August 2018 Babies

Ill be 28 weeks on Sunday and time is CRAWLING by for me. Probably because of all the Braxton Hicks and fear of preterm labor again. Gahhh I have never wished summer to fly by, but I am now! I live in MN too, so summer is LONG awaited here!!
Glad I'm not alone. :lol: Crib went up today. It was as like a weight being lifted off my shoulders.
I feel like time is starting to drag as well, everyone keeps saying how massive I am but still have at least 11/12 weeks left :(
Nursery is still currently our spare room and we've been stashing stuff in there so it looks a mess!

Starlight- I had it last time but fluid levels went back to normal after a little while, they just monitored me and I had extra scans :)
#1 didn't really have a nursery, just his bedroom. lol We put a dresser and crib in there... And I think later his pack n play with the changing station. He had some decor, some Marvel posters and toys I liked.

For #2 I put up the crib in DS room, but that's about all that will go in there. And honestly he probably won't even use his crib for the first 2+ months, I don't even know why I was so stressed about it. It was literally the least important thing.

GD test on Wednesday. My OB is overkill on appt reminders... 3 emails, tomorrow I'll get 2 calls, and a text. Even though I've already confirmed. :lol:
Our newborn will sleep in a bassinet in our room for the first couple of months. However, we will need to transition DD2 to a toddler bed and I'd like to do that before baby arrives so I'm not dealing with 2 kids at night. We ordered some bedroom furniture for DD2's new room and luckily I have 2 wks to clean out the toys before it arrives.
Sorry Ive been MIA guys but Ive now really had anythong to report and been so busy

Congrats to every1 now in the third tri and passed there GTT too

Starlight sorry Ive not got that but hope it doesnt cause you too many complications

Well for me Im pretty much all done when it comes to baby just need to buy his toiletries/nappies etc and thats it everyrhing is just piled up in the nursery though we havent cleaned it out yet and started building everything which I know we need to get a move on with it. Had my 28 wk appt on Thurs and all is good belly is measuring healthy and bloods come back fine it was scary though with this being my first as she started talking about my birthing plan delayed cord clamping, vit K injection, skin on skin contact, birthing pool, cutting of cord, breast or bottle, injection to help placenta come out quicker my head was spinning afterwards made it so real xx

I too am slowing down and starting to waddle, I suffer from legs cramps, tiredness is creeping back in, indegestion rennies and tums are my best friend and the heat is wiping me out plus my legs are now joining in the middle chafeidge is not pleasant and I cant see my feet no more when stood up never mind my down below but I dont want to complain due to everything I went through to get here I just cant wait to meet him now xx
It's all fun from here, Angela. :haha: Just wait til you register at the hospital around 36 weeks.
I don’t think I updated here!
Had an ultrasound Thursday at 27 weeks. Babies are lookin and growing great. Baby A is 2lbs 8oz and Baby B is 2lbs 4oz. Doctor is pleased with the growth so i won’t go back for another growth check til 31 weeks. Both babies are breech too, which is fine with me since I’ll be having a csection anyway.

I’ve been going to the chiropractor which has done me wonders. I had my first prenatal massage today and it was fantastic. Definitely recommend it if you haven’t done it before!

We don’t have a spare room for the babies so they will be rooming with us in their cribs. In a way it’s nice because then I don’t need to decorate lol. We have extra room in our finished basement but it gets really cold in the winter. I’m hoping if we are still here in a year or two they can room downstairs. But it’s hard to think that much further in the future lol
Has anyone thought about what they are going to do contraception wise after their baby arrives? DH is pretty happy to stop after this one and I have to say that about 90% of the time so am I BUT there is that 10% that would totally have another so we don't want anything permanent. We've been together for 13 years in august and have only ever used condoms as I don't really want to use anything hormonal. Would look into get the implant/coil etc. but I've heard horror stories of periods lasting for weeks/months and honestly that does not appeal! Before my son was born my periods made me miserable. I was in agony for at least two days each month, lying on the couch weak, sick, unable to move... it was awful. After DS they were honestly a breeze - most months I didn't even need to take painkillers! Hoping for the same after this one.

Anyway, thoughts on contraception?
I had Mirena after DS, and had a positive experience with it. My periods went away after 6 months and I enjoyed 2 years of AF free, and with condom or pull out method, felt like we were well covered.

