****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

Evening all....

The snow here is thin on the ground but it has frozen on the road without the gritters being round. Took us 1 hour to get from my mums home which is usually 5 min. Loads of crashes outside ours as we live on a hill. We left ours on the church car park and walked down.

Thanks for the advice on the bath front ladies. Brought a duck bath thermometer and warmed it up more than usual, plus bathed him after his dinner and he was sound. No crying at all. Thank goodness. Only thing now is that he is constipated so it's really hurting him when he tries to poo. Couple of nuggets buts that's about it. Gave him some Nurophen which usually loosens him so hoping that does the trick.

Getting his pictures back tomorrow from the photo shoot so i'll post some on here when i get chance.

Hwm, when do you get yours from your shoot?

got them today philly - dead chuffed with them!! no space to hang them though :blush:
try a little OJ in water for the constipation too?
Thats great news about your photos Lucy!! I can't believe DH and his work, thats unacceptable IMO. Its not like you guys haven't got enough to deal with than him having to work silly hours for stupid deadlines!

No wee sample yet..we're supposed to take her to the doctors tomorrow but she's definately infectious as she's got horrible blisters over her beautiful little body :cry: TBH though there isn't much they can do now we know what it is. We'll just have to keep up with the paracetmol (double dosage as per doctor) and ibrofen too. So will prob just leave it, save from spreading it and just ring, was on the phone to the doctor at 3am this morning so they already know! Just hope it clears quickly! Only plus side is that its done and dusted now!!

Good news about the bath Philly! Both mine love it nice and toasty warm (not burning obviously!!) Sounds like the snow is quite bad near you! Hope your little man is feeling better soon too!

Are you expecting lots of snow too then Melissa?

Hope everyone is ok!

Lou x

4 days of agony... as i put my coat on to take her to the hospital the little stinker exploded!!! woohoo xxx

4 days of agony... as i put my coat on to take her to the hospital the little stinker exploded!!! woohoo xxx

I'm dead chuffed for you hun!:happydance: Peter broke the seal this morning and hasn't stopped pooing since. I think he was backed up pretty bad! It's such a relief to see a dirty nappy! I shall remind him all of this when he is 18 and bringing his gf home! lol xxx

4 days of agony... as i put my coat on to take her to the hospital the little stinker exploded!!! woohoo xxx

I'm dead chuffed for you hun!:happydance: Peter broke the seal this morning and hasn't stopped pooing since. I think he was backed up pretty bad! It's such a relief to see a dirty nappy! I shall remind him all of this when he is 18 and bringing his gf home! lol xxx

well...Henry has really bad dry skin on his face :/ Doctor gave us some cream and oil for the bath but I stopped using the cream as it was making him go bright red, so been putting baby lotion/oil on it instead, but it's not getting better...well it is when we go to bed, but my morning (this morning expecially) it's like sand paper, so rang doctor's this morning to be told they can't get him in. My dad's going to take us to the walk in centre this afternoon I think...

My Henry is just the same but he's is all over, he has two creams 1 is a steroid and the other is double base and it has cleared it up so quickly. But poor little scrap is covered from head to toe.

Also have you tried E45 cream?

heya girls!

How is everyone coping with the snow? we have got bugger all here, i mean it snowed for all of 2 mins! lol

How is everyone doing? i need to go back and catch up on the posts.

Im going to try weaning K at around 6 months, i cant imagine her eating, its bad enough getting milk down here let alone food. lol

Hows Emma doing today Lou, I hope she is a bit brighter.

Kaiya seems to begining to teeth, no teeth yet, but has bright red cheeks, very loose bum, chewing on everything in sight, and she also has conjunctivus too :(

We've had about 6 inches of snow and it is sleeting as we speak and are expecting another couple of inches so I wont be going out the door.

Went to take E to nursery yesterday got 1 second down the road and turned around, school is only 2 minutes in the car traffic was hell and I though if snow gets worse I have to go out and get her.

