****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

God Danielle I'd just say to her you're never leaving her alone with H if she doesn't wise the f*ck up!! Maybe not in quite so strong terms, but jeez, her boy? i think not!! Tell her i'll come round and give her what for!!
Lou, I think I'll just have to get B on the floor more, just make sure I've got hawk eyes on!! Not fair on her to miss out! Mostly when she's lying down anyway C wants to aswell, so less hazardous!
I have my brain scan in the morning - see if they'll finally figure out why I've had a headache for 21 months... part of me wants it to come back clear as if they find anything it's probably quite serious, but part of me wants them to find something so that maybe they'll be able to do something about it. :nope:
Hope it's clear hun :hugs:

Also how much does B weigh? I took Avalon today and shes is 13lb 15oz. Sometimes she has 5 180ml feeds and otherdays its just 4 feeds but the HV said not to worry and if shes hungry she will eat :)
Lucy :rofl: you make me laugh! Emma's only on the floor when I'm in the room at the same time too - Jacob would probably try and stand on her otherwise :wacko: Really hope tomorrow goes well! Will be thinking about you x

Lliena I got Emma weighed today and she's now 13lb 3oz! Jacob is now 29lb 8oz, my chunky monster and scrummy elf!!
Awww :D Avalon is so long though that she looks skinny she has no hips but a little pot belly it's so cute :D
Actually I'm a bit peed :sulk: cos I took over them weight wise a while ago and now they've caught up to me. Those two together are exactly what I've lost in weight 42lb (26lb with WW).

My little fatties are going to take over, I secretly hope they do. But I've enjoyed saying I've lost what them two weigh together IYKWIM?
Thanks! Still got 24lb to go to get a health BMI. In all honesty I'll be happy at just another stone but losing it all will take me back to pre-Jacob weight!

I love their little pot bellies! When Jacob stands there in his nappy and belly sticking out...yummy...I just HAVE to go over and toy fight with him eating his chunky belly! Well worth getting booted after listening to his belly laughs!! And Emma chuckles her little head off when we decide to 'bite' her belly! Even when Jacob blows on it too, bless!
I know what you mean Lou, I used to say I'd lost 2 charlotte's when she was about 2 stone...
Lliena, she's 6.88kg at 14 weeks (15lb 2.5oz) but she started off at 11lb 0.5oz, so if she'd followed her curve she should be about 7.4kg (16lb 5oz).
Ah well, who knows, she's eating better the last 2 days anyway!
I'm up early today, dressed already. my mum'll be here in 45 minutes. After hospital we're going to see the live show of Room on the Broom - very excited!!

i feel just miserable! Just cant be bothered at the min. I know its prob just adjusting my meds but im just fed up of not being properly happy. FOB is determined to f**k with my brain but i just dont rise to it anymore.
I give Ailah baby rice twice a day now and it settles her for much longer than just milk, she loves it. She can roll over now too, although she is still at the stage where she gets arms stuck or scares herself. v. cute though.

LUCY really hope you get some answers from the scan.

Im waiting for Abbys big girl bed to be delivered today, big day! she just told me i was a good girl for eating all my breakfast haha too cute.

Think i need to get myself back in the kitchen today...ive been so bad for eating out the freezer the last week or so...I hate it when i get lazy!

Meant to be going to a near by city, about an hour on the bus, to meet some friends etc 2moro but i dont think the snow or my mood will allow it!!

:hugs: to everyone and your gorgeous babies xxx
Philly I know this may sound a bit strange but have you changed the temp of the bath? Emma (and Jacob was the same) but if the bath is closer to luke warm than hot as babies they would both shout their hearts out until they got out. When its warmer they'd kick and gurgle all day. Emma shouts when she gets out but only cos she wants her bottle!

Do you think i should make it a little warmer then? Also i usually lie him down but was thinking of sitting him up now. I hate to see the little guy scream so much. :-(.

Philly I know this may sound a bit strange but have you changed the temp of the bath? Emma (and Jacob was the same) but if the bath is closer to luke warm than hot as babies they would both shout their hearts out until they got out. When its warmer they'd kick and gurgle all day. Emma shouts when she gets out but only cos she wants her bottle!

Do you think i should make it a little warmer then? Also i usually lie him down but was thinking of sitting him up now. I hate to see the little guy scream so much. :-(.


