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****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

I could have sworn I wrote a lovely big reply to this yesterday, ah well, it appears to have vanished.
Gradually getting up the feeds again with Bridget, we were on 3, then cut right back to 1 meal a day as she wasn't interested. 2 for the last few days, and today we had a breakfast as well :)
We have a laaaazy baby... just lies or sits (If I sit her up...). No interest in rolling or moving. Saying that C was the same, but was walking by 10.5 months, so you never know I guess. I think it's cos C just brings her toys when she drops them so she isn't trying to do anything for herself.
I'm getting a coil fitted again on Tuesday - can't believe it's taken so long to come through the appointment... she'll be 6 months by then!
Potting training seems to be going well with C which is great :)
I have my appeal meeting in work on Monday regarding my part time hours, so wish me luck ladies!
Happy half birthday to Bridget!! And Emma and Joel, and sorry I can't remember any other 12 Aug ones... but wow, half a year! I know some of you passed this mark a while ago, but seems nuts to me stil that this time has gone so quick!
My apologies all, I have been a miss for a few weeks.

How are we all.

Everything is good here. Have had a very busy weekend. Had 16 orders for valentines which is quite a lot I feel.

Just trying to think what I have to report. Henry will be 7 months in 9 days, where the hell has the time gone? He is on 3 meals and 3 bottles a day, rolling over and trying so hard to sit up. Last weighed 4 weeks ago and weighed in at 16lb.

Miss E is great and is now dry!!! Did it all by her self. Is being an absilute cow at times and point blank refusing to do anything but generally all good. Settled into school nicely.

Clever little miss Eleanor! I'd have said C was doing really well, but two accidents today :( one she 'flooded' herself to quote my mum...

Got a gorgeous bouquet today from DH when he got home from work :) Very surprised - tis the first time in years he's bought me flowers for valentines!
well, what is it about waking up and feeling sh!t that means your kids decide to be little sh!ts for you all day... grrrr!!
Just about got B back on 2 meals a day. She was having 3 then seemed to really go off spoon feeds, but we're getting there again. She really is a lazy bum. Doesn't try and do anything as Charlotte is at her beck and call - lifting toys back towards her etc. She can sit up without support if I put her there, but that's it. Doesn't roll, hates being on her tum. Ah well, she'll get there in her own good time I presume!

Well, there's my missing post that I could have sworn I wrote! I did, I just wrote it on Carolyn's journal by mistake - d'oh! :dohh:
Hi Ladies!!!

Just a quick update from me: Yesterday was Alia's half birthday....can't believe she's so old! Seems like just yesterday we were holding her for the first time :cry:
She's on two meals a day right now but gonna switch it up to 3 tomorrow....She's rolling over, sitting up, army crawling, getting up on her hands and knees, and also getting up on her hands and feet!! Oh and she's started saying mamama, dadada, bababa, nanana, etc. :cloud9:

Sounds like you're all doing well....Good luck with potty training Lucy and MrsP!!!
hi ladies, just checking in to say hello. hope everyone is ok. :hugs: when Abby gets home from nursery today i am hitting potty training hard...i know she is ready so im determined to get her in pants asap...ive bought a crap load of carpet shampoo just incase haha xx
carolyn, i would say get loads of spare knickers, as when she poos in them you aint wanna going to be scrapping it out, they can go straight in the bin! :rofl:

How was everyones valentines day? I hope you all got spoilt!

Mrs P saw your cupcakes on stephs page, and they look fab, shame you dont deliver down to the south coast. x
carolyn, i would say get loads of spare knickers, as when she poos in them you aint wanna going to be scrapping it out, they can go straight in the bin! :rofl:

How was everyones valentines day? I hope you all got spoilt!

Mrs P saw your cupcakes on stephs page, and they look fab, shame you dont deliver down to the south coast. x

haha im well stocked up :thumbup: only mothers could have conversations like this ... im eating lunch :dohh:
I got flowers!! :happydance: sooo totally didn't expect it, but DH came home with 12 red roses, beautiful! and a flower for charlotte too (he said Bridget can wait til she's 2 as well...)
Sounds like Alia's doing brilliantly... Bridget is a lazy moo in comparison!
How do you lady's get your OH's to stick to your routines? :/

I spend every day with henry and we have a great routine...in or out, but soon as OH come's home it's out the window, meaning no bedtime routine :(
I'm wanting to get him into a bedtime routine before I put him in his room, which im wanting to do in the next month, so he's used to sleeping in a room on his own for when we are away in May, but every time I try, OH winges and throws it out :/
He does have abit of one...ie, bottle at 8-8.30 then he usualy starts falling asleep at 9-9.30, but if i take him upstair's if he wakes up OH fetches him back down, instead of just going to give him his dummy.
carolyn, i would say get loads of spare knickers, as when she poos in them you aint wanna going to be scrapping it out, they can go straight in the bin! :rofl:

How was everyones valentines day? I hope you all got spoilt!

