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****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

Alia's feeling better thanks for asking!!!

She's doing really great...starting to crawl now :shock: She can roll both ways and can even go from crawling position to sitting position....we're sooo proud of her!!
She's eating 3 meals a day and 4 milk feeds but lately her night sleeping has been TERRIBLE :nope: Poor thing was up all night with gas pains. I only got a few hours of sleep....no fun!
Lollip0p, a MIL thing makes much more sense - not that it makes it any easier to deal with - perhaps insecurities about how she raised your OH then?!
We've gone with spoon fed purees, same as C. The odd thing on the highchair table to pick up and slobber over :)
Danielle, yay for a routine that works! Even if your OH isn't pulling his weight yet - hopefully when he sees how effective it is he'll stick with it :)
Melissa, we're just waiting for B to get from her belly to sitting now - getting close I think! Charlotte was never a crawler (sat on her bum til 10 months, then wallked) so we're seeing this all for the first time - Bridget is now quite proficient at going backwards, and like I said, nearly got herself up over her legs to sitting today :) She's much more agile and mobile in the buff than clothed though, so it tends to be just before bathtime...
Bridget has her too bottom teeth too Danielle :)
Just been to SW, managed somehow to lose 1lb!! So it's taken me a month to lose a pound, but after the indulgent weekend I had, I'm totally made up! Also found a babysitter :happydance: as normally my folks do it, but it's a family do we're going to, so they'll be there too!
hwm well done hun i had a month like that but i measured inches and i checked them and had lost 3 off each so i was made up i put on 12lb since christmas so i rejoined sw and lost 6 and half lb last week so was made up with that i'm going on a mammmoth bike ride tomorrow then zumba sunday as well as just dnce on wii so i'm hoping for a loss this week get me back on track again i know it won't be that big again but alomst back to normal xxxxx:happydance::hugs:
:hi: everyone!

Lucy thats fab about B!! Emma loves having naked bum time, she gets to move so much more freely too, she keeps getting on all fours and rocking but no commando crawl like Jacob!

We've no teeth yet, but lots and lots of gumming, if you go anywhere within her grasp, you're getting eaten. Jacob loves it :lol: he keeps getting just within her reach and then runs away laughing.

Hope ladies and babies are well?! We're off away to the lakes I think for a few days and then next Sunday we're off on our jollies to Cyprus :thumbup:

Got our post today - one from work giving me another 6 days holiday :yipee: and our car insurance which has doubled, even though we've not moved, had accident, claim or points :saywhat:

Hmm....shop around it is me thinks!!

Have a good day ladies x
well, i bet it's still cheaper in england than in northern ireland! our cars are both due in sept - expensive month!
flutter, just logging my weight on sw website... and measure myself as that was club 10 for me :)
I hgave up with my diet :/ to much stress and shiz going on for me to even try stick to it
apparently I should get to target on 27 June... !! I hope so!

fair play hun :hugs::cloud9:

this, despite the fact I've only lost 2lb since the start of December!
We shall see.

In other news, well nothing really, had a total melt down on sunday, thought I'd seriously blown it, but apparently I got away with it.
DH pranged the car on the way to work this morning - despite the fact both cars were driveable, and no-one was hurt, the other driver insisted on calling the police, and on him not moving the car - so rush hour traffic held up for 40 mins waiting for police, who said to the other driver basically thanks for wasting our time... :dohh: so glad DH ok, shaken though, car doesn't look as bad as I thought it would.
Gosh Lucy :hugs: sounds like you're having a rough week!!! Hope things pick up soon!!

I've lost 6lb since November - but I have put 8lb on too so :rofl: the fat me is winning at the minute! We're going on our jollies on Sunday and I just can't wait!

Hope everyone is ok!
i'm a yo yo i lost a stone then joined sw then lost 25 lb then gained 12 then lost 6 and half and today i get weighed but weighed on wii and have lost 2 lb as well so skinny me is fighting fatty me lol next week i'll b back to normal hopefully lol
well, another lb off today :) Went to a different group this morning as I can't go tonight, and I actually really like it, but feel disloyal to my consultant!

Bridget back from childminders and sleeping off all the fun, so I've got the house to myself this afternoon - was ful lof great plans, but have done nothing so far.

Meant to say, Lou, have a fab holiday!
Got a million things to do before I go and will be none stop busy when I get back, have two kit days on the week I get back but :shrug:

Is it me or do you have to have a tidy, clean house with all the ironing and that done before you go away?
Got a million things to do before I go and will be none stop busy when I get back, have two kit days on the week I get back but :shrug:

Is it me or do you have to have a tidy, clean house with all the ironing and that done before you go away?

My mum used to clean her house from top to bottom before we went on holiday, and I plan on doing same...be nice to come home to a nice tidy house :)

Well I am one shattered mummy, been decoration at a friend's all week, done a complete make over on her house with my friend, her mum, my mum n me...plus 2babys (H and mates niece) plus her 3year old daughter, then when school's finished 5other kid's! (mate's other 3daughter's and 2nephew's!) and boy was it mad...but got it done, my house's turn next week! but there will only be the 3year old and H to deal with then.
Plus Henry is cutting 3teeth so was up alnight with him last night and the only way he would sleep and stay asleep was in bed with me, and then I couldn't sleep right well because Im not used to him being in bed with us :/
My mum's took him tonight, so I can sort my house out (the house work kind have got abandoned seeing as i'v not been in) and well i'm wacked so going watch end of Ender's and drag myself to bed.
Lou you cant go............. who will I have to help me in my city? :haha: and I havent cleared your holiday request yet :rofl:
No seriously, I hope you all have a wonderful time, you and your family really deserve it!

my weight is going up and down at the mo, doesnt help with brad keep bringing home ben and jerrys and malteasers :blush:

i usually tidy up before we go away, but not majorly, just so i dont have to do certain bits when i come home.

well done on the weight loss hwm

Has anyone got nice plans for the weekend?

I know Lynzie, I'm wondering who's going to harvest my crops? :rofl:
I always try to clean before leaving, but it is def harder with a baby. Ironing...what's that?! lol I haven't picked up in an iron in literally YEARS! lol

Just booked a vacation on the Moutain for the family. We are going snowshoeing, tubing, and snowboarding. Staying in a nice hotel and it has an indoor pool, hot tub, and waterslide. It's going to be fun. We leave next Friday.
Oooh that sounds fun Jas!!

My cleaning task is nowhere near finished (not even started :blush:) but the kids are stopping at their Nans tomorrow night (MIL) so it'll give me chance to get the stuff done.

I only wish I didn't have to iron - but I've done it all now and I suppose there are some things I could leave but I think OCD takes over and I'm not allowed. Surprisingly with having these two I can get things done in record time when they're not around!!!! Before Kev gets home from dropping them off tomorrow I know all upstairs would be clean and tidy :lol:

That'll leave the downstairs and packing for Saturday morning - when Kev goes to pick them up :thumbup:....thats my plan anyway :wacko:

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