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****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

oh i wanna know now, so I can compare :rofl:
but i may end up turning this thread into something seedy, lmao

Super messy is an understatement, lol We are doing it too, as Kaiya wants to be independent, and wont take food if we feed it to her, and she doesnt do purees or yogurts, such a diva already. Does Ailah swallow the food?
She has stuff from my plate thats not to salty or sweet, unfornately she hasnt been able to sample my wide selection of takeaway food yet :rofl: but yesterday she had for tea, roast potatoes, parsnips, carrots, baby corn and attempted her on a yogurt. she has things like crumpets, cheese on toast for lunch, weetabix, but nothing seems to go down...........
I was an employed volunteer on the course when I was younger. I used to work for the police and they put me on as part of my development and then when an assistants job came up I applied and have been there ever since.

I was sooo lucky to get it, I had no experience in working with young people really and only experience of the programme was from being an employed doing 20 days. But I've been trained up and done some training quals and counselling quals too but the standard of the people applying today is unbelievable!! Thats why I'm scared of just walking away cos I wouldn't get it back!

We're donig both weaning wise. We're giving veg mush and then letting her get dirty with none mush veg etc... but I know what you mean about the floor!! So glad we got laminate in the kitchen now!! When we did Jacob I put a shower curtain on the floor underneath him :haha:
I'm far to paranoid of Alia choking to do BLW!!! Anytime I've given her non-pureed food she'll take a huge bite off and I have to fish it out of her mouth :nope:
I'm far to paranoid of Alia choking to do BLW!!! Anytime I've given her non-pureed food she'll take a huge bite off and I have to fish it out of her mouth :nope:

It is hard...the amount of times I sat there while Jacob nearly 'choked' but apparently my hv said that they learn better that way?!?! I'm the same with Emma now but they ALWAYS manage to cough it up themselves within seconds!
I am oly feeding Kelana pureed foods thickened with cereal, or mashed foods by me. Not runny foods though. No meats yet. I go slow....one meal a day, that's it.
yea BF we are doing similar...im not sure how much she actually swallows of the fruit and veg...raspberries seem to be a favourite lol...its all part and parcel of the learning i think :D

as for :sex: between the kids, OH's work/social life we dont get time to very often but make the most of it when we do haha...girls are away on sat night and im going for a few cheeky drinks with the girls :winkwink:
second night in a row that Henry is up in bed, wouldn't go to sleep until 9 again tho, despite him getting up 7.30.
I'm going out tomorrow night, hopefully OH will stick to this tho while i'm not here.
might have to try some raspberries, if Kaiya doesnt eat them, then i will :D

well make sure you keep up yor stength carolyn for later on on the evening :winkwink: have a few drinks for me :wine: Hows Abby getting on with the potty training?

im a bad mummy again according to my mil, as Kaiya has a routine and becuase she doesnt sleep at night......... i really try not to let it get me down, but every week, im doing some wrong and im rubbish as a mum, I just wish she would do one.............

Kaiya must have eaten some of her cheese sandwich as she was sick a few hours later, and a piece of grated cheese came up, It was a proud mummy moment, :happydance: of course after I had sorted the sick and her her out.

Has everyone got nice plans for the weekend?

Any more radio sessions Lou, from your budding little singer and dancer Jacob? x
:rofl: No but he doesn't always need music to start dancing, he just sings :rofl:

You are not a bad mum!!! I think that back in the day, when BLW and routines etc... were unheard of and that I'm of the opinion that nowadays the older generation think it's wrong!

A routine is a happy baby and I'm sure everyone will agree that babies do not always sleep all night!!! :hugs: You are doing the best you can and try and ignore unhelpful comments, they do get you annoyed but I learnt after Jacob that :ignore: works for me...it keeps me, Kev and the kids happier when I don't take it on board!!
I think older generations also forget how tough actually raising a baby is!! They are so withdrawn that they only remember the good times. I know that DH's grandparents always make comments about this or that. His grandfather even suggested I shouldn't bounce her while I'm holding her because I'm spoiling her...what???
Haha oh i will ;) potty trainging is going well we have made a few VERY short and VERY fast trips out in pants, im keeping wed - fri free next week to concentrate on it some more! She doesnt like public toilets as they dont have a peppa pig toilet seat which is an issue...i really dont want to have to start taking it everywhere with me haha

your not a bad mummy!!! :grr: want me to sort her out lol xxx
Thanks guys, that really means a lot :friends: I really dont know why she has such an issue with me and my parenting, but she has isolated herself from the whole of her family, as my hv said she is like an emotional vampire. I really try to ignore it but every week she comes round and says lots of hurtful things and doesnt listen to me at all.
Last week it was that because kaiya has a bedtime routine she is going to grow up and being socially and mentally not there........ i bit my lip so much i couldnt fly off the handle as I was feeding kaiya. She slags me off to oh and then denys all of it, im just a bit sick of it all and it gets me down, i do as i say try not to let it get me down, its just on a weekly basis she says these things and then calls up oh and says in delbritly feeding her and deblrity making her sleep, I could list many other things but I wont...... too horrible to put on here.......... sorry guys for moaning :(

I see what you mean Lou, and i do not to take in onboard, but Im such a big softie and listen to people, I need to toughen up, so who wantgs a fight? :ninja:

You never know carolyn, she might start putting toliet paper around the seat on public toliets, lmao could not try peppa pig knickers for day trips, and amke up a line? im just trying to think of one............ i will have a this this afternoon.
Its not about toughning up...its about understanding that its them with the problem and not you. My mum started acting all strange and saying/doing some very hurtful things when I fell pregnant with J and it only got worse when he was born.