Mrs P saw your cupcakes on stephs page, and they look fab, shame you dont deliver down to the south coast. x

haha im well stocked up :thumbup: only mothers could have conversations like this ... im eating lunch :dohh:

I wont go into the ins and outs of poo then. lmao

saying that once when i worked at a nursery i was changing a little boys nappy, andhe had vivid blu poo, whats that all about :shrug:

good luck with the potty training, fingers crossed it all goes well
We have a routine at bedtime, have done from day 1 with both girls - but DH and I 'devised' it together... perhaps if you ask him to help you plan a routine he'd be more likely to stick with it? We also have a 'once they're in the room for the night, they don't come out again' rule... so if they're awake they are settled in their room, if they need a change, in their room etc... Getting the routine in place before you change bedrooms sounds like a good idea, so that at least most of it is familiar :)
We do bath at 6.30, out and in jammies at 6.45, bottle (and story with big sister if there's just one of us at home) then in bed at 7. I think both our girls like the comforting familiarity of it. Although we're not massively strict on timigs, so if it's all out by 15 mins then it's no biggie. But I'd be disappointed if my evening wasn't my own from 7pm onwards!
I had him in anice little one, was in bed for 7, then bottle at 11 and that was it, was perfect for us, but it went out the window because it wasn't going with what OH wanted to do. Now he as a bottle at 8-8.30 and that's it until 9-10am but OH wont leave him in his cot if he wakes up...which generally results in me being up until 12 trying to get him to sleep again.
does he have an 'arguement' in favour of that approach?! seems nuts to me!
does he have an 'arguement' in favour of that approach?! seems nuts to me!

no hes just t bloody lazy 2go up n down stairs every time H wakes,

nah seriously, i think hes wanting 2spend as much time as he can with H as he missed out on the first 2years of his daughters
i can understand that, however kids need a bedtime routine, otherwise they get overtired and become little devils.

i say this as my little angel has only had 10 mins sleep, and she is so over tired, but doesnt give in to sleep.

perhaps you can put Henry to sleep in his cot in his room during the day, so he gets used to it, and its not all scary, but to be honest your probably worry more about him and wont sleep for a week, whereas henry wont batter an eyelid.

does he still wake at night? x
Lucy we do the exact same thing! Bath together, jammies on then boob and bed if Daddy is home too or story with big brother and boob then bed if Daddy is away (a lot until we move, this week is Sunday night to friday :( )

It is definitely worth the routine of it, could he maybe get up with H in the morning? Jack is up at 6.30-7 every day as he is awake and he has a play undeer his gym whilst we shower etc and whilst his big brother plays in his room. Admittedly his big brother starting at 8.30 means we have to be out on the school run and all breakfasted/dressed by 8.20! On the weekends hes still awake around 7 the only difference is the boys come into our bed for stories etc.

Cant wait to move now as this living apart again is horrid, blooming airforce :grr: Thank fcuk for cbeebies!
OH is up and out for half 7 and Henry doesn't wake up until 9-10.
His cot's in our room, so nowhere to put him in his room :/ He used to go in his room 7pm-11pm before we had to put the cot in our room as the moses was too small.

The day and how mardy and over tired Henry in the day doesn't bother OH, he's not here to have to put up with it. Yeah he generally sleeps through, has done since about 8week's old.When we first put him down he might wake up, but he soon falls back to sleep.
I'm going to try to night, to prove to OH that H can sleep from 9 onwards if you are persistant and leave him in the cot. I'l just have to do it all, usually OH will take over with H when he get's home from work because I was struggling abit with seeing to henry and house work, so OH dealt with Henry while I sorted tea and housework etc, but if im going to want to get H into a routine, guess it's going to have to be something else I do alone.

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