August 2018 Babies

My OH has already said he wants a vasectomy after this baby but I said not yet as we might want a 3rd:haha:
Aw, hehe... I could see a third in the books for you, Vick. Again for a girl. :lol:

Bored here. The first week after an appointment is so slow. :coffee: I've posted in 3rd tri, but I have on the high side amniotic fluid levels. 24.6 cm, when 25 cm is the at risk line... I've been moved on to 2 week appointments early, with growth scans. I'm certain at this point that I'll be fine, but the close eye puts me at ease.

30 weeks feels like months not weeks away.
I'm not sure what contraceptive to go with. I was thinking about the coil but I've read some horror stories so now questioning if I should or not.

I had an appointment with my consultant this week, struggling to manage my blood sugar levels so they have put me on medications and I have to go back again in 2 weeks.

Scan showed baby was measuring a little small but still within the acceptable range and I have another scan in 4 weeks to check on baby again as well.

I took my daughter to the park and to feed the ducks before coming home and mowing the grass and am paying for it now.... my sciatic nerve is definitely getting more painful the more I do and the further along I get in to this pregnancy.

I can't believe how fast this pregnancy is going though!!
Anything permanent is still off the cardshelf for us. As much as we say we are happy to stop at two now I think we both might feel differently in a few years. I'm tempted to just go back to condoms. They're the easiest but I'm not sure how DH would feel about that only because it's a less longterm solution.

We've had a lovely weekend, seeing family and enjoying the sunshine. DH doesn't have the bank holI day off tomorrow though so it's back to normal despite the weather still meant to be nice. Oh well.

Anyone else getting leg cramps? Yesterday morning when I woke up in had the worst ones ever in both legs. I had to shout on DH (who had gotten up with ds) to come and rub them. It was so sore I was almost in tears. Really upping my liquids during the day to see if that helps but who knows if it will.
Yes I have had some terrible leg cramps! Have you had your iron levels checked? I was really anemic, needed an IV iron drip a couple of weeks ago, and the cramps have stopped since then... don't know if it's related but I hope that's the end of them.

Doing well here, although it's a bit too hot to go out after 11 am so I've hardly seen the outdoors!
I get leg cramps as well especially when laying down. It might be baby's position that causes mine. My iron levels are fine as I just had them checked.

The weather here has been unbearable. It's been way too hot to stay outside.

Flourish- my dr said she doesn't recommend the coil because she's had patients where the coil moved. It's so hard to figure out a method especially if you aren't done with kids.
My legs are OK, I put them up a LOT because working on my feet. I sleep with them elevated right now. My complaint is Braxton hicks! I will be laying down on my left side, watching TV, and they just come on... maybe 1 an hour but they wind me. :)
Sorry to hear that Drudai heres hoping your fluids dont go any higher xx

I get leg cramps too my iron levels are fine mine hit my calf muscles sometimes when walking it feels as if my muscle snaps and I nearly fall over can hardly walk been told they're normal and just a sympton Ill have to deal with xx

Its mad how quick things are flying by now Ive finally cleaned out the nursery the sofa bed is up for sale and once that is gone can build the cot and that then. We are literally all ready now just need baby to come but not yet obviously

Cant believe I finish work in 9 wks and he's due only 9 days after that its crazy and will be here before I know it xx
We got our spare room cleared out and new furniture is coming tomorrow. We are going to try to transition dd2 to a toddler bed. Time seems to be going fast now.
:haha: Can I borrow some of you ladies fast perception of time?? I feel like I've waited ages to meet baby.

I called my OBgyn today, know they're crazy because of 3 day weekend, but midwife didn't put in my script for eczema lotion last week so trying to nudge her to do it today. Also was wanting my GD results, because it's giving me anxiety...

Thankfully I signed up for Quest Diagnostics website and they posted my results today. Still waiting on midwife of course, but according to my labs, I'm under the line. And not even borderline, yay. But I am anemic and dehydrated, which to be fair I didn't have anything to drink that morning... But I mentioned I felt anemic again to midwife before my blood draw, so I'm not surprised one bit. I get it during pregnancy. Going to be taking b12 I suppose.
I hope the transition goes smooth Smile xx

Drudai yay to passing your GD and its good they have spotted your anemic so can take a supplement for that

I take a pregnancy multi vit everyday and also a cod liver oil capsule xx
Nurse called me up just now and said they'll be getting me iron supplements to take. Now just to avoid constipation...
Hi ladies,

Have been sitting back and reading. With the weather getting warmer here, there is plenty to do! We are on 10 acres and finally have been able to get outside to get some yard work done.

