August 2018 Babies

I keep thinking I’m feeling movements but then it’s just gas, which has been a lot :haha: I’m not sure when I’ll feel anything. With my daughter I didn’t feel a thing until 19 weeks. My next appointment is Monday and I’ll be requesting to see a different OB so who knows when my next appointment will be after that.
7 days until our scan, eeek! Been having dreams nearly every night it's a boy...
7 days until our scan, eeek! Been having dreams nearly every night it's a boy...

Lol !! I'm not having those dreams but I know what it's like wanting a girl. We cracked least I did. As we had the harmony test and results are in everything is perfect with little one and there's a separate email with the gender on it. Sent to the baker at Primrose Bakery :happydance: going to have a reveal party with friends on the 4th. Thing is girls clothes are so cute. Yesterday in Marks and Spencer's I was so tempted to throw a load of girls stuff in the basket and just return them if it's a boy in a week. Cause the law of attraction you know works so by putting it out there a girl maybe a girl ?! Hahahaha
Smile hope your new humidifier does the trick my nose has been bunged up but think its pregnancy related and not a cold x

Cat rrrr bless I did the same burst into tears, Ive not had diarrhoea but have been bunged up xx

Lynanne I get what yoyr saying if it weren't for my growing belly Id not feel pregnant either I just want to feel baby moving now xx

Chrissie I dont understand the nubbin theory but just by looking at the scan Id say girl xx

Mel how come your changing OB xx

TTC not long now hope all goes well cant wait to see your scan pic xx

Im 15wks today only 5 wks to wait till scan now my god its so far away xx I know what you guys mean though looking at baby clothes Im the same cant help it but Im being drawn to the boys section bought some blankets that I thought were unisex turns out theyve got some blue in them they'll still be okay if its a girl like but they say you can get attracted to the stuff that goes with the sex of the baby xx

Here's a question anyone else getting pains like little stabbing pains I get them every now and then xx

Im meeting my midwife tomorrow she's taking me for a walk through the pregnancy unit to show me around and answer questions I have as Im unsure if I want to deliver my baby there yet xx
Smile hope your new humidifier does the trick my nose has been bunged up but think its pregnancy related and not a cold x

Cat rrrr bless I did the same burst into tears, Ive not had diarrhoea but have been bunged up xx

Lynanne I get what yoyr saying if it weren't for my growing belly Id not feel pregnant either I just want to feel baby moving now xx

Chrissie I dont understand the nubbin theory but just by looking at the scan Id say girl xx

Mel how come your changing OB xx

TTC not long now hope all goes well cant wait to see your scan pic xx

Im 15wks today only 5 wks to wait till scan now my god its so far away xx I know what you guys mean though looking at baby clothes Im the same cant help it but Im being drawn to the boys section bought some blankets that I thought were unisex turns out theyve got some blue in them they'll still be okay if its a girl like but they say you can get attracted to the stuff that goes with the sex of the baby xx

Here's a question anyone else getting pains like little stabbing pains I get them every now and then xx

Im meeting my midwife tomorrow she's taking me for a walk through the pregnancy unit to show me around and answer questions I have as Im unsure if I want to deliver my baby there yet xx

I think you maybe having a boy by the looks of that nub !! So perhaps that's your intuition talking !!! Boys are so sweet :flower:

But I could be wrong... will you find out the sex in five days ? So exciting !!! EDiT pregnancy brain 5 weeks not days silly me !
Angela - the hospital I’m suppose to be delivering at doesn’t have a NICU which makes me super nervous with twins. They said if I were to deliver early they would transfer for me to Pittsburgh and I don’t want to deal it’s that hassle if that were to happen. So I’m switching to a different hospital that can accommodate those special circumstances.

I’ve also had some stabbing pains, it’s like it’s stretching. I had a lot at 8 weeks and again at 13 weeks. I remember it with My daughter too
Mel- Pittsburgh is a hassle to get to. I had to go several times a month to see my RE and it took me over 2 hrs to get there due to traffic when it's only 45 min away.

