August 2011 mummies! Our babies are here!

I actually love him working nights as we have the days together which I like. we manage once a month but we were more like twice a day before!
she sleeps fine when she first goes to bed but she goes at 8 when he leaves!
Thanks every one. Really really hoping I'm successful. Going back to my current job with out an end in sight seems like torture!

Haha @ the sex talk going round here, it's a wonder Chris and I actually conceived a 2nd child, it dosent get any better as they get older. I'm quite happy with once a year at the moment :rofl: too tired and can't be bothered :haha:

Well porridge and blueberrys all round here for breakfast today and Isla loved it!

If I am pg my due date is roughly November 8th, 3 days after our 4th year anniversary x
Well I haven't had sex since Corey was conceived hahaha but for obvious reasons I suppose.

Uve had a busy 19 months Jodie but good things take time and great things happen all at once!
Thanks every one. Really really hoping I'm successful. Going back to my current job with out an end in sight seems like torture!

Haha @ the sex talk going round here, it's a wonder Chris and I actually conceived a 2nd child, it dosent get any better as they get older. I'm quite happy with once a year at the moment :rofl: too tired and can't be bothered :haha:

Well porridge and blueberrys all round here for breakfast today and Isla loved it!

so not what I wanted to hear lol!!!! me and OH are always saying, well its not for long, shes not little for long etc etc etc!

moomin I like what you said about good things :)

has anyone LO become afraid of strangers? to be fair to Cleo some of the faces that stick their face in hers are a sight and no wonder she screams at them hahahahaha! but yesterday I was talking in her face playing with her, I turned round put on my glasses and tied my hair up and when I turned back to play again her little bottom lip went down and she started screaming her really rare hurt or scared cry where she loses her breath and she was like it for 10 minutes I obvisouly really scared her looking different! poor bubba
Oops we average sex every 2-3days :haha: can't go without it!!

ooh Sarah - teeeest!!

Jodie - Henry's wary but not that bothered by strangers - he sort of gives them this look and then when they've got his approval he's all smiles! He's going through the everytime mummy leaves the room I'll scream phase though!! Bloody irritating! lol
Charlie where do you get the energy :haha:

I'll get a test tomorrow. I don't want to test though it'll probably say no :( :lol:

Yes Thomas is afraid of his grandfather when he first sees him how sad is that? :( but if fil is too concerned with a grandchild that isn't his by blood then he will have to get used to Thomas not knowin him.
Lol jodie sorry :haha:

Jodie LO dosent like me with glasses on either, Olivia didn't like glasses either and strangely didn't like blonde hair. Think perhaps because until she went to nursery every one who looked after her was brunette with the exception of mil but she has dark blonde hair iykwim.

Sarah good luck testing

Helloooo! I've not popped my head in here for ages, and what do I find?! More babies?!! Are you guys MAD?!?! I must admit to feeling a little broody now and again, but seriously Charlotte, you should get a medal! LOL! Glad everyone is well, the things you don't find out on FB hey, tee hee!!
No no medal...... just my head testing ;) haha you're about 6 weeks ahead of FB announcements !! LUcky Ladies :haha:

HOw are you?
Life is good :D Love ma babies and they lOve each other which is just wondeful :D Louis is a pretty happy baby, more clingy than Joshua was, doesn't like to be handed to others sometimes, crys like the world is ending!! He's enjoying his food, likes to feed himself and wear his dinner! Has two teeth (my poor boobies!) is sitting up, rolling around and not far off army crawl style movements!
Partly jealous your preg, I miss it do much! Such an amazing feeling :D Very happy for you, your going to have a lovely close family :D
I hope to have another, just want a bigger gap next time, maybe when Lou is three :D
Sounds like Louis is doing great!! Always love seeing the pics you put on FB with the children and animals. Too cute!

Sequeena did you test?

I'm being accused of over feeding LO by the in laws. Im fuming about it. Was proper spitting feathers yesterday when DH told me. She isn't the thinnest of babies admittedly, especially when I compare pics between her and my skinny Minnie Liv, but I'm not doing anything any different and I'm making 90% of her food myself not relying on jars etc. any way that's my latest drama.

Ah sorry for not updating!! AF arrived in full force 5am Monday morning. I've been in agony since :(

Thomas is 7 months old today I can't believe it! He's over his ear infection now (just need to take him back to make sure his ears have healed as they popped) but his conjunctivitis is back and he's really bunged up :(

Stef ignore them. How much is your LO weighing now. Thomas has caught up with babies his age and even overtaken some babies older than him. 18lbs 15oz! May aswell call it 19lbs LOL!!
stef how ridiculous unless you were force feeding how do you overfeed a 6/7month old! they stop eating when they've had enough for gawds sake! Inlaws grrrrrrr!

awww sorry sequeena jorrible af lol

cleo has learnt to wave this week its adorable! feel like she is changing every day at the moment!
I've now got 2 boys fighting over toys :dohh: Zane took something off Corey so I had Corey screaming n trying to grab Zane. They will be fist fighting before I no it haha
Just a quick one as on my way out to nursery but for those who arent on my FB ive just been offered a place at my 1st choice uni. Start in Jan. Sooo happy!

Had Isla weighed today and she is 17lb 10 at 29 weeks exactly. Spoke to HV who said she was 'average' and that if i wanted to to try dropping her 11am bottle.


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