August 2018 Babies

Hi Angela!

My nausea has been on and off. It's not horrible though. I've also had trouble sleeping but I think other factors are at play there!

First OB appt tomorrow but they won't be doing a scan. Just std testing etc and blood work.
Welcome Angela :) H&H 9 months!

I'm at that weird stage where I'm pretty sure I feel nauseous but maybe it's all in my head? Does anyone else have that or is it just me? :blush:

I have a weird taste in my mouth all day, and I only like salty foods, getting very fussy actually ;) , really don't even want to look at chocolate, which is VERY out of character.
Ella- I only want salty foods also. Last night I was craving subway, but it ended up making me ill. With my 1st I craved yellow mustard 🤢, with my 2nd sweets.
Ella and Smille, what you wrote sounds a bit familiar. I don't have nausea of any kind, but it seems that all I want to eat are enchiladas. Nothing else sounds appetizing but I've been burying enchiladas every night for three weeks. :shrug:
I am so nauseated I can't do anything today. This is awful!! How a, I going to survive weeks more of this?! 😩
Well I got the blood draw done at 11, called before 2 asking for the results and she said they received it but the nurse has to review it then call me. Called again around 4 and they said there is a list of people they call and it’s based on emergency. So I asked if I’ll even get a call before the end of the business day and the receptionist said she wasn’t sure. So I’m pissed off. I do however have a follow up appointment tomorrow to make sure my cervix and all that is still fine so we will go from there I guess.

I cancelled th appointment with my old doctor. And this one doesn’t see you til 12 weeks so I won’t be going in til January 22nd now. But with my follow up appointment tomorrow, I’m suppose to get another ultrasound in 2 weeks, so I guess we will schedule it then.

I’m just super fucking annoyed that they just can’t tell me my damn numbers. Even the online portal hasn’t updated. Like how is it that hard to tell me numbers. Sorry for the language my emotions are getting the best of me
Lol they just called after I posted that. My numbers were 7152 so they definitely increased! She also said the ultrasound showed a subchroinic hemorrhage which explains the bleeding. So I have my follow up tomorrow morning and then schedule an ultrasound from there :happydance:
Mel I'm so glad they called!!!

Of topic- does anyone else have a little one who is a thumb sucker when sleeping? I need tips for breaking the habit with my 18 month old (thumb has a cut that could get infected).
Mel- that's terrific news!!!! Great number. I can imagine your frustration though. I hate dr offices.

Starlight- no advice for thumb sucking. My LO uses pacifiers and I'm dreading getting her off of those. It will be a priority b4 baby is born so she's use to being without.

Is anyone else sort of avoiding close relatives? I haven't visited with my mom within the last couple of weeks and she thinks I'm angry with her. Last week the roads were too bad to travel and this week I feel lousy. Not to mention busy with holiday prep. We're going over there later in the week. I apologized, but if she saw me throwing up she'd catch on and we really want to hold out until the end of this week.
Starlight I have no idea advice as my 3 year old is still a thumb sucker.. ugh. I have no idea how to break it
Mel that's fab news!

Smille I live a couple of hours away from my family so don't see them all that often anyway- I saw them a couple of weeks ago and managed to not say anything. The only person (apart from DH) who knows I'm pregnant is my mum and she's helped me to not say anything so far. We are spending Christmas with my family and keep wondering if we should tell them then or not.... anyone else thinking about telling family? Or already told family?

We wouldn't tell anyone else until the 12 week scan.

With my first we told immediate family straight away and this time it feels like forever without telling them.
Welcome Angela!:flower:

Mel that's fantastic news! :D

I still haven't told my mum and dad yet, I'm too scared they're going to shout at me:blush: Even though I'm 25 and already have a 3 year old, have my own home and have been with my OH for almost 6 years:haha:
We'll tell parents after seeing a heartbeat hopefully, everyone else we'll wait until 2nd tri... although some might guess before!
Thanks for the warm welcome guys

Mel amazing news I have everything crossed for your next scan

In relation to finding out I definitely want to find out as I do want to do the whole blue for boy pink for girl theme

In relation to symptoms I feel slightly queezy but no real MS none of my family or DHS close family got MS so I might just be lucky on that one, but my taste is changing and I am getting food aversions like bacon dont like the taste now. Im always tired but constantly wake up through the night my belky is bloated and boobs are sensitive and swollen and sorry for TMI but got flatulence and toilet issues.

