My goodness - trust you lot to develop verbal diahreah on the one day I can't log on often enough to catch up! Love you all though - I'm usually just as bad!
No time to comment on everything as it is 11:56pm and I should so be asleep eyes falling out of head!
2mums - thanks for sharing your story

A great read - loved every chapter - you and OH will be great mums!
Melainey - PMSL at your Pork sausage comment - oh dear!
LLPM - hope your bday was great! A day with your girls sounds lovely!
Sasha - looking forward to reading your post in the morning re

OAS 2mums got her bfp at 9dpo - hoping you will be just as lucky!
Ginny - nice to see you - hoping that little bean is still sticking firmly in place and not causing too much MS! From memory it was you who introduced us to the word 'glamping'
2woohoo - loving your comments - especially waterfall ones teasing poor old incontinent
Maddy and Kiwi- I hear you re: catching up on pages! It has taken me several goes today - each time I think I'm caught up there are another 10 pages to read! LOL!
Rosie - you'll be waking up soo - hope your morning is awesome!
Jayne - laughed so loudly about your shoes comment - my DH once went to school with only boxer shorts - very embarrassing
Pammy - Hoping you're well and that all your symptoms will lead to a bfp!
Mum2Q - I read that saliva can kill sperm - hoping it was false info and that your SA was not affected!
Lisa - missed you today - hope you are well and that your weekend is lovely!
What a day I have missed - 15 year olds on BnB - who would have thought! Crazy!
TTCand excited - welcome - you'll love it hear!
AFM still no AF and spotting has stopped for now too - will POAS again in morning and let you all know the moment I am awake of the outcome!
So so sorry if I have missed anyone!!! But I think I have done pretty well for someone who didn't even use a word doc!
Love you all and will hopefully be able to pop on a little tomorrow - although I will warn you I am going to 15 open homes now - booked in a few extras and then have a 40th at night so will be MIA for a fair bit of the day! Love it that you all missed me today - I missed you all too - terribly!
Tired now and very much need to hit the sack!.. only 6 hours til temp time! xx