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****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

I always try to clean before leaving, but it is def harder with a baby. Ironing...what's that?! lol I haven't picked up in an iron in literally YEARS! lol

Just booked a vacation on the Moutain for the family. We are going snowshoeing, tubing, and snowboarding. Staying in a nice hotel and it has an indoor pool, hot tub, and waterslide. It's going to be fun. We leave next Friday.

Sounds like a great trip - jealous!!

Oooh that sounds fun Jas!!

My cleaning task is nowhere near finished (not even started :blush:) but the kids are stopping at their Nans tomorrow night (MIL) so it'll give me chance to get the stuff done.

I only wish I didn't have to iron - but I've done it all now and I suppose there are some things I could leave but I think OCD takes over and I'm not allowed. Surprisingly with having these two I can get things done in record time when they're not around!!!! Before Kev gets home from dropping them off tomorrow I know all upstairs would be clean and tidy :lol:

That'll leave the downstairs and packing for Saturday morning - when Kev goes to pick them up :thumbup:....thats my plan anyway :wacko:

ironing? what's that?!
Have a lovely holiday Lou x x x

wow that sounds like a great holiday Jasmak!

Hows everyones weekends so far? Im out for a carvery in a bit, yum yum! x
Just packing and then going to have a glass of wine and a KFC and wait for bedtime :smug:

Cos when I get up :wohoo: :yipee: :plane: :crib: :wine: :drunk: :coolio:

:yipee: Although they should be a man that has pulling hair out for the plane journey :haha:
just popping in, not much to fill u in on! Just busy decorating the house as i am sick of magnolia now!
Hey ladies. My AF is late. Like 6 or 7 days. My daughter has pneumonia (Makena, not Kelana) and so I won't be going out to get a PT. I am thinking 95% chance NOT pregnant...
hey ladies. My af is late. Like 6 or 7 days. My daughter has pneumonia (makena, not kelana) and so i won't be going out to get a pt. I am thinking 95% chance not pregnant...

bless you hope dd gets better soon xx
got af monday.

makena still sick and now kelana has a fever. probably going to postpone our trip
oh it's gone quiet in here again :/

How all we all? Henry's 6months on Sunday, its gone way to fast!!
Anyway, looking for ideas on what I can give him instead of jar's, so far we have had pasta last night and today toast. but i'm totally clueless :) He's wanting to chew his food but while he's on jar's it's not happening.
Hows makena and kelan now Jasmak? I hope they are both a lot better now

How are you weaning him Danielle, blw or tw?
Makena, after such a long struggle and having to change medication, and her being hit with a virus at the same time as her bacterial pneumonia, is finally on the mend. I am making her eat right now...something she needs to do to get her strength back. Vacation is rebooked.

Kelana is sick. This is her third day with a fever. It isn't super high...the highest it's been is 38.5. I am hoping that it is just a virus. She has a junky cough and runny nose...so I think it is. But, I am keeping a close eye on her. She is super clingy though and I have held her all day except I just put her in her crib because I had to pee and she fell asleep...so I raced around and did some quick housework and fed and dressed Makena and I really want to vacuum but that will wake her up, so I will do it after I pick Jasper up from school. I am going to take the kids out for a treat for 'report card day' and then pick up Rob from work. I think I will make something easy for dinner..don't know what.

We had a tsunami advisory this morning for the other side of our island. So far I haevn't heard much about it...we are pretty relaxed here about those warnings as they get them all the time. Sad for the people of Japan though. :(
Carolyn did you have a good time away?
Jas, are you relieved about AF? How are your kids now? I hope you get your holiday soon!
lollipop, what's TW?
Danielle, if you are looking for weaning advice, annabel karmel does some very good books, with ideas of what you can cook, starting from pureed food up to mashed with lumps, then 'real' food. Try amazon or your library. She also suggests which types of food are good to start with, and flavours to combine - I wasn't very confident when weaning Charlotte and I found it really helpful :)

As for us, well not a lot! Back from swimming this morning and trying to skype some friends after getting our webcam back, but now skype has vanished and won't install - we're trying to plan a camping trip for hte summer :)
TW is traditional weaning, purées, then onto to mash, lumps and so forth :)

Its so quiet in here at the moment.....

How was everyones weekend?
Hi, I started actually weaning henry just over 4month's, and he's been on jar's the whole time and the odd puree i attempted making myself, so wanting to make him stuff that's got abit more of a texture. IYKWIM?

Mum's away this week and i'v found out that she's been telling people I can't cope woth Henry :/ yet a couple of close people have noticed a difference in me these past few day's...and that's that im load's happier because I haven't got anyone interfering. My mum practiacly takes over with Henry when i'm there, and because I have no one else, i'm there near enough every day alday, and OH had my car all the time. but since Thursday i'v had the car back, my mum and dad went on holiday, and apparently I seem load's happier to be able to do stuff myself.
My mum usually takes over with stuff, so it look's like i'm not coping, but I now I can it's just my mum that as been making out I can't :( it's also been noticed that every time i mention getting henry something...my mum goes and buys it him before i can :/
Danielle that's great that you're getting on so well without your mum. Now to keep it up when she's back from hols!
Regards her buying stuff, I guess try and be grateful that she can help you out like that, and otherwise just don't mention anything you're planning to buy ;)
I'd definitly try doing some of your own food for Henry, it's very satisfying, not to mention cheaper than jars!
We're bumbling along. I feel desperately weary most of the time, and just don't quite care enough to make more effort. It's self perpetuating, but can't seem to snap out of it.
:hi: everyone!

Carolyn I missed you :kiss:
How are the kids Jas
Did you enjoy swimming Lucy?

I'm home :wohoo:!!!!! Had a very very eventful holiday!

I'll try and keep it short. Cyprus had a week of rain and hail stone :rain: for starters. On Wednesday, Kev and I first night off we went for a lovely italian meal and on my way to the toilet I fell down the stairs (unfortunately I wasn't drunk and felt the pain :roll:) and ended the night in a&e with my foot in plaster. I didn't break it but the doctor said was so close to breaking and wanted to keep me off my foot (which she didn't think was possible with two kids) so they put a back plaster on it.

On Saturday, our only day of sun, my dad wanted to give us another night off. But I started throwing up after eating some dodgy seafood at dinner :sick: so I spent our last night of our holiday tucked up by 9pm only getting up to be sick.

Needless to say we were very excited at the prospect of getting home to our own bed!! On Sunday morning Kev and I took our monster shell hunting while my Dad and his wife looked after our little elf and when we got to the end of the pier, Kev asked me to marry him again - to which I said YES this time :wedding:...he said he'd been trying to ask me al week but I kept getting in the way :rofl:

We can't stop laughing now but we need a holiday after our holiday - especially the :plane:! I love my babies - but I'm not doing that again for a long time!!

Hope ladies and babies are well

Lou x
Woohoo congratulations Lou! Have you set a date yet? Shame the rest of the holiday wasn't so peachy :( how's your ankle now? X
We've not set a date but we said we'll talk about it on Friday...we've been so busy with Kev back at work and that so we can have a proper chat then. Not sure whether to have it abroad or not :shrug:

Ankle is black tbh...its a deep black/purple around my ankle - its gone right from one side to the other and the rest of my foot is bruised up to my toes but its not in front of my big toe? It even goes up my shin :shock: Bloody hurt!!! Much better now though thanks :flower:

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