****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

:hi: everyone

Carolyn hope you had a good night...by your fb status looks like your head didn't the next day :lol:

Lollip0p right there with you with men honey :dohh:

Lucy Thats a bit unfair, they could have told you sooner! Is there no mummy friends taking their LOs to tumble tots?

MrsP Hope Eleanor had a great day, she starts nursery soon doesn't she?

Moggy Hows the house hunting? Have you seen anything you like yet?

AFU last week was a pretty crappy week. Spent Monday in hospital with Emma because Kev is a complete idiot :cry:. Thankfully she's ok and her happy giggling chatting little self again. But it set me off for worrying when my dad takes Jacob away next year, I've been secretly worrying about it but after Monday I just spent last week in tears, not properly eating and not sleeping.

Basically told my dad I couldn't let him go and Emma was coming with us. Cut long story short my dad had already paid for expensive hotel and no way could we afford to go so talked about us getting somewhere cheaper which was near. Went to travel agents and my dad told us he'd pay half :yipee: so brill end to horrible week. Just have to get Emmas passport sorted now!

Hope ladies and babies are well

Lou x
HWM could you reschedule jabs - worth a call to the docs and see if they can fit you in a different time...? Jacks this morning were cancelled as he is still lurgy bugged :wacko: Anyone know what they will do if he still has the squits come thursday/friday as that will be a fortnight :shock:

Saw about your poor head on FB Carolyn, sounds worth it? How did Granny get on with both girls?

Baby France - what happened to little ELF? Is she okay now? No news on house hunting but we have at least decided the 10 mile radius we are looking in :thumbup:
HWM could you reschedule jabs - worth a call to the docs and see if they can fit you in a different time...? Jacks this morning were cancelled as he is still lurgy bugged :wacko: Anyone know what they will do if he still has the squits come thursday/friday as that will be a fortnight :shock:

Saw about your poor head on FB Carolyn, sounds worth it? How did Granny get on with both girls?

Baby France - what happened to little ELF? Is she okay now? No news on house hunting but we have at least decided the 10 mile radius we are looking in :thumbup:

SO worth it hehe, granny loved having both the girls and said she will have them both anytime hehe!! Was so delicate the whole day yesterday and am only just beginning to feel human again xx
Hope you all had good weekends :)

Thanks Lou, glad to know someone else thinks like me too.

Im loving the helium balloon thing, i managed to get Kaiya to lay down with it, as she has been so clingy and grizzly today. Its the only thing to cheer her up.
How's your little elf now Lou?

Glad i was not the only one to suffer a hangover :)
Lou, I don't know any of the others that go to the Tumble Tots as it's normally my dad that takes her!! Where are you getting to on holiday then? B's passport is so cute :)
Moggy, I don't know if they can reschedule jabs as it's done duing a baby clinic... I have an appointment tomorrow for me so going to asked what's the latest time I can go in... may get to TT beforehand - maybe!
If it's any later though then we're screwed for the 3rd lot - they have to have 4 weeks between and in 4 and a half weeks we're away for most of December, so she wouldn't get them til about a month late in January.

As for us, took B swimming again this morning. And then managed to spend all afternoon in a retail park - spent far too much money I don't have.

DH home late again. He was late every night last week, but at least before the girls were in bed, tonight they were both in bed when he got back, but brought take-away, so that went some way to making amends!

We're off to Pixie Foto tomorrow with Bridget's Bounty voucher - must resist the temptation to spend loads of money!!
oh yes and balloons! got two from matalan - only 50p each filled as they were old ones, one has gone down a bit already, but both girls are loving them!
Moggy...you really don't want to know. I'm so ashamed. I still can't believe that Kev was so thoughtless. He put Emma in her bouncer on the kitchen table - does anyone know why a man thinks that that is normal or SAFE? Not only that but he then left Jacob to do as he pleased while he was organising his breakfast...so what do you think happened? Where did he climb, who did he push off the table, who landed on her face? God it still makes me feel sick now. I did the night feed and Kev got up with the kids and I woke up to everyone screaming.

We went straight to hospital, I thought her jaw had cracked from front to back (I'm actually crying again now) I can't remember getting Emma and Jacob ready or packing the bag. I only remember Kev throwing up in the toilet and me screaming at him to get over himself and take us to hospital.

I didn't give her anything just in case and we spent all day in hospital. The doctors are happy she's ok and she seems herself but honestly - I just want a whole body scan. She was giggling again within the hour but still. I've now got to wait for the Health visitor to contact me and come tell me how shit I am as a mother. I've been so scared that they'd take my kids last week. I love them so much, they're my world and I just can't believe Kev couldn't even see the dangers.