I would try it! Emma and Jacob loves their bath toasty warm!! He'll stay in it forever splashing around and she kicks her heart out..just tires herself out and gets hungry!

Lucy good luck :hugs: hope you have fun today too!

Carolyn :hug: Hope you're ok honey! Maybe getting out of the house and fresh air will do you some good? I've just taken monster and elf out and they're now both snoozing while I'm sat with feet up and nice brew! Much needed!! Could give you a bit of 'you' time! And f*&K FOB...easier said than done I know!

Melissa Wheres the video of Alia rolling over? I've looked but can't seem to find it and wanted a nosey if thats ok :blush:
Hi ladies :wave:, been ages since I popped in, seems like life has taken over, i seem to be busy all the time, but I suppose my own fault lol 4 kids is hard work!
I was snooping around the forum a little while ago and found the August 2011 forum, my god bought back some very surreal emotions, seems forever that I found out C.J was going to be joining my little family.
Everyones pictures and vids are delicious, I love this age now when you can see their personalities shining through! C.J is such a softie, loves his mummy cuddles but is really daddys boy, cant seperate them.
Hope everyone is well and I will try to pop in more, strange but it feels so comforting to pop in and see all the same names, you lot helped me through some tough times!
Danielle can I ask how you get on with your Loola? mine is being delivered tomorrow and I am a bit apprehensive lol thanks x
hmmm i posted it a few pages back but here's the link again :)

God Danielle I'd just say to her you're never leaving her alone with H if she doesn't wise the f*ck up!! Maybe not in quite so strong terms, but jeez, her boy? i think not!! Tell her i'll come round and give her what for!!
Lou, I think I'll just have to get B on the floor more, just make sure I've got hawk eyes on!! Not fair on her to miss out! Mostly when she's lying down anyway C wants to aswell, so less hazardous!
I have my brain scan in the morning - see if they'll finally figure out why I've had a headache for 21 months... part of me wants it to come back clear as if they find anything it's probably quite serious, but part of me wants them to find something so that maybe they'll be able to do something about it. :nope:

Good luck hon, hope everything goes well for you. Lots of love :hugs:

Hope it's clear hun :hugs:

Also how much does B weigh? I took Avalon today and shes is 13lb 15oz. Sometimes she has 5 180ml feeds and otherdays its just 4 feeds but the HV said not to worry and if shes hungry she will eat :)

HV's drive me mad with what they think babies should be taking, they would have had a fit if they had Henry, he has only ever had 4 bottles a day but they have always been quite full bottles.


i feel just miserable! Just cant be bothered at the min. I know its prob just adjusting my meds but im just fed up of not being properly happy. FOB is determined to f**k with my brain but i just dont rise to it anymore.
I give Ailah baby rice twice a day now and it settles her for much longer than just milk, she loves it. She can roll over now too, although she is still at the stage where she gets arms stuck or scares herself. v. cute though.

LUCY really hope you get some answers from the scan.

Im waiting for Abbys big girl bed to be delivered today, big day! she just told me i was a good girl for eating all my breakfast haha too cute.

Think i need to get myself back in the kitchen today...ive been so bad for eating out the freezer the last week or so...I hate it when i get lazy!

Meant to be going to a near by city, about an hour on the bus, to meet some friends etc 2moro but i dont think the snow or my mood will allow it!!

:hugs: to everyone and your gorgeous babies xxx

Abby sounds like such a sweetie. She is the same age as E but I havent found that E needs a big girls bed yet, does Abby need it or is it something you have just done.

Hope you feel a bit brighter tomorrow. FOB has an active role right??

Henry is also on solids, he started waking again in the night for about 3 weeks, thought it might have been from his chest infection, so far for the last 3 days he has had 3 spoons of baby rice made up for breakfast with 8oz at 8am 8oz at 12pm 1 small jar for dinner at 4pm and then 8oz at 7.15pm ready for bed straight after its done the trick. Ok E was poorly but theres no way she would have eaten all that.

hmmm i posted it a few pages back but here's the link again :)


Brill link hon xx
Mrs P - yea Abby is quite advanced for her age and has pretty much potty trained herself so i think its the next logical step... if she doesnt like it i wont push it...

