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****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

Wow, it's gone super quiet on here!! How are all the little ones doing?

Bridget seems to be dying to crawl, she's been going backwards on her tummy for a week or two, but today got up on her hands and knees rocking back and forwards :) Won't be long I don't think! Now if only she could work out how to get back to a sitting position when she's lying down!
We are good thanks, Kaiya has had a bit of a cold andcough but other than that we are good.

I have to go back to work in 4 weeks :(

Kaiya hasnt started crawling yet, she moves backwards a little and when she sits up she does a little bit of a sneaky bum shuffle, but to be honest I think she wants to go straight to standing up and walking.

How was everyones weekends?

x x x
ladies I have the feeling I may have myself a stalker :/

Henry has 4teeth now and another on the top coming through. He's growing up way to fast :/
That doesn't sound good Danielle :wacko:

Elf doesn't have any teeth yet, she gives a proper gummy bear smile though, so cute!! Might try and upload photos of them having a sink bath together this morning!! She is desperate to crawl she's doing a walking crawl if that makes any sense? She's up on all fours, then her feet and tries crawling like that. Hopefully she'll get it soon but she can move about 3/4 crawls on her own before collapsing and resting her little head.

She's sleeping through from 7-7, but now monster has started to wake during the night. For those with potty trained toddlers - did your LO start waking in the night for the toilet? He is bone dry when he originally wakes but within about 2/3 minutes he's completely wet through and overspilled his nappy?!?

Hope ladies, babies and families are well!!

Lou x
kelana got her first tooth on the 22nd. she was in hospital the week before for three days with double pneumonia and double ear infection, but has made a great recovery since. we all went skiing/snowboarding/snowshoeing for three much needed days on the resort here and had a great time!!!! also had kelana's cow milk protein allergy confirmed.
Danielle, why do you think that? Yay for teeth, hope H hasn't been to grumpy?
Jas, glad you got away after all!
Lou, C is wet in the morning, but not soaked. She hasn't been asking to wee in the night. She had a sleepover at my mum's on Friday, and was apparently dry in the morning, but we're in no hurry to ditch nighttime nappies!

As for us, B still just going backwards, getting herself stuck in all sorts of awkward places - under the kitchen cupboards today!
Danielle, why do you think that? Yay for teeth, hope H hasn't been to grumpy?
Jas, glad you got away after all!
Lou, C is wet in the morning, but not soaked. She hasn't been asking to wee in the night. She had a sleepover at my mum's on Friday, and was apparently dry in the morning, but we're in no hurry to ditch nighttime nappies!

As for us, B still just going backwards, getting herself stuck in all sorts of awkward places - under the kitchen cupboards today!

just stuff that's got back to me, that I know I'v only put on here.
He's not been to grumpy, had about 2bad night's but that's all and we are on our 5th one coming through :)
Jas glad you got away, hope Kelana is feeling better soon!

Gosh 5 teeth Danielle, I've got a little gummy bear smile and no sign of any peggy's yet!

Lucy sorry I meant he wakes in the middle of the night bone dry and then suddenly he is wet through. Saying that its not happened for about 2/3 nights now, we do think he back teeth are coming through though with him having a rash on his cheeks and his bum.

AFU, my little elf is crawling, life as I know it will change :wacko: She gets from one end of the room to the other and then collaspes for a minute and then gets up and starts again!! She's even been pulling herself up to stand in the cot, so we're lowering that tomorrow!
clever elf!! we need to put cot down too I think... wednesday morning job for me!
Danielle any idea who it is? Could you change your username?
clever elf!! we need to put cot down too I think... wednesday morning job for me!
Danielle any idea who it is? Could you change your username?
clever elf!! we need to put cot down too I think... wednesday morning job for me!
Danielle any idea who it is? Could you change your username?

it's one of two people. I don't really want to change my username, will just keep quiet they'll soon get bored :)
Ooops, forgot I was planning to lower the cot today...

Bridget can finally sit herself up from lying down :)
Thats brilliant Lucy! We've put ours on the lowest one now, when we changed monsters, it was only on the second one for about 3 weeks before we had to lower it again :wacko:

My little elf follows him everywhere! So cute!!

Hope ladies and babies are well x
hi carolyn :)
lou, ours has high and low, that's it! Just forgot yesterday morning :facepalm:
B is cracking me up - I turn my back and she's like a meter across the room from where I put her, but I'#ve no idea how she got there!
Im so glad all your babies are doing so well.

Kaiya just isn't interested in crawling :-( she is happy sitting down or standing up. Hates being on her tummy.

Has everyone got nice plans for the weekend and to get spoiled too?

Kev's working tomorrow night, my dads having the kids and I'm sleeping at my sisters and drinking :wine:

I did hope that Kev would organise something for Sunday, my plan was to visit all the mums on Saturday BUT his parents are coming over to fix the back gate.

He is working nights on the Saturday night too. I'm wondering if his mum has forgot its mothers day or is just not bothered :shrug:

But I've already told him I want two bunches of flowers :rofl:
:dohh: only now i found this thread. seriously need to get my brain fixed.

hope everyones lo's are doing fine. nicole is been a right cranky sod for the last few days. shes also found her screaming voice (it can reach ear shattering). she absolutley hates sleeping on her back, tummy only but then hates tummy time!!!

oh and her new thing this week ........... no napping but whinge and whinge till mummy goes insane
Icylou, these things are sent to test us!! Bridget is oppostite, doesn't mind tummy time, but hates sleeping on her front!
We have no plans for mother's day - I took us all out last year, including my mum and dad, as I knew otherwise nothing would happen - I ended up having to pay for the 4 of us to have lunch - was raging! This year I've been priming charlotte - telling her she needs to ask daddy to take her to buy me a present! fingers crossed!

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