I packed his bags on Tuesday too and told him to leave. I feel bad now as he spent most of the time on Monday being sick and so quiet...but I couldn't even look at him. Poor Jacob didn't get breakfast or dinner that day and it didn't even bother him, he was so quiet he knew something was wrong :cry: he was so good at hospital.

Sorry I just blabbed on but :shrug: I'm just worried, scared and feel pretty shit TBH.
Shit Lou, that's awful. Try not to worry, easy said I know, they're not going to take the kids off you. A lesson for me though, I park Bridget's bumbo on the table most mornings - shan't be doing that any more. Not what you want to wake up to but hopefully lesson learnt by Kev. :hugs:
Im so glad she is ok - like you Id want a body scan but tbh if she was poorly I think you would "know" IYKWIM. I dont think anything you say could make him feel more awful - if anything not shouting at him would probably make him feel worse. Guess Im lucky to have Mogster in nursery class now for 3 hours a day. We have started a reward sticker chart for him in relation to Jack and mealtimes - its working! Cost me £1 and will last the month, he gets stars for different sections of the day and for eating meals without hassle, the main thing is it is making him behave more thoughtfully around Jack and making him realise that what he does can have a consequence. We are keeping it very simple and every 5 stars there is a little reward, he can take the 5 star reward - little milky bar or carry on without it and get a 10 stars reward, next comes 15 then 25 then it starts again. He is going all out for the 25 stars and got 6 out of 8 possible stars today 25 wins a £1 matchbox car or similar, 5/10/15 all chocolate related but small bars or mini packets. Once he has done a week of this the reward threshold is gonna rise....

Glad the bubbas are loving the loonies - it has been our best thing and still fun now. I swear my boys like to lie there in their pants best of all!!!

Ooh and in other news OH had his snip today...
:hugs: lou...thinking of you hunny!! Im sure Hv will realise how bad you feel and that accidents happen...

AFM.. thought i would share a pic of my princesses i took a couple of days ago...

It is shit Lucy I didn't think it was possible to have anymore tears...I cried so much last week. I think the only reason my dad paid towards us going away was to 1. cheer us up and 2. he knows I wouldn't let either of them go otherwise.

Moggy We're doing the naughty step at the minute as Jacobs only just starting to talk. He's usually really good - but then I put him in his chair and let him colour while I get his breakfast and Emma kicks on her mat while I do this.

I know what you mean about shouting...he actually seemed to relax more as at the hospital I was strangely calm. I think my 'work crisis' mode kicked in and I just got on with it Monday morning and it was only Tuesday that I just went crazy.

I know they won't take my kids - I'd kick butt before that and I know I'm a good mum but I think I 'deserved' for them to be taken away IYKWIM?

Carolyn Aw they're gorgeous!!

Moggy How you feeling about the snip?!?
Snip is ok, we agreed we wanted two children and despite everyone asking if we will have a third to get a girl wtf??? we wanted two so its either long term contraception or one of us had the op, his is simpler and as a result he is snipped and sitting cuddling Jack on the sofa with his feet up! :)

We do naughty step but found it waned in its usefulness so we now have naughty step and naughty bag and use whichever seems like it will be more effective in the situation - naughty bag involves favoured toy going in the bag til after breakfast next day. Very good if he is throwing somethng at Jack!!!

With his school experience so far he is seeming to respond well to positive aim rather than being put on naughty step so we are retrying the sticker chart thing and he is adamant this morning that hes going for the 25 star reward even though he has passed a 5 star reward already....
Thats a brilliant idea. How old is he Moggy? When did you start naughty bag? Naughty step is ok atm but I'm like you and prefer a more positive approach - it works with the kids I work with. Its just he's 18 months and didn't want him to think he'd always get a treat for being good IYKWIM?

I've always wanted a big family and think maybe when these two start school that we might have more...people keep saying to me oh you don't need anymore now do you? It annoys the hell out of me. I would have been over the moon if Emma was a boy and same if Jacob was a girl. Frankly I was glad I could actually have children.