Did you get your wee sample Lou? Poor Elf :hugs:
Lollip0p is she a reluctant feeder then? You may find she really takes to solids though if milk's not her thing!!
We had some snow, but it was mostly just hailstones lying and looking like snow, all roads and footpaths melted today, not even frost on car this morning - still bitterly cold though!!
Is it eczema Danielle? We tried dermol with Charlotte but got on better with oilatum. Sandpaper like skin could be scarlet fever though. Did you manage to see someone at walk-in centre?
Well, nice day today for us, mums and tots this morning, then shopping centre to pick up our Pixie Foto order -they are amazing if I say so myself! Not sure where we're going to hang them though, we've kind of run out of wall space and I went a bit OTT...
Charlotte chose a nice leather belt for her daddy's xmas pressie, but somehow don't think she'll be able to keep it secret :dohh: she's been telling everyone!!
Bit hacked off with DH, or his work more to the point. He doesn't get paid overtime, but last night worked late cos there was a deadline today - and I mean late he came in at 2.10am :shrug: it's an hours drive to his work, and he was up again 5 hours later to drive back. And he won't let on he worked so late, so never gets any credit for the effort, but he's worried that if he admits he had to work so late they'll think he's slacking beforehand, whereas it's just unrealistic deadlines. I was cross with him too last night cos he was driving home knackered in the awful weather we've had, and he didn't even have his phone with him :wacko: I only realised when he wasn't there when Bridget cried at 1am, and then I lay there worried for the next hour til he came in :(

Oh dear hon thats a bad eh. Did you speak with him or are you wasting your time?


4 days of agony... as i put my coat on to take her to the hospital the little stinker exploded!!! woohoo xxx


AFU Not too much to report.

H has a stinking cold E has an ear infection and I am just busy doing mummy things and getting ready for Christmas and things for the business.

Trying to create a website at the moment.

Booked slot with Tesco for food shopping to be delivered, I am not going to even venture in especially not with two kids! :nope:
Sorry been a little AWOL in here :oops:

OH away at the mo and having got through squits then growth spurt Moglet has gone down with bronchiolitis :( Mogster picked up a bug at school and had it mildly gave it to his friend and seems to now have it back but worse :( I have mastitis from all Moglets comfort feeding so we are all on antibiotics and sleepdeprived!

Ah well no doubt we will be better by the time OH gets back...

HWM we got the Fisher Price Rainforest playmat/gym and he is loving it :) OH is picking him up a newborn/toddler rocker in the States whilst he is there as he is getting too heavy for his baby bouncer but still isnt ready to give up the bouncer/vibrate deal for just a rocker chair IYKWIM Was gonna buy it here but its £58.99 in UK or $29 in the states :wacko:

All this talk of weaning makes me thing am gonna have to dig out the books na ddo a quick refresher and revise BLW a bit. Think we will end up doing a bit of a combo but hope to at least get past chrimbo before we have to start....should be fun weaning and moving house :dohh:

Thats my lot, christmas wishes for us all to lose loads of weight, new business to take off and babies to all start feeding/pooping so we understand whats what and for the snow to go now cos its tooo cold!!! Oh and for someone to buy our house as keeping it viewing ready with two little boys is gonna be a killer!

Off to watch Ugly Betty with my Phish Food Frozen Yoghurt :blush:

4 days of agony... as i put my coat on to take her to the hospital the little stinker exploded!!! woohoo xxx

Yay!! B's worst was 2 days, can't imagine 4!!

Bit hacked off with DH, or his work more to the point. He doesn't get paid overtime, but last night worked late cos there was a deadline today - and I mean late he came in at 2.10am :shrug: it's an hours drive to his work, and he was up again 5 hours later to drive back. And he won't let on he worked so late, so never gets any credit for the effort, but he's worried that if he admits he had to work so late they'll think he's slacking beforehand, whereas it's just unrealistic deadlines. I was cross with him too last night cos he was driving home knackered in the awful weather we've had, and he didn't even have his phone with him :wacko: I only realised when he wasn't there when Bridget cried at 1am, and then I lay there worried for the next hour til he came in :(

Oh dear hon thats a bad eh. Did you speak with him or are you wasting your time?

No hope... would be total waste of time, he knows my feelings on it

How's the website going? Are you designing it yourself? I like to think I'm not bad at that :)

Sorry been a little AWOL in here :oops:

OH away at the mo and having got through squits then growth spurt Moglet has gone down with bronchiolitis :( Mogster picked up a bug at school and had it mildly gave it to his friend and seems to now have it back but worse :( I have mastitis from all Moglets comfort feeding so we are all on antibiotics and sleepdeprived!

Ah well no doubt we will be better by the time OH gets back...

