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****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

I would try to explain how important it is to you, Danielle. Hubby and I are really into routines, and rarely sway from the plans, unless we are out, but even then, we try to be home, and then just do the routine then. I would try to get a book for him to read. I think it's called Healthy Sleep Habits Healthy Child, or something of the sort. It is really important that children get their sleep, and that includes day and night. It is also good for babies/children to have a routine, to help them feel tired and ready for bed every night.
My husband started really sticking to the routine when he figured out that it WORKS! haha
The nights we don't do the routine is when she is the crankiest. It's tough though because men can be so stubborn.
Hi everyone!

Hope you're all ok?! Good luck with the potty training MrsP, Carolyn and Lucy

Melissa how clever is Alia :cloud9:...that is sooo cool and happy half birthday to her too!!

Moggy :hugs: Hope it flies by this week for you and you get settled soon!

We have a similar routine to Lucy and Moggy, both babies are bathed at around 6pm and bed by 7pm give or take 15 minutes. I found though that if I let Emma sleep in past 8am she wouldn't go to bed at 7pm as it would knock her routine out :shrug:

Had a lovely valentines day, but had to go to work to sort out when I go back in May. I'm pleased my new boss actually has a brain and has thought about it and agrees that I shouldn't go straight into running teams after 2.5 years of being on maternity and away from team...so retraining for me :lol: Kev's requested to drop Mondays meaning he'll have the kids then and my mum wants them on Thursday afternoon. I can have Fridays off until I start running teams again so all good :thumbup: (will save us £600 per month in nursery fees :wacko:)

Sorry if I missed anyone :flower:
sorry ladies i've been mega busy his ears are fine thanks for asking and he's doing really well this week at school 2 so i'm a happy momma xx
oh i wished I lived closer to you all and then I could nanny for you all, and i would be minted :D

I can go back to my nanny job in april when my maternity leave ends, however they only need me part time, which means a huge cut on wages :( so i dont know what we are going to do, the perk of my nanny job is so I can take kaiya, so we dont have to pay childcare, as if she was in nursery it would be all of mine or brads wages just to pay for her, as its £50 a day around here :(
oh i wished I lived closer to you all and then I could nanny for you all, and i would be minted :D

I can go back to my nanny job in april when my maternity leave ends, however they only need me part time, which means a huge cut on wages :( so i dont know what we are going to do, the perk of my nanny job is so I can take kaiya, so we dont have to pay childcare, as if she was in nursery it would be all of mine or brads wages just to pay for her, as its £50 a day around here :(

Aw what a shame, would you not get more in CTC though that might perk it up a bit or working tax credits too?

If they were in complete nursery FT it was going to cost us at LEAST £1200 per month for them both. If it wasn't such a good job that was well paid etc...I'd not be going back. Quite gutted actually but I suppose I've got to do best for us all and unfortunately that means going back :grr:
danielle, if you were able to gradually move henry's bedtime earlier again, then he'd wake a bit earlier too, and mike would get to see him in the mornings? Hopefully if you can prove to him that the dummy runs work, then he'll see that it's worth persisting with. It won't be long before he can find it for himself in the night anyway :)
oh i wished I lived closer to you all and then I could nanny for you all, and i would be minted :D

I can go back to my nanny job in april when my maternity leave ends, however they only need me part time, which means a huge cut on wages :( so i dont know what we are going to do, the perk of my nanny job is so I can take kaiya, so we dont have to pay childcare, as if she was in nursery it would be all of mine or brads wages just to pay for her, as its £50 a day around here :(

Aw what a shame, would you not get more in CTC though that might perk it up a bit or working tax credits too?

If they were in complete nursery FT it was going to cost us at LEAST £1200 per month for them both. If it wasn't such a good job that was well paid etc...I'd not be going back. Quite gutted actually but I suppose I've got to do best for us all and unfortunately that means going back :grr:

we are going to look into it, but when i last called up, we earnt too much, they said as a couple if we earnt over £18,000 we wouldnt qualify for working tax credits, and hild tax credit is going down, so i dont know :shrug:
and then someone else told me its all changing from april, so to hold off till then.....

I know what you mean about going back, thats the only perk of my job that I get to take Kaiya with me, there is just a lack of childcare jobs/any jobs round here at the moment. I dont get how nurserys can charge so much? are you going back full time? x
oh i wished I lived closer to you all and then I could nanny for you all, and i would be minted :D

I can go back to my nanny job in april when my maternity leave ends, however they only need me part time, which means a huge cut on wages :( so i dont know what we are going to do, the perk of my nanny job is so I can take kaiya, so we dont have to pay childcare, as if she was in nursery it would be all of mine or brads wages just to pay for her, as its £50 a day around here :(

Aw what a shame, would you not get more in CTC though that might perk it up a bit or working tax credits too?

