August 2018 Babies

I will just do as much as I need, it won’t be a lot at first, just enough to keep going! Probably only work out around 10 hours a week or something. So not too bad, pros and cons to self employed I suppose!
Ahh I hope those 4 weeks pass quickly for you!

MrsAMK what’s your email on Facebook? I will add you via email to the group :)

So I had my scan yesterday, placenta has now moved 3.8cm clear of cervix so that’s one problem
Gone! But baby is still very much breech, she’s never been head down! I’m back next week to check again and if she’s not moved they want to try a ECV to try and move her, has anyone had any experience of this before? I’m unsure wether to go for it or not. It has a 50% chance of working but I’ve heard it’s quite painful :nope:
Yay for the placenta moving, boo for baby being breech! No experience of an ecv sorry!
Jen that's fab news that placenta has moved, I've never had an ECV but have also heard they are rather painful and are hit and miss as to whether they work or not. Most people I know who've had a breech baby just opt for a section.

I don't know about the rest of you ladies but I cannot cope in this heat, thankfully I have a weeks holiday booked next week and then my maternity leave starts the week after:dance:
I also have a hospital appointment on Tuesday to see a consultant so hopefully that all goes well
invite sent MrsAmk, let me know if you don't receive anything cos a few of the other girls didn't :)

Yeh thats what I've heard too Vicky, its such a pain! After 2 natural births i'd rather not have a section but i know what will be will be. They said with it being my 3rd baby a breech baby shouldn't be that hard to deliver normally. But the thought of that scares me! I'd be worried something would go wrong and i would need a emergency c section. Im off to buy a gym ball today and get bouncing and then on all 4's too! Try and move the little tinker!

Ergh the weather is just painful!! Its soooo hot! It doesn't help cos we really aren't used to this heat for so long are we, night time is just awful!
Ahh wheyyy for nearly finishing :happydance: Bet you cant wait!!!
Can I be added to the fb group? My email is [email protected]

I am thinking this one is a girl. I’d love a second boy but any healthy little one is fine with me. DS thinks it’s a girl and wants a sister, so how can I be upset either way? She’ll likely be raised a tomboy if it’s a girl, haha. Also, we cannot agree on a boy name so frankly, a girl would be easier!

My SPD is back and I got hit with sciatica last night. With a visit to the chiropractor today, it seems better but we’ll see what this weekend does for it. I don’t plan on doing much, considering how intensely hot it has been.
It's so hot here too and my kids love to be outside, but today I had to make them come in. I started sorting through baby clothes and my friend just gave me a good bit of clothes her dd never wore. Only 6 weeks left and I feel unprepared.
Jennifer in my twin group there are lots of breech and transverse babies. Someone suggested using ice at the top your belly and it helps baby move down because they don’t like the cold. It’s worth a shot!

I’m so uncomfortable and just a bit of moving around brings on Braxton Hicks. Heat wave has hit Pa again so I’m pretty much stuck indoors for the next week. Our town is doing 4th of July fireworks on the 3rd this year. I’m debating if I wanna go. It should be cooler in the evening but you never know.

33 days til my csection!! I’m so excited to meet my boys
Dustergirl you should have an invitation now :)
If theres anyone else not in the FB group just let me know your email and i'll add you in. Ahh thats rubbish about your SPD, i hope it doesn't get worse!
I cant wait to see what you have! So much will power not finding out!!

Ahh thats interesting Mel I will try that! It makes sense. Ive been bouncing on my ball and been on my hands and knees too! She actually feels transverse right now, but she seems to swap and change between transverse and breech!
Eeeeek how exciting!!

Im 36 weeks today! Cant quite believe it!!!
Jen she'll be here before you know it. Jealous of your due date, I'm ready for my little dude to be here.

I'm miserable in this heat. The a/c just cannot keep up and I'm not used to being actually hot. I normally run very cold but I guess this extra blood and weight is killing me. My appetite is nearly insatiable. I'm really trying to not give in and snack. My weight has been stagnant for the last month but something tells me that won't be the case anymore.

I don't have problems with constant BH contractions anymore, thanks to being off work. I almost feel silly about being placed on maternity leave, like I don't deserve to be, but I know if I was back at work, it'd happen again.
Jen there is no “i” in my e-mail so I’ve missed out on it.

Congrats on making it to 36 weeks!
Ahh it has gone so quick!! I still think my due date is closer to my dates which was the 2nd Aug. It will fly by for you 🤗
Yeh you’re probably right, it would just be Sod’s law it would happen if you went back! Definitely make the most and try and relax! I know it’s hard in this heat though.

Duster I will add you again now and put the ‘i’ in. Let me know if you don’t get it :)
BH have been awful for me too. I've never had them with my other pregnancies. If I walk to much they start up. I can barely eat anything either. I feel like there's no room.

Anyone else's sex life down the tubes? I feel so bad for my dh, but I am in no mood for sex. I am so miserable I don't want to be touched.
I wasn't even in the mood to make this baby, smille. :haha:

Dr advised no sex since PTL but DH was very handsy yesterday for his day off/day after b-day, so we may have been bad. I didn't even have BH afterwards. Honestly I feel like the PTL was a fluke/over exaggerated now. :/
Yup, feel like my sex drive has disappeared too. Poor DH. I just have no energy for it at all and don't really want to be touched like that. Unless it is to massage my crampy legs! Had killer cramp on Saturday morning and that's my leg only just starting to feel normal again.

Can't believe it's exactly a month until my due date. July is going to be such a busy month that August is going to be here before I know it. Both excited and terrified to take on the two under two challenge soon!
Jennifer I haven’t received it. My name on facebook is Megan Rose- try adding me as a friend? I can delete you right after if you want.

My sex drive has been nonexistent this entire pregnancy. I can probably count on one hand how many times we have dtd this pregnancy. At least DH understands it is partly his fault I’m in this situation!

TMI but I went to the ER to have a thrombosed hemorrhoid lanced yesterday. It wasn’t pleasant and is still tender, but at least I can sit up for a while now! Fingers crossed it doesn’t re-clot.
Omg duster I feel you. I had one "pop"? yesterday after going about 3 times in one day. Bleeding and sore. :( I never had them before I was pregnant with DS#1 and now I seem to always have one. I had an awful fissure from post delivery, and I wonder if it wasn't a rroid that got torn open or something.
Dru- I was the one who initiated sex the night we conceived. :haha:

Lyn- my legs get so crampy too. My dr told me to take magnesium and eat a banana daily. It has helped a bit, but if I sit too long or lay in one position too long they hurt. I'm terrified of the 2 under 2 challenge as well. I keep telling myself it will be ok, but I've had several people say they feel sorry for me...uh thanks.

Duster- We're the same. I keep apologizing to my dh but at the same time I feel horrid so that's the last thing on my mind.
I'm just glad that you ladies are like, yeah not interested. I have a friend who says that she was twice as interested during 3rd tri, and they didn't even wait a week PP to have sex again, and they've been active since and just... LOL. After I got pregnant, we went back to once a month (if that), after baby is here he'll be lucky to get it before 2019...
Smille - I've been having a banana a day and drinking a tonne of water and while it helps I still get cramp every few days. I swear it's one of the absolute worst things about pregnancy.

Dru- we've definitely had more sex this time than with DS. I think that was in single digits for the entirety of that pregnancy but I had excruciating pelvic pain each night from about 16 weeks. This time at least I had the energy and desire for it from end of first tri until probably about 32 weeks. Now I just feel huge, tired and uncomfortable. Also, I can't imagine having sex so quickly PP. It was 10 weeks after DS was born after I'd had an episiotomy and was exhausted from newborn life!

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