Today I signed consent form for having my tubes tied, as I'm not wanting another. Both financially and mentally, it's better for me/us. I'm considering asking DH if he wants to also have vasectomy.
I gained a ton of weight with depo, so I got the mirena iud. I had a negative experience. I ended up in the ER because it shifted and caused me horrible pain. I've had friends who have had positive experiences though.

I'm getting my tubes tied. I'm 100% sure that we're done. My dh keeps joking about a 4th, but there's no way.

I'm suffering with SPD and it's really painful. The other day my pelvis felt so heavy I thought I was about to go into labor. I still have 11+ wks 😭. Leg cramps at night are starting to drive me nuts as well. Sorry end rant.
Register? I think I already am Druidai Ive already done my hospital visit and midwife has it in the notes that Ill be going to Warrington but I dont know as this is my first do you live in England xx

Mel glad both twins are doing well xx

LynAnne we wont be using any contraception I know that sounds crazy but we've had to go through a lot to get pregnant fertility treatment sucks and we would like atleast one more so we're going for NTNP approach for the 2 yrs after see if we can get pregnant naturally if not then after 2 yrs we'll be going back to IVF as Im 35 now so not getting any younger so need to act quick to get our family xx

Smile Im with you on the weight gain Ive put on just over 3 stone and like you Ive still got 11wks to go Im lucky as Im tall and wasn't overweight before getting pregnant so I dont look too bad but my god can I feel it carrying the extra weight I also get cramps in my legs Ill be walking and my calf will just snap causing me a lot of pain Im also getting bad wind and acid reflux but I shouldnt complain too much as its all a small price to pay for my miracle baby xx
Contraception wise I think we'll most likely use condoms, last year I said I wanted a break from hormonal contraception and I felt soooo much better for it.
Smille- my back and hips hurt so much as well, I've been sleeping with a pillow wedged between my legs which has been helping but still really sore today :(
Luckily I haven't gained a whole lot of weight. I actually think I lost 1 lb from 2 wks ago. I've been pretty active working outside. I love springtime when I can garden.

I started using a pillow as well. It did help a bit. My problem is that I do way too much. My dh wants me on bed rest *eye roll*. Yes, because bed rest is totally an option when you have a 1.5 yr old.

Angela- we did the ntnp method after dd2. We were told we couldn't get pregnant bc my dh had low sperm count and low motility. Also, my egg quality was poor. 13 months later, I found out we were pregnant. I've known several couples who have struggled with infertility and got pregnant naturally. I hope it happens for you. If you plan to bf, your cycles won't come back right away. It took 11 months for mine to return. I went through a lot of pregnancy tests every month to be sure :haha:.
We are 100% done after this. I will be having a tubal which I’m hoping to discuss with my doctor next week on which methods they do. I would love my husband to get snipped too to be on the safe side but idk if he’s down for it. Years ago I was on the depo and hated it. So we did pull out for nearly 2 years before we conceived my daughter lol. I did the Mirena for 3 years after my daughter, other than weight gain I had a good experience and got pregnant right away after removal.

I had terrible Braxton Hicks last night. Legit thought I was heading to the hospital. They lasted for 3 hours and I was nervous about it. The on call doctor told me to drink water and go to bed lmao. So that’s what I did and I felt better. Guess I'll be experiencing this a lot more often now that we are in the 3rd trimester
My dh won't get snipped. He's too afraid. Plus he has a very active job, so there's not much room for down time. I'd rather just get it done anyway. My dh tends to be a big baby over a cough or stuffy nose, so I really don't want to listen to him complain forever about how painful it is. Since it would be "more painful than childbirth" lol.
Smille, my DH is the same way! He'd act like a 24-48 hr recovery period from a tiny incision would be on par with having a open heart surgery... Would still be nice to have the security though, haha...
Smille, my DH is the same way! He'd act like a 24-48 hr recovery period from a tiny incision would be on par with having a open heart surgery... Would still be nice to have the security though, haha...

:haha: exactly! My dh is such a baby.
Im planning on doing a mixture of both breast and bottle so I know I need to take that into consideration me and DH have unexplained infertility both of us checked out perfect there's no reason why we cant have kids it just doesnt happen naturally they think we have a chemical imbalance meaning his sperm cant read my egg so swims away rather than to it so we had to gave the more evasive IVF where they physically insert the sperm into the egg xx

Mel oh dear I hope the BH dont get any stronger it must of been scary for you xx
:dohh: Lol! My DH got snipped a month ago and his recovery was easy peasy. It's an in office procedure usually. Men!! :wacko:

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