Definately better for the man - I was off work for 10 weeks, it was painful to walk and bend for around 2 weeks when they took my ovary and I wasn't completely 'me' till 6 months later if that makes sense?
we did a slant on the time out thing once he was old enough to know which was about 18/19 months, the naughty bag we started a few months later as I hated making him sit still when he didnt quite get it IYKWIM, the naughty bag he understood fairly quickly and because he got the toy back the next day he seemed to understand if he was naughty and it went it wasnt gone forever. Bonus with the bag is if hes naughty and loses his toy there is still the prospect of losing the next toy til after breakfast tomorrow to try and get him to be aware of what he is doing. We just have a cloth bag in the kitchen with a black X and "naughty bag" written on it. We make a big thing of giving the toys back AFTER breakfast and reminding him why he lost it and pointing out if he tries to play differently with it he wil be able to lpay with it all day today. Only toy constantly going in the bag is the credit card from his shop as he persistently tries to feed it down the floorboards :dohh: Many mornings he just puts it straight back in the bag :shrug:

9/10 with Mogster the mischief is for attention so its hard to be cross when he isnt being naughty because he is bad but because he doesnt understand how to express differently yet that he wants more time with Mummy, that said we are 100% on stickers today and he is still adamant hes going for the 25 star car...

If we dont teach him right from wrong who will and I refuse to let him be the child in the supermarket whose parents shout derogatory comments at him because they cannot figure how to get their point across to him without calling him stupid etc. He is 3 Im old enough to know better and if we keep adapting how we teach him and encourage him to do the right things and to not do maliciously bad things then he will learn his own understanding of our boundaries - I HOPE!
Moggy, love the idea of the naughty bag... although it doesn't tend to be toys C is misbehaving wtih if that makes sense? We're using 3 sticker charts at the minute - not sure if that's too confusing for her!!
Her toothbrushing one she needs to brush twice a day for a week to get a present/prize (40p things from Ikea - finger puppets, tiny toys etc). I have a poo/pee chart with a star if she performs and she gets a magic star choc too.
Then we have the kind/helpful chart in the kitchen - 4 bubbles on in for helping to put away shopping, putting away cuttlery from dishwasher (she's only started to do that this week), playing nicely with Bridget and a section for anything else that's above and beyond in terms of kind/helpfulness!! It's a star that goes on, so far haven't initiated any other 'reward' to go with it than that, as like someone said, don't want her to be only doing nice things cos she's gaining from it!!

Carolyn, cute pic!!

Lou :wave: crying is very cathartic :hugs:

As for us, well I had gp this morning, both girls well behaved - didn't have to wait long thankfully... then we had our Pixie Foto appointment - they were both stars, really smiley and very cute - to the extent that I spent more than I ever have before there (this is the third year I've gone)...

Charlotte and I have put a bird feeder with suckers up on our living room window - we're in an upstairs flat so there's no scope for a table or something hanging from a tree... she's very excited about it!!

Also doing lots of research on tropical fish :)

And I'm broke - I've spent my entire paycheck already and it'll be 25 Nov before I get paid again - oops!! Not even sure what it's gone on :(
Moggy & Lucy those ideas are fab and me thinks I'll be pinching them when I think he's more ready for it. Definately understand about teaching him right from wrong. And you have to be open to ideas and always on your toes.

With work we use lots of different disclipine methods and treats but I do work with 16-25 year olds who have multitude of problems (not kids but you'd be surprised!!!!)

Lucy Jacob and Emma are having a photo shoot at nursery in about 2 weeks - I KNOW I won't be able to help myself either!!

Hope ladies & babies are well

Lou x
It is shit Lucy I didn't think it was possible to have anymore tears...I cried so much last week. I think the only reason my dad paid towards us going away was to 1. cheer us up and 2. he knows I wouldn't let either of them go otherwise.

Moggy We're doing the naughty step at the minute as Jacobs only just starting to talk. He's usually really good - but then I put him in his chair and let him colour while I get his breakfast and Emma kicks on her mat while I do this.

I know what you mean about shouting...he actually seemed to relax more as at the hospital I was strangely calm. I think my 'work crisis' mode kicked in and I just got on with it Monday morning and it was only Tuesday that I just went crazy.

I know they won't take my kids - I'd kick butt before that and I know I'm a good mum but I think I 'deserved' for them to be taken away IYKWIM?

Carolyn Aw they're gorgeous!!

Moggy How you feeling about the snip?!?

Hope your LO is ok now hun. I think of broken Mart's jaw if that of happened to us. Thing is Mart can be clumsy with Peter, they seriously don't realise what they're doing is dangerous. It's like they haven't got that bit in their brain. Great mummy skills on show there though. You getting LO off to hospital and sorting out the cheeky chappy whilst dad throws up in the toilet! MEN!!!

How is everyone doing any hoo? Feels like time is slipping away too fast for my liking. We took Peter to the studio yesterday and was so much fun. He had the usual naked baby shot and some with his funky clothes on. Think we got one smile just gotta keep fingers crossed they come out good. However nearly passed out when she showed me the price list for any extra pictures! £89 for a 10x8! Think i'll pop down to boots and get some done there!


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