August 2018 Babies

It's been bloody hot here too, and just really close and muggy. Plus I have super low blood pressure so I keep having to sit down and have a biscuit as I feel faint 24/7:haha:

Ella- that's scary! Glad they stopped, hopefully they stay in there for as long as possible.

Can't believe I've hit the 30 week mark, I keep thinking there's no way I'm so far along.
Does anyone else find themselves so busy that they've not even had time to think about the fact they're pregnant? It got to about 12pm today and I stopped and thought I've been so busy I've not really paid attention to his movements or anything:wacko: I'm on my feet all day at work but it makes me panic.
Drudai the tablets will hopefully help if your lethargic xx

Duster glad to hear from you and congrats on hitting 30 week's xx

Ella my god Ive got everything crossed that the twins hold out another 6 wks just take it easy hun xx

Vicky Im the same cant believe Im in single week figures for his arrival bit like you Im constantly busy so sometimes dont feel him move for hours on end but then when I put my feet up I feel him then amd it reassures me Ive dropped my hours in work to 8 hrs a shift rather than 10 hrs but think Ill be dropping them again to 6 hrs as 8 is now getting too much for me I can drop all the way to 2 hrs by the end and not drop any pay which is why I can work quite late in to my pregnancy whoch is good xx
I've only taken 3 pills so far but man do I feel better already. I am able to get up and do dishes, cook, etc... And I didn't wake up nauseous as heck today! Normally I feel that hungover feeling but not today!
Hi ladies hope you are all okay:flower:

I have a growth scan tomorrow as midwife said I'm measuring well over the top line so will see what the verdict is, I am excited to see his little face again though :)

2 months till my due date now which still seems so far away!
Hope all is okay Vicky at your scan sounds like a big baby your brewing how big was your son xx

Well I had my 31 wk midwife appt all good however my glucose level in my urine came back a little high again so Im being sent for another GTT next week grim times xx
Growth scan will be nice to see little dude!

I had my 30 week appt today and saw one of the Dr's rather than my midwife. I told her about my last appt, and she waved it all off. She's not concerned about my amniotic fluid levels, or my fundal height, or anything my midwife was. She wasn't rude but she was short. Baby was turned away from the wand so, didn't get to see his little face during my quick u/s. She didn't want to do a growth scan, said it can wait until my 4D scan at 32 weeks.

I also got a belly support band. :haha: I tried on the demo in office and did NOT want to take it off. Felt like someone holding my belly up for me. So good.
Well growth scan showed quite a big baby, he's 4lb 11oz already, and his tummy is measuring over 4 weeks ahead so have to have a GTT and a repeat growth scan in 2 weeks. She said his head is right down low which will explain all the pressure I've been feeling and she even printed me some more pictures :D

Angela- My son was 8lb 12oz so not exactly a small baby. And oh no, I hope your gtt comes back normal and it was just a one off!

Drudai- oh no that's not good at all but at least it's not long till your 4d scan now:flower: That belly support band sounds so good, where did you get one from?
Wow that sounds big Vicky! Lovely to have more pictures though!!

Hope the band helps drudai!

Good luck with those GTTs ladies!

I have failed mine so have a barrage of appointments coming up, diabetes clinic this week, scan and obstetrician week after then mri and anesthetist the one after that.

Hoping the fact all these have been made already means they are letting me have a section and not having to beg for it!!
Sorry about gtt, waiting. But if you're electing for c section, then yes, probably will push you in that direction!

And yeah, Vicky, baby sounds like a grower. Good luck with your Gtt.

As for the band, my state insurance covers one for 'lower back pain', so I'm getting one through my Dr office. I wouldn't have even thought to ask about one if I didn't read an old post somewhere one day while googling. I can't remember the brand as I only glanced at the demo box, but once it's here I'll share the name. I'm so excited for it.

I also inquired about a pump, which they order around 37 weeks. My Dr office says they're Medela electric, which sounds awesome.
Vicky- I brew big babies too. My 1st was 8lb 7oz and my 2nd was 8lbs 13oz. I'm worried this one will be huge.