If they were in complete nursery FT it was going to cost us at LEAST £1200 per month for them both. If it wasn't such a good job that was well paid etc...I'd not be going back. Quite gutted actually but I suppose I've got to do best for us all and unfortunately that means going back :grr:

we are going to look into it, but when i last called up, we earnt too much, they said as a couple if we earnt over £18,000 we wouldnt qualify for working tax credits, and hild tax credit is going down, so i dont know :shrug:
and then someone else told me its all changing from april, so to hold off till then.....

I know what you mean about going back, thats the only perk of my job that I get to take Kaiya with me, there is just a lack of childcare jobs/any jobs round here at the moment. I dont get how nurserys can charge so much? are you going back full time? x

Yeah, I have too :sad2:

We'll break even for a few month cos my wage will just pay for them in nursery and our mortgage...but when they start at nursery for their 2.5 days we'll get some money back.

If I didn't get enough to cover the costs I'd be at home but with the way the ecomony is atm I KNOW I wouldn't get my job again. The last set of applications for my job more than 400 applied and alot of them had tons more experience in working with young people than I do. I was so lucky to get my job when I did!!!
oh i wished I lived closer to you all and then I could nanny for you all, and i would be minted :D

I can go back to my nanny job in april when my maternity leave ends, however they only need me part time, which means a huge cut on wages :( so i dont know what we are going to do, the perk of my nanny job is so I can take kaiya, so we dont have to pay childcare, as if she was in nursery it would be all of mine or brads wages just to pay for her, as its £50 a day around here :(

Aw what a shame, would you not get more in CTC though that might perk it up a bit or working tax credits too?

If they were in complete nursery FT it was going to cost us at LEAST £1200 per month for them both. If it wasn't such a good job that was well paid etc...I'd not be going back. Quite gutted actually but I suppose I've got to do best for us all and unfortunately that means going back :grr:

we are going to look into it, but when i last called up, we earnt too much, they said as a couple if we earnt over £18,000 we wouldnt qualify for working tax credits, and hild tax credit is going down, so i dont know :shrug:
and then someone else told me its all changing from april, so to hold off till then.....

I know what you mean about going back, thats the only perk of my job that I get to take Kaiya with me, there is just a lack of childcare jobs/any jobs round here at the moment. I dont get how nurserys can charge so much? are you going back full time? x

Yeah, I have too :sad2:

We'll break even for a few month cos my wage will just pay for them in nursery and our mortgage...but when they start at nursery for their 2.5 days we'll get some money back.

If I didn't get enough to cover the costs I'd be at home but with the way the ecomony is atm I KNOW I wouldn't get my job again. The last set of applications for my job more than 400 applied and alot of them had tons more experience in working with young people than I do. I was so lucky to get my job when I did!!!

i can imagine how you feel :(

What do you do? I know what you mean about covering costs and knowing about not getting your job again, if I went with another family, i would end up paying so much on new ofsted bits and it wouldnt be worth my while, so its best to stay with my current family.

Hows everyone doing on hump day today? x
Whats a hump day :huh: am I being really silly that I don't know what it is :confused:

I work for the fire service delivering the Prince's Trust Scheme but there are loads of other youth schemes they run too...but I work with challenging young people aged 16-25 who come from disadvantaged backgrounds. Its hard work but very rewarding and if I didn't enjoy it so much I would leave!
hump day is the middle of the week, so if you work M-F, hump day would be Wednesday.
hump day :rofl: that means something completely different in this household....haha...

i love how this thread is picking up again :D i would be lost without you ladies xx
Well for the one's that have me on facebook and seen the pic's, my mum was a little bit naughty earlier and gave henry a aero sheep thingy, but she did ask me and i said he could have abit....but at least she didn't do it behind my back like OH's mum did.

He's finally worked out how to roll from his back to his belly, hes been going belly to back for a while, but not been able to get the other way no matter how much he tried.
oh and so far too night we are doing well, I put Henry to bed at 9..well 8.15 and it took me until 9 to get him to sleep. He's woke up twice, once OH went and put his dummy in and acctually did as I said by putting the dummy in and not talking to Henry. The second time I went. Hopefully OH will stick to this, this time.
That's good your OH is starting to listen to you!!! Speaking of which I hear Alia waking up on the monitor :dohh:
One full night sleep from Henry...9pm-7.30am, with abit of look, getting up at 7.30 today he will go to sleep abit earlier tonight and it wont take me nearly an hour to get him to sleep again. He as such a bad cold :/ the doc's wont give us nothing for him so just having to snuffle babe him at night for his nose and keep him on tixilax during the day to at least help it, until it decide's to go away.
hump day :rofl: that means something completely different in this household....haha...

i love how this thread is picking up again :D i would be lost without you ladies xx

How many hump days do you have in your household then? :winkwink: :sex:

im loving that everyone is coming back too, yay!

Sounds like a fab job Lou, it must be so rewarding to do a job like that, how did you get into it?

hows blw weaning going for you Carolyn, hope your floor is looking the same as mine.................... covered in food! :haha:
NOT ENOUGH!!! haha!!

BLW is super messy but Ailah just loves it!! you doing it too? what are you feeding her?xxx

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