Mummy, Darcy seems to be around the same weight as Thomas and he's formula fed. Why would HV stop you breast feeding? Is she continuously losing weight?
Well today I had my first opticians appointment in over 3 years!! I've only been able to do this as 2 NHS cards (one for me and one for OH) were sent to us. I can't even remember applying for them? Or are they automatically sent out if you fit certain criteria? I'm lucky I went as my prescription has completely changed and the alignment or something in my eye has changed (I have an astigmatism). I went for basic lenses (would cost £45 but free with card) but need to have them thinned (jam jar lenses for me otherwise!). With the card it's £30. Think I'd have to pay around £60 normally.
Baby clinic tomorrow for Thomas. He must be over 9lbs by now, it's been 3 weeks since he was weighed. Must remember to book my 6 week PP check up too...