****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

Thanks guys, she took a bit more today, but still nothing like the 'usual'... I think I'm worrying more moggy as like you BF Charlotte and you never knew quite what was going in! Lollipop she's not waking at night, so I guess OK :)
Anyway, last night she had the poo to end all poos!! up to her shoulders and up her tummy too - then I realised she hadn't been all day, so that could have explained the lack of appetite!! Lliena, B has a nasty cough too, so I guess feeling mank will effect their appetite...
Lou, if the new WW is meant to more like SW then you're supposed to be 'never hungry' as you should be filling up on the free food more - I guess that's why they've added to the free foods? It used to be just like lettuce was free and hardly anything else didn't it!! Are they making you do the new one or still supporting the old one too? Give it a few weeks, anything new takes a while to settle I think - and if you have been good this week you'll see the benefits next week :)
Had a nice day with playdate today and tea at Ikea :)
Danielle did you get your new pram? what did you go for?

I got

my OH can't decide if he like's it or not tho! :/

He's up to 7oz bottle's now, and sleeping from like 10-11pm until 8-9am :D He's getting a right little fatty, can't wait to get him weighed on Tuesday.
hi all, I have posted this in the Bf section, but i was thinking i will get a much more balanced bf and ff friendly set of advice on here x

WELL. I have had a week or two from hell with regards to georgias feeding!
Firstly she seems to have developed a fear of latching on, and when the milk starts to come out she is thrashing backwards and screaming and refuses to re latch for a few minutes! I know I have a fast let down, but its been ok up untill now. I tried using sheilds but she hated them too!
Secondly she is seeming like shes absolutely starving all the time! I mean she will finish a feed and within maybe 5-10 mins she is furiously routing for food again like shes never been fed. and even if i offer both breasts and allow her to feed untill they are totally empty she still doesnt seem to be full!
When I express I am getting A LOT less than I normally do, I have always been able to express anything up to 10 ounces but now sometimes its more like 1 or2 ounces!
A couple of nights this week, I have to admit to giving her a bottle of formula, and then expressing for as long as I can manage for the feed she has missed, and when she had the formula she drank the whole 6ounces and immediately seemed like my happy baby again! she snuggled looking content and went to sleep for about 5-6 hours before waking for a feed again!

I KNOW that feeding her myself is the best option for her, but I genuineky think that even despite my best efforts, I just am not giving her enough of what she needs. It was going SO SO well at first but seems to have all gone a bit wrong now! I have been taking fennel tea and eating a really good diet to try and boost my supply, but it just seems to be getting less and less! I have also been expressing after EVERY feed for this past week in an attempt to try and boost supply! but none of it seems to be helping!

I just want to do what is best for hers and my sanity and happieness. I feel at the minute like I am hanging on to breast feeding for the wrong reasons! but then at the same time, I dont wanna feel like I am taking the easy way out and switching to formula!

Someone please help! i think I just need some advice to keep me going x x x x

For everyone else, hope you're doing ok x seems like a lifetime ago now we were all waiting for each other to pop lol
PS Danielle, LOVE the colour of that pram! very nice x
I took C to docs when she was pox-y - cos I wasn't sure it was pox!! Hope you get off lightly, at least it's out of the way...
what's the new plan then like then?

When I thought Riley had chicken pox a couple of weeks back, he had pox-like spots and they were mainly on his hands, the bottom of his feet and on his lips and tongue! Turns out it was an outbreak of hand, foot and mouth in the area. at the time the doc said it was deffo chicken pox but i wasnt convinced. then i heard of several cases in the camp of hand foot and mouth and put two and two together! asked the doc again last week and he said it was more likely to be that as there was an outbreak in holywood in general!
Mercy, it could just be the three month growth spurt....Alia just finished hers and was back to feeding every couple of hours :wacko:
Love the pram danielle!!
Nik, stick with it, sounds like Melissa said could be a growth spurt - there's a very good breastfeeding support group in bangor on a thursday if you wanted some 'professional' help!!
We'll have to keep an eye out then for hand foot and mouth!!
Lou, feeding still random - 5 days now of only 20oz... I've tried waiting ages so she's really hungry, and I've tried offering really often - doesn't seem to make any difference...
going to go to baby clinic tomorrow for peace of mind

How are we all? Had Henry weighed yesturday, 12lb14 n half.

