Thanks so much ladies you give me hope xx
LLPM I agree with you thereOnly time I was pregnant i found out at 8 weeks and told everyone pretty soon after! (ended in m/c)so if I get pregnant again I will be holding off until about 12 weeks to tell anyone i was devastated the last time as were my family! BUt it is so hard not to symptom spot each month which makes you want to test hehehe ah well fx to all us wonderful ladies that we get our wish very soon
I am currently driving myself mad symptom spotting!! I was wondering when is everyone going to test before AF or after?
I am currently driving myself mad symptom spotting!! I was wondering when is everyone going to test before AF or after?
I am currently driving myself mad symptom spotting!! I was wondering when is everyone going to test before AF or after?
I think I'll start testing this cycle at 12 DPO. Gives enough time for implantation then a couple of days for HCG to build up.