stump :wacko:

Hope youre all having lovely weekend, we are so far and have asked two friends to be Jacks godparents. Now they have agreed we can arrange christening - we have GPs for both boys and plan to have them christened together - delayed having Mogster done as we wanted them done together just had to wait to get Jack! Should be soon though as we move in the new year...

Well I was just having a saving's for him because I didn't think he could have a current account...but my cuz as said she's opened one in her LO's name and she's only a few month's older then H, don't know where tho didn't ask her about it. Atm tho i'm just using one of mine that I don't use anymore, and i'm leaving mike to sort a saving's account out for him.
OMG!! I'm sooooo excited we've booked to go and see the band Train (who sing drops of jupiter) and Tim Minchin (comedian) before the end of the year!!

Both of them are TOTALLY up my street and I love watchingh/listening to them and Kev's booked tickets as a surprise! Hoping that it's when he's going to 'ask' me!!! OMG I'm excited (and slightly drunk)!!!

Danielle I hope I feel better than you did this morning! :hugs:

Moggy That sounds sooo nice!!! I've not had Jacob christened yet - but both of them together sounds really nice x
PS. He is crap at keeping 'surprises' that is why I know a) he's got me an engagement ring b) he's booked tickets for my favourite band/comedian!

He can't bloody hold his own water....but neither can I!!!
JASMAK- we just had Isaiah dedicated on Sunday. (we are more penecostal-nondenominational). Anyways, we have decided that we would make a commitment in front of God and our church that we will raise our baby in the Lord as best as we can. Our baby is "dedicated" to the Lord. We dont believe in baptising an infant as they cannot know what that truly means. When he is older, if he wants to be baptised then thats a different story, but we think believing in Jesus is a personal decision, and though we hope with all of our hearts that he decides to be a follower, that is up to him. So we do the dedication rather than the baptism...and we put him in a very cute outfit :D Though hopefully in a few years we will see him be baptised :)

Ahh, yes, Catholics do it a wee bit different. Baptized at birth usually, then confirmation after religious education. Shocking as Catholics believe infants are born into sin. So my mom just about had a heart attack with my first. LOL! My children believe in God, but have not attended church. I might send them to religious education when they are ready and if they are wanting and willing. Otherwise, I can teach at home, as I have. If they want to confirm, we will do the education.
moggy, got you down for cling on stump :) no one else for that yet!!
Come on ladies, let's see what awards we can give! Need some pics for some categories and nominations please for most knowledegeable mum :)

i'm tired, head aches, had huge row with DH today but we've made up now. tired. did i say that? pissed off with my phone too.

should have gone to bed an hour ago, now have to sort bottles, agh :(
Mrs P what bank account are you going for, for Henry, we are looking for a savings one for Kaiya, but al the interest rates seem really rubbish at the moment.

I would love to, but we already have two, and two and a baby are enough for me, so I will find them 4 loving homes to go too.

sounds like a fabby weekend planned for you mrs p! I hope you feel better soon, so you can enjoy yourself. Lucky you, I havent had a night off yet, but next week we are going to smith and western, yippee! use some well earned tesco vouchers!

We have got family visiting tomorrow, Brad getting his clutch done on his car, so no day out tomorrow. Sunday we are going out just the three of us for a nice meal, gotta find somewhere to go first though, and have to do a bit of shopping too, so nothing majorly exciting, but its great as i get to spend time with my man and gorgeous girl.

Oh lovely, nice to have a night out to look forward too.

We have a Santander savings account for both E&H, mainly because Simon and I are with them and when transferring money over it goes over quicker and keeps it all with one bank.

With regards to trust fund, Si sorted her one out with Childrens mutual, she had around £600 in it and worth around £750 its on a low risk share investment. Will be doing the same for Henry.

Feeling ok, just a cold. thanks hon.

My friend has asked me to be godmother :D yey! xx

Oh thats nice x

Carolyn :happydance: yey!! Thats such an honour!

Lollip0p I know some friends have had their babies named in a baby naming ceremony due to them not being religious. If I remember rightly you can even go to the registry for it but don't quote me on it!

MrsP Hope you've been feeling better?! Sounds like you've got a lovely weekend packed...you've got a busy one next week too haven't you? You're doing fab on the diet with all these busy weekends!

We got a Natwest young savers for Jacob and Emma. And we've got to get Jacob's passport asap - my dad wants to take him away next March for a week and MIL said she wants Emma, so Kev and I are planning a week abroad somewhere nice and hot.

AFU we've been to Trafford Centre today and it was soooo busy - no doubt everyone has been doing their Xmas shopping and then to the new tesco near us which is the biggest in Europe apparently which was good. Jacob's out ALL weekend, my dads tonight and MILs tomorrow. Feel pretty lost without him and don't like him stopping out more than one night in two weeks but everyone's going on holiday so they want 'their dose' of him before they go and then we go!

Got my date with wine, chocolate and Kev tonight!

Have a good night ladies & babies x

Feeling much better thanks, just keep getting hot flushes. Yes next weekend is busy too. Friday is Si's birthday but we are going out to celebrate our wedding anniversary which is Tuesday and then Saturday we are going out with friends to celebrate his birthday and then Sunday do a fat roast as his best mate cant come out and its my bro's birthday on the monday.

Dreading the diet.

Your Tesco sounds fab, sad I know but I can spend ages in there wandering about.