I got myself so worked up and upset about it and the amount of 'sortings' out I had. Now I realise she found the change of becoming a Nan from a mum hard (she'd never admit it though) and there are 'triggers' with her. I'm expecting a huge fallout in two weeks when we go away with my dad.

The amount of sleepless nights and tears I've cried over her and some comments my clueless sisters have made are untrue. Its only been the beginning of this year that I've decided to :ignore: and keep them at arms length and I'm soooo much happier now!

It is very very hard to do, but you are a great mum and are doing an amazing job with a beautiful girl and brilliant oh and unfortunately a crazy MIL too :lol: If you ever need a rant or chat, hyou know where I am :hugs:
lollipop - feeding your child? helping her rest and grow? What a bad mummy :haha: That woman needs her head reading, all the bad things you hear about happening to children daily and she thinks having a routine is wrong. AAAARGHH!
ok caught up on a couple of pages and i'm a bad mom joel eats 3 meals a day and goes to bed at 7pm and sleeps til 7.30am i feed him his dinners but he feeds the snacks to himself chopped banana is his fav i do give him a sneaky flake now and then but not everyday he has set times for bottles etc so shoot me for having a daily plan lol i'm lucky tho my mom is so supportive and what i say goes but i think a routine is better i look forward to 7 when boys are settled and i manage me time for hair nails wine baths etc we're mommies not robots
hi :wave: sorry I've been away so long :blush: no excuse
carolyn, three days will make a big difference with potty training - good luck!
lollip0p, could be your mum is expressing insecurities about the way she raised you, but please know that you are not a bad mum :hugs:
danielle and melissa, hope the colds have cleared up for your LOs?

As for us, Bridget has started to eat :happydance: she has rolled a few times belly to back, but only in her cot, so she gets stuck in the night :dohh:
Had a night away on Saturday in Bristol, flew from Belfast, stayed with 15 mummy friends from when pg with Charlotte :) Had a brill time, drank far too much, didn't throw up thankfully!
I'm going to end up the month heavier than I started though, after maintaining for 3 weeks, and then a heavy few days of drinking and eating.
HV did my physical activity referral, still waiting for gym to contact me though, and had my first CBT session.
Oh no its not my mum hwn, its oh Mum!! My mum has been a brilliant support to me, both whilst I was pregnant and since Kaiya has been here.

Thank you to everyone, your kinds words are so lovely and over whelming! I know I am not a bad mum, just oh mum has lots of issues and is a very bitter person, and likes to vent emotional blackmail at me at the moment. Thursday may be anotehr issue once she has come round, but at the monet i feel good!

Clever girl Bridget! How are you weaning her? Glad you didnt have a hangover :D

Kaiya got her 2nd tooth today :D has anyone elses beautiful bubbas got their teeth yet?
Oh no its not my mum hwn, its oh Mum!! My mum has been a brilliant support to me, both whilst I was pregnant and since Kaiya has been here.

Thank you to everyone, your kinds words are so lovely and over whelming! I know I am not a bad mum, just oh mum has lots of issues and is a very bitter person, and likes to vent emotional blackmail at me at the moment. Thursday may be anotehr issue once she has come round, but at the monet i feel good!

Clever girl Bridget! How are you weaning her? Glad you didnt have a hangover :D

Kaiya got her 2nd tooth today :D has anyone elses beautiful bubbas got their teeth yet?

I have a "friend" like that, only she like's to slag my parenting off to other people...and funnily enough she isn't a mum so doesn't have a clue what it's like for me.
My cousin like's to have a whing aswell...about how I do my bottles, because she used to put boiling water in the bottle, then when she needed it put the bottle of water in microwave then add the powder to it. Where as i'v always made my bottle's up, cool them then put them in the fridge for when they are needed. And because I don't feel the need to ask my HV about everything! tbh I don't have a clue who my HV is, only time I see a HV is when I take H to be weighed. I just ignore them and do thing's how I want to, at the end of the day i'm H's mum so what I say goes's unless of cause you are the inlaws then they do what they want (not been and seen them for about a month!)

Anyway, Henry now roll's from back to belly, and belly to back, he's got his 2bottom teeth and his new favorite thing to do is...grab who ever's finger he can and bite it! :/ I'v managed to get him to stop trying to suck his thumb...or maybe he just stopped because he was biting it? who know's. He still has his cough, but doc's just told me to keep giving him tixilax, it's mainly at night that it's at it's worse, so we are wondering if our bedroom is "dry" so I'v filled the radiator with wet towel's tonight and been putting the window on night lock during the day. AND last but not least...me and Henry go upstair's between 8.30-8.45, have a cuddle and a story and he's usually asleep for 9 :D I'm having to do all the bedtime routine and dummy run's, but it's nice to have them 2hour's to sit and do nothing. Altho atm, i'm exhausted because OH as seemed to have got even LAZIER and the only thing he does is cook tea now and again, then leave's the kitchen in a tip and pot's everywhere.

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