~*~*~August 2012 Baby Fire Fly's~*~*~

Edens, Julian is doing this because he's teething really bad! I put scratch mittens on his hands. As much as they probably don't taste nice, I would have thought it's better than having red raw, painful hands. Let me know if this helps :)

Our update:
Julian was 4 months old yesterday! Crazy how fast it's gone! He's rolled over a few times now. Earlier he did it twice in a row, which he's never done before, so we're getting progress! I'm so proud of him. He's also teething. Hard. His bottom 'fangs' have just broken through. They're not 'supposed' to come through until 10-12 months! My poor baby! He's also gaining weight well, and is now 13lbs, although some of his TINY BABY clothing still fits! :S I got him up the other morning and realised his sleepsuit was 'tiny baby'. Weird. But he's doing well, progressing well. And I'm so in love!

On mummy news, I feel soooo pregnant. Been feeling so sick, bloated, light headed, slight 'tugging' in my ovary-area a couple of weeks ago, and I'm getting random 'stitches' in my side, which I got so much when I was pregnant! I'm on the POP until I can get an IUD fitted, and I'm EBF, so have no idea if I've had a period yet, or just random bleeding! I bled 3 times in 5 weeks when I first started my pill, and the doctor seemed pretty sure it was just breakthrough bleeding. Urgh. Stress. I will update when I know one way or the other!

Lots of love to all you mummies and babies! xxxxxxx
I thought my cycle was going to return (I'm ebf) last month when I had terrible pains and some peachy smear, but nothing else happened. The last three days I'm having want-to-die-it-hurts-so-badly pains in my uterus, right side only. I've not been able to get rid of my IBS since delivering, and am taking mirilax and a stool softener to rule out constipation as a cause, but I've been able to go all day and the pain is still there... so it looks like I might have a nerve acting up or something. It hurts so badly that I cry about it (not usual for me - I'm pretty tough), and I've even ended back up in my belly band. Thought the pain was gone-ish, but as soon as I took the band off it was back. I love my babies, but my soul does it do a number on the body.
I think our bodies are just trying to re-regulate. I'm ebf but ovulated about 8 weeks pp and am on my second cycle since delivery. Af is due again this weekend. We weren't going to go on bc because of dh's fertility issues but decided last night that I need to finish school first so I have an appt for another mirena iud on 12/18. 18 months til I finish schooland we can start ttc again...

I have another question for you all though...Abigail has her hands in her mouth 24/7 these days and they are getting really raw. I don't want to put lotion on her hands for her to ingest but I want to do something....are you guys experiencing this? Are you doing anything for it?

Karlee is constantly sucking her hands also but they aren't raw. I would put Lanolin. The same stuff that you use for Breastfeeding. It is safe if ingested and is meant for rough racked skin. It is a hand and not a nipple, but I don't see why it wouldn't work the same. :flower:
Okay, updating b/c I want to see how you ladies are doing and how your holidays went. lol

My girlies are both sick - influenza. DD#1 has it the worst but is starting to ease up on it, thank God. She's down to just the cough and crud. I'm going to bundle her up to play in the snow about 20 minutes today, even so. She's not had any fever or vomitting in days, hallelujah.

MyLinda's first Christmas was freaking awesome! She got the idea of gift wrap (crunchy and fun) about a week before Christmas, and while I was up wrapping the final gifts Christmas Eve, she was bouncing up and down on daddy's lap trying to reach to the paper! lol Both Sunday and Christmas morning she was getting her little chubbs fists on the paper (we'd start a rip) and pulling! Oh my gosh, I was so excited! lol At some point in the morning (around stockings time) I put her in a gift box with some red gift paper and took piccies of her and big sis in their jammies by the tree. I'll put it in my avatar here soon. I couldn't pose her, of course - she was too interested - but it was fun and cute nonetheless. :)

The day was spent at home, just the four of us, and eased along stress-free and fun. We opened stockings and went straight to presents instead of waiting for breakfast like we usually do. Then we enjoyed the gifts, candies, and food through the day before sitting together and playing the board game "Words With Friends" in the kitchen at the table. My seven year old held her own, and took second place in scores! We rounded off with a cup of hot cocoa and a couple of cookies - which she threw up, poor thing. That was the real start of her being sick, unfortunately.

