August 2011 mummies! Our babies are here!

Yes chris was very much the same and let her and others walk all over him, he still does to some degree. He has no confidence in himself from repeatedly being made to feel an idiot by her. He was sadly a victim of domestic abuse and has scars down his back where she has attacked him. Its terrible really. I have no time nor tolerance for the woman, she is a disgrace. How he ever actually got the courage to leave ill never know and even though his daughter was only 4 years of age last time we had contact with her you could see traits of her mother coming out.

But you are right, you do have to do whats best for your children and i really hope that it dosent tear you all apart.

Chris dosent speak much about the decision he made, i had no imput into the decision at all though im sure his family blame me. :( I really wish it never came to that point.

OMG tjw from what you've said I imagined dsd to be in her teens but she's 9?! Jesus!! Her mother and grandmother must be absolute bitches!! I can't imagine what a 9 year old could do that's bad to force you back into work :nope: I'm so sorry hun :(

Thomas has been an absolute dream today :cloud9:

Having never had a child this may be a stupid question... when we hold Thomas upright he'll push himself up and hold his weight on his legs. Only for a few seconds but I'm amazed he can do it!! Is this normal?

Little man and his OMG face

Doctor says I have viral gastroenteritis :(
Yes chris was very much the same and let her and others walk all over him, he still does to some degree. He has no confidence in himself from repeatedly being made to feel an idiot by her. He was sadly a victim of domestic abuse and has scars down his back where she has attacked him. Its terrible really. I have no time nor tolerance for the woman, she is a disgrace. How he ever actually got the courage to leave ill never know and even though his daughter was only 4 years of age last time we had contact with her you could see traits of her mother coming out.

But you are right, you do have to do whats best for your children and i really hope that it dosent tear you all apart.

Chris dosent speak much about the decision he made, i had no imput into the decision at all though im sure his family blame me. :( I really wish it never came to that point.


Stef I'm so sorry for your OH :( It's easy to forget men suffer domestic abuse too :(
For those of you in the states......

Go Bucks!! :)

Sequeena that pic is bloody fab! I love it!!

Liv did it and Isla does that with her legs too, its amazing how much strength they do have really isnt it. :cloud9:

I think Isla is going through a growth spurt. Argh, she took the whole 4oz on her last bottle and then wouldnt settle and took another 3 oz of another bottle. She will be getting a little fatty! :haha:

Well my HVs are proving hard to get hold of, apparently some one is meant to be coming out to me this week to weigh isla, well they were supposed to call, they havent called last week and they havent called so far this week either, ive rang them and left voicemails but no ones contacted me back :( she hasnt been weighed since 1st sept. 2 weeks! Gona try them again tomorrow. Bit of a joke really. Its a good job im not worried about her weight gain id be hairless by now.

Hope you're feeling better soon sequeena.

Aw cute pic :)


My HV came out this morning to talk about what's happening and my goodness I coulda hugged her!!

She's going to make a referral to CAFF and try to organise MAAG Tier 2 counselling for dsd and she is also recommending that ALL of the adults in her close personal life ie: me, Grae, her mum, her nan etc. go to a specialist parenting class by Ministry Of Parenting that is specifically aimed towards adults responsible for children with dsd's challenging behavioural problems.

No idea if her mum and nan will agree to go, but I hope that they do, then they will see firsthand for themselves that their handling of things has made it worse and then they may finally stop being so destructive and actually start helping us with her...


In the meantime, I spent all day in bed with Harri yesterday and did skin to skin contact with him the whole time, and actually managed to feed him myself for the WHOLE day for the first time in almost 2 weeks!! I am still feeding him today too!! :cloud9::thumbup: :happydance:
tjw that's great news!!! So pleased for you I really hope things work out with dsd xx

Thomas is a greedy pig. Could he be going through a growth spurt? He fed around 5am this morning, slept until about 10am. Had 5oz at 11am then another 5oz at 12:30pm!!
Tjw that is fantastic news!! Fingers crossed everyone co-operates and goes! Well done on feeding Harri all day too!

Sequeena could be a bit of a growth spurt! Hope u are feeling a bit better too!
Thank you ladies... more developments today... went to the jobcentre to fill in the permitted work form for starting work (I have epilepsy and been signed off for almost 4yrs because of it but have now been over a year seizure free) only to be advised by the lady there that if I go back to work even 8hrs a week yet alone the 16hrs I was going to do, then the amount I would earn in the job would send me over the limit and as such I would lose all financial help that I currently receive which would mean that actually I would have to go straight back into full time employment of 35hrs a week or more in order to make up for the money we will be down by and as I have 2 very young children she said that she would neither recommend it or permit it as my neurologist has only given permission for me to work a maximum of 16hrs a week and the situation with dsd should not have to impact on that as it would mean going against medical advise.

