August Mummies 2011 - 28 baby boys, 14 baby girls, and 4 beautiful angels so far xxx

I know I'm a little behind... but a funny story about the zodiac change: I was Facebook stalking :blush: and saw a girl post a comment:
"What am I supposed to do about the zodiac sign change?!? I have my sign tattooed on my neck!" :haha:

HAHAHAHAHA made me giggle!! :wacko:
SarahJane and PinkP added to first post :thumbup:
I feel really sorry for some of these children....
Newbie here!

I'm Shelley, 8 weeks pregnant today with my first. Me and OH are very very excited!

Found the day before Xmas Eve had a scan but only saw sac and then had another scan on 4th Jan we saw baby and heartbeat!! Looking forward to next scan alot, midwife says it will be around valentines day :)
Hi! Welcome aboard :hi:

I've had a totally non productive day, I usually have Sundays to get loads done as Mark can look after Joshua, but nooooo, he has the flipping lurgee so done nowt! Tried to do some vaccuming and tipped a bowl of water everywhere which Joshua promptly decided looked like a fun paddling pool :dohh:

Hope everyone has had a nice chilled Sunday :sleep:
Hi Shelley, going by your post I hink that means you're due on August 20th, is that right?? If not let me know hon and I'll chang your details on first post x
whoever asked about the bellyband, ya i love it, i hate the rubber band thing bc i pee like a million times a day and have to rubberband it back up again, and its annoying. The bellyband is great bc i havent been able to button my jeans for weeks now! =)
Is anyone else just DYING to go shopping for baby?! :blush: I can't stand this wait!
Is anyone else just DYING to go shopping for baby?! :blush: I can't stand this wait!

I started shopping the same day I got my :bfp: !! :haha:

Mind you, I was the same with my daughter too :)
I've been browsing nursery furniture online, but I won't buy anything until May.
I don't need to buy anything! If anything I'll need a bed for Joshua when baby is 6 months old, but I have got stuff from Joshua! Even if it's the opposite sex, I'll still be recycling everything!
Hi Shelley, going by your post I hink that means you're due on August 20th, is that right?? If not let me know hon and I'll chang your details on first post x

I'm not 100% sure to be honest, I had worked it out to 28th August midwife put my date at around that date and just said to wait until the dating scan. I'm not sure of the date of my LMP so cant work it out exactly right. Its very confusing :wacko:
I dont really need to buy much this time as we still have most things from Bobby!!

Had a bad day today been being sick all day :sick: This is the first time I have actually been sick in this pregnancy but I have felt it all along. Thought sickness was meant to tail off by about 12 weeks not start getting worse :cry: never mind I think I am just feeling sorry for myself today!

Telling my boss tomorrow, not sure how he is going to take it as have only been back at work for 1 week since having Bobby!

When do you ladies plan on starting your maternity leave? xxxx
One week! :lol:
I told my head nurse on Friday, there is another night nurse who is preg and going on maternity the month before I will be, she took it well considering! LOL!!!! I haven't decided when to leave, I want to go back so really I should leave it as late as possible so I go back as late as possible, will prob be at least 4 weeks from doe date though, so likely beginning of July. Might take the whole year this time instead of 9 months, depends how finances hold out :/
Hi Shelley, going by your post I hink that means you're due on August 20th, is that right?? If not let me know hon and I'll chang your details on first post x

I'm not 100% sure to be honest, I had worked it out to 28th August midwife put my date at around that date and just said to wait until the dating scan. I'm not sure of the date of my LMP so cant work it out exactly right. Its very confusing :wacko:

I'll change first post to say 28th until you've had your dating scan hon :thumbup:
I'm planning on starting my actual maternity leave the day before my due date, but taking two weeks annual leave before that. Hoping I'll be able to manage working until whatever that'll be.. 38 weeks? (is pregnancy 40 weeks??)
You are all so lucky - getting a year off for maternity!?! We only get 12 weeks off, 6 of that is paid. I'd die for an entire year off!!
Same here abs, I'll take 12 weeks at the most.
I have a home daycare, so unless i have to be on bed rest, i will be working up til the day i have the baby, then taking 4-6 weeks off. I was nannying when i was pregnant with kylar, and went back to work 2 weeks later! But i had him with me, so i thought it would be ok, no, it was a bad idea. I didnt have enough time to just purely bond with my own child, was still dealing with b/f issues, and could not devote enough time to the other child, they were not happy, it was a bad deal. so this time around i want enough time to bond with my baby , recover and be 100 percent ready to have children back in my home and my care! plus i think i will be having a c-section this time!! All my kids parents knew when i got pregnant, i had to explain why i looked/felt like crap all the time! They were all really cool with it!

As for the topic of what you will need... The new baby is getting all new bedroom furniture, and probably clothes, thats about it... Kylars furniture is what we bought for him so it will stick with him for a loooong time, he has a convertible crib. So this baby will get new .. And as for the clothes, if its a girl, well duh, and if its a boy, kylar was a feb baby, so most things will be out of season. But its so nice that i have practically everything else, so much less stress! Last time I was so worried I wouldnt have everything i needed/really wanted for the baby!!

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