FOB has an active role when it suits him. not so much recently...hes being a prat to put it nicely. Im gonna give him until the new year to buck up his ideas xx
Hi ladies :wave:, been ages since I popped in, seems like life has taken over, i seem to be busy all the time, but I suppose my own fault lol 4 kids is hard work!
I was snooping around the forum a little while ago and found the August 2011 forum, my god bought back some very surreal emotions, seems forever that I found out C.J was going to be joining my little family.
Everyones pictures and vids are delicious, I love this age now when you can see their personalities shining through! C.J is such a softie, loves his mummy cuddles but is really daddys boy, cant seperate them.
Hope everyone is well and I will try to pop in more, strange but it feels so comforting to pop in and see all the same names, you lot helped me through some tough times!
Danielle can I ask how you get on with your Loola? mine is being delivered tomorrow and I am a bit apprehensive lol thanks x

First couple of day's I was abit...omg I hate this pram, im sending it back!! bur now I love it :D It is so much easier and smaller then my travel system :D

We have snow :( strange tho as in space of half hour, we have gone from somewhere that as no snow, to LOAD's of it :( I hate snow, mean's I go into hibernation!
snow with a loola is fab! lock the wheels straight and you will be away, would recommend swivelling one handle to horizontal and the other to upright IYKWIM and its so much easier to control. I love ours now as much as I did when we first got it. Jack has just about outgrown the carrycot now as he is soooo long so is in the loola chair facing me and his big bro on the buggy board....its awful that we use the loola many times a day and yet we use the P&T just once :wacko: Could have saved myself £450 :dohh:

Thoughts please as to whether Jack may be ready for a bit of something extra....he has started to wake for an extra feed at night that past three day. He used to have a boob before bed at 7 then wake for a quick feed around 3 then go through to the morning, he is now waking around 1am then 4ish so guessing hes hungry as he wont settle for OH and then guzzles like i havent fed him in months. He will be 16 weeks on Monday so not far off the 17 weeks guideline, Mogster started weaning at 19 weeks so not sure. Had hoped to try BLW...do you think it is worth persevering with the extra feed as it is a quick one and getting to do BLW of do I cave and do baby rice and start the mush? Can I do rice then BLW at 6 months...or does the rice not work with BLW?

Jack doesnt yet roll but like the other Mums of more than one he doesnt get a huge amount of time on the floor as Mogster loves to jump and worry he will get jumped on :shock: We bought him a new gym/mat on Thursday as we thought he didnt "like" the ones he had and WOW :shock: he spent almost an hour with it the first go and he loves it, he will play there for hours and has twice fallen asleep under it as he just doesnt stop batting and kicking and grabbing til he literally conks out.

OH flew to states this morning so going solo with the boys this week, hoping the extra night feed combined with solo mornings and school by 8.30 dont kill me off - also house went on market yesterday and have our first viewing tuesday so frantic cleaning each night once boys in bed for me!

Hope everyone is well, fab to hear how well all the little folks are doing :)

Ooh and re bathtime, my two like it warmer and we bought Jack one of the supports so he can lie in it in the bath - the plastic cradley thing - and we have the water deep enough to cover his bits in the cradle. They love the warmer water and gripe if it gets too cool, they also are huge bubble fans!
moggy ive been giving Ailah baby rice for about a week now and she is finally back to sleeping throug again and is more settled. She is a very cuddly baby so its hard to put her down! xx
Moggy he could just be having another growth spurt I'd be tempted to ride it out longer and see how he goes. Especially if you want to BLW. BLW is bsed on the theory that if they can sit up by themselves(which they should be doing at 6months) then they are ready to start eating as their digestives systems are more equipped to deal with food and can process it better whilst sat upright. Which to me makes sense I cant see how their little bodies can process the food if they are scrunched up or lay down. Not saying that what anyone else is doing is wrong btw as we all know our own babies and will do whats best for them just saying what Im going to do :)
thanks, I am planning to ride it out this week whilst OH is away as I think if its a spurt it will pass and if not I want to be sure its not as I really had hoped to do BLW this time.

Mogster was a premmie and HAD to start rice at 19 weeks as he just wasnt gaining enough any more and it was BF with a little rice or weaning him off the boob onto formula which for me wasnt what I wanted as I had decided I would go to 6 months if possible with BF.

I guess if it isnt spurt then 6 months isnt that far away and can always express in the meantime to allow OH to do the additional night feed.

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