HWM we got the Fisher Price Rainforest playmat/gym and he is loving it :) OH is picking him up a newborn/toddler rocker in the States whilst he is there as he is getting too heavy for his baby bouncer but still isnt ready to give up the bouncer/vibrate deal for just a rocker chair IYKWIM Was gonna buy it here but its £58.99 in UK or $29 in the states :wacko:

All this talk of weaning makes me thing am gonna have to dig out the books na ddo a quick refresher and revise BLW a bit. Think we will end up doing a bit of a combo but hope to at least get past chrimbo before we have to start....should be fun weaning and moving house :dohh:

Thats my lot, christmas wishes for us all to lose loads of weight, new business to take off and babies to all start feeding/pooping so we understand whats what and for the snow to go now cos its tooo cold!!! Oh and for someone to buy our house as keeping it viewing ready with two little boys is gonna be a killer!

Off to watch Ugly Betty with my Phish Food Frozen Yoghurt :blush:

Sounds like a bargain on the toddler chair!! Have you somewhere to move to? Are you renting or buying? SHould probably remember this but :nope: I can't remember if you said already.

As for us, on to size 4 teats and feeding a lot easier today. 16 weeks today!!

Trying to igure out if our entire 3 week jaunt to england for xmas is going to be a total write off :(
Henry skin is clearing up :) Only been putting this new cream on for 2day's now and it's looking LOAD's better already :D

Now for a little rant..well not a rant...Past couple of day's (i don't know why) but i'v been feeling like I want to leave OH...I feel i'd find thing's alot easier with out him! When i'm at home just me and Henry..I cope load's better. When he is here, it's like looking after 2kid's! He's just had 2day's off work because of snow and all its been is constant arguing, i'v had to see to Henry and the house while he does what he want's to do...ie go in the shed or "clear the snow of the drive" which he's only done because he think's i'm going to let him drive my car to sheffield tomorrow for contact with his daughter...well I say my car, it might aswell be his seeing as I have drove it about 3time's since I was about 41week's pregnant and he's always got it for work, meaning me and Henry are either stuck at home or only have my mum and dad's to go to. I want him to go stop at his mum and dad's for a few day's (on his own) give me time to sort my head out, but he wont :/
He wont realise how much he's dragging me down :(

I think i'v finished having a moan now..
soso, not seen her since Tuesday TBH and I doubt i'll see her until next Thursday now.
hi ya ladies i did come on the other day but again i'd read i had to run sorry how have you all been and how the little baba's my baba can't roll over but bless him he pulls himself up when you hold his hands so he can sit up mind you he's that fatty he goes on his front and sort or rocks on his belly lol but it gets rid of his wind a treat :winkwink:
Heya everyone!
Hope your all having a good weekend so far.

Lollip0p is she a reluctant feeder then? You may find she really takes to solids though if milk's not her thing!!
Yeah she is :( she only has between 3-4 ozs per feed, sometimes even less and she generally goes for 3 hours per feeds. It takes her at least 30 mins nearer to 45mins just to get 3ozs down her, and its a constant battle to get that down her.
Im hoping she will take to solids well, im hopng to wait closer to 6 months to wean her, as she does seem content with the milk once she has it, not looking for anything else milk or food wise and hasnt showed an interest in us eating yet.

Hows Emma now Lou? I hope she is loads better.

Danielle hows things going now with the oh?

Kaiya is 4 months today and she rolled over too, for the first time :D Such a proud mummy moment!
danielle, have you told Mike how you're feeling?
Lollip0p, yay for rolling over!! Could she be after a faster flow teat? we're up to size 4 ones now, and it's made a huge difference - could always try anyway - I put the 4s on the bottles on Thursday, but sterilised the 3s as well and put them in a sterile breastmilk bag, so if she didn't like it I could switch back when we were out... tried about a fortnight ago and she didn't like it, this week though, so much better! she sank 9oz in 9 minutes this morning after taking about 3 goes to drink it over the course of an hour previously...
flutter, hi :wave:
as for us, been out to see the xmas lights going on today - chilly but fun!!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhhhhhh MEN!

sorry ladies just needed somewhere to shout.
Iv spoke to him about it, thing's are no different. He'll never change...he's like his dad, an arrogant b****d

4 days of agony... as i put my coat on to take her to the hospital the little stinker exploded!!! woohoo xxx

Yay!! B's worst was 2 days, can't imagine 4!!

Bit hacked off with DH, or his work more to the point. He doesn't get paid overtime, but last night worked late cos there was a deadline today - and I mean late he came in at 2.10am :shrug: it's an hours drive to his work, and he was up again 5 hours later to drive back. And he won't let on he worked so late, so never gets any credit for the effort, but he's worried that if he admits he had to work so late they'll think he's slacking beforehand, whereas it's just unrealistic deadlines. I was cross with him too last night cos he was driving home knackered in the awful weather we've had, and he didn't even have his phone with him :wacko: I only realised when he wasn't there when Bridget cried at 1am, and then I lay there worried for the next hour til he came in :(

Oh dear hon thats a bad eh. Did you speak with him or are you wasting your time?

