August 2013 Rainbow Babies!!

I forgot to mention yesterday since I was on my phone... the NP did take into consideration my own history and my Mom's and said she was going to talk things over with the OB and see if I should get a consult with the high risk OB.

My own history being that I am homozygous for MTHFR and at one point tested high for anticardiolipin iGG. And my mother's history being that she had a blood clot in her lung and was on heparin injections her entire pregnancy with me.

If I meet with the high risk OB then she may determine that I might need injections of blood thinners as well. Typically my FS would have me on baby aspirin for the MTHFR but I am allergic... so really the only alternative would be the injections.

It's definitely nerve wracking either way as there are pros and cons for the injections. We shall see what they say though and I will take it one day at a time!
Congrats on the scan Crystal thats wonderful news :) Looking forward to hearing more news tomorrow from the other scans.
Happy Christmas one and all hope you all made it through unscathed! I only told my mum about little one as she could help divert attention away from me! More family gatherings this weekend though ugggh!! Feeling nervous now about our scan next week but at least we will know one way or the other whats going on. Hope you're all feeling well and ms is going !!
In two weeks we tell his family.... Eeek!

I wish I didn't ever have to tell my DH's family anything, but that's a different story for a different day.:winkwink:

I sounds like your NP/OB are right on top of your condition and pregnancy. Have you decided if you're going to see the high risk OB?

As you ladies prepared me, we didn't see much at my scan today. All we could see was the sac and a yolk sac. The u/s tech kept saying, "I don't know why she scheduled you so early. You aren't going to see anything." I tried to explain that I've had multiple issues in the past but she didn't care. Look lady, don't stress me out. I'm stressed out enough. My OB is being thorough, it's not really a bad thing. MS has set in though!
I forgot to mention yesterday since I was on my phone... the NP did take into consideration my own history and my Mom's and said she was going to talk things over with the OB and see if I should get a consult with the high risk OB.

My own history being that I am homozygous for MTHFR and at one point tested high for anticardiolipin iGG. And my mother's history being that she had a blood clot in her lung and was on heparin injections her entire pregnancy with me.

If I meet with the high risk OB then she may determine that I might need injections of blood thinners as well. Typically my FS would have me on baby aspirin for the MTHFR but I am allergic... so really the only alternative would be the injections.

It's definitely nerve wracking either way as there are pros and cons for the injections. We shall see what they say though and I will take it one day at a time!
If you do end up on the injections it is ok, they hurt and you do get some bruising but you just have to keep reminding yourself why you're doing it all
Do you have midwives in the US? we see the MW and then for complications you would see a consultant but its normal to only ever see a Midwife then for labour you would have midwives too but was reading today that people refuse to see MW's and only want Drs usually? is that the norm where you are?
I don't even know if my office has a MW. We have the nurse practitioner that we see in alternating visits. I saw a nurse practitioner yesterday and in 2 weeks I will see the obstetrician. Then the following appointment will be with the NP again.
It's really interesting to see what happens in different places
I see an OB for prenatal and she will also be the one that delivers. I think some women have midwives when they are having an at home birth.
I watched the documentary "The Business of Being Born" and it was so interesting. I don't remember the details, but I do remember thinking they did a good job showing the importance of midwives. It was def worth watching. Plus you get the added bonus of seeing Ricki Lake naked.:dohh:
i will only see my obgyn on my visits. he is the same doctor my sister used for both of her kids and she says he is the one that always does the appointments, no nurse or anyone else. but day of delivery i think its normal to have the delivery nurses there for the most part until you are ready to push and your obgyn comes. Thats how i know of it.

on another note, i am getting antsy for my next appointment! since yesterday my sciatica has been acting up...not cool!
Sciatica is the worst! I had trouble with that with DS and I could barely move. I hope it doesn't give you too much trouble.
Crystal:Congrats on the scan!! Baby is looking good!!

TxrunnerGirl: What's the word on your scan?

Hope1409 Funny you say there were waterworks after your reveal. I experienced a shriek fest when I told my in laws. MY mother in law was the happiest!! She kept clasping her hands and squealing. It was cute.

Leffy:In my area, there are midwives but most people seem to use Obs.

AFM: I had a scare yesterday as I came home and the dogs started fighting. I have two dogs that are over 50 lbs and I had to separate them. I ended up having to almost throw one across the room and right afterwards my stomach started to hurt. It really worried me but it stopped shortly after it started. My blood pressure was up for sure so I just lied down. I woke up and didn't feel as pregnant as I have in previous weeks, but I think that is just my mind playing with me!! I have another ultra sound tomorrow. I hope to see that baby is doing fine and growing! It would be nice to hear a heart beat or at least see that the baby's heart is working!
MamaTex I still get cramping here and there and I don't always feel pregnant!!

Forgot to share the 2d less Alien-like image too
Its crazy how different thate States are to the UK! We get a midwife right from word go who you see at 8wks then if nothing much happens 16wks! We have very little contact with our carers! We are left to get on with it! If you are high risk or have multiples you get a specialist consultant assigned to you but you can still turn them down! I have my 8weeks appointment on the 7th-why do I feel like the receptionist is always looking down on me? I feel silly because i waited until today to make appointment because i was worried things wouldn't progress this far :( I really hope I get some hcg blood results.

Mamatex im sure everything is ok with bub at leat you have an appointment tomorrow to check things over :hugs:
Hope I have suffered from sacro illiac joint pain for about 5 eyars its the worst :( Recently i started seeing an osteopath and she has worked wonders maybe its worth you looking into. My back pain has moved up now into my sides but not hips hurahh!
Crystal loving the pics so exciting to see little bub grow :)
:hi: Bunny glad to see you join us here xx

Afm Over xmas I felt fine really thirsty still and need to eat regually. As soon as we got back to our house from mums the unsatisfiable hunger kicked in-I feel really weird until i eat something/anything, I feel empty even after eating dinner- I have to eat little and often because 3 big meals are no good any more, its a little tiring! Talking of tiredness is anyone else dead on their feet in the afternoon?!?
:hi: Thanks merri.

Where is my ms this morning and why don't my bbs hurt that much? I'm getting nervous. Probably TMI, but I had an orgasm in my sleep last night. (probably d/t the progesterone I'm taking). I hope that didn't do anything to bean. I won't :sex: with DH because of my fear of uterine contractions dislodging lil bean. Now I'm scared.
Bunny I'm sure everything is fine sounds like your hormones are running wild :) teehee! We havent dtd since we found out either im too scared too maybe after i get my scan we will!
Haha merri, I'm glad my DH isn't the only neglected one!

Gorgeous scan Crystal!
:hi: Thanks merri.

Where is my ms this morning and why don't my bbs hurt that much? I'm getting nervous. Probably TMI, but I had an orgasm in my sleep last night. (probably d/t the progesterone I'm taking). I hope that didn't do anything to bean. I won't :sex: with DH because of my fear of uterine contractions dislodging lil bean. Now I'm scared.

:blush:you are perfectly normal, and not alone,

bean will also be fine i think its only a risk if you are already dilating (which is the cause of some MC's) but if that was the case you would have been told about it, We have dtd once since finding out and i was terrified I am waiting until after the 17th before we try again xxx:hugs:

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