He's on 5-6oz of milk now, depend's how long it stays at the temp he like's and if he doesn't fall asleep! Because he's having more by time he's got to last few oz it's to cold for him or he's fallen asleep so thinking about uping the teat size.
:hi: Everyone!

Mercy agree with Melissa, it could be a growth spurt? See if the group Lucy mentioned could help too? At the end of the day you have to do what is right for you and your family! :hugs: hope you can sort it!

Lucy have you spoke to HV? Did you see your counsellor today too? Read your fb about rugby training, hope you enjoyed it!! I'm too much of a soft arse for that. Although if I'm in a bitch arse mood I'd be thorwing myself around :blush:

Danielle Thats a great weight, definately doing something right! Hows your mum been with the weaning?

Hope everything is ok Melissa? How are you getting on?

AFU mega busy weekend and a poorly monster! Just not stopped. Wanted to take us all to Xmas markets today...Kev and I use to love them pre-family. But sounds like protests are going on so we'll be going next week instead. Decided quitting WW too - the new plan is unrealistic for family life IMO. It wants you to eat meat & veg every night, homemade soup for dinner just so you can have a treat. Bollocks to it so saving my pennies and going to a friends for 'weigh in' and using old scheme!

Hope ladies and babies are well

Lou x
we're doing great!!! Alia is growing like a weed and she's already able to roll over :D
we're going to pick out a Christmas tree this afternoon

Alia rolling over:


Proud momma here!!!
Hey girls,

How is everyone? Football is on tonight so i thought i would catch up with everyone on here. Really want to take Peter to the christmas market this week but it is so cold and he has a slight sniffle so doubt i will risk it. Finished buying everyones xmas presents now. Can't wait to have our first family xmas. I'm so excited. Peter seems to be turning into an old man of late. Loves his routine and hates it when it is broken. The only problem i'm having is bath time. He used to love a play in the tub but the last weeks he screams the place down. I really don't know what has changed. He hates it and only calms down once his pj's are on. Any advice girls on what i can do?

Mercy, have you got a bf clinic near you. I know when i had Peter they gave me a helpline number in hospital and said if i had any problems to give them a bell. Do you have anything like that? Do you think it's just your body maybe slowing down ready to stop for some reason?

Hope everyone is well xxx
Philly I know this may sound a bit strange but have you changed the temp of the bath? Emma (and Jacob was the same) but if the bath is closer to luke warm than hot as babies they would both shout their hearts out until they got out. When its warmer they'd kick and gurgle all day. Emma shouts when she gets out but only cos she wants her bottle!
Philly I know this may sound a bit strange but have you changed the temp of the bath? Emma (and Jacob was the same) but if the bath is closer to luke warm than hot as babies they would both shout their hearts out until they got out. When its warmer they'd kick and gurgle all day. Emma shouts when she gets out but only cos she wants her bottle!

^ wss

I was always so scared the bath was too hot but soon learnt that it was nearer luke warm both girlies would soon let me know they werent happy...
mercy i am having the same problems when i started bf it was just to give it ago as i couldn't manage it with others i always said that i'd do it until he got teeth stupid i know but the thought of hin biting me is a no no but he is the same as your lo and i have given in and started to wean he is a different baba now so settled i still 1st 1 bf 2nd 1 bottle 3rd bottle 4th bf 5 bf so on i just mix it up so he gets comfort off me but is happy and full it's a tuffy but i've never felt breast is best i feel baby will let you know when they need something else etc joel only has his bottle warm and i find that strange as bf is body temp but if little man likes is he can have it :hugs: hun i hope you find a happy medium soon x
An apology doesnt seem enough to start with. I really have abondoned thid place. For those of you that have me on facebook you will know that I have been trying to get my own business up and running of the ground. Heres the FB link if you are interested and wanted to take a nosey.