In relation to telling people Im kind of avoiding people too not told parentsyet but we are thinking of telling them after the scan on 28th if everything is okay, DHS mums bday is on New years eve so if all is good we're buying her a happy bday grandma card and putting the scan pic inside it xx

Well I had my first midwife appt yesterday she wanted to see me sooner rather than later due to my fertility issues and if I didnt see her today then she wouldnt get to see me till after the new year. It took 2 hours going through everything, she asked me a huge list of questions, took height, weight, bmi, blood pressure, blood and urine and yep its now officially confirmed that Im pregnant lol xx

She has also booked my early dating scan for 30th Jan at 10:30 and she has put me down as high risk due to my fertility issues my mums diabetes and my dads DVT but apart from that she said my BP was good and so was my BMI. Its now starting to feel more real.

She also mentioned screening for downsyndrome what are your take on that ladies she said the screening doesnt give an actual answer but can say if your low or high risk would you have it done guys xx Ive heard horror stories that it caused unnecessary worry for people during pregnancy xx
I had the downs syndrome test done, they take your bloods and measure the fluid at the back of the neck. I think mine came back as 1 in 5600 or something with my son.
I do know people who have had a high risk result and went on to have further testing that showed baby was fine, you can now opt for the harmony test if you have a high risk result which just takes a blood sample and can give you a 99% accurate result I think :)
Scan day tomorrow slightly nervous!!! I’m either 5weeks 1day by lmp or 5 weeks 5days around then from ovulation.

Taking the kids to see Father Christmas today

My youngest has been playing up so bad recently she really tests me and makes me wonder how I will Cope with three!!! Some evenings I’ve been in tears she’s just so naughty at the moment. I don’t think my hormones are helping
Flourish- we are telling our parents on Christmas. We made cards of our stockings hanging on our mantle with a tiny stocking that says #3 and says "we're adding another stocking to our mantel baby #3 due Aug 2018". I'm not sure about others yet. I don't think I can wait another 3+ weeks. The excitement is killing me. Besides my hubby's family have big mouths and will probably tell people we know anyways.

Angela- I've never tested for downs. I personally don't see a point for the test, but that is my personal belief. I love the idea of the birthday card! So cute.

Picks- good luck with your scan tomorrow! I feel you. My LO has been super ornery lately and I feel overwhelmed. I keep reassuring myself that things will change by the time baby comes.
Just my husband's family knows. I don't plan to tell my family. They have never been a great support system so at this rate they probably won't know til they see it on Facebook :haha:
Just my husband's family knows. I don't plan to tell my family. They have never been a great support system so at this rate they probably won't know til they see it on Facebook :haha:

I'm dreading telling my cousin. She is so unsupportive and negative. Idk why she cares so much about other's personal lives, but I'm sure she'll make ignorant comments. If so, I'm cutting her out of my life.
Wondering if I could join. I had a little group of buddies when I had my son in November 2016 and am looking to have someone again, especially while it is such a secret in first trimester.

A little bit about me... I've been with DH for 12 years, married for 3, as we were teenage sweethearts. I have a rainbow DS who is 13 months old tomorrow. We had a journey and a half to get him (five losses in 13 months) so he's very much our pride and joy.

After everything w went through to have ds we decided we wanted a close age gap between DS and #2 so started TTC in November knowing it might take a while, we might have issues. And boom! Bfp on 27th of November which makes me due on the 8th.

I've already had a scan to rule out ectopic which showed a little person with heartbeat in the right place measuring 6 weeks. Obviously I'm only cautiously optimistic at this point but I've got another scan booked for 9 weeks on the 4th of January and until then I'm just trying to stay positive while I weather the storm that is exhaustion and morning sickness with a one year old!

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