Tuesday wrapped up and Wednesday we were hit with a blizzard, getting something like nine and a half inches of snow, but piled much higher wherever it drifted. It was beautiful and I'd have enjoyed it if hubs didn't have to go out and work in it. Thank God we have four wheel drive! It has snowed twice since, so now we have something like 14.5" on the ground that looks sooo lovely.

So, since the baby has boogies I took her to the doctor on Friday morning to get a jump on it in case she got much sicker as the weekend came on. Thank God she hasn't BUT she has grown again! Three weeks ago (Dec 5th) we took her to the doctor for shots and she was 16 pounds on the nose, and 26.5" long. In that time I'm not sure about her length, but she is now 17.4 pounds altogether! lol She is so long it is unbelievable. Her 6-9 mo clothing still fits, but the new 12 mo stuff she got for Christmas also isn't so loose that she can't wear it. I am about in shock!

One more thing and I'll quit rambling. I think. haha MyLinda had tear duct trouble chronically for over a month (all of Nov and most of Oct), so at her Dec. 5th well-baby visit I asked about it again and was told we'd have to go to the pediatric ophthmalogist to have it manually unplugged. That was scheduled for Jan and made me nervous. She also had her 4mo shots at that visit. You've never seen a baby do better! She looked upset with the first shot, gave a yelp with the second, and stopped crying altogether seconds later when I picked her up. :) She did get a fever this time - which she didn't the first time - but somehow or another that had to have helped b/c her eye goopies cleared up and haven't come back! Amazing!

Oh, I am a liar... one more thing! lol We have teeth! Yay! MyLinda cut her first teeth probably Friday night, but DEFINITELY by yesterday! She's got one through on the bottom front, and two more trying hard to get that way, and the barest edge of one tooth through up top as well. :) :) :) So that's us. Baby My will be five months old on New Year's Day, and as long as I can get her a walker soon we'll be good to go. :)

Ack - a lie again! Rolling! lol MyLinda finally rolled belly to back a couple of weeks ago, and hasn't stopped since! She has this stationary play station that looks like a walker and that is her favorite thing to be in. She loves being upright. That, along with the zantac she's on help worlds. She plants those little fat feet, and laughs at herself for 'standing' all wobbily on her own. hahaha Her legs are bowy, and I'm scared about letting her put pressure on them but the doctors and my friends with kids keep telling me that is an old wives tale. Bowing runs in my family though, so I'm concerned her right leg especially won't quit. The foot on that one still prefers to turn in. The doctor never worries when I bring it up, but I know myself - I'll be mentioning it again at the next visit. (The 6mo well-baby checkup.)
Quite an update Chims! Sorry your girls aren't feeling well, hope that clears up soon! Mylinda is Huge! Lol

Abigail is just one day older (born 3.5 weeks premature though) and is 25" and almost 15 pounds! She's doing fantastic though. Rolled belly to back just shy of 15 weeks and last night rolled back to belly for the first time! So proud of her! She's definitely the smallest in our Mommy/Baby playgroup but she holds her own! She babbles constantly and tries to have full conversations with us. I love it. She sits well too supporting herself with her hands for a few minutes at a time before falling sideways. She definitely prefers standing to sitting though. We aren't getting her a walker though since I've read so many studies that show they can delay development and encourage poor form/posture when walking. No teeth here and not looking forward to that at all. I remember when my baby brother got teeth and it was hell!

Christmas was great. We did a lot of running around to different family member's homes on Christmas Eve and Christmas which I've always hated but Abigail was a trooper! Only one meltdown late on Christmas after 6-7 hours at my granna's house so completely understandable! She got about a hundred new toys, lol.

Anyway we are all doing well over here! Oh and we are taking her to the snow next weekend; it should be lots of fun! :)
Yah, it really was a novel, wasn't it? haha I was trying to cram it all in since I am sporadic on here.

Chrismas sounded fun, and the baby so sweet! You're right about the toys. We went from a few rattles/things to hold to needing a toy bucket over the holiday. lol

Don't you love the baby chatter? I always call it 'burbling' since it has this bubbly-sounding quality to it. lol You're the only other person I've seen who calls the grandma Granna like we do. I love that! :)

I hadn't heard that about walkers. ReBecka did fine and my other 14 nieces and nephews never had an issue after using them, so hopefully if we're able to get one it won't be a problem.
Chims: I hope your LO's are feeling better asap!