No hope... would be total waste of time, he knows my feelings on it

How's the website going? Are you designing it yourself? I like to think I'm not bad at that :)

Sorry been a little AWOL in here :oops:

OH away at the mo and having got through squits then growth spurt Moglet has gone down with bronchiolitis :( Mogster picked up a bug at school and had it mildly gave it to his friend and seems to now have it back but worse :( I have mastitis from all Moglets comfort feeding so we are all on antibiotics and sleepdeprived!

Ah well no doubt we will be better by the time OH gets back...

HWM we got the Fisher Price Rainforest playmat/gym and he is loving it :) OH is picking him up a newborn/toddler rocker in the States whilst he is there as he is getting too heavy for his baby bouncer but still isnt ready to give up the bouncer/vibrate deal for just a rocker chair IYKWIM Was gonna buy it here but its £58.99 in UK or $29 in the states :wacko:

All this talk of weaning makes me thing am gonna have to dig out the books na ddo a quick refresher and revise BLW a bit. Think we will end up doing a bit of a combo but hope to at least get past chrimbo before we have to start....should be fun weaning and moving house :dohh:

Thats my lot, christmas wishes for us all to lose loads of weight, new business to take off and babies to all start feeding/pooping so we understand whats what and for the snow to go now cos its tooo cold!!! Oh and for someone to buy our house as keeping it viewing ready with two little boys is gonna be a killer!

Off to watch Ugly Betty with my Phish Food Frozen Yoghurt :blush:

Sounds like a bargain on the toddler chair!! Have you somewhere to move to? Are you renting or buying? SHould probably remember this but :nope: I can't remember if you said already.

As for us, on to size 4 teats and feeding a lot easier today. 16 weeks today!!

Trying to igure out if our entire 3 week jaunt to england for xmas is going to be a total write off :(

Oh dear. Its horrible isnt it. Si works hard, gets paid well but I still cant help but feel he has the mick taken sometimes. I normally do more harm than good when I broach the subject :dohh:

Yes I am doing website my self, well with a little help from Si. I have been doing the content and getting it into place, he is a bit more technical than me so has a play around.
Henry skin is clearing up :) Only been putting this new cream on for 2day's now and it's looking LOAD's better already :D

Now for a little rant..well not a rant...Past couple of day's (i don't know why) but i'v been feeling like I want to leave OH...I feel i'd find thing's alot easier with out him! When i'm at home just me and Henry..I cope load's better. When he is here, it's like looking after 2kid's! He's just had 2day's off work because of snow and all its been is constant arguing, i'v had to see to Henry and the house while he does what he want's to do...ie go in the shed or "clear the snow of the drive" which he's only done because he think's i'm going to let him drive my car to sheffield tomorrow for contact with his daughter...well I say my car, it might aswell be his seeing as I have drove it about 3time's since I was about 41week's pregnant and he's always got it for work, meaning me and Henry are either stuck at home or only have my mum and dad's to go to. I want him to go stop at his mum and dad's for a few day's (on his own) give me time to sort my head out, but he wont :/
He wont realise how much he's dragging me down :(

I think i'v finished having a moan now..

Oh hon.

I think it can get like that sometimes. I can have a perfectly good day Si will come through the door and its like a red rag to a bull for no reason at all. Hope things sort out soon.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhhhhhh MEN!

sorry ladies just needed somewhere to shout.

I'll 2nd that hon xxx


Kids are sleeping, just been sorting my bits and pieces out as bought a few more cutters and have cakes to do this week. Oven on ready for Roast beef and then I am going to sit on my behind.

Hope you're all ok xxx
Quick update. Emma really ill. Been in hospital since Sat afternoon with chicken pox, she's quite bad. In an isolated room, having three different types of antibiotics through iv. Just ruled out having a brain scan as spots near her eyes and swelling has finally gone down. Looks like she's got another infection on top of the pox and some of the spots seem to have arrived already infected. She's not even finished getting the blisters yet though. I was in hospital with her last night and Kev's doing tonight after I've got her settled. Didn't sleep last night - collapsed 2 veins due to IV so she's being used as a pin cushion. I didn't want to leave but Jacobs not settling at home cos he knows somethings wrong.

Will update more when I can.

Hope you're all ok,

Lou x
oh my goodness Lou :hugs:
I hope she has a speedy recovery, that must be tough

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