As far as contraception, I plan to get the ParaGard IUD. I had it for almost 10 years before ttc DS1, and I’m definitely leaning toward no more after this. I want to keep options open, though. DH won’t get snipped.

Smille, I have SPD too and it’s awful. It just depends on the position LO is in, how bad it is. My OB told me she could send me to physical therapy but would basically be learning to walk hunched over or with a walker. I wish I had an inner thigh press because I feel like that would help tone those muscles. Whenever I squeeze my legs together I can feel my SPD.

mel- how scary! I have been having more cramping and BH the last few days too. My OB said it’s normal, especially for not a first pregnancy.

Flourish- sorry to hear about the meds. Hope they work for you; luckily I have been able to control mine with diet. We’ll see if that holds; I hit 30 weeks tomorrow.

It has been really hot here too the last few days. I have honestly found it quite intolerable. We don’t have central air, so I’ve been spending a lot of time in the living room with our one air conditioner.

DH is out of town for the next few days, so I’m on my own with DS and all the responsibilities here. I’m getting so uncomfortable. Bending over to pick things up, getting from sitting on the floor to standing, vice versa... I wasn’t this uncomfortable until like 36 weeks with DS. My ankle ligaments are also loosening, so I’m finding myself wearing an ankle brace on the side I had surgery on a decade ago. FX I don’t fall down the stairs for a third time this pregnancy...

I haven’t gained any weight for like a month now. My gestational diabetes diet seems to be keeping me in check (have gained 22 lbs entire pregnancy though)- baby seems to be growing fine based on fundal measurements, and my OB told me I could eat more, haha!
Dru- yay for passing your test! :happydance:

Duster- it has been above 90 here and I can only work outside in the morning or evening. I can't stand it. My dd1 plays softball and it's unbearable going to games. Luckily the season is almost over. I can't bend much anymore because I can't breathe and getting back up kills my back. I over did it yesterday and when I laid down I was in tears.
Temps here haven’t been too terrible. Some days have been in the mid 80s and the next few days will be mid 70s. My nieces play softball and I go out often. Luckily their games are in the evenings so it hasn’t been bad. We still have all of June and part of July til their season is over.

I can’t wait til my appointment on Friday. Everything will seem so much more real and fast approaching when I get my csection date.
Spent a whole night in the hospital a few days ago - Braxton Hicks every 10 minutes like clockwork, nothing would stop them - tried drinking, sleeping, eating. After 4 hours of them, I went in, and they did a scan, fetal heart monitor, and gave me IV fluids - as I was apparently dehydrated. Think I was also coming down with something as was feeling off all day and the day after. Thank goodness they said there was no sign of preterm labor and the fluids seemed to do the trick as the BHs were gone by the morning. Although my cervix had shortened quite a bit since the last scan - maybe the twins will be here earlier rather than later, eek! Hoping to make it to 35 weeks at least though - so still 6 weeks to go! And they've gone breech so there's another reason to wait if I want a shot at a natural birth x
Oh Ella that's worrisome but I'm so glad they stopped. Sometimes water just isn't enough! Sometimes I want nothing more than to hook myself up to an IV of saline.
Temps here have been in the upper 80s to 90s and super humid.

Ella how scary! I’m glad they stopped for you. I thought I was headed in tonight as I was having severe pain at the base of my belly, above my pubic bone. It was in the tissue, not the bone, and lasted a good 3 hours. Constant, not intermittent. Thankfully no bleeding and no regular contractions, so dr just thinks baby was literally sitting on my bladder. Wouldn’t surprise me.

I have had similar pain this whole pregnancy, but this was ten times worse than anything I’ve felt so far. I couldn’t stand, walk, lay down... nothing helped. It’s still coming and going without a pattern, and not nearly as severe so I’m satisfied. I think pushing water did the trick.

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