Angela- I get that stabbing pain aka lightning crotch every now and then. It gets worse later in pregnancy when baby starts dropping.

My cold isn't a cold like I thought. It's a sinus infection. My head is so congested and the left side od my face and teeth hurt. I haven't slept. My dr said to take mucinex, but good luck finding something that doesn't have sudafed. My new humidifier will be here today and I hope it actually works unlike my old one.

So I'm irritated atm. My dr said although I'm measuring ahead, she's not changing my due date. So apparently I'm back to a due date of Aug 10th 😠.
Mel- Pittsburgh is a hassle to get to. I had to go several times a month to see my RE and it took me over 2 hrs to get there due to traffic when it's only 45 min away.

Angela- I get that stabbing pain aka lightning crotch every now and then. It gets worse later in pregnancy when baby starts dropping.

My cold isn't a cold like I thought. It's a sinus infection. My head is so congested and the left side od my face and teeth hurt. I haven't slept. My dr said to take mucinex, but good luck finding something that doesn't have sudafed. My new humidifier will be here today and I hope it actually works unlike my old one.

So I'm irritated atm. My dr said although I'm measuring ahead, she's not changing my due date. So apparently I'm back to a due date of Aug 10th 😠.

Hun I'd be happy with this! Especially if you are sure of your dates. Gives you that little extra time to go into labour naturally rather than them
Getting down your throat with induction !
Chrissie lol dont worry Ive got baby brain too and yes I will defo find out I know I can find out earlier pay for a scan but I like the fact that it will mark my half way point in my pregnancy and give me something to look forward to xx

Mel thats a question Ill be asking is what is there neo natal unit like as I know Whistons is really good but Warrington is literally a stone throw from me so it would be easier just to go there xx

Smile tbats awful I hope your sinus infection doesnt get any worse Ive had sinusitis before and it was awful the pain I felt in my ears was unreal xx thats also frustrating about your Dr not changing your date how far ahead are you measuring xx

Im glad you guys also get pains it reassures me a little Ill still bring it up with midwife tomorrow xx
Mel- Pittsburgh is a hassle to get to. I had to go several times a month to see my RE and it took me over 2 hrs to get there due to traffic when it's only 45 min away.

Angela- I get that stabbing pain aka lightning crotch every now and then. It gets worse later in pregnancy when baby starts dropping.

My cold isn't a cold like I thought. It's a sinus infection. My head is so congested and the left side od my face and teeth hurt. I haven't slept. My dr said to take mucinex, but good luck finding something that doesn't have sudafed. My new humidifier will be here today and I hope it actually works unlike my old one.

So I'm irritated atm. My dr said although I'm measuring ahead, she's not changing my due date. So apparently I'm back to a due date of Aug 10th 😠.

Hun I'd be happy with this! Especially if you are sure of your dates. Gives you that little extra time to go into labour naturally rather than them
Getting down your throat with induction !

I didn't think of it like that. You're right! Thank you for changing my perspective on it. I really want to avoid being induced as much as possible bc I'm going med free again. I just want to be considered further along so I can meet baby sooner.
Chrissie lol dont worry Ive got baby brain too and yes I will defo find out I know I can find out earlier pay for a scan but I like the fact that it will mark my half way point in my pregnancy and give me something to look forward to xx

Mel thats a question Ill be asking is what is there neo natal unit like as I know Whistons is really good but Warrington is literally a stone throw from me so it would be easier just to go there xx

Smile tbats awful I hope your sinus infection doesnt get any worse Ive had sinusitis before and it was awful the pain I felt in my ears was unreal xx thats also frustrating about your Dr not changing your date how far ahead are you measuring xx

Im glad you guys also get pains it reassures me a little Ill still bring it up with midwife tomorrow xx

3 days. It doesn't seem like much, but I like knowing baby may come sooner.
Mel- Pittsburgh is a hassle to get to. I had to go several times a month to see my RE and it took me over 2 hrs to get there due to traffic when it's only 45 min away.

Angela- I get that stabbing pain aka lightning crotch every now and then. It gets worse later in pregnancy when baby starts dropping.