Other than that not too much to report here. E started pre-school yesterday, just 2 days a week. Seems to love it and already I feel like it is doing us the world of good to be apart.

How is everyone, ready for christmas. I dont know about you but I really havent bought H much for christmas.

Really must get him weighed he is growing at the rate of knots and just going into 6-9months.
Mercy, it could just be the three month growth spurt....Alia just finished hers and was back to feeding every couple of hours :wacko:

Love your aviator, Alia is sooo gorgeous x
Love the video of Alia rolling over!! B spends so little time on the floor compared to C did, she'll never roll or crawl at this rate - she's always in a chair cos I'm worried C will stand on her! Anyone else the same with 2nd children?

An apology doesnt seem enough to start with.
MrsP, what's up

Can't remember what I posted anyway had B weighed on Monday and she's only put on 2oz (fuck all basically) in 2 weeks, so has gone done from98th to 91st in a fortnight :( they said they eneded three consecutive low measurements to act on it. Took her docs on Tue as she started chucking up, and tha'ts very not like her. All essentially OK. and yesterday she was sick again but took 30oz which is far more like normal, comarped to the 20 she'd had a day for last week.

Didn't see counsellor yesterday as she was on a training course. so it'll be two more before xmas and three after.

Have done arse all xmas shopping, just bits and bobs, but so many people to buy for and don't knwo where tostart :(

Just watching sesame tree on cbeebies, all about exericse today and the minirugby they were showing is the club I p[lay for :) it wasn'tactuially rugby this week for us though it was laser tag - far more fun!!
:hi: Everyone!

Mercy agree with Melissa, it could be a growth spurt? See if the group Lucy mentioned could help too? At the end of the day you have to do what is right for you and your family! :hugs: hope you can sort it!

Lucy have you spoke to HV? Did you see your counsellor today too? Read your fb about rugby training, hope you enjoyed it!! I'm too much of a soft arse for that. Although if I'm in a bitch arse mood I'd be thorwing myself around :blush:

Danielle Thats a great weight, definately doing something right! Hows your mum been with the weaning?

Hope everything is ok Melissa? How are you getting on?

AFU mega busy weekend and a poorly monster! Just not stopped. Wanted to take us all to Xmas markets today...Kev and I use to love them pre-family. But sounds like protests are going on so we'll be going next week instead. Decided quitting WW too - the new plan is unrealistic for family life IMO. It wants you to eat meat & veg every night, homemade soup for dinner just so you can have a treat. Bollocks to it so saving my pennies and going to a friends for 'weigh in' and using old scheme!

Hope ladies and babies are well

Lou x

Erm she keeps having dig's like if im there for dinner and we are sat around table, I put henry in his bouncer next to us and if he start's crying my mum will say thing's like "Danielle wont let me give you any Henry isn't she mean" and while at Asda she bought baby rice....after we had this at car - mum to henry "come on my little boy" me to mum "er he's mine stop saying that" (shes says it alot, along with "my son" "my baby") mum to me "he's my little boy" me...walked off. God knows when shes planing on giving him that, i told her to put it back but she said no and she'll give it her boy when she wants
Danielle :trouble: I'd be sooo mad for you. I'm such a cow sometimes about what I want for my kids and I know I've upset my mum, MIL and dad. I do but don't care. They know how I feel about certain things and know that its not worth not listening to me!! (I'm a bit like a dog with a bone when I start!)

Hi :hi: MrsP Hope you're ok, how's the business going? All well I hope!

How cool is that Lucy about Sesame Tree! I'd be telling anyone who listened :blush: Completely understand about having baby on floor when toddlers around - esp since the accident too! But I put Jacob's nursery rhymes on in a morning and we run around Emma while she kicks on her mat...although he has taken a liking to wanting Emma to 'dance' with us. So she now 'dances' round her mat too while my back takes a kicking :lol:

AFU I lost another 1lb at WW. So excited for starting back to old plan tomorrow...I get to eat!

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