I've been severely ill today. I can't keep anything down including fluids. I'm trying to drink as much as possible but this is awful. I hope it's just a virus and not something that will stick around.
Waking up more tired than when I went to bed really isn't much fun, especially as DS thinks getting up at 5.45 is a fantastic idea. Always most tired on a Monday! Can't quite believe that I'll be 33 weeks on Thursday. Where has the time gone? Feel like I'm almost on the home stretch but there is still a long way to go!
I had a horrible stomach virus 2 days ago and yesterday my stomach muscles hurt all day. My dr said it's normal from violently puking. It was awful. Now today I'm getting braxton hicks. I'm making sure to drink a lot so I don't get dehydrated. My body just aches anymore. I cannot wait to not be pregnant anymore.
Hubby somehow talked me into a puppy and I’m like.. why the hell did I agree to this lmao. The first night was horrible as he was awake every half hour. It was worse than having a newborn. But the last two nights have been better. He’s starting to get used to us and our routine so he only woke up once and wasn’t up for the day at 6am. My other dog is adapting well to him, so we hope when the babies come it’ll be easier on him because he’ll have the puppy to play with.

30+5 today and I’m constantly tired. Doesn’t matter how much sleep I get, I still need a nap at some point of the day. My husband has been taking a day off from work each week to help around the house and prepare for the babies so it’s been nice having him around more. I have another growth ultrasound Thursday, and my first NST will be Friday and I’ll be going to the hospital weekly for those til I deliver
Sorry you are ill and sore, Smille. No fun at all. Bet the illness alone caused some dehydration. Stay rested. x
Wow, seeing you all in the 30+ weeks makes it all seem so super close now!

Hope the aches and pains don't get too bad for you all! I am touch wood so far so good on that aspect!

I am starting to get nervous as my work hasn't sorted the person who will replace me for the month I am not working at all (then only working from home after that), I have everything planned out for me, but am concerned if they dont get their act together and this baby doesnt stick to the plan its all going to get very stressful!
Sickness is gone but I'm still really sore. Some days I feel like labor is imminent. We're going camping so hopefully it'll be relaxing.

Waiting- I hope the puppy situation gets better. I let my hubby talk me into a 2nd dog and I regret it. My 1st dog has anxiety so having a 2nd has helped but it's a lot of work, especially with kids to take care of too.

Only 8 more weeks to go!!!!! :happydance:
Both babies are growing great at 4lbs 9oz and 4lbs 2oz. Baby A is now head down as well. We have anothe OB appointment today and a NST afterwards. Not looking forward to all these trips up to the hospital but it is what it is I guess. My doctor said I won’t need another ultrasound til 35 weeks so it’s nice to get a little break lol
So glad it sounds like everyone is doing well!
I got my results back from the GTT and I don't have GD :happydance:
I have another growth scan on friday and my midwife said if he's still measuring big then I might have to go to the hospital to see a consultant and discuss birthing options:wacko:
Eek options, Vicky. Glad you passed GTT but big baby just means you've got a little football player? hehe

I updated in 3rd tri and my journal, but went into preterm labor Friday night. (31 weeks even.) Mixture of the heat, working 3 hrs in fast food on my feet, dehydrated, and mainly an irritable uterus... they stopped it but it definitely felt very real/scary for a few hours that night.

I have my 32 week appt, growth scan, and complimentary 4D u/s this Friday. I'm wondering if they will move me to weekly visits? but I doubt.

Just a psa, take it easy ladies. :( I was pushing myself to be 'normal', but fact is our bodies just aren't right now. Extra water, put your feet up... judgemental people can suck it!
Oh yeah definitely got to take it easy, I was literally taking it easy yesterday and still got dehydrated and had a hospital trip. My husband has banned me from attending anymore of my nieces softball games so I’m bummed out about that. He keeps telling me to ask for help with everyone but it’s just so hard for me to not do the things I should normally be doing.

I still have so much organizing to do for the babies, my shower is this weekend so I was hoping to do all the organizing then. My laundry is so behind. Dishes ar behind. It’s seriously a struggle but I don’t want to make anyone else do it :(

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