Here is my update. Karlee is now 4 months and 2 weeks old. She is rolling and trying to scoot. She wants to chase her sister really badly and gets very frustrated when she can't. Christmas was awesome. Both girls got completely spoiled. Karlee's favorite is a sack of balls and LOVES playing them with her sister. I took her for her 4 month shots and was instructed to start cereal because she is eating more than 32 oz of formula a day. She is so happy now and loves it. She is talking and giggling like crazy! Loving every moment with her.


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Oh i love all these updates! will update as soon as I get to my computer!
Okay! Finally at my computer.

Stella will be 4 months tomorrow. I go by the last day of the month because she was born on the 31st. I cant believe how time flys!! I feel like we were all just complaining about when our bumps were going to start showing and now we have 4 and 5 month of babies!!! So crazy!

Our sweet girl is such a smiley happy one. She is really loving on her hands. She also LOVES stuffed animals. She got quite a few from people for christmas and she loves to rub her face into them and give them hugs and sloppy kisses. She has rolled over once or twice but I have to admit she is sort of lazy hahaha. She isnt a fan of tummy time and her daddy indulges her.

Our christmas was pretty good. To be honest I would have enjoyed it alot more if we would have stayed home and had a quiet private day. I love our family but it seems slightly ridiculous to cart Stella around to a few different places while they all get to enjoy hanging out at home. It seems like we spend the whole time in the car. I think its time to start some new traditions. The past couple years (esspecially since my dad passed away) I have been trying to still do all our family traditions, from special foods to our christmas eve party and now Im realizing with a baby all of that is to much. So next year I think we will be asking people to come to us. I would be happy to cook a christmas dinner if it meant staying home... but anyways sorry for getting off topic! haha

Stella had an awesome christmas, got totally spoiled with tons of presents and lots of attention. Im not sure of her weight as we havent been to the doc recently and I dont have a scale but we go in on friday so it will be fun to see how much she has grown!

here are some pictures! :)
321179_10100625308768283_677946750_n.jpg This one I took for a photo project we did for my mom for xmas
Seeing the xmas tree for the first time
Such cute piccies Happily! :)

How is everyone? Baby is going to be 6 months old on the 1st and I find myself pretty much in shock about it. We're still EBF - - tried cereal and she haaates it. I'm not going to force it so we'll try again later. No rush. :) Nothing really new to update. She sits by herself to play with big sister, and enjoys floor time more than she did, but seems to panic if we put her in the 'crawl' position. She hasn't figured out that she can drop out of it herself. lol
Abigail is six months old today!!


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Scarlett will be 7 months on Valentines day!!! She did so well at her 6 month check up and her doctor said he doesn't think of her any different than he would any 6 month old that was born full term! :happydance: She's really catching up to her milestones and has been rolling both ways since 5.5 months. Now she rolls over in her crib and sleeps on her face!!! :dohh: It was nerve wrecking at first but her ped said if she rolls and wants to sleep that way then to let her because she's old enough. She weighs 16lb 14oz and is 23 3/4" long. She's in the 62% for height and 13% for weight! My little short chunky monkey! We all knew she'd be a shorty though!! :cloud9: this past weekend we flew down to visit my family and she did so great on the plane.. everyone told us as we were getting off the plane that she deserves a medal :cloud9: :happydance:
She's also getting better at sitting up unassisted, she leans forwards on her hands to support herself still but can sit up straight for a few seconds before falling over. I have heard chubbier babies tend to sit up later because they have more weight to balance. :)
I can't believe how old all these little babies are, they are all so cute and perfect! The time has just FLOWN by!!!! :flower:


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Hi ladies! Just checking in and hoping everyone is doing well! My Abigail is almost 7.5 months old and a super star, lol. We went to dada's work yesterday and students from all over the school ran up to her and were thrilled to finally meet Abigail. And they all want to babysit, lol. :) She hasn't started teething yet (not in a rush for that one!) but loves loves loves to eat thanks to BLW. She pulls herself up onto her ones and loves standing to play at her activity tables. She also loves to walk if we hold her hands. But no crawling yet, she scoots backward though. I think crawling is still a few weeks away. She says mana all the time and is definitely a mama's girl. She said dada a few times about a month ago but not since. And I'm thinking she also says baby. It sounds an awful lot like it and she says it when she sees herself in the mirror the most so maybe! :)