So for now at least I will remain a stay at home mummy :)

Just means oh will have to look for a job that is during school hours only or we'll just have to swallow the fact we are down by 650 a month and tighten our belts a bit. He can't sign on or anything as he quit his job voluntarily and the situation we're in isn't classed as severe enough to warrent leaving his employment from their point of view.

Still, I feel better knowing that I won't be missing out on time with my babies!!! :) :) :) :) :) I'd give up all the money in the world for them!!
By the way, am still feeding Harri au naturelle :) and it's even starting to get a bit easier.... as when the hv was here yesterday she showed me that he's been a lil pickle!!! His cluster feeds that went on for hours at a time were NOT cluster feeds!!! He's been feeding for about half hour to 40mins.... then comfort sucking the rest of the following 2-4hrs!!!! She showed me how to tell if he's really drinking or not and how to listen for the sound of him swallowing the milk. Then to unlatch him myself when he's finished actually feeding and put him in his moses basket or his bouncy-chair. Since I started doing this yesterday, he now actually unlatches himself after half an hour and lays there giving me milky smiles while laying in his crib and he then falls asleep!! Lil buggaboo!!!!!! lol
tjw- please help me, I think my LO is comfort sucking, but I don't know how to tell the difference, what should I be looking for??? My poor boobs need a break!
tjw- please help me, I think my LO is comfort sucking, but I don't know how to tell the difference, what should I be looking for??? My poor boobs need a break!

It's mostly about the rythmn of their sucking. You know the fast sucking that happens when baby first latches on? That's the automatic sucking reflex (apparently it wears off at around 3-4 months), the longer more drawn out sucks happen when baby is deliberately sucking and drinking - and is accompanied by the sound of them swallowing the milk down (quite quiet but once you've concentrated on hearing it for a few feeds you'll start to hear it automatically and will notice each time when it stops). When baby has finished 'stripping the breast of milk, which takes on average 30-40 minutes' (as my hv described it) he/she will either unlatch themselves and be content, or stay attached (awake or asleep) for comfort. Their automatic sucking reflex then kicks back in as the nipple is still in their mouth but they are no longer actively sucking from it. Therefore the sucking returns to the quick sucks that you get when they first latch on. They will still pause in between sucking, but the sucks stay quick and there is no swallowing milk sound. When this happens, break the suction by using your little finger in the corner of their mouth and gently pull downwards toslide your nipple out without them automatically clamping down on it, and all is good :thumbup:

Having this explained to me yesterday has been an absolute Godsend!! My nipples actually do not hurt anymore, as he'sno longer on there for hours and hours at a time!!

Good luck hon xx
Oh naughty Harri hahahaa!

tjw I'm so happy you get to stay home. Quite right you shouldn't be doing all those hours when you're ill!! The money will sort itself out :hugs:

Well Thomas is still feeding like a monster and has barely slept today. I really hope he sleeps well tonight!!
coreys always comfort feeding, it drives me nuts but hes had a cold so im hoping it stops when he gets better lol

altho he did take 3ozs of ebm from a bottle today, felt so weird bottle feeding him from a bottle but i was so proud of him haha
Tjw glad things are more positive for you now!

Moomin well done for Corey taking his bottle well!

Ive been trying to put some photos of Darcy on here for you ladies to see but everytime I try to add an attachment a pop up blocks me from doing it, so i cant work out how to do it! :shrug: If anyone wants to see them add me on Facebook - Letitia Acland - if you add can you let me know who you are 1st so I know to accept though :thumbup:
I've added you hun, if you want I can put a pic of Darcy on here for you, all I have to do is copy the image url to here x
Tjw - so pleased your going to be staying at home with your 2 rather than returning to work! :hugs: your HV sounds like she offers great support.

I took isla to the GP yesterday after having to have a shower at 3:30am as I was covered in sick, which happens very often after feeds but that was the final straw. So we have been prescribed infant gaviscon for reflux. Touch wood... So far it seems to be working

Aw poor Isla (and you). I remember when Ruby had reflux like that - it wasn't fun :nope:

Thank you so much tjw, I'm going to start paying attention today and hopefully end the comfort sucking!!!

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