Hi everyone!
It's been a busy day, haven't been able to check in until now!
Llpm, I'm sort of the same as you, but not quite as late. My longest cycle so far (in 11 months) has been 39, which is tomorrow, so i thought I was due on the weekend, but no af, or any signs of her! But because I only started charting late, I'm not sure if I have dates wrong or what's going on.
For some reason, I'm feeling positive, it's not so much that I'm expecting to see a BFP, it's more that I really don't feel like the witch will get me. I hope I don't eat my words next week!
Anyway, my update is temp still up at 37 this morning, bfn, still feel ok, a bit crampy like yesterday. I have also been seeing a lot... Not crazy amounts, just a lot considering I haven't been drinking any water today.
Hope everyone had a good day!!!