Lou, what did MW say that put you off Gina? Charlotte still has sides on her cot, I see no hurry. She climbed out twice at childminder, but that was ages ago and she hasn't tried again. Was going to say a sleeping bag might help, but you've already got sides down! What will he be sleeping in/on at your dad/MILs?

Lynzie, we're not having B christented, C wasn't either... yay for new kittens too!

Carolyn, how exciting to be god mum - no-one has ever asked me - we're not godly at all! DH has is a not-god-father though...

Flutter, hope Joel is feeling better soon... and great stuff with SW! We have a wii fit but I haven't been on it in a seriously long time!

I lost another 1.5lb this week at SW, so quite pleased with that.

We've had a nice day out today for all my moaning about FIL. W5, which is like Belfast's answer to the Science Museum...

Just had our tea, and I've made SW friendly crumble, and then fill B's bottles and then bed I think - would love to be tucked up by 9!!

I think with the B sleeping thing, it's been helped by my new medication :wacko: it's really drowsy making and at the moment I have to just take it at night because of that, but it means I'm super drowsy when she grumbles at all and tend to ignore and doze back off, whereas a week ago I'd hear it, and not go to her, but be unable to get back to sleep - so now even if I have to go and stick her dummy back in then I'm back under myself quite quickly and I never get to the stage of thinking oh I'll just feed her.... last night she didn't even need a dummy trip, but today she's been super hungry, so if it's another growth spurt (didn't have anything at 6 weeks, so still waiting) then I'm guessing she'll be up for milk... ah well, early night just in case I guess!

What a waffle!!

WOW go you :happydance: I'm dreading getting on the scales tomorrow, I had been good all week but had a little pick at the wedding last night x

JASMAK- we just had Isaiah dedicated on Sunday. (we are more penecostal-nondenominational). Anyways, we have decided that we would make a commitment in front of God and our church that we will raise our baby in the Lord as best as we can. Our baby is "dedicated" to the Lord. We dont believe in baptising an infant as they cannot know what that truly means. When he is older, if he wants to be baptised then thats a different story, but we think believing in Jesus is a personal decision, and though we hope with all of our hearts that he decides to be a follower, that is up to him. So we do the dedication rather than the baptism...and we put him in a very cute outfit :D Though hopefully in a few years we will see him be baptised :)

I like your thinking there. I think here we have to have them baptised or not baptised.

moggy, got you down for cling on stump :) no one else for that yet!!
Come on ladies, let's see what awards we can give! Need some pics for some categories and nominations please for most knowledegeable mum :)

i'm tired, head aches, had huge row with DH today but we've made up now. tired. did i say that? pissed off with my phone too.

should have gone to bed an hour ago, now have to sort bottles, agh :(

Oh no, hope you feel better hon xxx

AFM - Still a bit coldy. Have sat and put a few on E's things on here to sell and hopefully will do H's tomorrow. Tomorrow has a trip to Tesco in store, my bro might be popping in he has been away, SW (dont want to get on the scales :nope:) Then Si's sister for dinner :growlmad:

So tired sitting here can barely keep my eyes open, although little E is wondering around, she has back teeth coming through and they are making her quite poorly.

I'm off to :sleep: will be back Tuesday xx
JASMAK- we just had Isaiah dedicated on Sunday. (we are more penecostal-nondenominational). Anyways, we have decided that we would make a commitment in front of God and our church that we will raise our baby in the Lord as best as we can. Our baby is "dedicated" to the Lord. We dont believe in baptising an infant as they cannot know what that truly means. When he is older, if he wants to be baptised then thats a different story, but we think believing in Jesus is a personal decision, and though we hope with all of our hearts that he decides to be a follower, that is up to him. So we do the dedication rather than the baptism...and we put him in a very cute outfit :D Though hopefully in a few years we will see him be baptised :)

Ahh, yes, Catholics do it a wee bit different. Baptized at birth usually, then confirmation after religious education. Shocking as Catholics believe infants are born into sin. So my mom just about had a heart attack with my first. LOL! My children believe in God, but have not attended church. I might send them to religious education when they are ready and if they are wanting and willing. Otherwise, I can teach at home, as I have. If they want to confirm, we will do the education.

oh yes, i know all about this! Though i do not come from a Catholic background, the DH does. In fact his uncle is a Father. (which can be particularly weird since he probably thinks we are going to hell since we are not Catholic LOL) His entire family (besides his mum and dad) are actually still Catholic, however, they converted a few years back as they did not agree with everything the Catholic church is about. So i totally understand where you are coming from!
i am a christian not that i follow it was my parents choice when i was younger i completely understand the wanting to wait i think my dad only played his face for us to be christened for the piss up as he was a piss head all wrong if you ask me

i have done a trust fund for joel he's sleeping the day away at the moment bless him he's such a good baby loves a cuddle :cloud9:
i don't know if anyone saw my post in chatter, but my twin sister has a pulmonary embolism and is in serious but stable condition in the hospital since sat morning. please send good thoughts and/or prayers her way. her name is tania.
i don't know if anyone saw my post in chatter, but my twin sister has a pulmonary embolism and is in serious but stable condition in the hospital since sat morning. please send good thoughts and/or prayers her way. her name is tania.

so sorry dear. :hugs: praying for restored health :hug:
i don't know if anyone saw my post in chatter, but my twin sister has a pulmonary embolism and is in serious but stable condition in the hospital since sat morning. please send good thoughts and/or prayers her way. her name is tania.

You're both in my thoughts xx

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