My cold isn't a cold like I thought. It's a sinus infection. My head is so congested and the left side od my face and teeth hurt. I haven't slept. My dr said to take mucinex, but good luck finding something that doesn't have sudafed. My new humidifier will be here today and I hope it actually works unlike my old one.

So I'm irritated atm. My dr said although I'm measuring ahead, she's not changing my due date. So apparently I'm back to a due date of Aug 10th 😠.

Hun I'd be happy with this! Especially if you are sure of your dates. Gives you that little extra time to go into labour naturally rather than them
Getting down your throat with induction !

I didn't think of it like that. You're right! Thank you for changing my perspective on it. I really want to avoid being induced as much as possible bc I'm going med free again. I just want to be considered further along so I can meet baby sooner.

I know what you mean. lol I was annoyed they moved my date forward but as I'm going private they are a lot more relaxed and will monitor me very closely. Yeah avoiding induction if possible is best. Your body and baby know when is the best time. I used a lot of positive birth affirmations in my last labour, hypno birthing and meditation to help me go drug free. It worked a treat but then I'd say my labour although long was pretty easy-ish. I have tonnes of tips I've gathered from recommendations, my alternative Midwives and Ina May Gaskin. £happy to pass on info ! Xx
I was induced with both kids and went pain med free with my 2nd. It was really rough, but I did it. My dh was such an amazing coach. I told my dh I do NOT want to go through that again. I had a ton of bleeding also which they said was from baby being so big, but I think it was from being induced.
Cat, I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Im really glad everything is ok and you got to see your beautiful baby.

I say girl Chrissi :D

Angela i still get quite sharp pains especially if i cough or sneeze, definitely just stretching but it can be worrying!

smille, i hope you're better soon! Awful being ill when pregnant!

Sorry ive been missing for a few days I've had a really bad cold and been in bed the last few days. Luckily its starting to go now but its awful as you can take hardy anything! I had my 16 week midwife app on Thursday. My platelets have come back even lower. Does anyone know if that could be to do with me being ill?
They were low at my 12 week app but now they're even lower. I am a little bummed by it as it means i have to now see a consultant on Thursday to decide on a plan. Meaning yet again i might not be able to have the baby at the birth centre so i could have no chance at all of a water birth. Just have to wait and see what she says on Thursday but i really didn't want to be consultant led again!
Guys I'm like a bottle of fizzy pop exploding !! I was also a bad girl tonight. You know I had the harmony test last week well they sent me an email with the gender and like I got my mom to read it and begged her to tell me cause like I need to prepare myself if I'm having another little boy nutter lol my boys gorgeous but crackers and well I'm having a girl !!! I'm having a little girl. I'm so so so grateful and happy and grateful and happy and thankful to God for this little blessing. I don't know how I'll sleep tonight !!! Lol xx
Congrats Chrissi!

I had my doc appt this morning - she had a quick look and both babies were moving around :cloud9: - looks very squashed in there though! Looking forward to enjoying the so called 'honeymoon' phase of pregnancy, I think it's starting already - more energy, not big yet, no nausea... I have monthly appointments now and then it will be every three weeks. Just about to call and book my 20 week scan where we'll check everything is okay and find out what we're having. I REALLY hope at least one is a girl!!!
Congrats Chrissi! So exciting to have one of each!

I have my next appointment tomorrow, and I’m 2 weeks away from my private gender scan. We are going to the Penguins hockey game the 3rd, my daughter has dance pictures on the 4th, and then the gender scan the 5th! We are doing squirt guns for our reveal and my SIL painted the guns chrome and they look like something that came out of Star Wars so I was geeking out haha then scan is at 11 and we plan to do the reveal around 5. Those few hours are going to seem like years lol
Hi, please may I join?

My names Becky. I used to be a BIG user of this forum until 2 years ago when, for several personal reasons, I left. I made many friends here, most of whom I still keep in touch with. I’ve come back anonymously, as I want this baby to be a fresh start.

I’m due baby #2 on 1-8-18

Thank you x

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