O'v had a grumpy baby past couple of evenings too :/
my little one is going through the same....around 3-4:00pm she begins crying, and I am unable to comfort her. I've tried burping, bouncing, flying, swinging, bath time with lavander...the bouncing helps for a bit then she wales again. So I've been giving some gripe water. and a tiny bit of tylonol. I think she may be teething, because she is trying to get both fists into her mouth to chew on.....and lots of drool.
can i come back and play????
I've been such a crappy august momma!!! will u hav me back? sooooo many posts to catch up on x
Hi Nikki!! :waves:
Charlotte has decided to use the potty. one poo and one wee so far, so not exactly ground breaking, but seems irriversible now!
as for bridget, well it seems like from about half four on is the witching hour - she's miserable as sin, woke up in foul form, won't feed, won't sleep, doesn't want cuddled, or to lie down, or to swing. HELP!! anyone else's LO the same? she's swinging and screaming now cos I can't hack it and so I feel bad for letting her cry, but she's crying even when I'm trying to 'do' something, so I don't know what to do
Have you tried undressing bottom half down to the nappy and letting her have a kick, we do it with J if he gets narky towards dinner time and we give him a helium balloon to play with at the same time. He loves it!!! He likes the silver holgram effect ones best cos they catch the light when he pulls the tape.
Nikki, is he back soon?
ooh...I forgot to mention. To the day, this time last year was the day Emma was concieved
ooh...I forgot to mention. To the day, this time last year was the day Emma was concieved
Waving right back at ya x
Georgia has her cranky hour while i am cooking rileys dinner each night lol, I have shamelessly taken to putting her strapped into her car seat and getting riley to rock her on 2 or 3 occasions lol!
Well, where hav the past 11 weeks gone to? Cant believe my wrinkly newborn is now a cheeky looking, giggly, chubby cheeked little lady!
She amazes me every day with what she can do, and I am still head over heels in love with her! Riley is taking to the big brother rols VERY well, in fact he has supprised me so much! he gets a little over enthusiastic at times, and I haveto remind him that she is fragile lol, bu he is doing so well.
I am still breastfeeding but I am stressing this week as my supply seems to have dropped. I feel empty, She is getting hungry REALLY quickly after feeds and is having both sides each feed! and when i expess i am only pumping 2-3 ounces instead of the 8-10 i was getting before!
anyone else had this?? I am not wanting to stop feeding her and am pumping like a crazy person as well as feeding whenever she looks like she is even thinking about a feed to try and increase it but it isnt working I dont think!
to momma's with troubles what ever did happen to mom of 3 not seen her here in a while not been on in a while hospitals with fil ect but he's hgad good news and bad news he's had a thing on his lung it's not the c word but it is where he had a huge blood clot and part of his lung has died so he's got to have injections now to thin the blood for 6 months ..........................gotta dash in a mo weigh in day wish me luck xx
my mums already got loads of pics of H up so wouldnt be anything new :/
my dad hasnt even held H yet nor as my brother!!
why do men not take womens feelings into consideration?
Moggy, stripped her legs tonight and she was a different child!!
I lost 6lb this week!! I did put on 1.5 last week, so it's averaged out to pretty much 2lb a week, but I'm so chuffed 1st 1.5lb since i rejoined SW
we did it with Jack about 8 weeks and he loved it, its much more animated now cos he got the hang of moving it himself.
Carolyn you give baby a helium balloon on a string about a metre long and they can make it move themselves with their hand. Jack likes the clintons silver hologram ones the best. The weight on the end will hold it down so little one only needs to grab at it to move it in the beginning and the more they get the hang of it the more they grip on to make it move. Its so cute to watch and gets us a good 20 minutes peace whenever he has his out, you can wash up etc and knock the balloon every now and again and even grumpy baby will calm down ....usually....