How is everyone else doing?
Congrats on your :bfp:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance:

Karlee will be 7 months on the 18th. she isn't crawling, but eating like a champ. Absolutely loves her finger foods. She says hi while waving, well at least an attempt at waving lol, and also says Alli. Alli is her sister, it comes out awy but it's a great start! :happydance:
I'm so glad your little one is thriving BLW is amazing. I didn't do it wit my first and she is really picky, karlee is doing so much better.
Gardenofedens: Congrats!!! That is awesome news! DH and I are talking more about having another. However, I haven't seen af since having Scarlett early in July and I had to use clomid to get my BFP with her so I am pretty hopeless on getting pregnant soon. We are EBF (with a "snack" of solids once a day) but she night weaned herself when she was about 4 months, nurses now about 5-7 times a day. We have also been NTNP since she was born... 8 months ago tomorrow. Any tips!? :blush:

momofone08: Sounds like Karlee is doing WONDERFUL!!! That is too adorable that she says "awy"!

I just love seeing the updates and pictures of every ones beautiful babies!!! They are all growing up soooo fast! :flower:
Gardenofedens: Congrats!!! That is awesome news! DH and I are talking more about having another. However, I haven't seen af since having Scarlett early in July and I had to use clomid to get my BFP with her so I am pretty hopeless on getting pregnant soon. We are EBF (with a "snack" of solids once a day) but she night weaned herself when she was about 4 months, nurses now about 5-7 times a day. We have also been NTNP since she was born... 8 months ago tomorrow. Any tips!? :blush:

momofone08: Sounds like Karlee is doing WONDERFUL!!! That is too adorable that she says "awy"!

I just love seeing the updates and pictures of every ones beautiful babies!!! They are all growing up soooo fast! :flower:

Lol, can't offer any tips, unfortunately! I've been ebf on demand since birth and af still showed up almost right after delivery. My cycles were far from regular though. Five cycles over 7 months ranging from 28 days to 55 days, lol. I read a statistic the other day that the chance of conceiving twins is usually 1%, but while bfing it's 12%! I had my first hcg betas yesterday though and they are in line with my first pregnancy so it doesn't look like we will be having three under age two! :)
Gardenofedens: Congrats!!! That is awesome news! DH and I are talking more about having another. However, I haven't seen af since having Scarlett early in July and I had to use clomid to get my BFP with her so I am pretty hopeless on getting pregnant soon. We are EBF (with a "snack" of solids once a day) but she night weaned herself when she was about 4 months, nurses now about 5-7 times a day. We have also been NTNP since she was born... 8 months ago tomorrow. Any tips!? :blush:

momofone08: Sounds like Karlee is doing WONDERFUL!!! That is too adorable that she says "awy"!

I just love seeing the updates and pictures of every ones beautiful babies!!! They are all growing up soooo fast! :flower:

Lol, can't offer any tips, unfortunately! I've been ebf on demand since birth and af still showed up almost right after delivery. My cycles were far from regular though. Five cycles over 7 months ranging from 28 days to 55 days, lol. I read a statistic the other day that the chance of conceiving twins is usually 1%, but while bfing it's 12%! I had my first hcg betas yesterday though and they are in line with my first pregnancy so it doesn't look like we will be having three under age two! :)

Oh that's crazy, I didn't know those statistics! I couldn't imagine having twins this close to Scarlett. Haha! With clomid the chance of twins is 15% I think my body is just so anti pregnancy so I'm not too worried about that. They think that's why I went into preterm labor: irritable uterus. :dohh: I definitely won't wean to go back on clomid since I would feel guilty weaning just to ttc! So we will wait! Fertility issues can be awesome when we don't want to ttc but really sucky when we do want to ttc! :haha: Congratulations again!!! You will have to keep us posted!! So happy for you!!
So weird that in just a few short months our lo's will be celebrating their first birthdays! This year is just flying by. Stella will be 8 months in a few days!

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