August 2018 Babies

Dru- :rofl: my dh will be lucky too. Until my tubes are tied and I'm cleared by my dr, there will be no chance.

Lyn- there is a magnesium oil you can spray on your legs and it works instantly. I wanted to get some rather than supplements, but we were on vacation and I think it's something I would've had to order. I was desperate.
Glad we aren't the only ones whose sex life has taken a nose dive- I'm far too big and tired and I just can't be bothered:haha:

I had my appointment with the consultant today and they want to induce me at 38 weeks at the latest, 37 if the scan next week shows he's put on a lot of weight:wacko: So now I only have 3 weeks max to get everything ready instead of 5! Stressed isn't the word!
Ahhh couple of you are so close. :lol:

I'm too ready and rubbing off on my friend who is TTC. I drag her to yard sales and she's gathering stuff for #2 already. ;)

I can't wait for delivery announcements, ladies. :D I don't have fb so remember to update me here!!
Yup no sex here lol. I’m way too tired and sore to even think about it. It’s been at least 2 months since the last time we did it. Oh well lol.
Dustergirl i have found you on facebook but theres no option to add, so ive sent you a message :)

No sex here since 20 weeks, we couldn't once we found out about my placenta at my 20 week scan. But right now im so tired and it doesn't really bother me!

Oooo vicky how exciting!!
How many weeks is everyone now? I am 34+3 today. My family is all out at the parade and other fun festivities for the 4th of July (anyone else here in the US?), and I am home resting to try and keep this baby cooking longer. I wish this last month would fly by but I have a feeling its going to be the opposite. My prayer is that I can carry this baby the longest of all of mine, so to 39 weeks. I have a very short cervix though....and baby girl is definitely engaged very low.
Amk, hope baby girl can hang on a few more weeks. Closer to 37 the better!

I'm supposed to be going to a BBQ and then 'night swim' (Snort, doesn't get dark til 9 right now) from 6:30 til fireworks.

Woke up and moved hubs clothes from washer to dryer, heard loud THUNK as I tossed it over... Checked his shorts pockets, low and behold his phone. It's a cheapie we got free with service but still felt awful. Hubs hates having a phone, but he still needs one. Ran to Walmart to get him a short term replacement (another cheapie), and felt like I could barely walk. Had to lean on every surface and by the time I got back to car, I had to lay back and rest.

Guessing it's just low iron, but I'm resting now at home. Took an iron tablet so we'll see if I bounce back by 4 p.m. (12 now.)
I’m 36+4 today! I hope she stays put MrsAmk for as long as poss!

Oh dear drudai I hope you’re feeling better today! Try have a rest although it’s easier said than done!

I’m back at the hospital today to check if baby is still breech, I’m pretty confident she moved yesterday but will find out later! Fingers crossed!
Yayyy we are head down!!! :happydance: things are looking promising again for a normal birth!! All I need to do now is make sure I’m not induced :haha:
Totally off topic girls but I'm wondering if any of you can help me? I've got a couple of weddings over the next few weeks and have bought a lovely yellow dress to (probably) wear to both of them. Only problem is I have that it is a bit see through! I can wear nude underwear but you can see the silhouette of my bump/legs if it's bright, which it will be as it's a summer wedding! I need a loose fitting under skirt/slip that will skim off the bump and not cling to me but I don't know where to look or what material will work best. Can anyone help me out? Need it soon. The first wedding is on the 15th!
Jen that's fantastic news!:happydance:

LynAnne- can you get to a debenhams or something near you to try one on?
Great news Jen!

Not great with clothes shopping recommendations sorry, although Vickys idea sounds good.

So I'm still in hospital... I've been here since Friday evening and was told I would be discharged today (Sunday) but they are now saying it might not be until Monday which is gutting. I've had both steroid injections (they really sting!!!) and its just the post steroid obs I'm having done now so I'm going to speak to the doctor on ward round and see what they say about getting discharged.

I wasn't due to start maternity leave until 26th July but as they are inducing on 21st July and Ive already been admitted and will require regular check on baby until then, I've put in a request at work to finish next week. I've asked for a few days annual leave and my maternity to start on the 19th July but if they turn the annual leave down I'm just going to bring my maternity leave date forward until 12july, I really need time to start preparing for this baby to come now.
Sorry they've still got you, Flourish. I know how hours feel like days in a hospital... so boring. And yes, the steroids burn like heck. Definitely wasn't fun...

Stay strong til 21st. x
Fleur- I'm sorry about you having to stay in the hospital. There truly is no place like home when you want to be comfortable and relax.

Jenn- yay for baby moving!!!!!

I have gone over due with my last 2 pregnancies, but this one is so different. Last night I felt like labor was so close. There are days I feel ok and then others I can barely get around. I did start my hospital bag! I have a dr appt this morning. My dh wants me to ask about being induced so he can rearrange his schedule at work. I however do not want to be induced without an epidural again.
Smile what did the Dr say? Are they going to let you be induced?

I'm home! I got discharged yesterday mid morning in the end- went straight to work to be told that they wanted me to tie everything up that I could and give all my equipment back by the end of the day.... I wasn't expecting that and because I was tired and emotional I just cried 🙈 Today I have slept and am feeling better... I am on annual leave now and maternity starts next week... a week and a half until I'm being induced! It's gone sooo fast!

Has everyone got there hospital bags packed now?
And that's all she wrote on work. I'd be emotional too!! I'm so glad they released you and you can rest at home. Baby in less than 2 weeks, EXCITING.

Hosp bag is ready to go, as simple as mine is. :lol:
Can't believe our babies are going to start arriving soon. It sounds crazy! I've got my hospital bag about 75% packed and I've written a list of all the last bits and pieces I need to pick up at the weekend. Still need to make up a wee bag for my son in case he needs to stay overnight at my parents' house when I go into hospital.

Got a busy weekend planned. Friday, DS finally gets his 13 month immunisations (we missed our appointment back in december) at almost 20 months old! Then i think we are seeing the in-laws. Then saturday the plan is to build up the crib and reorganise our room for it. Want it up in advance so DS (and the dog) get used to it being about. Sunday is DH's friend's wedding. I am far too pregnant to be this busy!
The dr said no induction until after my due date which I'm fine with. However, we're evicting her the 14th if she doesn't come by then.

I can't believe our babies will be here soon!!!!

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